Pagination after executequery with a dynamic where clause

Hi all,
I have a problem with pagination after setting a where clause dynamically and performing an executequery in
As a result of this, the amount of records are decreased returned by the viewobject, however the pagination is not changed. It still reflects the previous amount. It changes only if you have selected the last range of the changed recordset
Does anybody know how to get the pagination to refect the correct amount of the updated recordset of the viewobject?
Jdeveloper version / Jheadstart
Thanks in advance, Erwin

I would not add this to the VO query. Instead I would create a View Criteria that uses a bind variable. Then in the Application Module Data Model, you select the VO instance and choose edit (button on top) to permanently associate the view criteria)
Advantages of this approach
- The VO definition can be used elsewhere without the restriction
- the bind variable is not mandatory and yu can set it such that if no value is provided a full query is executed

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    I am trying to implement the View Object for the UNION query that looks like this:
         select a,b,c...
              from t1,t2,...
              where dynamic_where_clause1     
         union all
         select a,b,c,...
              from t11,t12, ...
              where dynamic_where_clause2
    There are up to 60 input parameters that are used to generate dynamic where clauses. They are actually created by calling PL SQL function.
    So far, I was not able to assign both where clauses to the view object. Is there a workable solution for this problem, besides resorting to programmatic View Object?
    I understand that recommended way with UNIONs is to wrap both queries into a parent select:
    select * from (
         select a,b,c...
              from t1,t2,...
              where ... -- table relationship joints
         union all
         select a,b,c,...
              from t11,t12, ...
              where ... -- table relationship joints
    ) QRSLT
         where dynamic_where_clause
    Unfortunately this approach doesn't work here, since individual selects are producing unmanageable amount of data and resulting query takes forever to complete.

    I afraid I would not have any real benefits from using VO if I replace the entire query with every request. Actually, the performance may suffer.
    I solved the problem by creating a POJO Data Control and invoking the custom select query from java. Not sure if it is the best approach to the problem, but implementation time is limited and it works.
    Actually, this is not the first time I see the need to implement VO with complicated SQL like select with unions and dynamic pieces. It would be nice to find a solution and not resort to workarounds.
    Edited by: viksicom on Aug 2, 2012 8:48 AM

  • How to add a dynamic where clause for a sql based VO with group by query?

    Here is my case, I have a sql query based VO with the query like "select status, count(*) StatusCount from my_table group by status". Now I used the following java code trying to dynamically add the where clause to my VO to filter the rows based the type attribute in my DB table.
    vo.setWhereClause("type='MyType1' ");
    Then I got the sql syntax error. Looks like the ADF has added the where clause to the end of my sql so my sql becomes "select status, count(*) StatusCount from my_table group by status where type='MyType1' ". But what I expected was the correct syntax "select status, count(*) StatusCount from my_table where type='MyType1' group by status".
    Does anyone know if this is an ADF bug? Or is there any other way to achieve my goal?
    Edited by: Chunyang on Dec 13, 2012 9:09 PM

    When you use setWhereClause on the VO, it is applied on top of the VO query. I.e, assume your VO has the following query.
    select empno, ename from empNow, if you apply the where clause programatically, only the two attributes that you are using in the select statement could be used. I.e
    select * from (select empno, ename from emp) where ename='KING' - VALID
    select * from (select empno, ename from emp) where deptno=10  - INVALID (because the inner query - the one you've defined as query for your vo does not have deptno attribute selected)If you would need to set a dynamic where clause, you need to make them available in your select statement / use bind variables.

  • Creating dynamic where clause with string delimiter " ; "

    i need a solution for complex problem like, 1. start_date IN date,
    end_date IN date,
    shift_type IN varchar2
    i will get shift_type as "first_shift" or "first_shift;second_shift" or "first_shift;second_shift;third_shift" ....etc any combination. where fist & second & third shits are nothing but 1 , 2 , 3. i need to find out data between start_date and end_date in combination of shifts ( may be 1;2 or 1;3 or 1;2;3 or 2;3 ...etc) . now i need to write this code in dynamic where clause ...i tried in different ways...but not succeeded. can anybody guide me step by step...or with script.
    NOTE: there is a table called "shift" with data like
    shift_type shift_mode
    1 first_shift
    2 second_shift
    3 third_shift

    Whenever you have a problem, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.
    If the question involves parameters, give a few different sets of parameters and the results you want for each set, given the same sample data.
    It's unclear that you need dynamic SQL at all.
    If shift_type is a variable, that can be either a single value or a ;-delimited list (such as '1;3'), you can compare that to a column called shift_column like this:
    WHERE        ';' || shift_type   || ';'     LIKE
           '%;' || shift_column || ';%'No dynamic SQL or PL/SQL required.
    If you really do want to use dynamic SQL, these two pages should gives you some ideas:

  • Dynamic where clause with loop statement

    Hi all,
    is it possible to use a dynamic where clause with a loop statement?
    Can you please advise me, how the syntax needs to be?
    Thanks for your suggestions,
    kind regards, Kathrin!

