Ovio Suit stopped syncing with C6

I recently bought a C6 and set up Ovi Suite to sync with Outlook.
Everything worked a few times but now Ovi Suite does not sync anymore.
It shows a Sync All button but nothing happens when I click on it.
The Last Synced dates remain stuck at 6 days ago.
I repaired then reinstalled Ovi Suite
When I clicked Sync Now a breif message appeared saying Sync Cancelled.
The Last Synced dates then appear, and are still stuck at 6 days ago.
The phone has the latest device software - updated, then re-installed. 11.0.029
I am running WIndows XP SP3.
If the sync doesnt work the phone is useless to me.
Looking in Google lots of people seem to be unhappy with Ovi Suite and switching back to PC Suite.
Any thoughts? It is incredible frustratin not to mention a waste of time. Please please please help before I start regretting this purchase decision.
Thanks in advance.
Go to Solution.

The problem has recurred.
I could sync twice. Then everything got "stuck" again.
Clicking on any of the Sybc buttons did nothing. No response. No reactions.
The sync date/time is unchanged.
I ran the Ovi installer and repaired the software. Took AGES. Restarted.
Re-paired the phone (cumbersome, annoying, and had to reset all the preferences).
Clicked on Sync All and the indicators changed to "Waiting to be synced..."
No actions. Nothing.
Even if I had to re-pair the phone everytime before sync is a no-go solution. As to reinstalling Ovi and re-pairing every time? No way...
Is it time to declare this an official waste of time?
Should I go back to PC Suite? And just never ever boher upgradingeither the software or the phone?
I am seriously SERIOUSLY disappointed Nokia. This is now looking like my last Nokia phone ever. As I mentioned, if I cannot sync, I may as well use a cheapie $50 phone just for calling and move the note taking elsewhere.

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    Hi SPW06,
    If you are having issues with iCloud Calendar not syncing between your Mac and your iPhone, you may find the troubleshooting in the following articles helpful:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    iCloud: Advanced Calendar and iCal troubleshooting
    - Brenden



    Please turn off your caps lock.  All caps indicates shouting, is considered rude and is difficulat to read.  Many will not read such posts.
    If you would like some help from your fellow itunes users, then you will have to explain what you are talking about.
    Your post does not ask a question at all, nor does it explain what your issue is.

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    Jason L solved my problem when he provided the following link for another poster:
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    The article linked below has a lot of great troubleshooting tips related to syncing with Outlook on Windows that should help.
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    I do not believe this. I have been going nuts trying everything as in prior posts, and this has been a problem for users at least since 2010. I had this problem a long time ago and didn't pay too much attention to it because it was my iPad, and I depended on my BB a a base calander to feed Outlook. I became very concerned within the past week when I switched my BB to iPhone 5s, and was carrying both because I still needed to carry the BB for new calander enteries to sync up to Outlook 2007.
    I had followed http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925 and delete the apple s/w and re-installed. But according to the previous post, it appears that the issue was in the data - which was not deleted during all these deinstalls nor overridden with the new installs.
    I am a XP user, so my files are in documents and settings/(username) both application data and \local settings\application data, but I also have safari and quicktime installed as well and didn't want to just blow entire high level folders if I didn't have to.
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    However, I would like to see someone fine tune this and determine if it was just the preferences folder that needed to be deleted so that iTunes needed to rebuild it, or if there were other filoes that were apparently corrupted away, just to get this to the minimum number of steps to fix the issue.
    BUT THANKS - This has been the most HELPFUL thread to get me syncing agai!!!!

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    I may not have the right answer for you but I recently discovered two commands in mail.app that might help.
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    You can disable the Adobe Reader plugin in Firefox (Tools > Add-ons > Plugins) and use the external Adobe Reader application or Preview application instead.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Applications > Adobe PDF document : Use Adobe Reader
    PDF files may also be found under another entry like Portable document.

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