Pages stops column width, why?
This is the first screen shot. I made my first row with 4 columns and sized them exactly how I want them.
This next screen shot show you Pages stopping me from extending my column any further to the right, to match it up with my first row. I cannot pull that column border anymore, Pages literally stops the mouse. Why?
It gets even weirder. When I make 4 columns on the next row, just out of curiosity, it doesn't even let me extend the column to the same width as the previous row. What you see is the furthest it will allow me to extend the column.
Please help...FYI, there is only one table with multiple rows on this document and you can see that it's doing this on both columns on each side of the document.

There's a screenshot showing I'm really using Pages '09.
This screenshot shows the inspector with that particular column highlighted. The column width is grayed out, doesn't show me the width of the column, and doesn't allow me to edit the width of the column. Why?!
This screenshot shows the inspector with the next column highlighted. The column width is there, 0.88", and I can edit it if I want.
This screenshot shows the inspector with the first column highlighted in the 2nd row. Again, column width is grayed out, doesn't show me the width of the column, and doesn't allow me to edit the width of the column. Why?!
This screenshot shows the inspector with the next column highlighted in the 2nd row. Instead of showing the column width like it did on the 1st row, for whatever reason, this time it doesn't show the column width and it's grayed out. Why?!
Please tell me that there's a good reason for all this and that I'm doing it wrong.

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  • Jatble: setting column-width,why can't I do it here?

    public class SpieleTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
         * Creates a new instance of SpieleTableModel
        public SpieleTableModel() {
            addColumn(" Nr.");
            addColumn(" Name");
            addColumn(" max");
            addColumn(" is");
            addColumn(" startet");
            addColumn(" stoppedt");
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    getColumnModel() is not a method of DefaultTableModel:

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    Hi James,
    I see the scrollbars now but now I also see what you mean :(
    I think the easy fix is to create a class and apply it to
    every single
    td that has the text/image/heading to give them a fixed
    width! (Maybe
    only applying it to the top td's would do the trick... I'm
    really no
    good with tables)
    Hope it made some sense
    JamesFryer skrev:
    > Hi Kim,
    > Thanks for posting this link. I think it was Nadia who
    previously suggested I
    > implement the suggest edcode line to auto add the
    vertical scroll bar and avoid
    > an overall site shift problem I was having.
    > However I have now implemented this and am still getting
    the shift problem -
    > you will notice it is not the overall site (ie the
    bordered area) which is
    > shifting but the internal table columns. I believe I
    have set these column
    > widths in DW design view but this often proves
    problematic (pushing out the
    > width of the main table for no reason although this does
    not actually show when
    > previewed).
    > As such I hoped I would be able to control this through
    CSS - I don't believe
    > it's the same as the shifting problem...
    > Thanks again, J

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    It's just one of the many, many features that have been removed. It all appears to be deliberate, not an oversight. Leave feedback for the Pages team using the link in the Pages menu.

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    This was a great place for me to start
    Thank you
    I took profdant139's suggestions a bit further as my real goal was to have the "Document column" narrower. The goal to be able to see all the other document info that was usually hidden way out to the right
    To achieve my results I right clicked in the upper bar with the column names and chose from the drop down box "comments" column (as suggested). I then dragged it to the far right. This pushed all the other columns over.
    In the end of the day I ended up adding "Size" and "Date modified" columns as well to get my desired results.
    Remember one can move different columns around to be in the order you need by clicking on the column to get it active and then left click and drag it to where you want
    Another great thing is that by default (Using Mavericks) the date modified, opened,created columns have date and time. One can shrink them down to xx/xx/xx format by manually adjusting the column width like one does in Excel - click on column separator up top and drag
    Once all that is done, at least on my box, I closed it out and opened up a new finder window and everything was as I wanted.
    Thank you for the help  from the above helper to get me here

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    Which version of portal are you using. This is a bug. It has been fixed in 30984.

