Panel doesn't repaint on time

Dear Java Community--
my current task is to develop a splash screen that can display messages, so that the user can see what happens during start up time.
My solution is a JPanel with a background image and the text on it. I overwrote the panel's paintComponent(Graphics g) method and use the Graphics object to draw the image, and the text as well. I use Java version 4.1.2_07. So far so good. ;-)
During startup time I have a dialog to popup that requests information from the user. The Splash stays in the back. After the dialog disappeared, my Splash should show up again and display some more messages.
My problem:
The dialog disappears but the Splash is not repainted immediately. The dialog leaves a big white area at the position it crossed the Splash. Also, the messages I add to the Splash are not beeing displayed. By the time the Slpash is repainted again (five or six seconds later), my application is up and running. That means, some of the messages (that were posted between dialog.hide() and coudn't be delivert to the user at all.
My Question:
Do you have any suggestion what I could do to speed up my Splash and make it to repaint itself on time?
Thank you so much in advance!!!
Best regards,
PS: Here's a part of the code:
     * we attach this panel to the content pane of this component
     * and overwrite the panel's paint method to display image, version and messages
    protected JPanel createPanel() {
        JPanel aPanel = new JPanel() {
            public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                //be sure not to break something
                //draw image
                _drawImage(g, image);
                //draw version number
                _drawVersionNumber(g, getVersion());
                //draw messages
                _drawMessages(g, messages);
        //set the same size as the surrounding window
        //enable double buffering
        //set transparent
        return aPanel;
     * draws the defined image
     * @param g
     * @param image
    private void _drawImage(Graphics g, Image image) {
        if (image != null) {
            g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
     * draws the given string in the lower right corner of the frame
     * @param g
     * @param version
    private void _drawVersionNumber(Graphics g, String version) {
        //draw version number
        //calculate string width
        FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getVersionFont());
        int width = fm.stringWidth(version);
        //define position where to start
        int x = getWidth() - width - getPadding();
        int y = getHeight() - getPadding();
        //draw string
        g.drawString(version, x, y);
     * draws a list of messages (message by message) into the frame
     * @param g
     * @param messages - list strings to draw
    private void _drawMessages(Graphics g, java.util.List messages) {
        //set font
        //calculate string height
        FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getMessageFont());
        int fontHeigth = fm.getHeight();
        //draw messages
        int positionOffset = messages.size() - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(messages.size(), getMessageAmount()); i++) {
            Object message = messages.get(i);
            if (message != null) {
                //set color for this message
                Color c = getMessageColor();
                int alpha = 255;
                if (positionOffset == 1) {
                    alpha = 100;
                } else if (positionOffset > 1) {
                    alpha = 50;
                g.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), alpha));
                //define clip area for drawing
                int clipWidth = getWidth() / 2;
                g.setClip(0, 0, clipWidth, getHeight());
                //draw message
                g.drawString(message.toString(), getPadding(), getHeight() - getPadding() - fontHeigth * positionOffset);
                //message longer than clip area? draw "..." after cutting the message
                if (fm.stringWidth(message.toString()) > clipWidth) {
                    g.setClip(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
                    g.drawString("...", clipWidth, getHeight() - getPadding() - fontHeigth * positionOffset);
                //reduce offset for next message

