Pagina inicial padrão Default

Utilizo o Mozilla firefox como navegador padrão de toda a rede da empresa que é baseada em linux (ubuntu). A instalação do firefox foi feita "manualmente" no diretório "/opt/firefox" exatamente da forma que a Mozilla sugeri.
O que estou precisando é "setar" a pagina inicial (HOME) de todos com a minha intranet, consegui fazer essa alteração apenas quando o firefox é instalado pelo repositorios (apt-get) que você faz a alteração no /etc/firefox/syspref.js adicionando a linha:
. Gostaria de saber qual arquivo eu altero para fazer essa configuração, quando mando instalar no /opt/firefox , ou como fazer para que o firefox utilize o syspref.js do /etc para configura-lo.
Vi que o firefox cria uma pref.js quando o usuário faz login, mas ele cria uma parta K42dk.Default (numero aleatório). que da para configura-lo, mas para isso tenho que esperar o usuário fazer o primeiro login e eu quero fazer que a pagina inicial com a intranet, aparece no default, já no primeiro login do usuário... existe essa possibilidade ?!?
Desde já Agradeço.

Se na versão disponibilizada pelo ubuntu, você conseguiu fazer as alterações necessárias, por que não usá-la?

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    PS.: o google chrome exibe o seguinte erro:
    Erro 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Erro desconhecido.
    Talvez ajude a achar a solução para o problema.

    Olá Nalves,
    Por favor experimente rodar o seguinte antivirus e removedor de malware:
    * [ Malwarebytes]
    * [ Ferramenta TDSS]
    Certifique-se de selecionar para Remover arquivos maliciosos. Por favor nos informe o resultado do antivirus, e se isso resolve o seu problema.
    - Ralph

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    2) Já restaurei o padrão do Firefox com tudo desativado.
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    5) Antivirus atualizado e máquina aparentemente limpa de Malwares.
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    OBS: Posso fornecer mais dados para suporte.
    Agradeço desde já!!

    Obrigado mais uma vez Marco Aurélio!
    Na verdade eu encontrei a solução para o meu problema que lhes relato em seguida.
    Pude verificar que de todos os meus mecanismos de buscas, apenas dois não funcionavam, estes eram o Google e o Yahoo. Achei estranho e então pude verificar que não apenas estes mecanismos de buscas não estavam funcionando como também não pudia acessar a estes sites. E o estranho era que não conseguia acessá-los apenas no Firefox, pois no Chrome funcionava normalmente. Continuei verificando outros sites mais importantes e notei que também o Facebook estava indisponível no Firefox... Eu conseguia pingar esses sites pelo Prompt normalmente, então continuei pensando que poderia ser algum problema do Firefox mesmo e não de rede.
    Entretanto quando verifiquei que eu conseguia acessar o google pelo IP "" mas não pelo endereço tradicional "" passei a imaginar que poderia sim ser um problema de rede, tipo DNS ou no winsock. Então procurei um software de correção de problemas de rede disponível no Hiren's Boot CD, isto é, o Complete Internet Repair e assim que mandei resetar minhas configuração do winsock tudo se resolveu! O flush do DNS não resolveu neste caso, apesar de tudo indicar um problema de resolução de nomes.
    Então era isso.. Não um problema do Firefox, mas sim de rede.
    Abraços e obrigado mais uma vez.
    Filipe C. Almeida

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    The software package shall [SRD_XXXX] be verified by the operator.
    Where the "SRD_" is the label and "XXXX" is an auto-incrementing numeric value assigned to this requirement.

