Panorama Issues

I recently started using Photoshop CS5. I attempted doing my first panorama last night using photomerge but at the end the image displayed was split in two. It was a 5 shot panorama, I use a Mac. I used different modes of photo merge other than "auto" but the results were the same. Screen shot is attached.Is there a setting that I have wrong? I am new to CS5 so still learning. Anyway to fix this? Thanks,

You can try. Widen the canvas to accommodate the smaller image alongside the larger one. Select the smaller image and Cmd+J to place it on a layer above. Use the Move tool, assisted by by the keyboard arrow keys to position the small unit. To help in adjusting register, reduce the opacity of the small unit layer as you position the smaller element. Then, when satisfied return to 100% Opacity. (You may have to use Edit > Transform to modify the size of the small element for best results.

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    Wrog wrote:
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    1.6 is in the works. "With the next NAVIGON update 1.6.0 for iPhone our MobileNavigator will be compatible with the new system software iOS4."
    Navigon is aware of the Panorama issues:

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    A good place to ask advice about web development is at the MozillaZine "Web Development/Standards Evangelism" forum.
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br>
    You need to register at the MozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.

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    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these in order until the issue is resolved.
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    Is there anyone else that has had this issue resolved recently?
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    Q: Why create that update in 3/2011 that removed functionality from all the basic/non-smartphones?
    A: Cashmoney*
    By removing functionality you force your customers to upgrade their phones. (Cashmoney)
    By forcing your customers to upgrade their phones you force your customers to sign new 2-year contracts. (Cashmoney)
    By forcing your customers to sign new 2-year contracts when you basically offer nothing but smartphones, you effectively force your customers to switch to a smartphone. (Cashmoney)
    By forcing your customers to switch to a smartphone you force your customers to add data plans. (Cashmoney)
    Q: Why start charging a $30 upgrade fee when it used to be free to upgrade?
    A: Cashmoney
    Dear Verizon, may I please please pretty please pay you $30 for the privilege to continue paying you every month? (Cashmoney)
    Q: Why eliminate the unlimited data plan and move to an obtusely structured tier system?
    A: Cashmoney
    Hey Verizon, do you think there's any way it's possible for me to pay you more, but get way less? Why don't you guys look into that and see what you can come up with. (Cashmoney)
    *Cashmoney - Corporate translation: Added revenue stream
    Note: all the tags relating to this post (i.e. no_help_from_customer_service, money_hungry_company, cancel_contract, cancel_service) were already created by other users prior to me.
    >Subject line edited to remove profanity<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    1. Jim, the only reason my phone is "obsolete" is because Verizon decided to make it "obsolete". Otherwise, it makes and receives calls and texts without issue.
    2. We are not all customers here, Verizon employees are constantly posting on these boards.
    3. There was a post on a previous thread by a customer who had the issue resolved. That post was dated February 13, 2013.
    4. You, personally, might not need to know what every single person said in every single discussion, but I wanted the Verizon employees that troll these boards to see what >Comment Deleted<they put their customers through.
    5. >Comment deleted<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • Best way to view a panorama

    I was wondering what is the best way to view a panorama on the iPad?
    The panoramas are NOT 360 degree. It is created by a digital camera, one of those which has this newer built-in sweep panorama mode, where you hold the camera and turn, and it snaps photos and stitches them together for you in the camer itself. And of course you can hold the camera in portrait or landscape mode and you will get a panorama with different dimensions this way.
    So I import one of these panoramas into the default Photos app (after scaling it down in PS because obviously I don't need to see a 5000 something pixel wide pano on the iPad).
    Anyhow. I think the iPad's Photos app displays panoramas in a rather stupid way. First, it just shrinks the pano so it fits the whole display. Then, if I double click it, it zooms into the panorama like 3 times or so, completely blowing up the pixels.
    The only way I find is to zoom into the pano with two fingers, and then I can pan the photo left/right. I think this is rather lame way of doing it and was wondering if anyone has a better way to tackle this issue.
    I am NOT interested in purchasing programs for the iPad that creates/stitches panoramas together for me. I want to create the panos with my digital camera, edit them and then import it to the iPad, which results just a simple photo, albeit much longer width then height. I'm just looking for a better way of looking at them on the iPad other then that mediocre default Photos app.

