Paragon Partition Manager Equivalent for Mac???

Being very new to Mac OSX I would like to know if there is a way of backing up the total contents of one partition to another or external drive? I have migrated from a Windows platform were Paragon Partition Manager was used to quickly restore a partition to an original state in around 10mins which was very useful if a problem arose and you needed a quick turn around. The backup of the partition was compressed as well keeping the size down a bit. Currently Paragon do not seem to have a Mac version of the Partition Manager but is there anything out there that will do the trick?

Hi again,
when you create the back-up with CCC there is a choice to "Create bootable copy".
When you're done, you should try it & start from that ext. HD macOS to see that it actually is a Bootable Mac OS.
Then when you need it you'll start from the Install DVD, select a Disk Utilities from top pulldown menu (after the language choice) and you should be able to choose the 'Restore' button & you'll get a choice to choose the place you want to 'Restore' from and the target place where you want to restore it.
After that you just make your tea and wait - shouldn't take more than 30 ~ 45 minutes...

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    ThunderCon wrote:
    but there's software that can do it on Windows so there must be something on the Mac.
    DiskUtility, DiskWarrior, TechTools, Genius, etc. etc. just do a google search. Most are paid apps except DiskUtility which is already built in and can be accessed from your reinstall partition. I personally don't bother with any except DiskUtility, but do keep a copy of DiskWarrior on hand just in case.
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    Is it your intent to run Windows programs on your computer?  If so then this is more than simply a partitioning exercise.
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    TM is not a file transfer program, cannot be used for Windows documents, and does not work on Windows.
    If you wish to run Windows on your Mac then see the following:
    Windows on Intel Macs
    There are presently several alternatives for running Windows on Intel Macs.
    1. Install the Apple Boot Camp software.  Purchase Windows XP w/Service Pak2, Vista, or Windows 7.  Follow instructions in the Boot Camp documentation on installation of Boot Camp, creating Driver CD, and installing Windows.  Boot Camp enables you to boot the computer into OS X or Windows.
    2. Parallels Desktop for Mac and Windows XP, Vista Business, Vista Ultimate, or Windows 7.  Parallels is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    3. VM Fusionand Windows XP, Vista Business, Vista Ultimate, or Windows 7.  VM Fusion is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    4. CrossOver which enables running many Windows applications without having to install Windows.  The Windows applications can run concurrently with OS X.
    5. VirtualBox is a new Open Source freeware virtual machine such as VM Fusion and Parallels that was developed by Solaris.  It is not as fully developed for the Mac as Parallels and VM Fusion.
    Note that Parallels and VM Fusion can also run other operating systems such as Linux, Unix, OS/2, Solaris, etc.  There are performance differences between dual-boot systems and virtualization.  The latter tend to be a little slower (not much) and do not provide the video performance of the dual-boot system.
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    Message was edited by: Gavin Lawrie - correct typo

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    System Requirements
    Mac OS X 10.2.6 or later
    Mac OS X 10.2.8 or greater recommended
    It looks like you never updated to a newer version of MacOS X. With MacOS X 10.2 you should still be able to run any old MacOS  9 applications in the Classic environment, if you want to save your older drivers and applications.

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    So I guess am asking for one that's open source?
    Please let me know.

    You might want to check out Wikipedia page and look for open source
    The only free tools that I know of are web based such as Zoho projects, Basecamp etc..
    Or you can always download and use for 30 days tools from:
    or other

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