    > ... numbering to be 4 characters with leading zeroes, as it's
    > a standardized format. What hack would I have to use to do that?
    Search this forum on "leading zeros", for, example:
    Has anyone worked with US MIL-STD doc, and successfully generated page numbers in TOC?
    There are two approaches that I know of, both touched on in that old thread:
    Zeroes as tab leaders (trickier to set up, easier to maintain)
    Literal leading zeroes in a small suite of autonumbers (easier to set up, trickier to maintain)
    You'd have separate formats for SRD-000x, SRD-00xx, SRD-0xxx and SRD-xxxx and would need to
    mind break-points so you avoid things like SRD-00010 (extra digits).
    ... unless Adobe has added something to AN formatting since FM9 that I don't know about.
    > one reason I wanted to make them auto-incrementing was so I could add
    > some in between existing instances as necessary without having to renumber everything after.
    As isolated paras either in the main narrative or on reference pages, you can get this. Using cross-references is just a variation on the now-documented EndNote hack. As with EndNotes, the main risk is if you move the main narrative Xref, as it will then be out of order.
    But you can have in-narrative "isolated" paragraphs that look like words in the middle of a para, by using Run-In paragraph formats. In a para that looks like:
    The software package shall [SRD_XXXX] be verified by the operator
    would actually be three paragraphs run together.
    "The software package shall" is format, say, Body.Lead, Pagination <*> Run-In Head -- Default Punc {space}{left-bracket}
    "SRD_XXXX" is format, say, SRD, Pagination <*> Run-In Head -- Default Punc {right-bracket}{space}
    "be verified by the operator." is just normal Body
    Para format SRD would have whatever auto-number scheme you decide on.

  • I need help changing a drop down menu on a template

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    any help would be much appreciated
    below is the source code
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    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    /******* form's ********/
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              #form1 fieldset {
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                                            #form2 .error,
                                            #form2 .empty {
                        #form2 .buttons-wrapper {text-align:right; padding-top:40px; position:relative;}
                        #form2 .buttons-wrapper a { margin-left:30px;}
    .map {
              margin:0 0 26px;

    Hi -
    While I am not familiar with the use of all the span tags I see,
    You said "currently on the "about us" option a sub menu drops down, ive worked out how to  add to this menu and change the words"
    What is the problem doing the same thing under the other top level item?

  • Application migration from 10.1.2 to

    In migrating our application from JDeveloper 10.1.2 to, we are experiencing an issue on one of the pages. The page contains First, Prev, Next, Last and All pagination buttons where the default range size is 10. If the user clicks the "ALL" button then the range size should be changed to be 500. Unfortunately, the range size continues to be 10 once the "ALL" button is clicked. The application is currently using Struts and the stuts-config.xml file was migrated to I have been unable to find anything under Forums or through Google, so any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
    public class ShowTransactionsAction extends DataAction {
    private static int DefaultRangeSize = 10;
    private static int MaxRangeSize = 500;
    private static String RowSetIterator = "MasterTransactionView1Iterator";
    public String getRowSetIterator() {
    return RowSetIterator;
    * Supports the All button of the Super Search by setting a larger range size
    public void onEventAll(DataActionContext ctx) {
    DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding)ctx.getBindingContainer().findIteratorBinding(getRowSetIterator());
    RowSetIterator rsi = iter.getRowSetIterator();
    int currentRangeSize = iter.getRangeSize();
    // Set a max range size to facilitate ALL. We do not want -1 here, as the max rows could be quite large.
    <c:set var="previousDisabled" value="${bindings.PreviousSet.enabledString}"/>
    <c:set var="nextDisabled" value="${bindings.NextSet.enabledString}"/>
    <c:set var="rangeBinding" value="${bindings.MasterTransactionView1}"/>
    <c:set var="totalRows" value="${rangeBinding.estimatedRowCount}"/>
    <c:set var="firstRowShown" value="${rangeBinding.rangeStart + 1}"/>
    <c:when test="${rangeBinding.rangeSize == -1}">
    <c:set var="rowsPerPage" value="${totalRows}"/>
    <c:set var="rowsPerPage" value="${rangeBinding.rangeSize}"/>
    <c:when test="${firstRowShown + rowsPerPage - 1 > totalRows}">
    <c:set var="lastRowShown" value="${totalRows}"/>
    <c:set var="lastRowShown" value="${firstRowShown + rowsPerPage - 1}"/>
    <html:form name="pagingOne" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm"; action="/;reset=false" >
    <input type="hidden" name="<c:out value='${bindings.MasterTransactionView1.statetokenid}'/>" value="<c:out value='${bindings.MasterTransactionView1.statetoken}'/>" >
    <table width="970" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr valign="bottom">
    <td width="10"><img src="img/whitespacer.jpg"; width="5" height="3"></td>
    <td width="460" class="table-header">
    <c:choose >
    <c:when test="${lastRowShown > 0}">
    <td width="140" class="table-header">
    <fmt:parseNumber var="firstRowShownFMT" type="number" pattern="##,###" value="${firstRowShown}"/>
    <fmt:parseNumber var="lastRowShownFMT" type="number" pattern="##,###" value="${lastRowShown}"/>
    <fmt:parseNumber var="totalRowsFMT" type="number" pattern="##,###" value="${totalRows}"/>
    <c:out value="${firstRowShown}"/> - <c:out value="${lastRowShown}"/> of <c:out value="${totalRowsFMT}"/>
    <td width="370" class="table-header">
    <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr valign="bottom">
    <td width="40" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap>
    <img src="img/export-icon3.jpg"; style="background-color:transparent; border-style:none;"/>
    <!-- <td width="30" valign="bottom" ><img src="img/whitespacer.jpg"; width="5" height="3"></td> -->
    <c:when test="${previousDisabled != 'disabled'}">
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\first-icon3.jpg"; name="event_First" value="First" <c:out value="${bindings.First.enabledString}" /> > </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\prev-icon3.jpg"; name="event_PreviousSet" value="PreviousSet" <c:out value="${bindings.PreviousSet.enabledString}" /> > </td>
    <c:when test="${lastRowShown == totalRows && firstRowShown == 1 && totalRows > 10}">
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\first-icon3.jpg"; name="event_First" value="First" > </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><img src="img\first-icon-gray3.jpg";> </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><img src="img\prev-icon-gray3.jpg";> </td>
    <c:when test="${nextDisabled != 'disabled'}">
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\next-icon3.jpg"; name="event_NextSet" value="NextSet" <c:out value="${bindings.NextSet.enabledString}" /> > </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\last-icon3.jpg"; name="event_Last" value="Last" <c:out value="${bindings.Last.enabledString}" /> > </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><img src="img\next-icon-gray3.jpg";> </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><img src="img\last-icon-gray3.jpg";> </td>
    <c:when test="${lastRowShown == totalRows && firstRowShown == 1}">
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><img src="img\all-icon-gray-v5.jpg";> </td>
    <td width="35" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap><input type="image" src="img\all-icon-v5.jpg"; name="event_EventAll" value="All" </td>