    Here's a free viewer that can be used for panos on ipads even though it's a product viewer ... you would need the beta one that actually works on ipads with zoom support

  • I continue to have a problem attempting to create Panorama with PE 7

    Has anyone ever received and answer from Adobe for this problem that actually worked?
    Sunday, November 1, 2009 12:39:26 PM PST
    Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:47:58 PM PDT
    Open - Pending Adobe Response
    Photoshop Elements 7.0
    Support contract
    Adobe Support Program
    Panorama function does not work
    Notes & responses
    Notes from Customer
    Sunday, November 1, 2009 12:39:26 PM PST
    I followed your directions and closed all open files including "spySweeper" and "Norton". I went to "run" and entered %appdata% and
    deleted "Adobe" NOTE: there was another file titled AdobeUM which I did not delete. I opened Adobe Elements and went to File->New
    ->Photomerge Panorama and immediately
    Error 1: Unable to create Window
    -Internal error.
    Line: 364
    -> var w = new Window(res);
    I tried this several times from both the edit screen and the screen that shows the individual images and always got the same results
    Notes from Customer
    Friday, October 30, 2009 9:41:22 AM PDT
    I have tried your suggested solution several times and it does not work......fortunately I have found another product that does work
    and have moved on to it. I would like to know what is causing the problem particularly since a "lot" of other users are reporting
    the same problem on the Internet.
    Notes to Customer
    Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:10:51 PM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    Our engineers hopefully will find the issue and post a document about it
    in the Adobe Knowledge Base and/or release a fix.
    Kind regards,
    Nathan F.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Wednesday, October 28, 2009 5:10:30 PM PDT
    I followed your instructions and still have exactly the same problem, but thanks for the attempt. I hope your engineers can find th
    e problem as if you look on the internet a lot of other people are having exactly the same difficulty.
    Notes to Customer
    Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:03:39 AM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    I received your images and was able to reproduce your problem on my
    machine several times and also triggered the same error even after
    resaving the images using the "Save for Web" function.
    Interestingly, after deleting the program's preferences, I was able to
    use Photomerge successfully on your images and could not reproduce the
    Try the following and see if these steps fix the issue for you as well:
    1. Close all open programs.
    2. Click on Start > Run.
    3. In the run dialog field, type: "%appdata%" [without the quotes].
    4. Delete the Adobe folder shown there (this will delete all Adobe
    software preferences and settings).
    5. Close the window.
    6. Launch Photoshop Elements Editor and try using the Photomerge command
    on your images again.
    The files are being forwarded to our engineers to see if they can
    isolate why these images may corrupt or damage Photoshop Elements'
    preferences and settings.
    I hope this information helps to resolve your issue. If you require
    further assistance with this issue, please update your web case with
    complete details, including what steps you have applied and any error
    messages you are receiving.
    You may also call Technical Support at (800) 642-3623. We are available
    from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.
    Kind regards,
    Nathan F.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:29:17 PM PDT
    Second file
    Notes to Customer
    Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:32:49 AM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    We show only one image uploaded to our Support Portal. Its file name is
    Slide-2.jpg. We will need all the images that you are attempting to
    merge uploaded to the Web Portal in order to test and to properly
    investigate your issue.
    Kind regards,
    Nathan F.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Monday, October 26, 2009 5:40:57 PM PDT
    Files used to attempt to create panorama are attached
    Notes to Customer
    Monday, October 26, 2009 4:05:05 PM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    I understand that even after using “Save For Web” that you got the same
    error message when you attempted to use Photomerge.
    I checked the attachments on the case and did not see the files that I
    suggested you upload for our engineers to examine.
    Could you please attach the files and we will then see if we can solve
    your problem.
    You may also call Technical Support at (800) 642-3623. We are available
    from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.
    Kind regards,
    Nathan F.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Monday, October 26, 2009 3:14:06 PM PDT
    Will this help?
    Notes from Customer