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    Whatever the version, you can click on the gutter figure and edit it.
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    • insert a Table;
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    Problematic case:
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    As long as you'll see students making graphics with pen on paper,
    you'll see the missing keystone of the software empire.

    Peter, Fruhulda, thank you for your analysis and confirmation.
    PeterBreis0807 wrote:
    I have noticed the same thing and have given up on it.
    It's a mess.
    I can't say it more politely .
    Let Apple know:
    As long as you'll see students making graphics with pen on paper,
    you'll see the missing keystone of the software empire.

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    Thanks in advance for your help!
    (In case it helps, the script I'm working on parses an unformatted inventory and parses it into paragraphs/tables.)

    Try this:
    set tableCount to 0
    --open file to be pased here, excluded for example
    tell application "Pages"
        set theDoc to (make new document)
        tell theDoc
            --makes paragraph styles used
            make new paragraph style with properties {name:"Folio", font name:"Times New Roman", font size:12, bold:true, alignment:left, space after:5, keep with next paragraph:true, space before:15}
            make new paragraph style with properties {name:"Place", font name:"Times New Roman", font size:12, bold:false, alignment:left, line spacing type:relative, line spacing:100}
            make new paragraph style with properties {name:"Description", font name:"Times New Roman", font size:12, bold:false, italic:true, alignment:left, line spacing type:relative, line spacing:100}
            make new paragraph style with properties {name:"Table", font name:"Times New Roman", font size:12, alignment:left, left indent:0.5, first line indent:0.0}
            --begin repeat, gathers MS info from one doc (unformatted) and writes it into another with formatting, setting variables directly for example
            set MSName to "new Manuscript"
            set MSPlace to "place where MS is stored"
            set MSDesc to "description of MS"
            set tableData to {{"folio", "title", "composer"}, {"", "subtitle", ""}, {"etc", "next", "next"}}
            --write paragraph information from earlier
            set currentPar to (make new paragraph at end of paragraphs with data MSName)
            set paragraph style of currentPar to "Folio"
            set currentPar to (make new paragraph at end of paragraphs with data MSPlace)
            set paragraph style of currentPar to "Place"
            set currentPar to (make new paragraph at end of paragraphs with data MSDesc)
            set paragraph style of currentPar to "Description"
            --create table, add data, and format
            tell application "System Events" to tell process "Pages"
                key code 125 using {command down} -- move the insertion point to the end
                tell menu bar 1
                    -- Insert a new table:
                    click menu item "Table" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Insert"
                    -- Delete the header row:
                    tell menu 1 of menu bar item "Format"
                        click menu item "Delete Row" of menu 1 of menu item "Table"
                    end tell
                    -- Show the Inspector:
                    tell menu 1 of menu bar item "View"
                        if menu item "Show Inspector" exists then
                            click menu item "Show Inspector"
                        end if
                    end tell
                end tell
                tell window 1 -- the Inspector window
                    click radio button 7 of radio group 1 -- select the Table Inspector
                    perform action "AXRaise" -- activate the Table Inspector
                    tell tab group 1 of group 1
                        click radio button "Table" -- select “Table”
                        -- Reduce width of all three columns:
                        repeat 3 times
                            set value of text field 2 to "0.5 in"
                            set focused of text field 2 to true
                            keystroke return
                            keystroke tab -- next column
                        end repeat
                        key code 126 -- the Up Arrow
                        -- Set width of each column:
                        repeat with theValue in {"0.75 in", "4.25 in", "1.5 in"}
                            set value of text field 2 to theValue
                            set focused of text field 2 to true
                            keystroke return
                            keystroke tab -- next column
                        end repeat
                        key code 126 -- the Up Arrow
                    end tell
                end tell
                keystroke "i" using {option down, command down} -- hide the Inspector
                -- Add the data:
                repeat with i from 1 to 3
                    set thisRow to item i of tableData
                    repeat with j from 1 to 3
                        keystroke (item j of thisRow)
                        if (i * j = 9) then exit repeat
                        keystroke tab
                    end repeat
                end repeat
            end tell
            set tableCount to tableCount + 1
            tell table tableCount
                set stroke width to 0.0
                set wrap to center
                set name to MSName
            end tell
            --after which it would continue with the next MS and repeat the process until all are done
        end tell
    end tell