    Your issue seems not on OA Framework.
    To check more response , put your issue on this forum
    JDeveloper and ADF

  • Compre una licencia pero no tengo numero de serie!! Caducó la versión de prueba y la única forma de iniciar es colocando el serial.

    Les cuento que tengo el lightroom instalado, lo estuve usando con una versión de prueba, compré una suscripción de fotógrafos, ya se confirmó se debitó de la tarjeta de crédito, todo bien. Nunca tuve un numero de serie, ahora que caducó la prueba, la única forma de iniciar Lightroom es con el número de serie que no lo encuentro por ningún lado.
    En las ayudas que ví me dice que inicie Lightroom desde el Creative Cloud CC pero tampoco inicia, ya lo descargué, instalé, desinstalé y volví a instalar varias veces y siempre me aparece en blanco sin ninguna opción mas que:
    1- ayuda (va a la pagina inicial de adobe)
    2- Fijar área de notificación
    3- salir
    Qué puedo hacer?

    El panel de Creative Cloud, no debe aparecer en blanco,
    si tienes una buena conexión a internet y se mantiene el problema,
    desinstálalo, reinicia el equipo y vuelve a instalarlo.
    Es imprescindible que esté operativo. Lee y sigue las instrucciones del enlace facilitado por Claudio.

  • How to export only the displayed data to excel

    Hello, APEX experts:
    Currently, APEX export to excel functionality can export all data defined by the report query, no matter they are displayed on screen or not.
    Is there a way to export the displayed portion only?
    Thank you.

    Hi! Thanks for the reply.
    From what I see, the include in export and show in report are independent since I can export columns which are not shown in the report and also some displayed columns are not included in the export.
    Let me restate what I'm facing:
    I'm using APEX 3.2 with standard report.
    Let's say my report query returns 50,000 rows, but display only 500 rows per page. I'm using one of the APEX built in pagination scheme.
    The default Export to Excel functionality will export all the 50,000 rows to an excel file. But my customer says, he does not want so many rows there. He want only the rows displayed on current page be exported. In other word, if the report is currently displaying rows from 501 to 1000, then the exported excel file should contain only the rows from 501 to 1000.
    As you may says, why not just add another data filter to limit the output size? I agree, that should be the normal practice. But my customer want no more query conditions but export only the portion he see on the screen.
    More idea?
    Thanks a lot.

