Page forward, page back and recent pages buttons sometimes disabled

''Duplicate post, continue here - []''
open a category on e-bay, click on an item then attempt to use page back to go back to the category page but the button is blank instead of green

In Safari select View->Customize Address Bar. You can now drag the forward/back arrows back to the address bar.
How did they get removed in the first place? Easy! If you control-click (right-click) on any of the address bar objects you will see a Remove option. It's rather easy to accidentally zap these controls. I've done it myself a couple of times.

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    Good morning Old Toad.
    I did as you suggested:
    1) Booted from install CD.
    2) Ran Disk Utilities on internal hard drive--no repairs necessary. For good measure, did the same thing on external drive. Also no repairs necessary.
    3) Checked software update--no updates found. About this Mac said I was already running 10.4.7. For good measure, I downloaded the latest and installed it. Since it let me run the install, I'm not sure if I installed something new or reinstalled what I already had.
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    5) Tried to delete the files and the same old thing happened: kernel panic. The specific message:
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00102A08): jnl: transaction too big (1587712 >= 1572352 bytes, bufsize 8192, tr 0x29f1fb0 bp 0x2801de40)
    So there's no change in my status.
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    B) I can't get rid of them ever. If I move the problem files to a different folder, I can only do one successful drag-and-drop backup to the external drive until the "new" thumb segments become unerasable just like the previous versions and crash the system.
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    D) After the iPhoto fiasco I'm just crabby about all the Apple screw-ups I'm experiencing and I want to get them fixed.
    Thanks for your help. Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    MCTS Sharepoint 2010, MCAD dotnet, MCPDEA, SharePoint Lead

    Hi Amit,
    SharePoint has a feature called “ViewFormPagesLockDown” at site collection scope. After enabling the feature, all groups / users not having the “View Application Pages” permission will not be able to navigate to pages like “_layouts/viewlsts.aspx”
    or “pages/forms/allitems.aspx”.
    So, for your issue, please disable the ViewFormPagesLockDown feature via PowerShell command:
    $lockdownFeature = get-spfeature viewformpageslockdown
    disable-spfeature $lockdownFeature -url [the URL of your site]
    More information:
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    The pop ups are malware. It's not necessary to reinstall Safari.
    Help here ..
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    The Safe Mac » Genieo
    The Safe Mac » Mac Malware Guide
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    Might be a cache issue ...
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
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    Click Go then move the Cache.db file to the Trash.
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    Hi there,
    You can log in as the owner of the group and "see" an admin section at the bottom of the sidebar for settings. On this settings page you can customize the upper right sidebar section to respond to a particular tag and you can title this section.
    If you want further customization than the settings admin allow, I think you will have to delve into the javascript that makes this page dynamic to the user. In which case only work in Library/Applications Support/Apple/WikiServer and work on copies of the templates. Otherwise the _teamsserver user may not be able to function and your wikis will be offline.
    One other thought that I have been experimenting with is to start a TOC(Table of Contents) page and enter pages by their links. The links menu selection in the editor will show any of the group site web pages by title to select from making this process a little more intuitive. For some reason I find my users who are afraid of the web, very reluctant to use tags or even try the search feature which is very good.
    If you come up with a workaround your users commit to please pass along for the rest of us to try.

  • After deletion of record the dialog page is coming back to source page

    Dear all
    Good Morning
    i have creation page user will enter it will call to view mode,in that user will click on edit button again it will call to creation page with editable mode.
    in that creation page editable mode user click on delete button it willl call to dialog page buttons "Yes" AND "NO"
    user will click on yes the record is deleted but again after deletion of record again it is calling to creation page and creating blank record
    but my requirement is after click on yes button it will delete the record and navigate to search page
    how is it?
    in my case again it is coming to creation page.
    /*in edit page user click on delete button it will call to dialog page*/
    if ("Delete".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
    String oid = pageContext.getParameter("oid");
    OAException msg = new OAException("PO", "XX_DELETE_SUPPSITE_CONFIRM");
    OADialogPage dpage =
    new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING, msg, null, "", "");
    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(1);
    ht.put("d1", oid);
    /*If user click on No button it will call to editable mode*/(previuos page)
    System.out.println("User will click on this button....");
    String oppoid = (String)pageContext.getSessionValue("xxoppoid");
    HashMap hp=new HashMap();
    null, hp, false, null,
    /*if user will click on delete yes button*/ after delete i want to call search page but it is going to search page internally it is coming to creation page and blank record is created.*/
    if (pageContext.getParameter("DeleteYes") != null)
    String s1 = pageContext.getParameter("d1");
    null, null, true, null,
    I hope u understand my question

