Pacman ignores "--ignore"

I'm trying to install Arch Linux to an USB drive for use on a device with a Transmeta Crusoe CPU. As such, I need the kernel specially patched for Crusoe and I'm following the instructions on:
I've installed the Crusoe kernel to the USB drive mounted on /newarch and I'm now ready to install the rest of the base system. However, I do not want the "kernel26" package to get installed.
I tried:
pacman -S base --ignore kernel26 -r /newarch/
But this does list kernel26 in the package list:
# pacman -S base --ignore kernel26 -r /newarch/
warning: attr-2.4.44-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: bash-4.1.009-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: coreutils-8.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: file-5.04-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: filesystem-2010.12-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: findutils-4.4.2-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: gcc-libs-4.5.1-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: gen-init-cpio-2.6.32-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: glibc-2.12.1-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: grep-2.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: gzip-1.4-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: sed-4.2.1-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: shadow- is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: udev-164-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: util-linux-ng-2.18-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: which-2.20-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
Targets (78): glibc-2.12.1-4 attr-2.4.44-1 bash-4.1.009-3 binutils-2.20.1-4 bzip2-1.0.6-1 shadow- coreutils-8.7-1 filesystem-2010.12-1
util-linux-ng-2.18-3 udev-164-3 device-mapper-2.02.78-1 libgpg-error-1.9-2 libgcrypt-1.4.6-1 popt-1.16-2 cryptsetup-1.1.3-1 dash-
dcron-4.4-2 dhcpcd-5.2.9-1 diffutils-3.0-2 e2fsprogs-1.41.12-1 file-5.04-3 findutils-4.4.2-3 gawk-3.1.8-2 gcc-libs-4.5.1-2 gen-init-cpio-2.6.32-1
gettext- grep-2.7-1 sed-4.2.1-3 grub-0.97-17 gzip-1.4-2 net-tools-1.60-14 kbd-1.15.2-1 sysvinit-2.88-2 initscripts-2010.07-2
iputils-20100214-2 jfsutils-1.1.14-2 kernel26- less-436-2 licenses-2.6-1 logrotate-3.7.9-1 lvm2-2.02.78-1 mailx-8.1.1-7 gdbm-1.8.3-7
perl-5.12.1-3 texinfo-4.13a-5 groff-1.20.1-4 man-db-2.5.9-1 man-pages-3.32-1 mdadm-3.1.4-1 nano-2.2.6-1 xz-5.0.0-1 openssl-1.0.0.c-1
expat-2.0.1-5 libarchive-2.8.4-2 libfetch-2.33-1 pacman-mirrorlist-20100825-1 pacman-3.4.1-1 pciutils-3.1.7-1 sysfsutils-2.1.0-5 pcmciautils-017-1
libnl-1.1-2 libpcap-1.1.1-1 ppp-2.4.5-1 procps-3.2.8-3 psmisc-22.13-1 reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-2 rp-pppoe-3.10-5 eventlog-0.2.12-1 tcp_wrappers-7.6-12
syslog-ng-3.2.1-1 tar-1.25-1 usbutils-0.91-4 vi-050325-3 wget-1.12-2 which-2.20-4 dbus-core-1.4.0-1 wpa_supplicant-0.7.3-1 xfsprogs-3.1.4-1
Total Download Size: 80.20 MB
Total Installed Size: 332.55 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n] n
I tried switching the -S and --ignore options, no difference.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

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    Here is my /etc/hosts
    # /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
    #<ip-address> <> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost Archie
    # End of file
    and here is the repo entry from pacman.conf:
    Server =

    Yup, wget fetches … .db.tar.gz just fine and it uses the IP specified in /etc/hosts.
    Surely pacman does not deploy its own DNS server, but seems to ignore /etc/hosts. If i remove csslayer line from /etc/hosts then wget also will fail.
    [hash@Archie ~]$ wget
    --2010-07-26 18:54:29--
    Łączenie się z||:80... połączono.
    Żądanie HTTP wysłano, oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... 200 OK
    Długość: 1190 (1,2K) [application/x-gzip]
    Zapis do: `csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz'
    100%[=============================================================================================================================================================================>] 1.190 --.-K/s w 0,02s
    2010-07-26 18:54:30 (72,5 KB/s) - zapisano `csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz' [1190/1190]
    [hash@Archie ~]$ pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    kde-unstable is up to date
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    error: nie udało się pobrać pliku 'csslayer-aur-repo.db.tar.gz' z : Not Found
    error: failed to update csslayer-aur-repo (Not Found)
    Last edited by hash (2010-07-26 16:55:47)

  • How make pacman ignore a package?

