Paint brush and eraser blink in vista

In windows vista when I try to use paint brush or erasor
tool, it blinks and have no control and takes ages to paint. It is
brand new pc with intel core2 Duo 2.4 ghz with 4 gb of ddr2 memory.
Has anyone else experienced the same?

That god for that!! I’ve had this problem for weeks and
it’s been driving me insane, it actually made me laugh. I
switched to Windows Basic and the appearance is negligible and
fireworks now works like a treat. I find it amusing that Microsoft
think its worth while using a huge chunk of system resources just
so you get a transparency effect on your windows and set the
feature as default. Genius!
So cheers for the tip!

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    I guess the easiest way would be to select the paint brush tool
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    Then when you select a tool such as the burn tool, select your brush.
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    graphic card - NVIDIA quadro NVS 140M
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