Page navigation glitch

I have one course that is not behaving itself. About 10
slides in I have a slide with a flash animation running in the
corner - There are several animations (using AS2) previous to this
with same settings and behaving well. On this slide though when I
click next page - the page opens as normal and then a second later
everything fades out and it jumps back to the first title slide.
I've tried copying the slides into a new file, removing all
objects from the slide but still the glitch occurs. I also get what
looks like a white brush stroke blotting out a region of the title
slide when it re-opens as though there is an undefined white blob
on the slide, this object reoccurs in a couple of slides.
Anyone getting the same - is this another bug to raise?

Hi Nick
Double check the slide where that's happening as well as the
next slide. You want to look at the Slide Properties.
Captivate 4 added new capabilities here. There are actions
that may be assigned to be carried out on slide entry as well as on
slide exit. I'm thinking perhaps you have a slide that has an
action configured to restart.
Cheers... Rick

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    <p>Looking at your code it appears that you are storing the ReportSource in session prior to passing in the ResultSet. This will create a problem when a postback is made on  the viewer page (which all of the viewer actions do). If you look at the sample code which is generated when you use the JSP Page Wizard you will notice that the ResultSet is passed to the ReportClientDocument object prior to it being stored in session. Then, when the page is called again this object is retrieved and the ReportSource is used by the viewer. You can quickly run the test using one of our sample reports to see what I am talking about. The code below was generated using the Consolidated Balance Sheet.rpt and did not experience any problems doing any of the viewer actions.</p><%@page import="com.businessobjects.samples.JRCHelperSample,<br />,<br />com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.ReportClientDocument,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />java.sql.Connection,<br />java.sql.DriverManager,<br />java.sql.ResultSet,<br />java.sql.SQLException,<br />java.sql.Statement"%><%<br /><br /><br />    try {<br /><br />        String reportName = "Sample Reports/Consolidated Balance Sheet.rpt";<br />        ReportClientDocument clientDoc = (ReportClientDocument) session.getAttribute(reportName);<br /><br />        if (clientDoc == null) {<br /><br />            clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();<br />            <br />            // Open report<br />  , OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);<br /><br />  <br />            {<br />                // **** POPULATE MAIN REPORT ****<br />                {<br />                     // Connection Info for fetching the resultSet<br />                    String connectStr = "jdbc:derby:classpath:/Xtreme";<br />                    String driverName = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";<br />                    String userName = "dbuser";        // TODO: Fill in database user<br />                    String password = "dbpassword";    // TODO: Fill in valid password<br /><br />                    String query = "SELECT CUSTOMER_NAME FROM APP.CUSTOMER WHERE COUNTRY = &#39;Australia&#39;";<br /><br />                    <br />                    String tableAlias = "FINANCIALS";        // TODO: Change to correct table alias<br /><br />                     <br />                    JRCHelperSample.passResultSet(clientDoc, fetchResultSet(driverName, connectStr, userName, password, query),<br />                        tableAlias, "");<br />                }<br /><br /><br />            }<br />        <br />            // Store the report document in session<br />            session.setAttribute(reportName, clientDoc);<br /><br />        }<br /><br /><br />            {<br />                // Create the CrystalReportViewer object<br />                CrystalReportViewer crystalReportPageViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();<br /><br />                //    set the reportsource property of the viewer<br />                IReportSource reportSource = clientDoc.getReportSource();                <br />                crystalReportPageViewer.setReportSource(reportSource);<br /><br />                // set viewer attributes<br />                crystalReportPageViewer.setOwnPage(true);<br />                crystalReportPageViewer.setOwnForm(true);<br /><br />                // Process the report<br />                crystalReportPageViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, application, null); <br /><br />            }<br />            <br /><br />    } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {<br />        out.println(e);<br />    } <br />    <br />%><%!<br />// Simple utility function for obtaining result sets that will be pushed into the report.  <br />// This is just standard querying of a Java result set and does NOT involve any <br />// Crystal JRC SDK functions. <br /><br />    private static ResultSet fetchResultSet(String driverName,<br />            String connectStr, String userName, String password, String query) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {<br /><br />        //Load JDBC driver for the database that will be queried    <br />        Class.forName(driverName);<br /><br />        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectStr, userName, password);<br />        Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);<br /><br />        //Execute query and return result sets<br />        return statement.executeQuery(query);<br /><br />}%><p>Try using the code generated from the wizard to see if it works for you as well. </p><p>Regards,<br />Sean Johnson (CR4E Product Manager) </p>

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    Hi Soofi !
    Changing block order in the called form does not affect the navigation between tab pages.
    Note in my question that the resulting undesired navigation is to and from the calling form ( which only has one block ).
    Navigation between items and blocks works as expected.
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    Thanks for your interest.