    Monday, October 26, 2009 11:03:21 AM PDT
    I tried the work around with the "save for web" and got the same message:
    Error 1: Unable to create Window
    -Internal error.
    Line: 364
    -> var w = new Window(res);
    I can't believe with as many people as are having this problem that Adobe had not developed a solution and released it as a "bug" fi
    x. I see that it is also a problem for people using Elements 8 and I can not imagine that is a very good endorsement for your new p
    Notes to Customer
    Monday, October 26, 2009 10:28:41 AM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    I understand that when you attempt to use the Photomerge feature in
    Photoshop Elements that you immediately get the errors:
    Error 1: Unable to create Window
    - OS error:[1400]
    Line: 364
    -> var w = new Window(res);
    We have seen customer reports of this error and have the matter under
    Currently, it has been determined to be image specific and isolated to
    problems processing the metadata in some images.
    Our software engineers have been unable to isolate the exact issue with
    these problematic images' metadata and have requested that people who
    have images exhibiting this behavior be asked to upload them via the
    Adobe Support Portal so that they can be examined.
    Fortunately, we also do have a potential workaround that may allow you
    to merge your images.
    Try the following:
    1. Open your images in Photoshop Elements Editor.
    2. Save each one using the "Save for Web" command available in the File
    menu in JPG format with the quality set to "High".
    [This will remove all metadata from the images]
    3. Close Photoshop Elements Editor and all open images.
    4. Open the images that you just removed the metadata from using "Save
    for Web" and use Photomerge on them.
    I hope this information helps to resolve your issue. If you require
    further assistance with this issue, please update your web case with
    complete details, including what steps you have applied and any error
    messages you are receiving.
    You may also call Technical Support at (800) 642-3623. We are available
    from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.
    Kind regards,
    Nathan F.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Sunday, October 25, 2009 9:03:21 AM PDT
    Look here 858
    Notes from Customer
    Friday, October 23, 2009 2:42:48 PM PDT
    When I go into Elements 7 and select File->New->Photomerge Panorama I get the message
    Error 1: Unable to create Window
    -Internal error.
    Line: 364
    -> var w = new Window(res);
    and can not go any further. If you look at this on your Forum Site you will note that a lot of other users are having the same problem
    or look here read.php?t=44409
    Same thing.
    I even notice that people usiong Elements 8 are now having the problem.
    Notes to Customer
    Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:52:08 AM PDT
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop® Elements 7.0.
    I understand that when you try to use the Panorama function in Elements,
    you receive a message “unable to create window.”
    Does this problem happen when you are trying to merge specific images or
    does it happen with all images?
    What size are the images you are trying to merge? What dimensions, dots
    per inch, and file type are the images?
    How many images are you trying to merge? Do you have the same problem
    if you try merging just two images?
    Make sure when you are going to do the photomerge that any extra
    programs are closed. The merging process is rather memory intensive so
    the less programs running at once, the better.
    Try to resize each of the photos to a smaller size, and then retry the
    If you receive the error when saving a panorama, try flattening the file
    (use the Layer>Flatten Image command), or save the panorama in the
    smaller, JPEG format.
    I hope this information helps to resolve your issue. If you require
    further assistance with this issue, please update your web case with
    complete details, including what steps you have applied and any error
    messages you are receiving.
    You may also call Technical Support at (800) 642-3623. We are available
    from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.
    Kind regards,
    Scott K.
    Adobe Web Support
    Notes from Customer
    Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:47:58 PM PDT
    When I try to use the panaroama function I get this message
    Error 1; unable to create window
    -Internal error
    Line; 364
    -> var w = new Window(res);
    I have tried all the solutions from the forum and they do not work. I even bought a new copy of the program, but no luck.
    The function worked before and then stoped working (I had a downloaded version of release 7) That prompted me to buy the new copy A
    Operating System: Windows XP Home
    Has it ever worked? If so, what's changed? (provide comments in description field): Yes
    Same results with different file?: Yes
    Same results with different computer?: Not Applicable
    Recent System Hardware or Software change?: No