    Hi Kathrin,
               If u are in ECC 6.0, please go through the code...
              REPORT  zdynamic_select.
      BEGIN OF ty_sales,
        vbeln  TYPE vbak-vbeln,            " Sales document
        posnr  TYPE vbap-posnr,            " Sales document item
        matnr  TYPE vbap-matnr,            " Material number
        arktx  TYPE vbap-arktx,            " Short text for sales order item
        kwmeng TYPE vbap-kwmeng,           " Order quantity
        vkorg TYPE vbak-vkorg,             " Sales organization
        kunnr TYPE vbak-kunnr,             " Sold-to party
        netwr TYPE vbak-netwr,             " Net Value of the Sales Order
      END OF ty_sales.
    DATA :
      gt_sales TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sales,
      wa_sales TYPE ty_sales.
    DATA: ob_select TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_from   TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_where  TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where,
          gv_source TYPE abapsource.
    *Step 1 : Prepare the select fields.
      PERFORM zf_build_select.
    *Step 2 : Build the from clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_from.
    *Step 3 : Build the where clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_where.
    *Step 4 : Execute the dynamic select
      SELECT (ob_select->n_t_where)
          FROM (ob_from->n_t_where)
            WHERE (ob_where->n_t_where).
      LOOP AT gt_sales INTO wa_sales.
        WRITE :   /5 wa_sales-vbeln,
                  15 wa_sales-vkorg,
                  20 wa_sales-kunnr,
                  40 wa_sales-netwr,
                  50 wa_sales-posnr,
                  60 wa_sales-matnr,
                  70 wa_sales-arktx,
                  90 wa_sales-kwmeng.
    *&      Form  zf_build_select
    FORM zf_build_select .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_select.
    *Build the table name/field name combination
    *Add Sales order header fields
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VBELN'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VKORG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'KUNNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'NETWR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add Sales order item fields
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'POSNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'MATNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'ARKTX'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'KWMENG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_select
    *&      Form  zf_build_from
    FORM zf_build_from .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_from.
    *Add opening bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_opening_bracket
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
      gv_source = 'ON VBAKVBELN = VBAPVBELN'.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add the closing bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_closing_bracket
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_from
    *&      Form  zf_build_where
    FORM zf_build_where .
      DATA :
      lv_field TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_low TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_high TYPE REF TO data.
      CREATE OBJECT ob_where.
    *Add the field VBELN : Sales Document
    *Use this method if you want to assign a single value to a field
    *Set the value for VBELN : Sales Document Number
    CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
         i_fieldnm  = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_operator = '='
         i_intlen   = 10
         i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
         e_r_field  = lv_field.
    CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
         i_fieldnm = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_value   = '0000120020'.
    *Use this method if you want to assign a range of values
    *Set a range for the Sales Document number
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field_between_2values
          i_fieldnm      = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_intlen       = 10
          i_datatp       = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field_low  = lv_field_low
          e_r_field_high = lv_field_high.
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_2values_for_field
          i_fieldnm    = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_value_low  = '0000120020'
          i_value_high = '0000120067'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and.
    *Add the field MATNR : Material
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'MATNR'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 18
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for the Material field
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'MATNR'
          i_value   = '000000000050111000'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and
    *Add the field VKORG
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'VKORG'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 4
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for VKORG : Sales Organization
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'VKORG'
          i_value   = 'GMUS'.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_where

  • Loop with dynamic where clause

        In a program we need to use a loop into an internal table with a where condition is decided on run time.
    "Select" from database table is using dynamic where clause and it is working fine.
    For the loop part does any one have any idea on this? if we can have dynamic where clause in a loop into internal tab?

