Pager geometry in console mode

In console mode (login with username >console) how can I change the pager geometry?  For example, top, more and vi all take a 100 column x 36 line portion of the available screen real estate.  I have something like 204x56 available.

I do not use the Mac OS X >console interface, and I know very little about it.
First, stty talks to the terminal drivers, not the terminal emulator.  With Terminal or iTerm2, it would be talking to the /dev/tty drivers.  However, I do not know what code provides >console character I/O support.
ioctl(fd, TIOCSWINSZ, &struct) is used to get and set the character driver window size.  That fact that is it not supported means that whatever >console is using as a character driver is very limited.  Much more limited that the /dev/tty drivers.
It is possible (as in I'm guessing) that the >console interface is hardcoded to provide a minimal interface, and 100x35 was good enough for all Mac display units so it was a lowest common dominator.  Again just speculating.
/usr/share/terminfo/* value were orignally created when there were real physical terminals connected via RS232 serial cables, and you had to choose the correct entry to match what your physical terminal was, or else the software tried to do things the physical terminal could not do.  In the terminal emulator world, the software is a bit more flexible, but not infinitely so.  Anyway, choosing a different TERM environment variable to use a different /usr/share/terminfo/* entry is not going to make the >console emulator do things it was not coded to do.  But feel free to try it   It couldn't hurt, and you might get lucky.
Some Unix programs and utilities will check environment variables such as
although this is not universal.
The universal Unix terminal size interface information is provided by the ioctl(fd,TIOCSWINSZ,&struct) interface as used by the stty command.  Anything else is a workaround and would be on a program-by-program basis.
I'm not trying to be discouraging, expecially since I do not use the >console interface, and have not learned any tricks that might work in that environment.  I have spent a lot of time using real physical terminals (real VT100's amoung them), and lots and lots of terminal emulators.  The information I have learned about the different layers in that environment is what I'm trying to pass back to you.

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    Step1. Navigate to MW_HOME/wlserver/common/bin
    Step2. execute "./ -mode=console"
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    Am I missing something?  Has anyone faced this problem before.
    Any thoughts on this would be helpful  !!
    Shiva Shankar B N

    Weblogic 12C (12.1.2 to be precise), currently does not support console mode Domain creation. It supports only GUI mode and Silent mode.
    Possible solution to create a 12.1.2  Weblogic domain fully qualified enough to deploy ADF Applications :
    1. Install Xming, and enable X11 forwarding on Putty
    2. Silent Mode installation: The Configuration wizard. ./ -mode=silent  -silent_script=xyz . Yes, it needs a silent script, not silent.xml. I did not try this way and instead resorted to WLST.  Still there are not enough blogs that clearly tell you how to install domain based on JRF template. I stumbled upon a similar OTN forum post.
    Here is the bunch of WLST commands if anyone is interested
    # Open a domain template. 
    # Update the domain to enable the WebLogic Server domain with JRF and EM. 
    # Configure the Administration Server and SSL port. 
    # To enable access by both local and remote processes, you should not set the 
    # listen address for the server instance (that is, it should be left blank or not set). 
    # In this case, the server instance will determine the address of the machine and 
    # listen on it. 
    set('ListenPort', 7001) 
    set('Enabled', 'True') 
    set('ListenPort', 7002) 
    # Define the user password for weblogic. 
    # Please set password here before using this script, e.g. cmo.setPassword('value') 
    # Create and configure a JDBC Data Source, and sets the JDBC user.   Provide the Schema Credentials of the Service table
    # Get RCU Configuration using RCU service table (STB) schema credentials 
    set('PasswordEncrypted', 'schemaPassword') 
    set('UseXADataSourceInterface', 'false') 
    # Write the domain and close the domain template. 
    setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') 
    # Exit WLST. 
    Hoping to write a blog post soon..
    Shiva Shankar B N

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    Error creating Parameter:MaxEntrTasks for Comp:RepAgent in CompGroup:Remote
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    Strict Flag set to FALSE, continuing with the next Object...
    Error creating Parameter:AllowAnonUsers for Comp:eMarketObjMgr_enu in CompGroup:MktgOM
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    Make sure that your network uses DNS naming.
    This error occurs when a machine is not correctly configured to use DNS naming. The default fully qualified host and domain name presented during installation is not correct.
    To successfully install, you need to provide a fully qualified domain name that consists of a local host name along with its domain name.
    for example yoursystem is a host name and is a fully qualified domain name.