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    Message was edited by:

    Hello, maybe if u declare a sessionbean variable as string, in the page u want to open thew tab, in init() you must call the session bean withh the name of the tab u are calling, for example:
    i hope it can help

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    I resolved the above issue by removing the call to method setProductLocale in jsp file (which was really unnecessary in code as product locale is meant to set languange for crystal report design environment ).
    Actually the problem was I had set locale at two place
                    1. using setLocale method of ReportClientDocument object) after the initialization of report client document object
                    2. using setProductLocale method of CrystalReportViewer object after the initialization of Crystal Report Viewer  object
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    Is there anyway to resolve this? Most of the members of her club have Windows based PCs and are using IE7.
    Message was edited by: cviz821

    Yes, Javascript is running on IE7 and other java script applets appear to be working with the exception of the Navbar script.
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    Message was edited by: cviz821

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    Hi terpenoid,
    Have you tried Read Mode yet ( under the View menu)?  It displays a nivagation bar at the bottom of the PDF with next/previous page, zoom in/out, etc.
    Hope this helps,
    WindJack Solutions

  • JSF 2.0 page navigation vs direct page access

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    I've also read articles that say the way to fix this is to add security-constraints to web.xml that prevent "direct access" to pages, when you want your user to follow a page flow, such as start on page1.xhtml, then page2.xthml, then end on page2.xhtml. If page3.xhtml depends on page2.xhtml, the articles I've read say that a security constraint prevents users from simply requesting page3.xhtml out of sequence.
    And what happens if the page you are on encounters an error or the session times out, which page handles that? The one you're on, or the one from before that forwarded you to the page you're on?
    In this example, should page2.xhtml and page3.xhtml go in the root of the webapps directory, or in a directory under WEB-INF?

    A session timeout should actually net a view expiry exception.
    You do know that JSF 2.0 made page navigation that bit easier by not requiring you to do the XML configuration? There is now a convention built in plus some new components to add GET enabled requests to the JSF lifecycle (notably h:button and h:link). If you have an action method that returns the following:
    public String doSomething(){
      return "something";
    }then JSF will by default want to render a view 'something.xhtml' when you don't define any navigation rules. If you want to make that a redirect you can do this:
    public String doSomething(){
      return "something?faces-redirect";
    }(of course this is a prime target to turn into a utility method on a backing bean base class).
    Navigation rules are still necessary when you want to put views in a subdirectory, but at least this way you can greatly simplify general cases. Other than that I can only say: research research research because this material is vital to understand if you want to be productive using the framework; navigation and the 6 JSF lifecycle phases are two items you should put on the top of your list to hammer out until you really get it. A good JSF book will help you immensely there. Balusc's blog is also a good source of deeper understanding:
    Most of his articles are on JSF 1.2 but most of the information still applies.
    Oh and its no surprise that you're a bit confused - this framework is not easy to pick up especially when you don't know any other web frameworks. If you keep running into a wall you should consider checking out something else like Wicket or Play framework. It might just be that JSF simply isn't the tool for the job you're trying to do.

  • JSF page navigation under WEB-INF

    If page navigation starts on index.xhtml, and then forwards to page2.xhtml, how can I then forward from page2.xhtml to page3.xhtml?
    class Controller {
    public String gotopagetwo(){
    return "/WEB-INF/pages/page2";
    public String gotopagethree(){
    return "/WEB-INF/pages/page3";
    h:commandButton id="submit" value="Submit" action="#{con.gotopagetwo}"></h:commandButton>
    h:commandButton id="submit" value="Submit" action="#{con.gotopagethree}"></h:commandButton>

    I don't think so....
    If u read is u will know....
    what I got is
    HTTP Status 404 - /abc/WEB-INF/jsp/main.jsf