The short answer is to use another thread. Everything in Swing runs on the Event
Dispatch Thread so you must post your gui changes to the edt queue to get them
shown. The Swing trail in the tutorial has a lesson on using threads and includes
links to additional resources. Here's a demo that might give you some ideas.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Currency
    JTextArea textArea;
    public Currency()
        textArea = new JTextArea();
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea));
    private void getUserInput(Frame f)
        // show splash screen used to keep user apprised
        // of our ongoing background activities
        final JWindow w = createSplashScreen(f);
        String s = "background work required...";
        final JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(s + "\n");
        // forward gui update to event dispatch thread
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
        String[] options = {
            "option 1", "option 2", "option 2"
        // get user selection, this is modal
        final Object retVal = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                                          "select an option, press \"OK\"",
                                          "background work scheduler",
        if(retVal == null)
            /* defensive action */;
        // forward to edt queue for real-time gui update
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                ta.setText((String)retVal + " chosen,\n\n" +
                           "background work starting..." + "\n");
        // now we can start the background activity
        startBackgroundWork(w, (String)retVal);
    private void startBackgroundWork(final JWindow splash, final String s)
        new Thread(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                int taskLength = 8, count = 0;
                while(count++ < taskLength)
                    textArea.append("count = " + count + "\n");
                    // if you had a JProgressBar in splash window
                    // you could update it from here...
                    // note gui is responsive to user during this
                    catch(InterruptedException ie)
                        System.err.println("interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                textArea.setText(s + " loaded,\n\tready to go" + "\n");
    private JWindow createSplashScreen(Frame f)
        JWindow splash = new JWindow(f);
        return splash;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new Currency();

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    HI Naveen,
    It seems to me that you are having Problem with your Graphics Hardware, rather than labview. Generally the window should be repainted by system.
    If you go to Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced -> Troubleshooting or Graphic Acceleration - You may see the slider to full Acceleration. Under this setting the OS basically relegates most graphic duties to Graphic Hardware.
    What you may want to do is to Move the slider a couple of notches back. And then try your VI's. Infact try all the settings on your Slider. See if it works at No Acceleration.
    The Problem for me is I do not Have this Problem and cannot even simulate it to try a solution.
    Another Solution is this -
    There is a vi Property Class called "Front Panel" Which can be access
    ed from Vi Server. Under this Class you will see a Property "Defer Front Panel Update" Generally this Property is used to Prevent a redraw. But if this Property is set to False, Labview immediately redraws the Panel.
    What you may want to do is after resizing to let you program go through this Property Node set to False and See if this Helps.
    By The way, the way you have to wire this Property is to Open a Vi Ref, Wire it to Property Node, Select Property as "Front Panel". Right Click on "Front Panel" and Click on Create-> Property -> Defer Front Panel Update. Wire the Referneces of the these Objects, with the output of "Front Panel" going to "Defer FP Update".
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    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    This sounds like a permission issue most likely with the iTunes Media folder.  Here is an article that will help you troubleshoot this issue.
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    Jason H.

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    4.  Delete all Preferred Networks.
    5.  Apply settings.
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    When an SSID is hidden, the base station does not broadcast its identification.  Rather, a connecting device must transmit the name, and when the base station recognizes the broadcast, the connection is made. That's what you do when you select "Join another network" and manually enter the SSID.
    The idea with OS X's Network Preferences is that these steps, whether for hidden networks or broadcast SSIDs, become automated.
    Where is the potential for a different chipset between the TC and the previously used wireless router/gateway to alter this functionality?  Shouldn't the selection of an SSID by the MBP to broadcast to seek for a base station be a function solely on the MBP?  And once broadcast by the MBP, the TC should detect and reply? 
    Basically, the MBP can connect to the hidden TC manually just fine.  The MBP can connect to the old setup automatically just fine.  The MBP cannot connect to the TC automatically.  Aren't these automatic connection functions solely on the MBP?
    I'll try un-hiding the network and re-verifying that the problem is exclusively with the hidden network.

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    Hi Maddie,
    Thank you for this extra information regarding the Exchange Panel not appearing. It's strange that the problem appears in both CC and CS6 - these use different processes and different installation directories for extensions and should be independent of each other.
    A few questions -
    Can you please look in Task Manager when Photoshop CC is running and see if there is a process listed called "Adobe CEP Service Manager"? Do you have any "system optimisation" or security software running which may be blocking processes that you haven't expressly permitted?
    In Photoshop CC, can you see any other extensions listed in Window -> Extensions? Upon installation there should be other Extensions available, for example "Kuler" - can you see this in the dropdown? This will help us to work out whether this is a problem with Adobe Exchange specifically, or if it is an issue with all extensions in general.
    If you can then turn on logging as follows, that would be very helpful:
    In Registry Editor, regedit.exe:
    Increase the LogLevel to 6. Then run Dreamweaver or Photoshop CC - Log files will be generated in: C:\Users\<username>\[AppData]\Local\Temp. If you are in Photoshop the log file will have the filename csxs4-PHSP.log, and for Dreamweaver it will be csxs4-DRWV.log. Please email these log files to me at fgregor at adobe dot com.
    Upon searching the forums, there was another user who may have had the same problem as you ( - can you check whether C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEPServiceManager4 contains CEPServiceManager.exe?
    Regarding the "glitchy" issues you mention - this forum is for Adobe Exchange, but if you can provide a bit more information about what is going wrong then we'll try to redirect your question to someone else who can help.
    Best regards,