    You can't use 'loop where' dynamically  .
    Have you already tried to use Ranges and CHECK statement?
    First mount range options;
    Loop at <table>.
    Check using the range.
    Maybe it's works for you !!
    Marcelo Ramos

  • Dynamic itab with Dynamic Where clause

    Hi, Dear All,
    Can someone provide a code extract for Dynamic where clause, i had already done with dynamic itab for a given set of fields, and i need to add where clause dynamically for a given field for a given range of values.
    select (i_fields) into table <dyn_table>
                      from (p_table)
                     where (v_where).
    In the above except the where clause, everything is done. Please help me.
    with best regards

    here is the code extract for your reference.Pl. correct me.
    with regards
    REPORT  Z_DYN_ITAB                              .
    DATA:NAME(100) TYPE C.
          END   OF ITAB_TYPE.
    DATA: vg_fields(255) TYPE c,
          i_fields LIKE TABLE OF vg_fields.
    DATA: it_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          is_fcat LIKE LINE OF it_fcat,
          ls_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
          is_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat.
    field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table,
    data: dy_table type ref to data.
    data: dy_line type ref to data,
          xfc type lvc_s_fcat.
    DATA: v_where TYPE string, " Variable for storing where clause.
          v_dynamic(18) TYPE c, "variable to store select option datatype
          o_field TYPE REF TO cx_root," object to catch exception
          text TYPE string. "string variable to store exception text.
    CONSTANTS: c_var(15) TYPE c VALUE ' IN S_RANGE'.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame.
    parameters: p_table(30) type c default 'T001',
                p_name(100) type c,
                p_field(10) TYPE c. " Parameter to capture field name.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_range FOR v_dynamic. " Select-option for range.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    NAME = p_name.
    is_fcat-fieldname = itab-word.
    is_fcat-tabname = p_table.
    APPEND is_fcat to it_fcat.
    LOOP AT it_fcat INTO is_fcat.
      is_fieldcat-fieldname = is_fcat-fieldname.
      is_fieldcat-tabname = is_fcat-tabname.
      APPEND is_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CONCATENATE is_fieldcat-tabname is_fieldcat-fieldname INTO
            vg_fields SEPARATED BY '~'.
      APPEND vg_fields TO i_fields.
    perform create_dynamic_itab.
    perform get_data.
    Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
    form create_dynamic_itab.
    call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
    it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat
    ep_table = dy_table.
    assign dy_table->* to <dyn_table>.
    Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
    create data dy_line like line of <dyn_table>.
    assign dy_line->* to <dyn_wa>.
    form get_data.
    Select Data from table.
    CONCATENATE p_field c_var INTO v_where.
    select (i_fields) into table <dyn_table>
                      from (p_table)
                     where (v_where).
    if sy-dbcnt = 0.
    write : text-t02.
    *Write out data from table.
    Loop at <dyn_table> into <dyn_wa>.
    assign component sy-index of structure <dyn_wa> to <dyn_field>.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    if sy-index = 1.
      write:/ <dyn_field>.
      write: <dyn_field>.
    Exception Catching.
    CATCH cx_root INTO o_field.
    text = o_field->get_text( ).
    Calling Function to give information message regarding Exception
    titel = text-t03
    txt1 = text
    txt2 = text-t04.
    TXT3 = ' '
    TXT4 = ' '

  • REPORT with dynamic WHERE CLAUSE (run RDF or REP) ?

    When running a REPORT (myreport.rep) with dynamic where clause using a lexical parameter, I got this error:
    REP-1439: Cannot compile .REP or .PLX file as it does not have source
    If i run the report specifiying RDF extension (myreport.rdf) the report run successfully! Is this normal ?
    If I specify RDF extension will Report Server COMPILE the report everytime I execute it ?
    When using dynamic WHERE CLAUSE I will have to run RDF files instead of REP ?
    I'm running Reports 9i under Linux, with IDS under Windows.
    Waiting Help
    Joao Oliveira

    It sounds like you are building the .rep files on one platform (windows) and running them on another (linux). The reason that the .rdf file continues to work is that Reports recompiles the PL/SQL within the report when you move from one platform to another or change schemas. .rep files can't be re-compiled in this way so you need to ensure they are compiled successfully when converting them.
    You need to convert from .rdf to .rep on the platform that you are intending to run on. Try running rwconverter on the linux platform with "compile_all=yes" to produce the .rep file and running that .rep file.