  • Need help with page navigation

    I've got a database where records are retrieved and displayed in a repeating region.  I've added page navigation to it because I'm getting enough records in the database that scrolling through them all on a single page is getting to be a very big page.  The page navigation works as far as the first page goes.  I get the correct records on the first page based on my selection critiera.  However, when a result set spans multiple pages, when I hit 'next page', instead of going to the second page based on the search critiera, the records displaying on the second page are the records that would be on the section page if I selected every record in the database.
    My search critiera is pretty complex, so I have not found a way to develop it inside of the recordset definition panel in DW, but I have attempted to recreate the page from scratch and I'm getting the same result each time.
    Does anyone have a snippet of code to make the pagination work correctly?
    This is the code that DW put in there:
    maxRows_rs_results = 10;
    $pageNum_rs_results = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_results'])) {
      $pageNum_rs_results = $_GET['pageNum_rs_results'];
    $startRow_rs_results = $pageNum_rs_results * $maxRows_rs_results;
    $queryString_rs_results = "";
    if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
      $newParams = array();
      foreach ($params as $param) {
        if (stristr($param, "pageNum_rs_results") == false &&
            stristr($param, "totalRows_rs_results") == false) {
          array_push($newParams, $param);
      if (count($newParams) != 0) {
        $queryString_rs_results = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
    $query_limit_rs_results = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rs_results, $startRow_rs_results, $maxRows_rs_results);
    $rs_results = mysql_query($query_limit_rs_results, $dqdb) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rs_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_results);
    if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rs_results'])) {
      $totalRows_rs_results = $_GET['totalRows_rs_results'];
    } else {
      $all_rs_results = mysql_query($query_rs_results);
      $totalRows_rs_results = mysql_num_rows($all_rs_results);
    $totalPages_rs_results = ceil($totalRows_rs_results/$maxRows_rs_results)-1;

    I've put some echo statements into my code to figure out what it is doing and I can see why I'm getting the results I'm getting, but I don't know how to fix it.
    Here's a description of my site.  A user has a select form where they can select records matching their critiera.  There are over 30 attributes that can be selected.  None of them can be selected and that results in every record in the database being displayed.  Any combination of the attributes can be selected and that results in the set of records that match that criteria.
    There is one caveat.  One of the attributes has multiple possible values.  Any given record will only have one value for that attribute, but the selection critiera may include multiple values of that attribute.  So in the middle of the string of "<value = > and <value = >",  I have  "and (<value = > OR <value = > OR....) and <value=>". You can see the actual select statement I have built in a previous discussion I started.
    I'm not a sophisticated php programmer or DW user for that matter, so I don't know how to build an array to capture my record data and then read the array to display the page.  It would be simpler if the selection critiera wasn't so complex - I have found several snippets of code that work well with simple select statements, but I have not been able to adjust them to work with this kind of selection possibility.
    So what I see happening is that after the first mysql statement correctly retrieves the results set, the code to set the select statement is executed again.  But at this second time through, the $_POST values from my form are no longer set to correctly build the select statement.  I thought I might save the select statement and use some if/else logic to circumvent this, but all variables seem to be getting reset when the logic goes back up to the top of the code.
    I hope I'm describing this clearly enough to generate some helpful responses.

  • Page navigation or Auto_incremental php url

    I need a page navigation with links to first previous next and last i know that there is an option to add page navigation through dreamweaver from the inset data tab
    But the problem is that when ever I add the navigation bar to the page and view it in the browser it gives an error with the number of the line which caused the error and when I view that line I find that the codes which were there are deleted.
    the line actually contains some recordset codes which I can't remove as I have worked hard to make them do a specific thing.
    So I decided to creat a navigation bar myself the and i made a url parameter to do that here it is
    this link causes the page to show the next set of posts but the problem is it just shows all the posts on the second page as the value of pageNum_Recordset1 on the first page is zero(0)
    Now the portion in the red is the problem I want it to be auto_incremental such that the value of pageNum_Recordset1 should change from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on plz help I thins its qute easy but I m not getting it and I have tried my best to explain the problem but if u r not able to then let me know I will explain again.

    Several components are action components. You can associate these components with action methods. When a user clicks on the action component the page is submitted to the server and the associated action method (if any) is called and the result of that action method (the return value) determines where to go next.
    The hyperlink offers the option of a url or an action handler . If you specify an action handler then the hyperlink works like any action component, as described above.
    However, if you specify a url instead, then the page is not submitted. The server simply serves up the page specified by the url.
    Because the page is not submitted, no action methods or any other methods get invoked.
    Have I explained that clearly?
    If not, here is more information:

  • How to use Partial Page Navigation

    according to Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework section 7.4.1 How to Use Partial Page Navigation,
    I set '' to 'on' in the web.xml.
    and in the jspx, I use af:commandNavigationItem to navigation and set the tag 'partialSubmit' attribute to true.
    But it does not work. does anybody know how to use this feature?

    the question is "what does not work". Partial Page Navigation is there to improve performance on page navigation. So if you navigate from page1 using a navigation case to end up at page 2 then the outcome of the command action's action property should match the navigation case name.

  • When i am logging to my company intranet site for every page navigation it is asking for credentials

    When i am logging to my company intranet site for every page navigation it is asking for credentials

    Also, if the navigation works most of the time but you are prompted for every single image, I suggest restarting Firefox and trying again.
    The following also might help in that situation: When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    Alternately, you also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
    If you have a large hard drive, this might take a few minutes.
    (2) Remove the site's cookies (save any pending work first). While viewing a page on the site:
    * right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    * Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    Then try reloading the page. Does that help?

Maybe you are looking for