    I have recently started having this problem in PSE8. The Adobe workaround
    did work, but I don't fancy having to re register each time I use it.
    What I have discovered is that it's nothing to do with the image metadata as it occurs before any image is opened.
    It SEEMS to only occur if you use file/open with to open an image in the editor - IE start PSE with that command.
    If you close elements down, and start it using programs/PSE/Elements (or your desktop shortcut) - the panorama feature magically works.
    Each time I've opened the editor 'automatically' using image/open with, it seems to create the problem.
    Hope this helps

  • Lightroom command edit merge to panorama in photoshop no longer working

    Photoshop CS 6, 13.0.6.
    Lightroom 6 version 5.0
    Camera raw 8.1
    On an iMac, OS 10.8.5
    Working in LR, I select several images.
    Photoshop is already open.
    I'm trying to merge the images.
    I've used the pull down under Photo edit in..merge to panorama in photoshop
    hundreds of times!
    Now suddenly, with nothing different that I can tell,it doesn't work.
    Nothing happens.
    Sometimes the photoshop window comes up but usually nothing.
    What's wrong?

    beverlyb - same issue (after trying the CS6 30 day trial on my machine with CS5). Interesting that it's an issue on Mac as well (I use win8.1). I had an Adobe engineer "take over" my PC and he/she was unable to fix it... Ugh! Really the main thing I use photoshop for. Can you do it manually (under File > automation > photomerge I think)?

  • Several severe Issues with the Nokia 808 (camera, ...

    Hey Guys,
    I was a avid user of the Nokia N8 with its amazin camera features. So i made the switch to the 808. While the initial Impression was awesome, when traveling over the last few days my experience wasn't that great. There are several in part very severe issues i am having:
    1st and foremost: the cameras automatic shutter speed is too low for nearly every shot. No, my hands are not too shaky, I've doing professional photgraphs since 10 years now and am able to shoot with 1/10th and lower. Yet, when enjoying a boat tour in Copenhagen and taking pictures of the passing scenerey, nearly all images have noticeable motion blur due to the slooooow movement of the boat. And this in bright daylight. The only way to bypass this was by using the sports mode - but then again you are limited to 5 megapixels. You can also notice the very long shutter time when simply taking a picture of your local metro station. MOst of the people walking by have motion blur.
    This brings me to issue number 2: I really don't get why i am unable to influence the focus method. You get the Landscape and Sports mode (which use a fixed focus) but that's not available in the creative mode. So even when doing simple panoramic shots in the creative mode in 5, 8 or 34 megapixels the camera has to focus. Problem here: when shooting panoramic stills the focus sometimes decides to focus on a nearby person instead of the 'big picture'.
    Issue number 3: When manually selecting a very low ISO value (for decent night shots) the Camera makes that artificial shutter sound WAY before the shutter actually closes. Therefore you THINK that taking the picture is already done and move the camera around. This results in awful images
    Issue number 4: Battery usage is way to high on the 808. I was able to take my N8 around town all day, shoot over 300 (Yes, 300) images, do a bit of navigation, email, browse and tak without the battery being drained below 15%. I ran out of battery with the 808 after only 136 images, 15 mins of Navigation, Wireless Lan and 3G turned OFF. So the entire point of having a device that combines phone and camera and lasts all day is simply gone I had usage times of 3-4 days with the N8 (when not on vacation) - the 808 is drained after the first night under the very same conditions.
    To sum it up - i'd like to see the following things fixed/added:
    - Behaviour of the automatic shutter
    - Option to manually select shutter
    - Option to select different focus methods (on / off ) in creative mode
    - black on white color theme for email
    - ability to select multiple images in album view like before
    - ability to get additional information on the image like with the n8 when you press and hold and select 'details'
    - Ablity to turn of autofocus in video mode
    - when deleting an email while reading the email, display the previous mail instead of the inbox
    Would be great to get some feedback from you guys on that!
    Go to Solution.