  • ADF dynamic where clause for VO query using BC

    I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have a read only view object that I want to filter results based on some user choices. For example the user may want to see all results or they may only want to see a much smaller subset. This is for an error dashboard, the smaller subset maybe by application or maybe by application and by error severity. I think I can use a dynamic where clause but I'm not sure, Can someone get me started down the right path, or post an example that I can see.

    Hi user,
    You can use a dynamic where clause for this, but maybe there is a more practical option. Maybe you can have a fixed where clause, but using a bind parameter, like:
    vo.application like :applicationParam. This makes an executeWithParams method available that you can call from your page, and use in the bindings. This parameter you can populate with the results of for example a poplist, with a default value of '%'.
    When you do want to use a dynamic where clause, you will need to add a method to the java code of your application module, and make this method available for the client. In this method, you can use findViewObject to retrieve your VO, use VO.setWhereClause to set the whereclause to what you want, and then call VO.executeQuery. This method can then again be called from the page.
    Jeroen van Veldhuizen

  • Passing values to Dynamic where clause as IN parameter - ADF

    I am trying to get the Dynamic where clause query output something like below,
    select * from EMP where emp_id IN(200,203,204)
    How to pass values from setWhereCluase(emp_id,????)

    I'd go about this a little differently (probably not the best way):
    1. Create view object lk_department (lookup). In the query add a union with something like "select null as ID, 'All' as name' from dual;". This adds a null value that they can select by leaving the combo box on "All". Add a 'order by id" so the null value is the first one. When creating the combo box you want it set to navigation mode, so select the whole viewobject from the data palette rather a specific field.
    2. Create a jTextField for the "Jobs" field.
    3. Create an application module method that does something like:
    public void filterEmployees(String job){
    ViewObject vo_departments = findViewObject("lk_departments");
    ViewObject vo_employees = findViewObject("employees");
    String wc = "1 = 1 ";
    String wc = " and job like '%"+job+"%'"
    if (vo_departments.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Id") != null) {wc += "and department_id = "+vo_departments.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Id");}
    4. In your Jclient app, you just need to call the method of your appmodule and insert the string from the textbox, using code similar to this:
    AppModule b = (AppModule)panelBinding.getApplicationModule();
    I didn't test this code, but that's how I go about the same thing.

  • Dynamic where clause problem?

    Hi all,
    I am using 4 parameters for the attrition rate report of an employee on the selection screen.
    Salary Range (pa0008-ansal)
    i have filled the values of level, grade, position, from database tables at the initialization event.
    And for the salary range i hardcoded them to 0-5000, 5001-10000 etc.. and so on.
    and then showed all 4 parameters are listbox on the selection screen.
    now the first 3 parameters are from infotype pa0001 and the last is from pa0008.
    Now I want to select pernr, persg ,persk ,plans, begda ,endda fields from infotype pa0001, and 'ansal' field from pa0008 , with the help of a dynamic where clause, is it possible, because here it might be needed for a join as well.
    Please help me out with some sample coding help.

    DATA: lv_query TYPE string.
      lv_query = ' '.
      IF  position IS NOT INITIAL.
        IF lv_query IS NOT INITIAL.
          CONCATENATE lv_query '  and p1~plans eq   position '  '' INTO lv_query.
          CONCATENATE  ' p1~plans eq  position '  '' INTO lv_query.
      IF  grade IS NOT INITIAL.
        IF lv_query IS NOT INITIAL .
          CONCATENATE lv_query '  and p1~PERSK eq  grade ' '' INTO lv_query.
          CONCATENATE '  p1~PERSK eq  grade  ' '' INTO lv_query.
      IF  level IS NOT INITIAL.
        IF lv_query IS NOT INITIAL .
          CONCATENATE lv_query '  and p1~PERsg eq  level ' '' INTO lv_query.
          CONCATENATE ' p1~PERsg eq  level  ' '' INTO lv_query.
      IF  sal_slab IS NOT INITIAL.
        SELECT pernr ansal begda endda FROM pa0008 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_st_p8 WHERE ansal = sal_slab.
        *IF lv_query IS NOT INITIAL .*
          *CONCATENATE lv_query '  and p8~ansal le  sal_slab ' '' INTO lv_query.*
          *CONCATENATE '  p8~ansal le  sal_slab  ' '' INTO lv_query.*
    SELECT p1~pernr
        p1~persg p1~persk p1~plans p1~begda p1~endda
        FROM pa0001 AS p1 JOIN pa0008 AS p8  ON p1~pernr = p8~pernr
        WHERE (lv_query) .
    <Added code tags>
    Now in case of salary slab, i have ranges like 0-5000 , 5001-10000 and so on and I showed it as a listbox on sel. screen.
    So how can I read the figure after the '-'?????
    And also review, if for the previous 3 parameters it is correct, or it can be shortened and accurated.
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Dec 28, 2011 1:44 PM

  • How to set dynamic WHERE clause to VO from backingBean?