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    Note: I looked at the pacman and pacman.conf man pages.  And tried IgnorePkg, which didn't do the job.
    Last edited by ristretto (2007-09-17 21:53:28)

    ristretto wrote:
    fwojciec wrote:Also, let me know when you are done with it or if you're not going to use it so I can remove that link.  Thanks.
    Thanks, I got it.  Was hoping for something a bit simpler, so will have to put this aside until I can spend more time on it.  I'm sure it's not complicate, once you understand it.    So, anyway, go ahead and remove it.
    Like I said - the easy workaround, for now at least, would be to try and install whatever package you're installing, see what dependencies it requires and wants to install, cancel and install the dependencies by hand (minus alsa-lib) and finally install the package with ignore dependencies option.
    As far as ABS/PKGBUILDs are concerned - they are one of the best, if not the best feature of Arch.  Indeed, they are not complicated, but you need to read the wiki and experiment a bit first before you'll get how they work...  It's definitely worth learning though, IMO, they are a very powerful tool (you can use them to customize packages, like this one, or a kernel for example, build your own packages and so forth).  Anyways, good luck.

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    gives me no such option.
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    But the packages are still selected for installation! Am I using --ignore incorrectly?
    Last edited by Klink-a-dink-dink (2011-01-05 17:01:24)

    SS4 wrote:For now you could specify to ignore those packages in /etc/pacman.conf ?
    Good idea, but according to the bug report:
    Tried IgnorePkg and IgnoreGroup in pacman.conf too; they don't work either.

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    error: config file /opt/arch32/mirrorlist could not be read.
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  • Pacman ignores writable cache, uses /tmp. Due to cache permissions

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    I noticed that my pacman cache wasn't being found when doing an update.
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    Even doing "pacman --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg -Syu" didn't help.
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    debug: skipping cachedir, no write bits set: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    debug: option 'cachedir' = /tmp/
    debug: using cachedir: /tmp/
    warning: couldn't find or create package cache, using /tmp/ instead
    Which caused me to further investigate writing to the directory. All these tests worked - it was there and I could write to it. I then checked the permissions. There were none, it was "d---------". When I changed this to 755 all started working. I don't know what caused its permissions to be wiped.
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    I think it would help if pacman provided the reason why the cache is not used rather than just saying "couldn't find or create package cache".
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    Scimmia wrote:
    I'm starting to feel like a bot.
    Intel CPU? If so, microcode up to date?
    THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was driving me crazy and I felt like it was either QT or GTK or some library that was messed up... did a full reinstall. Also ran several hours or "memtests" to check hardware (didn't notice the issue until after several reoccurring power outages and feared the worse.) Once again, thank you very much!

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    I think you might have misunderstood me (or maybe vice versa).  I'm referring to setuid files being installed by pacman, not flagging pacman itself with setuid.
    Last edited by bdrive (2008-11-05 18:11:00)

  • [Solved] pacman 4.1 has issues with resolving file-conflicts

    Today i wanted to upgrade protobuf-python which will be replaced by python2-protobuf, but pacman ignores the fact, that protobuf-python will be removed:
    # pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    community-testing is up to date
    testing is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: pacman: local (4.1.0-1) is newer than core (4.0.3-7)
    :: Replace protobuf-python with community/python2-protobuf? [Y/n]
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (20): binutils-2.23.2-1 gcc-4.8.0-1 gcc-libs-4.8.0-1 glibc-2.17-4 libltdl-2.4.2-8 libpulse-3.0-3 libtool-2.4.2-8 libxkbcommon-0.3.0-1 linux-api-headers-3.8.4-1 protobuf-python-2.5.0-1
    protobuf-python-2.5.0-1 [removal] pulseaudio-3.0-3 python2-dirspec-4.2.0-1 python2-oauthlib-0.4.0-1 python2-protobuf-2.5.0-2 python2-ubuntuone-storageprotocol-4.2.0-1
    ubuntu-sso-client-4.2.0-1 ubuntuone-client-4.2.0-1 ubuntuone-client-gnome-4.2.0-1 ubuntuone-control-panel-4.2.0-1
    Total Installed Size: 178.39 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 6.89 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    (19/19) checking keys in keyring [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (19/19) checking package integrity [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (19/19) loading package files [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (19/19) checking for file conflicts [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/__init__.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/compiler/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/compiler/__init__.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/compiler/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/compiler/plugin_pb2.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/descriptor.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/descriptor_database.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb2.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/descriptor_pool.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/__init__.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/api_implementation.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/containers.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/cpp_message.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/decoder.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/encoder.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/enum_type_wrapper.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/message_listener.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/python_message.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/type_checkers.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/wire_format.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/message.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/message_factory.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/reflection.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/service.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/service_reflection.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/ exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/text_format.pyc exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7-nspkg.pth exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/PKG-INFO exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/SOURCES.txt exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/dependency_links.txt exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/namespace_packages.txt exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/requires.txt exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/protobuf-2.5.0-py2.7.egg-info/top_level.txt exists in both 'python2-protobuf' and 'protobuf-python'
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    Anyone with the same problem here or is it just me?
    Btw: If it's a bug: Please fill a bug report, i don't want to register just for 1 bug...
    Last edited by D4ve (2013-04-02 11:22:49)