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    Thanks in advance,

  • Strange Error During Page Load in Debug Mode (only) - Please Help!

    Hi All,
    Data base version: oracle 11g
    Apex version: Apex 4.1.1
    Webserver: Apache
    Need help with how to troubleshoot a Critical problem. The following error only occurs during page load in "Debug" mode. And, only occurs on a specific page within the application. A web page is served-up containing the following message and the application is blocked from running the page. The browser's (IE 8.0) back button must be clicked to proceed outside of "Debug" mode.
    "Error occurred while painting error page: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"
    Debug log follows:
    "S H O W: application="2006" page="6" workspace="" request="" session="500549669426301"
    Computation point: Before Header
    ...Perform computation of item: APP_SERVER, type=FUNCTION_BODY
    ...Performing function body computation
    ...Execute Statement: declare function x return varchar2 is begin return owa_util.get_cgi_env('SERVER_NAME'); return null; end; begin wwv_flow.g_computation_result_vc := x; end;
    ......Result =
    ...Session State: Save "APP_SERVER" - saving same value: ""
    Processes - point: BEFORE_HEADER
    ...Process "GET_POSITION" - Type: PLSQL
    ...Execute Statement: begin wwv_flow.g_boolean := :F109_POSITION_ID IS NULL and :APP_PAGE_ID != 101; end;
    ......Result = FALSE
    ......Skip because condition or authorization evaluates to FALSE
    ...Process "Get JARS Sifter Log File Record Count" - Type: PLSQL
    ...Execute Statement: begin DECLARE vcnt NUMBER := 0; BEGIN d('Get JARS Sifter Log File Record Count'); Select count(*) into vcnt From JARS.JARS_SIFTER_LOG Where moveid = to_number(:P6_MOVEID) and sifter_status IN ('F','J'); :F1000_P6_SIFTER_LOG_COUNT := to_char(vcnt); END; end;
    Custom: Get JARS Sifter Log File Record Count
    ...Process "Set PTM Planned Trip Status" - Type: PLSQL
    ......Skip because condition or authorization evaluates to FALSE
    ...compatibility mode - do not set mime type
    ...compatibility mode - do not set additional http headers
    ...close http header
    ...metadata, fetch item type settings
    ...metadata, fetch items
    Show page template header
    Rendering form open tag and internal values
    Add error onto error stack
    ...Error data:
    ......message: Error processing request.
    ......additional_info: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ......display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE
    ......is_internal_error: true
    ......apex_error_code: APEX.UNHANDLED_ERROR
    ......ora_sqlcode: -6502
    ......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW", line 3027 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW", line 7867
    ...Show Error on Error Page
    ......Performing rollback
    Rendering form open tag and internal values
    ...Unhandled Error while painting error page: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ...Error Backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW", line 2707 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_ERROR", line 185
    End Page Rendering"

    It appears that the page Javascript maximum limit size was reached. The error stopped appearing after some of the page Javascript code was removed out to Application Static Files. I wonder if there exists any "direct" indicator by the system whenever the size limit has been reached?
    Again, the run error only occurred when the page was loaded in "Debug" mode.

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    Configure JDBC Data Sources:
    Edit the configuration of JDBC data sources. A data source contains a pool of database connections. Applications look up a data source in the JNDI tree, request a
    connection, use it, and return it to the connection pool.
    | Name |
    1->| SOADataSource |
    2| EDNLocalTxDataSource |
    3| mds-soa |
    4| wlsbjmsrpDataSource |
    5| mds-owsm |
    6| EDNDataSource |
    7| SOALocalTxDataSource |
    8| OraSDPMDataSource |
    Use above value or select another option:
    1 - Modify
    2 - Discard Changes
    ** CFGFWK-60050: Property "ConfirmUserPasswordEncrypted" of JDBCDriverParams "" is invalid.
    ** CFGFWK-64014: The property value is required.
    I understand that we need to give the encrypted schema password. but how to create encrypted password.

