Page Group Security API

I'm looking for an API, or something, that will allow me to change the access properties of a page or page group. I need to be able to remove access to a page group with a script. Is this possible? I've looked at the documented APIs but do not see one to do this. Maybe I'm overlooking something.
Thanks in advance.

As I also mentioned you could use wwsec_api:
* Removes a group's privileges.
* <p>Call this API to perform one of three possible operations:
* <ul>
* <li>If NULL or nothing is passed into the p_privilege parameter,
* then all privileges for the given group, object_type_name,
* and name are removed.
* <li>If a value is passed into p_privilege, the specified privilege is
* removed.
* <li>If group_id is null, the privilege is removed for all groups.
* </ul>
* <p><b>Example:</b>
* <pre>
* wwsec_api.remove_group_acl(
* p_object_type_name => wwsec_api.PAGE_OBJ,
* p_name => '0/156',
* p_group_id => 3,
* p_privilege => wwsec_api.MANAGE_PRIV
* </pre>
* @param p_object_type_name the type of object, e.g., ADMIN, FOLDER,
* ITEM, etc.
* @param p_name the reference to the object
* @param p_group_id the portal's identifier for a group
* @param p_privilege the privilege to be granted. this should
* @param p_owner the owner of the ACL entry
* @param p_disable_invalidations controls whether cache invalidations
* are disabled when removing the group ACL
* Removes a specified privilege from a user.
* Removes all privileges for a given user, object_type_name, and name if
* null or if nothing is passed into p_privilege. If p_privilege is
* specified and p_person_id is null, this procedure removes the specified
* privilege for all persons.
* <p><b>Example:</b>
* <pre>
* wwsec_api.remove_user_acl(
* p_object_type_name => wwsec_api.GROUP_OBJ,
* p_name => '0/156',
* p_person_id => 3,
* p_privilege => wwsec_api.MANAGE_PRIV
* </pre>
* @param p_person_id the portal's identifier for a user
* @param p_object_type_name - the type of secured object, referenced by
* the security API constants that end with '_OBJ'. For example,
* wwsec_api.GROUP_OBJ, wwsec_api.PAGE_OBJ, etc.
* @param p_name the reference to the object
* @param p_privilege the privilege to be granted. this should
* @param p_owner the owner of the ACL entry, used for avoiding
* namespace collisions
* @param p_disable_invalidations controls whether cache invalidations
* are disabled when setting the user ACL
Hope this helps,

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    Hi Naxtazzmataur,
    you can use the wwsec_api package which is documented here:

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    hi There,
    As far as i know, the pages can only be moved within the page group but not from one page group to another page group.

  • PDEXGroup to set the Page Group ColorSpace

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    Thanks in advance.