    drcouzelis wrote:
    If you want to receive information about the progress made on the bug and contribute to getting it fixed then, yes, you need to register.
    Otherwise, just use
    Too late, i already registered.
    drcouzelis wrote:Lastly, don't be cheeky.
    Huh? In the whole discussion i wasn't once cheeky
    drcouzelis wrote:
    Otherwise, Allan will install a special surprise just for you in pacman.
    if (strcmp(username, "D4ve") == 0) {
    That would be awesome. Three lines of code just for me
    (Just for information: I hate gnome-shell for displaying my name in the top right corner so i switched my username to "<*)))><")

  • Random freezes-please, somebody, help me find a solution that works!

    I feel a little stupid posting a new thread for what seems to be (at the moment) a rather common issue, but almost every related thread I've come across seems to pin the blame on different things, and I want to consolidate all that I know about what's going on in one place.
    On January 5 I reinstalled Arch on the family computer in my house, and for the first few days it seemed to be working OK, but as I was getting everything installed and set up correctly, I started experiencing random freezes.  Every package has been up to date since this was a brand new install, and the whole reason I was reinstalling was because the old setup was really messy and on a really old hard drive.  The old setup didn't experience any of these issues, however, which rules out hardware issues (the current hard drive was in the system, it just wasn't used for /).  The computer passes memtest86+ and mprime stress tests.
    First, the problem(s): random lockups.  These range from application lockups that still allow mouse movement, but not clicking, with the keyboard remaining accessible, to full X lockups which disable mouse and keyboard functionality.  The former have only occurred a handful of times while the latter occur much more often.  I don't have an ssh server set up on this computer to know whether it would respond to use that way, but my assumption is that, yes, it would.  This seems to be a rather prevalent issue right now, but like I said, a lot of people identify different causes and workarounds/fixes only work for some people.
    A few weeks ago I looked around and everything I was finding suggested it was a video driver issue.  I was using xf86-video-ati, so I switched to xf86-video-vesa.  Things worked fine for about a day (which, for the record, is not uncommon; the problem seems to come and go, as for about a week the computer worked fine and then today I had four lockups in a row) but then it started to hang again.  It's not a video issue.  It's not a hardware issue.  It's either a Gnome/GDM issue or an Xorg issue, a combination of both, or something else that is conflicting with either of those three.
    I found this thread about X hanging whenever one presses enter.  My issue seems to match the user in this thread (with it's corresponding bug report), because sometimes it hangs when I press enter—but only sometimes.  The majority of the crashes, by my estimation, have nothing to do with whether or not I press enter.  Often I (or someone else in my house) will simply click something and everything will freeze.
    Beyond this I cannot really describe much else.  However, here is some additional info which might help diagnose the problem.
    From Xorg.0.log.old:
    Fatal server error:
    Caught signal 3 (Quit). Server aborting
    .xsession-errors doesn't seem to contain anything worth noting.
    When booting X also launches on tty2 instead of tty7.  In the first few days after the install I seem to remember it launching on tty7 initially, but it's possible that my mind is playing tricks on me and this is not the case.  If it is I do not know what accounted for the change.  /etc/inittab is identical to the file on my personal PC which runs GDM and openbox, but which is experiencing no problems whatsoever, and X opens on tty7 on it (and which is also completely up to date).  At post #13 in this thread there is a suggested edit for /etc/gdm/custom.conf, but it does nothing for me; X still opens on tty2.
    GDM is the last daemon listed in /etc/rc.conf.  I've tried loading the daemons before it backgrounded (with @) and also regularly (without), and neither makes a difference.  The freeze often occurs when logging in or switching users, but I must emphasize that for the most part the lockups are completely random.
    I am really hoping to find a fix, and the sooner the better, because 6 people regularly use this computer and constant freezes are unacceptable to my mind.  I also fear that the exact same error has been occurring on my friends' business computer which I recently updated some packages on, since I've been getting emails about the computer locking up.  Of course with that one I could simply downgrade everything I just updated, even though it'd be tedious to do so.
    Last edited by tonyisnt (2010-02-02 23:24:46)

