Pages and spellchecker

Hello i have a big problem with pages and i couldnt find a way to solve it. i use turkish language and while working with pages it does not correct the mistakes as turkish is not in the languages that apple provide spellchecker. i downloaded openoffice but i didnt understan how to use that in order to make spellchecker work on pages. please helpppp

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    Added Note: AT&T home page returned. Still need Tool Bar. Troubleshooting information from Firefox help for Tool Bar below. Also info to restore Refresh and Home icon below.

    This is the answer from Firefox Help to get Tool Bar back up:
    Why are the menus (File, Edit, View, etc.) missing?
    If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you now have an orange Firefox button that takes the most common functions and puts them in one menu.
    To temporarily show the old style menus, just press the Alt key.
    To have them shown all the time, right-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip and check Menu Bar in the pop-up menu.
    Menu Bar - Win
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    Try the following:
    close iWeb.
    delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your Home/Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If that doesn't help continue with:
    move the domain file from your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
    launch iWeb, create a new test site, save the new domain file and close iWeb.
    go to the your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and delete the new domain file.
    move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    launch iWeb and try again.

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    Sync Contacts:
    Your contacts are being synced with you iPhone over the air from iCloud. Over-the-air sync settings can be changed on you iPhone
    Sync Calendars:
    Your calendars are being synced with you iPhone over the air from iCloud. Over-the-air sync settings can be changed on you iPhone

  • Adding new elements to a Master Page and sharing them to existing pages

    I need to include new navigation elements on the master page
    and I want it to show up on pages I've already created. I've added
    the new elements on a layer of their own which is part of the
    master page, but the Share Layer to Pages... option is dimmed.

    jcbluesman wrote:
    > I'm using CS4, Jim, and here's a link to the .png
    > (
    > The 3 tabs in the upper right on the master page are the
    ones I'm trying to
    > share across the existing pages. I created them in PS
    (also CS4), then imported
    > the .psd into this FW document, if that makes any
    > Thanks,
    > Jim
    OK there are two related as I see it.
    Each of your pages consists of a solid, opaque bitmap for a
    main image.
    Master Pages, by default, are at the bottom of the layer
    stack. Your
    tabs ARE present, you just can't see them because they are
    covered up by
    the bitmap.
    Assuming you don't have those page images as multi-object
    where you can edit the blue backgrounds, there are still two
    things you
    can do, both of which are pretty easy.
    Go into each page and temporarily reduce the opacity of Layer
    Use the marquee tool to draw a selection around the area of
    the tabs.
    Delete the selection.
    Return the lay back to full opacity.
    Try dragging the Master page to the top of the layer stack in
    each page.
    Hide or delete the Master page background.
    This option is a little trickier, but I was able to do it.
    Wait for the
    black bar to appear before you release the mouse. You may
    need to try
    this a few times before it works.
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Adobe Community Expert
    .:Author:. -
    Peachpit Press -
    Layers Magazine -

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

    "Clear the Cache": Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    See and

  • Firefox has remberd a password to a website ... chessatwork and I get loged in to my main page and when I click on any link it takes me right back to my log in page, where it has it stored.... password and user name,,, whats up and how do I turn that off?

    Firefox has remberd a password to a website ... chessatwork and I get loged in to my main page and when I click on any link it takes me right back to my log in page, where it has it stored.... password and user name,,, whats up and how do I turn that off? chessatwork has ran great for me for many yrs, then one day I down loaded firefox and went to play chess on this site, well the window popped up asking to remember the log in and pass word and so I said ok, and it did, but now when I click log in and I go to my main page (home) and click on any link, say to play game I return right back to log in

    See<br />
    Remove a saved password here: Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Saved Passwords" > "Show Passwords"
    You may also need to remove the cookies from that website.<br />
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

  • Just updated my iphone 4s to the new IOS6 and now my wifi is bringing up an itunes page and will not connect?

    i just updated my iphone 4s with the new IOS6 update and now everytime i try to connect to my wifi it brings me to the apple page and will not connect to the wifi at all.. someone please help

    I have the same problem, no way to change the old username in icloud on my ipad after update to ios7. Enybody knows a solution or where to look for a solution?

  • Problem with either fastestfox or tweaktube with youtube when it starts to download the second page and the second half of the preview panes and so on..(it will download the first 5 or so and the rest ill be blank)

    Mac 10.5.8, fire fox, 3.6.12, uninstalled all extensions, reinstalled all extensions, deleted cookies etc, I have continuously also received the message about java script not being installed properly even though I have uninstalled and reinstalled etc.. If I click on the next page instead or using fastestfox to open, it will open no problem!! But fastestfox was great for being fast! any ideas???

    I figured it out!
    I read a solution for something that sounded similar.
    Anyone in similar position:
    Open iTunes app on iPhone, and pick an option from bottom, such as music. Then scroll down to bottom of page and where your iTunes ID is, press on it, and pick sign out.
    Then return to home screen, and double press home button and press and hold on first icon showing, until a minus symbol appears in the top left of icons present. Press on each minus symbol on each app in turn, until all app icons have disappeared. Then Restart the phone by pressing and hold the home button and the on/off/standby button at top of phone, until the apple symbol appears in centre of blank screen.
    Swipe to turn phone fully on and open settings and scroll down to iTunes and apps option and tap that. Pick sign in and put in your apple ID, it will accept it and then return to home screen and open iTunes a you'll find it works fine
    Simple really, but some like me won't think f this themselves!
    Hope that helps

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