    Following your indication I re-read the paragraph relating to Transparency group. starting with the 11.4.7.
    All of the elements painted directly onto a page—both top-level groups and top-level objects that are not part of any group—shall be treated as if they were contained in a transparency group P
    My main question here is how do I get access to this "group P" ?
    Because I didn't found how, I searched "how to specify a blending" which leads me to paragrap 11.6.3
    11.6.3    Specifying Blending Colour Space and Blend Mode The blending colour space shall be an attribute of the transparency group within which an object is painted; its specification is described in 11.6.6, "Transparency Group XObjects."
    Ok so how to define a Transparency group is in 11.6.6 (still my original question)
    Summarized : a transparency group is a specialized form XObject with a Group entry in its dictionnary. (Group with subtype "/S /Transparency")  Also a Page may have a Group entry (some entries in this dictionnary may be  interpreted differently when in a Page group).
    So (again) I looked at the right paragraph to make a Group 8.10.3, "Group XObjects".
    This paragraph finally describe what the CosObj should look like  I expect it to be something like :
    6 0 obj                                % Form XObject
       << /Type /XObject
          /Subtype /Form
          /FormType 1
          /BBox [ 0 0 1000 1000 ]
          /Group <>      /Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]
          /Resources << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] >>      /Length 58
    But alas my main concern is still here, how do I add a PDEImage in a PDEGroup or PDEForm or CosObj and then overwrite the Page content with this new content in order to change the default Blending ColorSpace ?
    You said to use the Cos API but what the Cos Object should look likes when the Color Blend Space is correctly set ?
    Below there is some code sample that I used to get this working.
      1 void func()
      2 {
      3         PDDoc       document;
      4         PDPage      page;
      5         ASFixedRect mediabox;
      6         PDEContent  content;
      8         /* Some or most informations are skipped below for readability but important
      9          * call remains
    10          */
    12         document = PDDocCreate();
    14         page     = PDDocCreatePage(document, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediabox);
    15         content  = PDPageAcquirePDEContent(page, NULL);
    17         /* setup arguments PDEImage */
    18         image    = PDEImageCreate(....);
    19         /* setup arguments for Image mask / alpha channel */
    20         mask     = PDEImageCreate(....);
    22         PDEImageSetMatteArray(mask, ...);
    23         PDEImageSetSMask(image, mask);
    25         CosDoc documentCos = PDDocGetCosDoc(document);
    26         CosObj xobjForm  = CosNewNull();
    27         CosObj resources = CosNewNull();
    29         /*
    30          * Here is the naive version I first tried which as you explained should be
    31          * done using Cos_Layer functions
    32          */
    33 #if defined NAIVE_VERSION
    35         /*
    36          * Doesn't work
    37          */
    39         CosObj imgCos;
    40         PDEImageGetCosObj(img, &imgCos);
    41         PDEXGroup grp_image = PDEXGroupCreateFromCosObj(&imgCos);
    42         PDEXGroupSetColorSpace(grp_image, PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString("DeviceRGB")));
    44         PDEContentAddElem(content, kPDEAfterLast, image);
    45         PDPageSetPDEContent(page, content);
    47 #elif defined SECOND_VERSION
    49         /*
    50          * Doesn't work
    51          */
    54         PDEContentAddElem(content, kPDEAfterLast, image);
    56         PDEForm myf = NULL;
    58         PDEContentAttrs  pdeContentAttrs;
    59         memset(&pdeContentAttrs, 0,  sizeof pdeContentAttrs);
    60         PDEContentGetAttrs(content, &pdeContentAttrs,  sizeof pdeContentAttrs);
    62         PDEContentToCosObj(content, kPDEContentToForm, &pdeContentAttrs,
    63                 sizeof pdeContentAttrs, documentCos, NULL, &xobjForm, &resources);
    65         if (!CosObjEqual(xobjForm, CosNewNull()) && !CosObjEqual(resources,  CosNewNull())) {
    66             /* success retrieving form & resources */
    68             // Put resources into the Form XObject stream dictionary
    69             CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm, "Resources" , resources);
    71             // Set BBox key for the Form XObject according to the image page
    72             ASFixedRect rectOrigPage;
    73             PDPageGetMediaBox(page, &rectOrigPage);
    75             CosObj BBoxArray = CosNewArray(documentCos, 4,  false);
    76             CosArrayPut(BBoxArray, 0, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, ASFixedRoundToInt16(rectOrigPage.left)));
    77             CosArrayPut(BBoxArray, 1, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, ASFixedRoundToInt16(rectOrigPage.bottom)));
    78             CosArrayPut(BBoxArray, 2, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, ASFixedRoundToInt16(rectOrigPage.right)));
    79             CosArrayPut(BBoxArray, 3, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, ASFixedRoundToInt16(;
    81             CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm,  "BBox" , BBoxArray);
    83             // Set matrix key for the Form XObject
    84             ASFixedMatrix  defaultMatrix;
    85             PDPageGetDefaultMatrix(page, &defaultMatrix);
    87             myf = PDEFormCreateFromCosObj(&xobjForm, &resources, &defaultMatrix);
    89             PDEXGroup trpgroup = PDEXGroupCreate(documentCos, kPDEXGroupTypeTransparency);
    90             PDEXGroupSetColorSpace(trpgroup, PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString("DeviceRGB")));
    92             PDEFormSetXGroup(myf, trpgroup);
    93             PDEContentAddElem(content, kPDEBeforeFirst, (PDEElement) myf);
    95             PDPageSetPDEContent(page, (ASExtension) PDEFormGetContent(myf));
    96         }
    98 #else
    100         /*
    101          * Doesn't work
    102          */
    104         CosObj xobjForm  = (CosObj) CosNewDict(documentCos, false, 1);
    105         CosObj resources = (CosObj) CosNewDict(documentCos, false, 1);
    107         CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm,  "Type", CosNewName(documentCos, false, ASAtomFromString("XObject")));
    108         CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm,  "Subtype", CosNewName(documentCos, false, ASAtomFromString("Form")));
    109         CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm,  "FormType", CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, 1));
    111         CosObj array_bbox = CosNewArray(documentCos, false, 4);
    112         CosArrayPut(array_bbox, 0, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, 0));
    113         CosArrayPut(array_bbox, 1, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, 0));
    114         CosArrayPut(array_bbox, 2, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, width));
    115         CosArrayPut(array_bbox, 3, CosNewInteger(documentCos, false, height));
    117         CosDictPutKeyString(xobjForm,  "BBox", array_bbox);
    119         ASFixedMatrix frmMatrix;
    120         frmMatrix.a = FloatToASFixed(1);
    121         frmMatrix.d = FloatToASFixed(1);
    122         frmMatrix.b = frmMatrix.c = frmMatrix.h = frmMatrix.v = fixedZero;
    124 #endif
    126         PDDocSave(document, ....);
    128 }
    Thanks again for your help.