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    When you are saying that the edit effect panel doesn't work, Do you mean there is nothing in the panel (It is an empty panel) or there are items but when clicked nothing is happening ?
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    Thanks sberman for reply,
    No he hasn't. I've tested this with other contacs. If someone is already in my facebook cantacts and I receieve an email from him, but he hasn't included that email address in his facebook account, if I add this new email to his contact card, his picture frame will not appear in mail app. I can see his both facebook and other email address in the contact card.

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    Just as an FYI, I have 2 DV6000's, and just today replaced the trackpad on the other one, and now have the same issue with that one!!!!!
    What gives?
    Thanks in advance for the assistance.

    Seriously?  No one has experienced this issue?
    Anyone from HP out there care to help me out?

  • Windows control panel doesn't recognize Adobe CC Products.

    한글(Korean) :
    1년 조금 넘게 어도비 CC 정품을 이용해오고 있습니다.
    아시다시피 어도비 CC는 어도비 제품들을 원하는대로 다운로드할 수 있잖아요,
    저도 많은 제품들을 다운로드해서 쓰고 있었는데 안쓰는 제품들이 몇개 생겨서 제거하려고 합니다.
    그런데 제어판에서는 어도비 CC 제품들(포토샵, 애프터이펙트, 오디션 등등)이 뜨질 않네요.
    제어판에서 이 제품들을 인식을 못하는거 같은데, 어도비에 전화해보니 C드라이브 들어가서
    폴더를 지우라고 하는데, 그냥 제어판이 인식하게 할 수는 없을까요?
    English :
    I have used Adobe CC products for almost a year.
    As you know, I can download any adobe products what I want through it.
    I was using a lot of Adobe products, but now, there are some products
    that I won't use anymore. So I'm going to delete them.
    But windows' control panel doesn't recognize Adobe CC products(like Photoshop, After Effects, Etc..).
    So I called to Adobe Korea customer center. They told me that I can go into C drive and delete folders of Adobe products.
    This is not the answer what I exactly want. I want to make the control panel can recognize Adobe CC products.
    What should I do?

    Creative Cloud help says to uninstall CC apps on a Windows PC to do the following:
    Open the Window Control Panel > Programs and Features
    Choose an app and click Uninstall/Change
    Follow on-screen instructions
    This information is NOT correct.  Programs and Features does not contain all versions of Adobe software installed via Creative Cloud Desktop.  It only shows the most current installation.  Photoshop is a great example of why this is so.  I currently have five versions of Photoshop installed through my Creative Cloud subscription.  Windows has difficulty knowing which version to start, much less which to uninstall because the executable file for each version uses the same name--Photoshop.exe.  In terms of designating which file types should be opened by which programs, the problem is equally evident.  For example, setting current version Photoshop CC 2014 (version 15.1) as the program to open GIF files is not possible because Windows shows it's already done that with the designated program being Photoshop.exe.  Of course, all other versions of Photoshop executable files use the name Photoshop.exe.  So, it's not surprising that Windows is confused.  But that does not help the rest of us.
    The original questioner asked how they could get Windows Programs and Features to list CC applications.  I don't think that's possible given the way Adobe has configured and named the executable files that Windows relies on.  So, I'd add a question for Adobe:  How do I uninstall versions of Photoshop and other CC applications that I no longer use.  Programs and Features cannot help me--the programs simply are not listed.  So, how does Adobe envision users uninstalling CC apps that don't appear in Programs and Features?   

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