    Hello…I own an 808 PureView device. At the outset, I must congratulate you for creating such a marvelous device. It’s in all dimensions a brilliant Smartphone and has no major lags except a few which I would like to mention as suggestions to improve the general smoothness and usefulness of its User Interface (henceforth-UI).
    The in-built gallery lacks ‘mark multiple items’ option which, if integrated, can be fruitfully used to delete or send multiple items though Bluetooth. Also, the in-built gallery lacks ‘renaming’ function which would otherwise be helpful in organizing the gallery items, and in giving custom names which are easy to remember and deal with.
    The generic MUSIC PLAYER lacks the track/music search function from within the music player, and so, to search a song out of the vast collection, the user has to use the generic SEARCH application by exiting or minimizing the music player, which in itself is a cumbersome exercise. The search function, if integrated into the music player, will help a great deal in making the music experience really customized and precise as also time saving.
    The in-built VIDEO editing options available in the video viewing dashboard are relatively much naïve and rudimentary as compared to PureView’s lesser predecessor, the N8. Now, since 808 is a full-fledged camera Smartphone, it is bit logical on part of the user to expect the video editing dashboard to be as efficient and complete as the photo editing dashboard of the same is.  Advance options like adding music clip can be added to the video editing console to mitigate the need of using any third party application to do so, and thus, it will further enhance the utility drawn from the cell-phone UI in terms of video editing and viewing.
    The generic MESSAGING application has the default view as CONVERSATIONS view and manual selection every time is required to switch the view to FOLDERS mode. If there had been an option to make a choice in setting the folders view or the conversations view as default as per users convenience, it would have been again a smooth messaging experience.
    To end up, the generic CONTACT application lacks the facility to edit the contact labels unlike the one which was available in S60 V3 devices (I owned N79 prior to owing 808 PureView and so I am well aware of this utility). Facility to edit the contact labels makes it easy to differentiate between multiple contact numbers of the same contact so as to have an ease of remembrance and clarity of use.
    I earnestly hope that Nokia will incorporate some or all of these suggestions in the next-to-come firmware upgrade for Belle FP1 devices. These modifications/additions, if done and made, will make the Belle OS fully competent with its various other contemporaries as it just lacks these things but otherwise is a fluid and extremely useful OS. I request you to kindly pay due heed and consideration to my observations and work towards making the Belle OS an all-encompassing mobile platform. Thanking You.

  • Why is elements better at photomerge than CC- CC does not appear to automatically fill image based on content but elements does when merging a panorama. Also the stitching is visable in CC but almost perfect in elements- why?

    I took 6 panorama shots of a scene and used CC to Photomerge them as one. Couldn't see where to automatic blend the edges and there was 'stitch' lines when the images were merged. So i did the same in Elements 11 and it was perfect. Am i doing something wrong in CC or perhaps not doing something at all?
    Any help, please?