    mgangav wrote:
    insanemal wrote:
    change to lanuching gdm from your inittab using run-level 5
    or remove agetty from tty2
    both will resolve the issue.
    Actually, how will running gdm from inittab help with this issue?
    And I didn't understand what you meant by "remove agetty from tty2"
    You know, I am pretty sure that the issue has to be with xorg. I was having this issue a lot a month ago, but then, a certain upgrade of xorg fixed the issue. I was fine for a few weeks. My computer never crashed. But, unfortunatly, a package in that same upgrade was broken and I ended up upgrading the system again a few weeks ago. xorg also upgraded at the same time. Now, my computer keeps crashing randomly and in random ways.
    I think that the best thing to do is to keep up with the xorg updates, find one that works for your system and have pacman ignore all upgrades to xorg after that.
    Actually, if anyone can tell me how to downgrade xorg to its state 3 weeks ago, it would be absolutely awesome.
    Because if you use runlevel 5 you dont have agetty on TTY2 so it won't try and kill xorg all the bloody time
    The problem is caused because GDM is starting so fast the XORG server it loads up checks for free VT's and finds TTY2 is empty and starts on it. THEN your inittab fires up agetty on TTY2.. which promptly causes hell to arrive in a handbag.
    You really need to be less critical of people offering you advice.. and possibly even check what they have posted in the past.. like the threads from months ago dealing with this issue. (search is great you know)

  • Current situation for 945GM and below users -- downgrade only option?

    I'm running ArchLinux on an Acer 5610-4610(Intel 945GM, 950GMA), and I've almost(...*almost*) gotten used to seeing mesa, xorg-server, and such being on the pacman ignore notification when I update(I can't use the latest xf86-video-intel and therefore the latest dependencies an utterly handicapping reduction in performance), and this recent fiasco I've had with the transition to hotplugging makes matters even worse.
    Staying with downgraded xorg-server means ignoring evdev and such upgrades, I would imagine, so my question is this: is my only option until kernel-2.6.29 is released(a month 1/2 from now?) to keep this growing number of packages downgraded to retain usability on ArchLinux?

    Ronin-Sage wrote:
    I'm running ArchLinux on an Acer 5610-4610(Intel 945GM, 950GMA), and I've almost(...*almost*) gotten used to seeing mesa, xorg-server, and such being on the pacman ignore notification when I update(I can't use the latest xf86-video-intel and therefore the latest dependencies an utterly handicapping reduction in performance), and this recent fiasco I've had with the transition to hotplugging makes matters even worse.
    Staying with downgraded xorg-server means ignoring evdev and such upgrades, I would imagine, so my question is this: is my only option until kernel-2.6.29 is released(a month 1/2 from now?) to keep this growing number of packages downgraded to retain usability on ArchLinux?
    Could you elaborate on your problems? Why you can't use the latest Intel drivers? Do they have a bug that prevents you from using them? Is the bug an upstream one or Arch specific? Arch is not even using the latest, but the 2.4.x series.
    And you say that staying with the old packages is utterly handicapping performance for you? You mean that if you do upgrade your packages you get much better performance but also some showstopper bug?
    I have two desktops with an Intel IGP and don't have any problems. One has the latest G45 chipset and the other an old 845G one. Also a laptop with GM965 has no problems, but that one's running Ubuntu, not Arch.

  • PDF Printing without BI  - a solution that works

    I have used the instruction givein in the follwing post:
    Below are my steps
    1.) Install java sdk
    2.) Create environment variable JAVA_HOME that points to this dir. : JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20
    3.) Extract c:\zipfiles\ to the directory where the program will be executed.(D:\ApexPDFPrintserver)
    4.) Do the same with and
    5.) Open a CMD and go to that directory.
    6.) Check if the java home is set: (set J should show all environment variables starting with J)
    7.) Change directory to the cocoon installation: (D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\cocoon-2.1.11)
    8.) Compile the cocoon app by typing the following : D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\cocoon-2.1.11\build war
    9.) Copy the cocoon.war file from D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\cocoon-2.1.11\build\cocoon to the appache web apps directory => D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\webapps
    10.) Edit the server.xml (D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\conf) file to change the port on which the server would be available to:8085 (8080 is used by APEX) on this installation
    11.) change dir to D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin and enter startup
    12.) Apache will now create a cocoon webapp.
    13.) Copy the fop_post dir to D:\ApexPDFPrintserver\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\cocoon.
    14.) You can now test you Tomcat installation: http://localhost:8085/
    15.) And the cocoon installation.: http://localhost:8085/cocoon/.
    14.) Configure the APEX installation to use this printserver. http://localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin.
    15.) The settings can be found at manage Instance => Instance settings = > Select the report printing tab.
    16.) Print server: Standard
    17.) Print server protocol: HTTP
    18.) Printserver host address: this machine's IP
    19.) Print server port :8085
    20.) Print serverScript: /cocoon/fop_post/
    21.) Happy printing!!
    Remember to give the parsing user right to access the network.
    I have used the same script provided with the APEX installation to give the APEX_0400 user rights to the network.
    Have fun