    Can any one let me know the best way to add the dynamic WHERE clause in to VO query.
    I have created AM (with & VO (with & in my model project. I suppose to set the WHERE condition at runtime while the user click the search button. I am handling the user button click at UI layer backingBean. From the backing bean I could able to get the objct of the VO and set the where clause by below code.
            ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.UserSearchVO1Iterator}", Object.class);
            DCIteratorBinding dcIter = (DCIteratorBinding)valueExp.getValue(elContext);
            ViewObject userSearchVO = dcIter.getViewObject();
            userSearchVO.setWhereClause("lower(usr_login) LIKE ':1' and usr_udf_suid like ':2' ");
            userSearchVO.executeQuery();But as I fear this is not the right way to do it. So I am creating the cutom method inside the and triggring that method by creating one more cutom method in But I dont know how to invoke this AM method from backingBean.
    AMImpl method
    public void initDetails()
            UserSearchVOImpl vo = getUserSearchVO1();
    VOImpl method
        public void initQuery()
            setWhereClause("lower(usr_login) LIKE 'a%' and usr_udf_suid like '%1144%'");
        }Can any one guide me which is the best way to set the where clause to VO? How to call the AM method from backingBean?

    i am new to oracle 11g i writing a stored procedure in which i have made use of case in where clause to pass my parameter value v_toStoreID
    i have googled a lot regarding that i found that to use case in where clause it should be like this
    case  column_value
    when 0
    then value1
    this my query
    SELECT ITMID as ItemId,
    NVL(OrderDtl.PackageID, 0) PackageId,
    (CASE NVL(OrderDtl.PackageID, 0)
    WHEN 0
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END) as PackageFlag,
    ivitem.Code ItemCode,
    ivitem.ITMNAME AS itemName,
    IvPatientIssueMst.IssueNo Issue_No,
    to_char(Issuedate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') IssueDate,
    NVL(OrderDtl.AllocationID, 0) Package,
    OrderDtl.ServiceAmount MRP
    FROM IvPatientIssueMst
    JOIN OrderMst
    ON IvPatientIssueMst.OrderId = OrderMst.OrdId
    JOIN OrderDtl
    ON OrderDtl.OrdID = OrderMst.OrdId
    JOIN ivitem
    ON ivitem.ITMID = OrderDtl.DrugId
    LEFT JOIN IVPatientIndentMst
    ON IVPatientIndentMst.IndentID = IvPatientIssueMst.IndentId
    WHERE OrderMst.OrdVisitID = 395899
    *(CASE IvPatientIssueMst.StoreId*
    when NVL(IvPatientIssueMst.StoreId, 0)=0
    THEN v_toStoreID
    ELSE  IVPatientIndentMst.ToStoreID
    ORDER BY ivitem.ITMNAME;
    it is not working please someone help