  • Router Linksys RV082, RV016 https problems

    Problemas con Cisco Linksys RV082 y RV016, en paginas que manejan https, ejemplo al iniciar sesión me regresa de nuevo a la pagina inicia de inicio de sesión, al investigar encuentro que es una posible suplantación de identidad, por la fucnión que tiene el RV de balancear la carga ya que cambia de un modem a otro modem que este mas libre, esto es uno de los problemas con los que me encontrado y aun no he podido solucionar en un buen tiempo, conocera alguien como arreglar este problemon.
    Gracias de antemano.
    Problems with Linksys RV082 and RV016 Cisco in pages that handle https, eg when logging returns me back to the Home page of login, I find it when investigating a possible identity theft, the fucnión VR has the load balance as it changes from a modem to another modem that is more free, this is one of the problems I found and I have not been solved in a while, someone will know how to fix this big problem .
    Thanks in advance.

    On the RV082:
    System Management-> Dual-WAN
    Change to Load Balance (Auto Mode) At the bottom of the page you will now see Protocol Binding
    Select HTTPS [TCP/443~443] from the dropdown
    Select the source IP or IP range: (i.e. to 150) This will bind HTTPS for any LAN device that uses an IP in this range.
    Select the Destination IP: Usually leave at to for ALL destinations
    Select the Interface to bind the protocol to (WAN1 or WAN2)
    Check the Enable box and Add to list. Save Settings at bottom of page.
    On the RV016:
    System Management-> Multi-WAN
    Look for Interface Setting and select Edit for WAN1.
    Follow the steps from above.
    Please let us know if this helps or if you need further assistance.

  • Grande parte dos aplicativos que baixei pelo market Palace deram erro... o que pode estar errado?

    Jogos e aplicativos que baixei deram uma mensagem de erro. Apareceu uma tela branca com pastas e subpastas com escritas em código azuis. Oque pode ser?

    Isso é porque o autor pode ter indexado errado o nome da pagina inicial do App no manifest, nesta tela que esta vendo tente tocar no arquivo chamado '''index.html''' ou em algum arquivo com o nome do app com extensão '''.html'''

  • Default pagination functionality(Jdev is incomplete with in webcenter portal framework application.

    Am using default pagination with in the table for portlet application using Jdev(,when I run portlet application it is working properly.
    When I run the same portlet application with in webcenter portal framework application, I could not find page number navigation and count of total number of records.

    Thanks a lot,Its working fine when I moved adfp into Panel Group Layout and one more important point is am using "default globe page template" which comes with webcenter framework application with content facetRef in Panel Group Layout which uses some inline style so changed its styleClass to "AFStrechWidth".

  • Adobe PDF installed and set as default printer causes incorrect pagination in Excel

    I have come across an interesting bug. When Adobe PDF is installed and set as the default printer, Excel produces incorrect and inconsistent pagination--in my case one of the sheets is printed to two pages wide rather than three it should be (when Adobe PDF is not installed), resulting in 9 printed pages instead of 11. I have created a test case to reproduce it.
    The sample file is located here:
    The test case is here:
    Instructions are given on how to reproduce the error. The same error occurs when printing the sample file to Adobe PDF as a printer. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    Actually, the problem isn't really Acrobat or the Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance at all. The problem is that Microsoft Excel as well as other Microsoft Office applications adjust their printed output based on the characteristics of whatever is chosen as the current printer. This has been an issue since the earliest days of Windows.
    Each printer driver instance contains information about the specific printer including but not limited to page size, duplex capability, paper types, page orientation, output trays, imageable area (i.e., page size less unprintable margin areas), and device resolution. Based upon what Excel finds as values for a number of these characteristics, Excel will format the page differently. Excel is particularly sensitive to not only page size, but also imageable area and device resolution. Imageable area is important because Excel is attempting to avoid printing at all on parts of the page that your printer cannot possibly image; this is typically about one quarter inch around for most laser printers, a bit less for inkjet printers unless you have a printer that claims edge-to-edge print capability.
    The Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance has imageable areas that exactly match page size for all available page sizes. Thus, Excel formats on the basis that it can print all the way to edge of the page unless you set margins otherwise. It also defaults to 1200dpi. Change the device resolution to another setting via printer properties and you will likely see relayout. These same issues occur with Word and to some degree with PowerPoint.
    There is absolutely nothing that Adobe can do about this. The same problem is exhibited if you have access to multiple different printer models with different characteristics on your computer and you change from one to another, even if you don't have any Adobe software loaded on your system. Users have complained to Microsoft for years about this issue, but they typically have not considered this an important issue to tackle (ribbon user interfaces are obviously much more important).
    Sorry, but not anything we can really do to help you here other than to advise you to always compose your Microsoft documents with the current printer being the Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance, create a PDF file, and then print that from Reader/Acrobat to your real target printer. Alternatively, if you are very careful to setup the print characteristics of a spreadsheet to have large enough margins and headers/footers outside what would be the target devices non-printing area, you might get a bit better device independence - but don't count on it.
              - Dov