    Hi Anuj,
    I go through the below url link, and I accepted SOADataSource default values, but i ma getting "ConfirmUserPasswordEncrypted" of JDBCDriverParams "" is invalid error. I think we need to enter the Encrypted password for DB schema. Oracle don't given SOA domain creation in unix console mode. I got struck on my development environment, Please help me on this.
    SOA+OSB 11g in same domain (linux)

  • Console font size in console mode Arch x86_64

    i do fresh install Archlinux 2013 x86_64. so i see some change btwin that and 2011, any way , everythings work OK, fast (KDE) but sometime i need work in console mode (ctrl+alt+f1) but i cant change resolution of console font, because now is settingsome basic and so big. i have nvidia card and drivers. i try read ths but i cant find some solutions how setting everything with grub2 etc. in my old laptop i have arch 2011 and grub1 but everything work OK include console font, that was much better to setting, in that arch i cant find any working solution, so please help me if somebody know about this.
    Last edited by H20 (2013-03-01 20:44:07)

    [ 15.458823] NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console
    [ 15.458830] NVRM: on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver
    [ 15.458834] NVRM: requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console
    [ 15.458838] NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in
    [ 15.458841] NVRM: corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.
    I suspect that it's still the case. You may even have this message in your own dmesg.
    Switch console to VGA mode and use xterm instead.
    This has nothing to do with resolution setting in a framebuffer, which is what the title of the thread suggests.
    I'm pretty sure it does - it looks like the console is being switched to VGA text mode; nvidia has no reason to touch fonts.
    Last edited by mich41 (2013-03-01 21:40:35)

  • Domain configuration fails in console mode

    Hi everybody,
    I've got a problem trying to configure a domain based on Portal Template.
    If I use the wizard all works fine but if I try to use the custom mode I get a Security Configuration error.
    It happens but I didn't change any security parametrs, I'd not added users or groups, I didn't enter in security session.
    Did anyone get the same problem?
    My system is a Solaris (I get the error with both 9 and 8 version) on Sun Spark and Weblogic Platform 8.1
    Thanks a lot

    There is no console mode in WebLogic 12.1.2. It has been remove.
    See MOS note: "WebLogic Server 12.1.2 Generic Install Jar File Fails To Recognize Console Install Mode (Doc ID 1577869.1)"
    Regards Peter

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    you don't know how hard this was to find! you are a savior niel.
    Macbook Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Macbook Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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    I have already checked for VA02 -> Line item -> Environment ->changes.  It show changes related to fields available in VA02.
    But it is not showing changes related to Serial number change.
    I have also checked with table CDHDR, CDPOS. But the data related to change in serial number of SO line item is not captured in those tables also.
    Is there any other way to know?

  • Save each page as PDF naming mod

    I had an issue I needed help with a while back, now I need to mod the script.
    Here's the original post
    Peter Kahrel, ""Save each page as PDF" naming mod?" #1, 16 Jan 2008 8:00 am
    I have a 456 page document that was made from a data merge. It has a background image, a foreground image and a job number/description.
    I need to save each page out as a jpg and name the file with the contents of the "jobnumber" text box. Previously Peter Kahrel helped me out tremendously with a little function that looked at the job number (which was always PNXX-xxxx) and swapped it out with the real job number.
    Now the contents of the jobnumber field isn't structured, i.e., "AvocadoSwirl_V", or "BurntSienna_G".
    Is there a way to set a script label for the "jobnumber" text box and just name the output file whatever is in there?
    Here is the existing script:
    var destinationFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Choose a Folder");
    var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item("WebVidOverlay");
    doc = app.activeDocument;
    doc.sections.everyItem().includeSectionPrefix = false;
    app.findTextPreferences = null;
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = 'pnxx^9^9^9^9';
    found = doc.findText();
    for (i = 0; i < found.length; i++ )
    f = File (destinationFolder + "/" + found[i].contents + '.pdf');
    app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = found[i].parentTextFrames[0];
    doc.exportFile (ExportFormat.pdfType, f, false, myPDFExportPreset);
    As always, Thanks a million,