  • About dynamic  where clause

    on Jdev
    Imade dynamic search (where clause)
    It woks fine with me
    but I want to be sure from the best way to do that
    the ideia is to run search according to what is the user chose
    on (Hr) schema employees table
    the end user could search according to departmentID only
    or job id only or both of them or display all employees taable data if there are no seletion
    I used
    this.setWhereClause( );
    methods in employeesImpl and I revale it to the client interface to display two text boxes and a button
    my full code is
    public void setwhereClause(String jobid ,String departmentId ) {
    if (jobid==null & departmentId ==null) {
    this.skipNamedWhereClauseParam ("P_DEPARTMENT_ID");
    if (jobid==null & departmentId !=null) {
    this.setWhereClause("EmployeesEo.DEPARTMENT_ID =:P_DEPARTMENT_ID");
    this.defineNamedWhereClauseParam("P_DEPARTMENT_ID", null, null);
    this.setNamedWhereClauseParam("P_DEPARTMENT_ID",departmentId );
    if (jobid!=null & departmentId ==null) {
    this.setWhereClause("EmployeesEo.JOB_ID=:P_jobid ");
    this.defineNamedWhereClauseParam("P_jobid", null, null);
    this.setNamedWhereClauseParam("P_jobid",jobid );
    this.skipNamedWhereClauseParam ("P_DEPARTMENT_ID");
    if (jobid!=null & departmentId !=null)
    this.setWhereClause( "EmployeesEo.JOB_ID=:P_jobid and EmployeesEo.DEPARTMENT_ID =:P_DEPARTMENT_ID " );
    this.defineNamedWhereClauseParam("P_DEPARTMENT_ID", null, null);
    this.setNamedWhereClauseParam("P_DEPARTMENT_ID",departmentId );
    this.defineNamedWhereClauseParam("P_jobid", null, null);
    this.setNamedWhereClauseParam("P_jobid",jobid );
    but Iwas geting error when I run the search For the First Time only without selecting any thing
    the error wase about ( attempt to define parameter which is not in the where clause)
    one time for both variable if there are no selection
    anothe for the P_DEPARTMENT_ID when I search for job
    and the oposet for P_jobid when I search for department
    so why this eror came despite of IF Statment existance
    and why when I run search for both parameter job and departemnt
    next time i search for all data or department only or job only
    the error dosnot come again
    Isuccesd to avoide this error by adding P_DEPARTMENT_ID and P_jobid
    as bind varable in the same names for the employeesVo
    (Idont want to use view Criteria for a segnificant reason)
    and becasue Ineed to pass varaible to open a report_
    in the same way user search_
    and Ican't catch bindings for the view criteria_
    my qusetions
    1-Is what i Did is the correct way I mean adding the binde varable visicaly to SQL tab In the EmployeesVO
    2- why is the error of ( attempt to define paramter not iexist in the where clause mainwhile the If Statment condition dosnot succesd)
    3- how to add bindig variable programaticly without adding it phisicaly in the EmployeesVo SQL

    Duplicate to about dynamic  where clause
    User, please don't post the same question multiple times in this forum.

  • Dynamic WHERE clause in SELECT statement

    I need to extract (SELECT) all the products in different salesorganizations. Since a product can be available in more than 1 salesorg I have created several properties in the PRODUCT dimension - 1 for each salesorganization (naming: Sxxxx where xxxx is the salesorganization number).
    Since I need to prefix the salesorganization property with an "S" I have created a property on the SALESORG dimension called SALESORG.
    Therefore I need to create a dynamic WHERE clause in the SELECT statement. Currently my script is:
    *SELECT(%PROD%, "[ID]",PRODUCT, [%SORG%]="X")
    My first SELECT find the Sxxx (equal to the property I need in the PRODUCT dimension). My second SELECT uses the variable in the first SELCT statement to use the correct property for the WHERE clause.
    Unfortunately the code is not validated - any suggestions?

    Hi Lars,
    If you run it from a DM package without validating it, does it still work? I would bet it does.
    If this is the case I would open a message with SAP (it would be an enhancement request). Until they fix the validation code, you would just have to live with the script not validating.

  • Dynamic where clause in my query

    I am using a view
    select * from vw_pt_inv_customer
    My requirement is have a web page where users can search for customers by filling in a form which has the following feilds: - User can fill in the form with all the feilds or not. I want a dynamic where clause.. how can i get this work for me?
    Telephone No

    879796 wrote:
    I am using a view
    select * from vw_pt_inv_customer
    My requirement is have a web page What web frame work is used? Apex? Something else?
    where users can search for customers by filling in a form which has the following feilds: - User can fill in the form with all the feilds or not. I want a dynamic where clause.. how can i get this work for me?Dynamic where clauses are a Very Bad Idea (tm).
    And having an open ended search function on a web page is also not a great idea.
    If you are using Apex, the for performance (and even query flexibility) it will be better creating a separate reporting region for each unique query. A boolean rendering condition checks the existing bind variables in order to determine if that specific reporting region should be executed.
    This results in a reporting region having a proper and dedicated SQL query (no hacking of the where clause) and that region only being rendered for the proper combination of supplied filter criteria.
    A slightly more complex, but more flexible approach, is using a generic reporting region that calls a PL/SQL function that creates returns the SQL query for execution and rendering. The approach to this is very similar to constructing a SQL ref cursor (dynamically) for a client. The only difference is that instead of creating the actual ref cursor, the code simply needs to return the SQL source code statement - with bind variables. The Apex run-time does the rest (does the binds and execution and rendering).
    If you are not using Apex - you should still consider these approaches. And not hacking a single SQL to cater for all different types of filter conditions.

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