    mgangav wrote:
    insanemal wrote:
    change to lanuching gdm from your inittab using run-level 5
    or remove agetty from tty2
    both will resolve the issue.
    Actually, how will running gdm from inittab help with this issue?
    And I didn't understand what you meant by "remove agetty from tty2"
    You know, I am pretty sure that the issue has to be with xorg. I was having this issue a lot a month ago, but then, a certain upgrade of xorg fixed the issue. I was fine for a few weeks. My computer never crashed. But, unfortunatly, a package in that same upgrade was broken and I ended up upgrading the system again a few weeks ago. xorg also upgraded at the same time. Now, my computer keeps crashing randomly and in random ways.
    I think that the best thing to do is to keep up with the xorg updates, find one that works for your system and have pacman ignore all upgrades to xorg after that.
    Actually, if anyone can tell me how to downgrade xorg to its state 3 weeks ago, it would be absolutely awesome.
    Because if you use runlevel 5 you dont have agetty on TTY2 so it won't try and kill xorg all the bloody time
    The problem is caused because GDM is starting so fast the XORG server it loads up checks for free VT's and finds TTY2 is empty and starts on it. THEN your inittab fires up agetty on TTY2.. which promptly causes hell to arrive in a handbag.
    You really need to be less critical of people offering you advice.. and possibly even check what they have posted in the past.. like the threads from months ago dealing with this issue. (search is great you know)

  • [SOLVED]Full upgrade fails after new install

    Please note before reading that I know about the recent changes with the /lib symlink to /usr/lib and the filesystem (I read the home page).
    After a fresh install, I try to upgrade the system :
    pacman -Syy && pacman -Syu : it asks for pacman update, I say yes.
    pacman -S pacman : fails because of glibc
    pacman -S pacman --ignore glibc : fails, won't upgrade because glibc it's a dependency of pacman
    pacman -Syu : say no to pacman upgrade, fails because of glibc and filesystem
    pacman -Syu --ignore glibc --ignore fliesystem : upgrade almost nothing because most of the packages (~400M) need glibc
    I can't upgrade anything at the end...
    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by John0000 (2012-07-19 14:52:17)

    If either of this steps does not work (e.g. due to dependency version issues, file conflicts in /lib), refer to this G U I D E for more detailed instructions on performing this upgrade.
    Did you read this guide?
    There is thread about it also:
    And Allan wrote a blog entry about upgrading from core installation: … e-install/
    BTW as Pres suggested go with the net-install, core installation was always kind of a fallback for me and I had to do this just once because of network troubles. It just doesn't make much sense to do core installation if there is no holdback because with first pacman -Syu you'll end up downloading the same amount of data as if you would do a clean net-install, and it's faster and you probably won't get conflicts accumulated from year or so.
    Last edited by masteryod (2012-07-19 14:38:38)

  • Cannot find a solution that works to import messages from Windows Live.

    The instructions given say to go to Tools/Options/Advanced/Maintenance/Stored Folders and there is no tools option in my Windows Live.

    mgangav wrote:
    insanemal wrote:
    change to lanuching gdm from your inittab using run-level 5
    or remove agetty from tty2
    both will resolve the issue.
    Actually, how will running gdm from inittab help with this issue?
    And I didn't understand what you meant by "remove agetty from tty2"
    You know, I am pretty sure that the issue has to be with xorg. I was having this issue a lot a month ago, but then, a certain upgrade of xorg fixed the issue. I was fine for a few weeks. My computer never crashed. But, unfortunatly, a package in that same upgrade was broken and I ended up upgrading the system again a few weeks ago. xorg also upgraded at the same time. Now, my computer keeps crashing randomly and in random ways.
    I think that the best thing to do is to keep up with the xorg updates, find one that works for your system and have pacman ignore all upgrades to xorg after that.
    Actually, if anyone can tell me how to downgrade xorg to its state 3 weeks ago, it would be absolutely awesome.
    Because if you use runlevel 5 you dont have agetty on TTY2 so it won't try and kill xorg all the bloody time
    The problem is caused because GDM is starting so fast the XORG server it loads up checks for free VT's and finds TTY2 is empty and starts on it. THEN your inittab fires up agetty on TTY2.. which promptly causes hell to arrive in a handbag.
    You really need to be less critical of people offering you advice.. and possibly even check what they have posted in the past.. like the threads from months ago dealing with this issue. (search is great you know)