    >Does that sound do-able?
    Most things are doable, provided that your information is precise: first you say that pages may or may not have a text frame labelled "jobnumber" and that that frame may or may not have text in it (your post can be read like that anyway). Now you say that every page has a text frame labelled "jobnumber" and that that frame can be filled with either of three text strings. Or maybe all three strings? You say
    >then I should be able save each file with the names "Avocado.jpg", "Burnt Sienna.jpg" and "pnga-0431.jpg" respectively.
    Or do you mean "save each file with the names "Avocado.jpg", "Burnt Sienna.jpg" _OR_ "pnga-0431.jpg" respectively."? The way you phrased it, it looks as if you want to save three files from a page. But your example shows that you meant "or", not "and".
    But anyway, the last two lines of your example appear to make clear what you want. The attached script exports each page of the active document to JPG, using the contents of the text frame labelled "jobnumber" on that page. The script assumes that each page has such a text frame and that there is something in it, and that whatever is in it provides a legal file name. It doesn't do any error checking/catching at all.
    app.jpegExportPreferences.resolution = 300;
    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportRange;
    app.activeDocument.sections.everyItem().includeSectionPrefix = false;
    path = app.activeDocument.filePath + '/';
    p = app.activeDocument.pages.everyItem().getElements();
    for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
      jpg_name = p[i].textFrames.item ('jobnumber').contents + '.jpg';
      app.jpegExportPreferences.pageString = p[i].name;
      app.activeDocument.exportFile (ExportFormat.jpg, File (path + jpg_name));

  • How can I exit console mode?

    I attempted to bring up the Force Quit dialog while logged in. To do so, I pressed Command-Option-Escape. When I did so, I was logged out, and my iMac entered what seems to be console mode. I received a message with the date and imac getty: dev/console: Operation not supported by device. I received no further prompts, and typing exit (or anything else) has no result. Booting off of my cloned backup has the same result. This screen appears after the boot panel with the progress bar, but does not let me get to the desktop. Any and all assistance with exiting this and getting my iMac to boot normally is greatly appreciated.
    Mac mini, 1.42GHz G4, 512MB RAM, Superdrive, 80GB HD; iMac 20'' 2.0GHz G5, 512MB RAM, Airport + BT   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Problem solved - archive and install did the trick.

  • Page incomplete in edit mode

    I use frames, and when attempting to edit one of the frames, the correct frame comes up but it is incomplete with about 50%missing. I suspect this may be from a far earlier version of the page. So how do I get to the current page to edit. If you go to you'll see the opening page. However, the editing version stops after the bulleted points, with no mention of the blog reference nor the chart about licensing.

    If you place a frame in edit mode, only the contents inside that frame will be placed in edit mode.
    Also please share the screenshot of the page placed in edit mode, this might help in understanding the issue better.

  • How to move to GUI mode from Console mode in Solaris 10

    Hai gusys...
    I have installed solaris 10 to my computer and it installed successfully...
    the thing is in i can not move to gui mood from the console mode...
    Any one can help me out to solve this task...

    This is curious, since a simple program similar to what is described is known to work. I've modified the standard sample program examples/cxx/EnvExample.cpp C++ to use an in-memory database, DB_SYSTEM_MEM, and DB_TXN_NOSYNC. The "Device busy" symptom occurs if the close of the environment handle is bypassed. I have not been able to reproduce the DB_RUNRECOVERY error.
    How does the program's use of Berkeley DB different from what is provided in EnvExample.cpp?
    Is it possible to send me the relevant portions of it?
    Charles Koester
    Oracle Berkeley DB

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