  • PDF Export with fixed column widths ignores page break on Analysis item

    Hi experts,
    we use the column width modification to define fixed column width in a analysis item. On the same Web template we want to export the whole template including the analysis item to PDF format. First of all everything worked properly, but the fixed widths have not been applied to the PDF. According to [SAP Support Note 1336188|] and additional explainations from [SDN Thread 1558536|Column Width Modification not working in Print Version; we solved the problem.
    Unfortunately another problem arises. Our Analysis item delivers a big number of rows which extent multiple pages. By applying the export fix width parameter all page breaks are ignored, meaning that the analysis item is never shown completely in the PDF. We tried all parameter options of the Export Function without success. It seems that the EXPORT_FIX_WIDTH is just working for analysis items, which fit on one single page by length.
    Any ideas how to solve this?
    FYI, our XHTML code (Version SAP BW 7.0 SP 19):
    <bi:DATA_PROVIDER_REF value="DP_1" />
      <bi:MOD_SINGLE_MODULE type="COMPOSITE" index="1" >
      <bi:ACTIVE value="X" />
      <bi:MOD_SELECT type="CHOICE" value="MOD_GENERIC_MODULE" >
      <bi:MOD_REFERENCE value="" />
        <bi:MOD_PARAMETER type="COMPOSITE" index="1" >
          <bi:MOD_PARAM_NAME value="COLUMN_DEFAULT" />
          <bi:MOD_PARAM_VALUE type="CHOICE" value="INTEGER" >
            <bi:INTEGER value="50" />
        <bi:MOD_PARAMETER type="COMPOSITE" index="2" >
          <bi:MOD_PARAM_NAME value="EXPORT_FIX_WIDTH" />
          <bi:MOD_PARAM_VALUE type="CHOICE" value="BOOLEAN" >
            <bi:BOOLEAN value="X" />
    Any help and comments will be appreciated. Thank you!
    Best regards,

    Thank you!
    Unfortunately I didn't find any work around.

  • Why column width will not change

    What keeps the width of a column from being updated or
    I have a table that I want to adjust the width. I click the
    column to have it's properties visible and enter a new width in the
    properties panel, but the table remains with it's original width.
    Also, I get Width shown as a percentage and not a pixel
    measurement. Tried changing width attribute property from
    percentage to pixels. Did not work. I right clisked the column to
    "clear width" values. that did not work either.
    Also, drag and drop in design mode and moving the column
    width also has no effect. Is this a version bug?
    Jerry H

    Hi, see if this helps...
    Products Affected
    Mac OS X 10.5, Product Security, Safari 5.1 (Mac OS X 10.6), Safari 5.1 (OS X Lion)
    Safari 5.1.7 for OS X Lion, Safari 5.1.7 for OS X Snow Leopard, and Leopard Security Update 2012-003 disable out-of-date versions of Adobe Flash Player.
    Out-of-date versions of Adobe Flash Player do not include the latest security updates and will be disabled to help keep your Mac secure. If Safari 5.1.7 or Leopard Security Update 2012-003 detects an out-of-date version of Flash Player on your system, you will see a dialog informing you that Flash Player has been disabled. The dialog provides the option to go directly to Adobe's website, where you can download and install an updated version of Flash Player.
    Additional Information
    If you need to re-enable an out-of-date version of Flash Player, you can do the following:
        1.    Navigate to the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins (Disabled) folder.
        2.    Drag "Flash Player.plugin" into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins.
        3.    If the browser is running, quit and restart it.
    On the freeze, never been to FaceBook, but...
    Open Console in Applications>Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.

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