    Hi - Thanks for taking the time to reply and i appreciate the remarks- if a little harsh- we all have to start somewhere and i am fully aware of the limitations of Elements which is why i decided to add CC to my software. I can only say that if an inferior quality software from Adobe does the job well then CC must also be suited to doing the same which is why i can only think, from your comments, that i have not done something simple- however- following tutorials to get to the end result should have sufficed- it didn't so perhaps i will consider posting the difference between the two applications- and, perhaps suffer a few more 'harsh' comments. The learning curve is quite steep and i am a visual learner, but i'm also not totally incompetent:)
    Kind Regards
    Dave Munn
    Original message----
    From : [email protected]
    Date : 02/02/2015 - 06:45 (GMTST)
    To : [email protected]
    Subject :  why is elements better at photomerge than CC- CC does not appear to automatically fill image based on content but elements does when merging a panorama. Also the stitching is visable in CC but almost perfect in elements- why?
        why is elements better at photomerge than CC- CC does not appear to automatically fill image based on content but elements does when merging a panorama. Also the stitching is visable in CC but almost perfect in elements- why?
        created by station_two in Photoshop General Discussion - View the full discussion
    First a clarification: you are not addressing Adobe here in these user forums.  You are requesting help from volunteers users just like you who give their time free of charge. No one has any obligation to answer your questions.
    I'll give it my best shot anyway.
    Few folks in this forum are really familiar with Elements, for which there's a dedicated, totally separate forum.
    Different engineering teams, also.
    From this perspective, it will be difficult to give you a direct answer to your "why?" question.
    Personally, I blend very large panorama shots in Photoshop proper since I can't even remember when without any issues whatsoever, up to and including in Photoshop CS6 13.0.6.
    Without being at your computer and without looking at your images, I couldn't even begin to speculate what you are doing wrong in Photoshop, which I suspect you are.  The least you could show is post examples from your panoramas that have gone wrong.
    I can tell you that panorama stitching requires significant overlap between the individual shots, besides common-sdense techniques like a very solid tripod and precision heads.
    The only version of Elements I have ever used for any significant time was Elements 6 for Windows, which I bought in 2008 to use on a PC (I've been an avid Mac user for 30 years).  I found Elements so limited and so bad that I successfully demanded a refund from Adobe.  IU mention this only to emphasize that I can truly only address your question from a Photoshop (proper) and Mac user point of view.  I couldn't care less about Elements, but if you have comparison examples of panoramas processed in both applications, by all means post those two.
    Generally speaking Photoshop is a professional level application that makes no apologies for its very long and steep learning curve, while Photoshop has many hand-holding features for amateurs and beginners.
    Perhaps the bottom line is that you should stick with Elements if you personally manage to get better results there.
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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  • Panoramas in iPhoto '09

    A. When I would make a panorama, here's the steps I took:
    1. Take pictures with my camera.
    2. Import into iPhoto'09.
    3. Assign titles to pictures and export into folder on desktop.
    4. Open Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 and import photos from desktop folder.
    5. Let APE 6 create panorama and then save it back to the desktop folder.
    6. Import it using iPhoto'09. Edit it using enhance, crop, straighten, and adjust if necessary. It worked perfectly.
    B. I updated to Snow Leopard. When I imported it into iPhoto'09 and did the normal edit's everything slightly changed. As you can see in the attached movie the finished panorama would change sizes. I assumed that it was an interacting between iPhoto'09, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 and Snow Leopard. So, I ordered Adobe Photoshop Elements 8. NOTE: I cannot add a movie file, but I did add it to the same question in the Adobe forums.
    C. I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 and it's still doing the same thing. Note it only changes size when I click on a panorama picture. The 3rd picture was a normal size single picture.
    D. I have an Early 2009 24 inch iMac (2.93 GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo) running OSX 10.6.1.
    E. Anyone have any suggestions or did you have the same problem and what corrections did you do?

    See if you can straighten the photo with PSE before importing into iPhoto and then do just the other edits, crop. adjust, in iPhoto. See if that will avoid the problem.
    Do you have a Canon camera? If so there's an application, PhotoStitch, that came with the camera and that may create panoramas that don't have issues with iPhoto.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 unable to process more than 10 Images for Panoramic

    I have Adobe Photoshop CS6 with latest patches installed and cannot create a panoramic picture from 18 photos (360 degrees).  I can get it to work with a maximum of 10 photos.  Photoshop Elements 12 works fine on another identical computer, but not CS6.  Is there a work around or a problem or known bug?  How do I resolve the issue?
    System is an
    HP DC8300 Core i5 System with 4GB of memory on Windows 7 32bit Enterprise Edition

    4 GB of RAM?  for a 10 pict panorama?  Ouch!

  • Lightroom link to PS Panorama merge Not working with Photoshop CC 2014 upgrade

    I recently received an upgrade to PS CC to PS CC2014. After Upgrading I now notice the Option in Lightroom 5.5 to edit in PS and merge to Panorama is no longer working.
    When used, PS program starts, but does not con tune with the script to load existing files and merge into a panorama image.
    Does PS CC 2014 use a different script? as it seems to be failing.
    Has anyone else had this issue, is there a fix coming?

    This worked for me, and a simple solution...
    Start PS - restart LR :-)

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