  • Newsletter 3-14-04

    Archlinux Weekly Newsletter
    *Jason Chu and Ben Mazer*
    Welcome to the ArchLinux Newsletter. This attempts to give you an ``at a
    glance'' look at the world of ArchLinux.
    /No front page news this week/
        This Week in Dev Land
        * ArchLinux has an IRC bot. It's name is archbot. It's an infobot
          ( Right now we're testing it to see if it
          can help answer some of the simpler questions on IRC.
        * Damir has suggested we start having incoming-cleanup waves: where
          the oldest packages in incoming can be talked about and dealt
          with. It was suggested that he take the idea to the TUs, because
          it's more their job now. Developers will still join the discussion
        * Aurelien found a bug in our db update scripts and blew up the
          package database. A number of packages were accidently orphaned
          because of this. If anyone sees packages that used to be adopted
          by one of the developers, feel free to bring it to their attention.
        ArchStats Updates
    /To participate, visit:
    Number of registered systems: 281
    Date first system was registered: 20031017
    Most recent update occurred: 20040314
    Longest recorded uptime: 175 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes, 55 seconds.
    Average uptime: 4 days, 13 hours, 25 minutes, 41 seconds.
    Lowest kernel version: 2.4.21
    Highest kernel version: 2.6.4
    Least packages installed on a system: 44
    Average installed packages: 253
    Most packages installed on a system: 563
        Forum Highlights
        * Drz wanted to know if all the 0.6 packages were compiled with
          GCC3.3.3 (the included compiler). The answer was no. Arch uses a
          rolling release cycle where the ISO releases are just snapshots of
          the current tree. The focus is on making the trees perfect, not
          making a good CD release. Read the thread
        * LB06 posted his suggestion for the /opt folder. He did not like
          the idea of separate binary folders. The thread turned into a
          debate with no clear answer. Some people suggested that it helped
          organization, and others did not care either way. Participate in
          the thread here:
        * Rasat made a request for a web downloading interface to the TUR
          system. Xentac, the TUR developer was against this idea, because
          the goal with the TUR system was to interface with pacman. This
          way users wouldn't have to manually update packages themselves.
          The suggestion is still being discussed, so participate here:

        Mailing List Highlights
        * Brent Pitman wanted to know if it was possible to have pacman
          automatically update (unattended). There were a few solutions
          including a cron script and simply yes| pacman -Syu. This is not
          recommended though, because you may want to be notified of
          important package updates. Read the thread here:
 … 01075.html
          TUR Mailing List
    The TUR system has been completely redone. The web interface has now
    been replaced with a SFS/Subversion combination. This system will scale
    much better and is hosted on the ArchLinux servers now. Because of the
    downtime, many packages became out of date. Please be patient while the
    TUs adjust to the new system and update packages. Please note that the
    mailing list address has changed to this:
    [email protected].
        Package Highlights
        * KDE 3.2.1 was released and packaged this week. This is an
          important bugfix release, so all KDE users should upgrade. You can
          read the announcement here:

        * XFCE 4.0.4 was released this week. This is a bugfix release as
          well, and all XFCE users should upgrade. The changelog is located
 … _id=222635
        New Packages
    kde-i18n-xh 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-zu 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-vi 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-zh_tw 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-zh_cn 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-sv 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-th 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-ven 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-ta 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-tr 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-uk 3.2.1-1
    kdeaccessibility 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-fr 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-es 3.2.1-1
    cvs 1.11.14-1
    kde-i18n-ss 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-sk 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-sl 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-sr 3.2.1-1
    acpi 0.07-1
    acpid 1.0.3-1
    postgresql 7.4.2-1
    kernel26-scsi 2.6.4-1
    gweled 0.4-1
    j 0.20.2-1
    kde-i18n-ru 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-se 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-ro 3.2.1-1
    ices 2.0.0-1
    kde-i18n-pl 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-pt 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-pt_br 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-be 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-bn 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-br 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-cy 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-az 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-nso 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-nn 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-nl 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-mk 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-mt 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-hr 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-is 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-ja 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-lt 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-he 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-hu 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-it 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-nb 3.2.1-1
    galculator 1.2.0-1
    patchutils 0.2.28-1
    xfce4-diskperf-plugin 1.4.1-2
    wine 20040309-1
    mlterm 2.8.0-3
    kde-i18n-et 3.2.1-1
    dnsmasq 2.3-1
    sylpheed-claws 0.9.10-1
    kernel26 2.6.4-1
    kde-i18n-eu 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-fa 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-fi 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-eo 3.2.1-1
    kde-i18n-en_gb 3.2.1-1
    quanta 3.2.1-1
    xfwm4-themes 4.0.4-1
    xffm 4.0.4-1
    xffm-icons 4.0.4-1
    xfprint 4.0.4-1
    xfwm4 4.0.4-1
    xfce-mcs-manager 4.0.4-1
    xfce-mcs-plugins 4.0.4-1
    xfce-utils 4.0.4-1
    xfdesktop 4.0.4-1
    xfce4-themes 4.0.4-1
    xfce4-toys 4.0.4-1
    xfce4-trigger-launcher 4.0.4-1
    xfcalendar 0.1.6-1
    xfce4-iconbox 4.0.4-1
    xfce4-mixer 4.0.4-1
    xfce4-panel 4.0.4-1
    libxfce4util 4.0.4-1
    libxfcegui4 4.0.4-1
    kdetoys 3.2.1-1
    kdeutils 3.2.1-1
    kdenetwork 3.2.1-1
    kdepim 3.2.1-1
    kdesdk 3.2.1-1
    kdegraphics 3.2.1-1
    kdelibs 3.2.1-1
    kdemultimedia 3.2.1-1
    kdeedu 3.2.1-1
    kdegames 3.2.1-1
    kdeartwork 3.2.1-1
    kdebase 3.2.1-1
    kdebindings 3.2.1-1
    arts 1.2.1-1
    kdeaddons 3.2.1-1
    kdeadmin 3.2.1-1
    xfce4-minicmd-plugin 0.2.0-2
    xfce4-netload-plugin 0.2.2-2
    xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.3.0-2
    xfce4-showdesktop-plugin 0.3.0-2
    xfce4-battery-plugin 0.2.0-2
    xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.4.0-2
    xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.3.4-2
    xfce4-notes-plugin 0.9.7-2
    emboss 2.8.0-1
    archstats 3.6-1
    tidyhtml 20040308-1
    emovix 0.9.0pre1-1
    mp3splt 2.0-2
    abiword 2.0.5-1
    xmms-speex 0.9.1-1
    vnc 3.3.7-1
    automake 1.8.3-1
    mp3wrap 0.5-1
    k3b-i18n 0.11-1
    xmms-kde 3.1-1
    cdrtools-devel 2.01a27-1
    audacity 1.2.0-1
    squid 2.5.STABLE5-1
    sfs 0.7.2-1
    gnomemeeting 1.00-1
    openh323 1.13.2-1
    pwlib 1.6.3-1
          STAGING Listing
    /To get access to this repository and the TURs, go to:
    abcm2ps 3.7.3-1
    fox 1.0.51-s1
    amule 1.2.6-s1
    cdw 0.2.2-s1
    chromium 0.9.12-1
    cups-pdf 1.4.1-s1
    fftw3 3.0.1-1
    cln 1.1.6-1
    giftui 0.3.1-1
    gksu 1.0.3-s1
    gmencoder 0.1.0-s1
    gnome-alsamixer 0.9.6-s1
    gnome-cups-manager 0.17-1
    gnotime 2.1.7-s1
    gossip 0.7.1-s1
    gp 0.26-1
    gtk-smooth-engine 0.5.6-s1
    windowlab 1.23-s1
    gtkglext 1.0.5-s1
    gtkglextmm 1.0.1-s1
    sylpheed-gtk2 0.9.9-s1
    hwd 1.6-2
    ion-devel 20030814-1
    kbarcode 1.6.1-s1
    ksambaplugin 0.5b2-1
    labplot 1.2.2-1
    libchipcard 0.9.1-1
    libgnomecups 0.1.6-1
    libksba 0.4.7-1
    libofx 0.6.4-1
    liferea 0.4.6d-s1
    logjam 4.3.2-s1
    loudmouth 0.15.1-s1
    lwm 1.2.0-1
    mage 6.30.030607-1
    materm 0.1-1
    mlview 0.6.2-1
    monopd 0.9.0-s1
    mp3burn 0.3.1-1
    ms-sys 1.1.1-1
    panorama-tools 2.6bml12-s1
    parse-yapp 1.05-1
    pixieplus 0.5.4-1
    potrace 1.2-1
    potracegui 0.3-s1
    prekin 6.30.030607-1
    prizm 0.2-s1
    pychecker 0.8.13-s1
    pygtkglext 1.0.1-s1
    scribus-devel 1.1.5-s1
    scribus-docs 1.0.1-s1
    seahorse 0.7.3-2
    shaaft 0.5.0-1
    smb4k 0.3.1-1
    smclone 0.55-1
    source-highlight 1.8-s1
    spe 0.4.2c-s1
    tla 1.1-2
    tse3 0.2.7-1
    ttf-cheapskate 0.1-2
    universalkopete 0.1-1
    xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.2.0-s1
    xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.1.1-s1
    xml-dom 1.43-1
    xml-regexp 0.03-1
    xml-xql 0.68-1
    xpenguins_themes 1.0-1
    xtermset 0.5.1-s1
    xv 3.10a-1
    xymms 0.9.1-s1
    sip 3.10.1-s1
    qscintilla 1.2-s1
        FAQ of the Week
    Q: I'm having a problem. What should I do, where should I turn? Help me!
    A: ArchLinux has many places you can turn for help. First, you should
    try reading the many forms of documentation. Arch has a nicely filled
    WIKI available at There are a set of guides
    located here:
    If your question wasn't answered in the documentation, you can
    search/post in the forum located at or you can
    catch people in our IRC room located at #archlinux.
    Lastly, you can join the mailing list, located at:
    So you see, you are not alone with a problem. Although this may not seem
    like a FAQ, we are receiving lots of questions from distressed newcomers.
          Bugs Closed This Week
    534. K3b crashes due to mime type error.
    527. Aide does not compile
    529. root autologin or somewhere mention that root has no password
    530. Arch Installation/Rescue CD is not capable of mounting vfat and/or
    495. Pacman ignores IgnorePkg field for packages that "replace" other
    502. Makefile for kernel26
    498. Add other codepages to kernel
    506. KDE package missing esd
    487. kdelibs must be patched for kmail to print (kdebug: 72775)
    522. kde html/text printing broken
    526. No text in widgets for gqview, xscreensaver, and GIMP
    525. XF86config template
    524. bluefish needs gnome-common
    523. gnome-vfs: missing
    519. pacman-2.7.5 fails to build
          Bugs Opened This Week
    538. gettext with c-sharp enable
    537. JFS mounted read only after crash
    536. gnome terminal missing dependency
    535. gnuplot in science or multimedia ?
    533. kget (kdenetwork) has threading deadlock (kdebug: 74597)
    532. Ideas for the installer
    531. kernel updates brake pcmcia_cs
    528. kernel pkgs MUST have an echo saying: "WARNING: If you use lilo, do
    'lilo -v'
    That's all for this week. Stay tuned for more exciting ArchLinux