    Hi Gaurav,
    Already i am using what u saying that way.
    That way also,am getting the error
    My Co Code is,
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    xxcrmItemMgmtAMImpl am = (xxcrmItemMgmtAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    String valid = pageContext.getParameter("Dialog");
    System.out.println("the value of valid is"+valid);
    String itemid=pageContext.getParameter("itemid");
    System.out.println("the item id in additem viewco is"+itemid);
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    xxcrmItemMgmtAMImpl am = (xxcrmItemMgmtAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if("Delete".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM))) {
    String itemid=pageContext.getSessionValue("itemid").toString();
    OAException msg=new OAException("PO","XX_DELETE_SUPPSITE_CONFIRM");
    OADialogPage dpage=new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING,
    System.out.println("this is delete block1");
    Hashtable ht=new Hashtable();
    System.out.println("this is delete block2");
    if(pageContext.getParameter("DeleteYes")!=null) {
    String itemid=pageContext.getParameter("d1");
    Serializable[] d1={itemid};
    HashMap hm=new HashMap();
    String test=hm.get("Dialog").toString();
    System.out.println("the dialog page value is"+test);

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    When Pages will finnaly support portrait and landscape page orientation in the same document?

    Only Apple would know, and it isn't telling.

  • Pages to ePub: TOC and Title Page

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    1- The Title Page (which is page 1 and has been selected as the cover of the book) does not appear or appears blank. What do I have to do to make it appear?
    2- I hear in all forums the need to build a TOC in addition to the one ePub already creates and that appears on the left hand side when the file is opened using an ebook reader. Can anyone please tell me why I have to do this and most importantly HOW to do it?
    Thank you very much!!

    Thank you for sharing such an informative post! I'd like to offer one small correction.
    My company publishes children's picture storybooks in print. These are edge to edge full color pages for those who may not be familiar with this format. Our early ePub's were always disappointing in that we could not duplicate the print format without showing considerable white margins on an e-reader. We have since solved that problem in order to achieve the maximum image size. There will always be some amount of white margin in ePub format, but our image output now nearly fills the screen of any e-reader.
    The 600X860 resolution is correct in order to achieve a wall to wall ePub image. The image must be created at that resolution for insertion into the document, and the page setup must also be set at the same dimension, which in inches is 8.333X11.944. You cannot, for example, use a smaller size image and drag it with constrained proportions to fill the viewport at the 600X860 resolution. The exported ePub file recognizes the portion of the image that is beyond the margins of the viewport and it will show up in an e-reader with a large white bottom margin.
    Dragging a smaller image than the 600X860 resolution to fill the viewport with unconstrained proportions will work, but of course distorts the image. So, create your images at 600X860, insert them into your doc, export to ePub and you will be happy, happy, happy!

  • Pages & AppleScript - adding content and new pages

    I build iOS apps for a living and I am taking a stab at making a developer's guide for each app I create (classes and methods used, some terminology, etc.). I'm able to get a list of all my class files and methods of each class from XCode using AppleScript. What I would like to do now is bring them into a Pages document and add some styling to the text. I can get Pages to make a new document from a template but I can't seem to do anything after that - adding a page or text to the template - the template is one page with some styles and a text box placed on page 1. Here's my code for Pages:
    tell application "Pages"
       make new document with properties {template name:"DeveloperGuide"}
       tell front document
           set bodyText to body text
           return bodyText
       end tell
    end tell
    It's been a while since I've used AppleScript and I've never scripted pages so I'm not sure if this is the right approach. It's nice to see that after two years the notoriously ill documented AppleScript dictionaries still exist. Anyway, my return from the code above is "missing value".
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Are you aware there are two types of templates in Pages? Word processing and pages layout?

  • How can i get my back and foward icon buttons to work?

    When I'm on a website i can't move forward or back because the icons are grayed out. Is thee any way I could fix that?

    Here are some suggestions for getting the best results from this site.
    Give details of the problem. A remark such as "I think I have a virus," or "How do I reinstall," or "X doesn't work" conveys no useful information. If X did work, you wouldn't be here. Instead, you should post something like this: "I did A; I was expecting B; but I got C instead." Include the complete, verbatim text of any error messages you saw, and specify where you saw them: in an application window, a CrashReporter window, a log, or whatever.
    Also describe the steps you’ve taken yourself, if any, to try to resolve the issue. If the problem is of recent origin, did you make any changes to your setup just before you first noticed it? Is the problem reproducible or intermittent? That is, does it always manifest itself when you take a certain action, or only at unpredictable times?
    Before posting, ask yourself whether it’s likely that you are the the only person ever to have had this problem. If not, search the discussions for answered questions similar to yours. If you found any pertinent information, but it didn't help, give details.
    Post in the most relevant discussion area. Usually that means the area for the type of Mac you're using, if the problem is hardware-related, or for the OS X version you’re running, if it’s more software-related. Some other Apple products, such as Safari, iTunes, and iPhoto, have their own forums.
    If asking about third-party software, specify the full product name, what it does, the source (website, App Store, etc.), and the version. Your first recourse should be to the developer and/or its user forum, if any. Include the results of that contact in your message: what you were told and what you did.

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