  • Using Pagination, but Defaulting initial page to display all results

    Ok, I've inherited a JSF application that uses pagination to display results in a table. There's an enhancement request to initially display all the results of a table yet allow end users to "go into pagination mode." I've looked all over the web and played around with the code. Currently, I'm setting paginationbutton to true, but paginationcontrols to false. This remove the pagination navigation buttons, and initially displays all the results. Users can even go from displaying all results into pagination mode. However, the navigation is lost since paginationcontrols is set to false.
    Anybody know of a way to achieve what I'm looking for?

    When you execute any query on web, it actually uses a standard template which is present i.e. 0Analysis_Pattern and shows the report accordingly. Hence, your output will be based on the settings done in this template.
    So, I guess, you need to modify the number of rows to be visible at a time in the standard template.
    Hope this helps ..!

  • Como deixar a codificação padrão "iso-8859-1" ao invés de "utf-8" no navegador?

    Quando faço o acesso ao banco do meu cartão de crédito, a primeira pagina deles é codificada com "UTF-8" e também existe o comando "charset=utf-8" no código HTML, após digitar o número do cartão, ele direciona para outra página, porém codificada com "iso-8859-1", mas sem nenhuma codificação no código HTML.
    Identifiquei que o navegador usa por padrão o "utf-8" quando não existe codificação no código HTML, então gostaria de modificar esse padrão para "iso-8859-1".
    O único lugar que encontrei para essa codificação foi ao pressionar o botão de avançado em "Fontes e cores", porém não funcionou.
    A versão do meu navegado é 23.0.1, entretanto desde a versão 18 que encontro esse problema.

    It is possible that the server sends the file(s) by default with UTF-8 and in such a case this encoding send by the server prevails over all other settings.
    You can see the encoding here: Tools > Page Info > General
    *Press the F10 key or tap the Alt key to bring up the hidden "Menu Bar" temporarily.

  • Como desabilitar ativação do "first run" e pedido de navegador padrão? Já tentei pelas opções sem sucesso.

    Sempre que inicio o Firefox abre a página de First Run junto com a página inicial, e também abre a janela de ativação de navegador padrão.
    Quanto à pergunta de navegador padrão, já tentei tanto respondendo na janela, como dentro de opções sem sucesso. Toda vez pergunta.
    Já para o First run, não encontrei como desabilitar. A única tentativa foi de deixar em branco a opção de página inicial, mas sem resultado.

    Geralmente este erro ocorre quando você tem duas instâncias do Firefox ou dois perfis.
    Tente entrar no gerenciador de perfis e verifique se existe mais de um perfil, caso haja delete um deles.
    *[ Gerenciando perfis]
    Caso isso não resolva verifique se há duas versões do Mozilla instalado em sua maquina.
    Procure por um ou nos dois seguintes diretórios:
    *C:\Arquivos de Programas\Mozilla Firefox
    *C:\Arquivos de Programas (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    Verifique quantas instalações existem caso tenha mais de uma desinstale as duas e reinstale o Firefox.
    *[ Desinstalando o Firefox]
    *[ Instalando o Firefox no Windows]

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