    Dusty wrote:
    sarah31 wrote:the link for the bit about jlowell bitching again doesn't work.
    bah. so what?
    ok, i read it on a lot of posts, and now i want to know what it means:
    what do you mean with "bah"? is this a short form for something you have in canadian english or canadian français i do not know about?

  • Suggest: pacman should have an option to ignore package chk

    I am a new Archlinux user. I have tried to install Archlinux in my computer several times. To avoid additional network access, I always backup the pkg.tar.gz files from my cache folder before installing Archlinux and restore them after first boot into the new system and before running "pacman -Syu".
    Last time I tried to use the ABS system to build my own packages with customized CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS. I was using srcpac to build some system packages without any problem.
    However, next time when I try to reinstall my system the pacman complains about "corrupted" .pkg.tar.gz files. Because I can use "pacman -U " to install them (but not "pacman -S"), I recon the files are not corrupted and the only problem is that they are not downloaded from (or any other mirror sites) but compiled in the previous Archlinux system installed in the same computer.
    I have tried to find out options available in the menu of pacman but I have not found any option to avoid this problem.
    Here is my SUGGESTION: add an option (say "--nocheck") which ignores the integraty check of the files.
    Last edited by earthengine (2009-07-26 00:51:14)

    Stefan Husmann wrote:
    So, what should I do to for the new installation? How to restore the my repo in the new installation? And if I replaced some packages in "core" repo or even "base" group with some compiled packages in my local repository, which checksum will be detected first?
    It depends what repo comes first in your pacman.conf. If you put your personal repo at first place (or exactly, before the official repos), pacman will use your self compiled packages and so prevent updates. You have to take care for that yourself. In the opposite case your selfmade packages will be overinstalled with next update.
    If you only want to install one specific package, you can use the syntax "pacman -Sy <repo>/<package>" to install from a specific repo.
    As you can see, if I use a local repo I have to worry about the update of repos, and it is not a solution good enough.
    I am not sure whether "pacman -Sy <repo>/<package>" is working or not, because when you are installing a package all the dependents has to be installed first. If the dependent packages is also customised and have another version (with SAME version number), can pacman check the same repo before checking the "core"/"extra"/"community" repos? If the answer is yes I recon this is a good solution.

Maybe you are looking for