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    I just wondered if anybody has some code that can produce the specific permissions a user has on portal pages or, in general, how the security api
    is used.
    TIA, semaphore.

    would be interested too.

  • Purge page group

    I develop an uploader for item in portal with the version 9.0.4 of PL/SQL API.
    Items can be deleted by user. Deleted items cannot be set as active items through the API (expired items can be set as active). I need to re-create deleted items.
    The problem is that deleted (and expired) items are still existing until a purge is performed on the page group.
    I search on the API but I didn't found any function allowing to purge a page group.
    My question is : Is it on the API a function allowing to purge a page group ? Does anyone have a solution ?
    Thanks in advance, Eddy.

    By purging I assume you mean 'clean up' items that are either expired or deleted?
    If so, unfortunately the only way to do this in 9.0.4 and below is through the page group admin UI. For the next release we are planning a new delete item API that (in combination with views that allow to query for items in these states) will let you do this.

  • OAS v10.1.2 Ultra Search - Page Group Missing When Setting Up Portal Data

    We're on version 10.1.2 but in the process of upgrading to 10.1.4.
    In Ultra Search, when I try to set up a Portal Data Source, I can't see all the Page Groups in the portal. Is this somehow related to the ACL for the Page Group ... or individual pages? I can see most but not all, and specifically not the one I want.
    Any suggestions would be great!

    I blundered onto the answer to my issue by trial and error.
    When setting up the root page for a page group, if you wish it to be accessible to Ultra Search to be part of a Portal Data Source, you must ensure that the "Display Page To Public Users" check box is checked. The "Enable Item Level Security" checkbox can also be checked, e.g, they are not mutually exclusive.

  • Duplicate Page Group

    i want to duplicate my page group on the same repository, my oracle portal version is 10.1.4.
    is this doable or not and if so please tell me how?

    It is not possible, you will need to create a new page group.
    If you have plsql knowledge then you can use api to create pages and itens, it would be like copying it.

  • JPDK - Page/Page Group Properties????

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to the JPDK, so forgive me if this is a dumb question: I've looked through all the documentation (I think) and samples, and cannot seem to find any API's that deal with retrieving or setting page properties (page description, display name, etc.) or page group properties. Do they exist? I know I can call the PL/SQL API's from Java...or go to the tables directly....but aren't very elegant solutions. This seems like such a basic need for portlet I missing something??
    Confused in California,

    Hi Wayne,
    You can change a page's page group's properties from portal itself.
    When you edit a page (by clicking on the page's "Edit" link), you will see a Page "Properties" link. Here you can change the page name, style, access rights for this page etc. You can also change the Page Group's Properties from here itself.
    As for an API, there is definitely an API which Portal uses to accomplish this, but this API is not exposed for public usage.
    For more information on Portal's PL/SQL Public API's, click on this link:

  • Page group approval process

    Is there any way that one can set Approvals and Notifications on a page group as 'enabled' through APIs?
    Added to this, is there anyway to set the Approval Routing List through APIs?

    Hi Naxtazzmataur,
    I don't believe you can do that programmatically, this is how you modify a page
    However if you use the CMEF you could instead use BPEL for your content approvals, that way you have total control over the approval chain.

  • User and Group Security Provisioning

    I have a question regarding Group security in Planning. I am using EPM system 11. My basic question is, if I create a new Planning user (interactive user with no default access to dimensions), and assign that user to a Planning group, does the user automatically inherit all the dimension access assigned to that Group? From my experience, it seems that I must explicitly assign each User access to the dimensions they should be able to Read or Write, and that simply adding them to a group that has been given Write access to the Expense Account (for example) does not give a newly added user to that Group Write access.
    A quick note - when creating new Users, I first create and provision them in Shared Services. However, in order to be able to log in with them, I must recreate the user in EAS's User Directory. This seems redundant to make a user twice, but is the only way I am able to successful login with new users, otherwise the Planning login page says "failed to sync with user provisioning". I have not done this same procedure for the Groups I have created (i.e. I have made and provisioned the Groups in Shared Services, but not recreated them in EAS). Is it possible that this is why Users aren't inherittiing the access rights of the Group? I can provide more information if needed, any help or comments are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    user3x3 wrote:
    1) EAS method is to open EAS, then open the Essbase Server Node, right-click on security, and click Externalize Users. When I do this there is no right-click option to externalize the users, and since it can only be done once and then not reversed I assume the previous administrator already did this. Since this is not availalbe, I must use the second method.
    If you log in with an administrator account you should see the "Externalize Users" option even if you have already externalized.
    I take it you did not configure your system, I take it was documented so you could have a look how it was configured.
    If essbase is on a different server than shared services then maybe the essbase server was not registered with the shared services registry when it was configured, that might the reason why you are getting the shared services error when you try to convert to shared services security, basically it doesn't know where shared services is. If that is the case then it will need to be configured again.

Maybe you are looking for

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