Paralells on Macbook with 80GB HD

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anybody has tried to install paralellsand windows vista on a MACBOOK with 80GB hard drive and 1gb ram. Is there any conflicts? Any recommendation?
thank you

Vista is going to want around 30GB, regardless of version. And 1GB of memory is going to be painfully slow, if Vista starts at all. You should look into an upgrade for youtr Macbook to 2GB.
If you don't have a pressing need, XP is a better choice for Parallels on a MacBook with a gig of RAM. If all you have is Vista, BootCamp is a better option if you plan on running more than a single program.
Having said that, I am running XP in Parallels, and Vista with BootCamp on a 2ghz C2d MacBook with 2GB of ram without issues.
Message was edited by: compu-tor

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    Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Comparison of iPod managers
    Senuti Mac Only
    PodView Mac Only
    PodWorks Mac Only
    iPodDisk PPC Mac Only (experimental version available for Intel Macs)
    TuneAid Mac only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
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    iPod Photo Liberator Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    Keith's iPod Photo Reader Mac only
    If you have full resolution copies of the photos on the iPod have a look here: Apple Knowledge Base article - Use Disk Mode to copy photos from iPod
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    Dear Nathan,
    Many thanks. To the best of my memory, that is how I got where I am today. Initially I had one failed setup, then discovered compatibility mode and ran using it.  The result was not an obvious failure, but something was not there because not only were some drivers missing (wi-fi, trackpad, ...) but (much to my disappointment) the 3.1 update would not run. It complained that 3.0 wasn't there. If I hardwired to my home network, the machine would do almost everything I wanted, but the graphics were slow and clumsy. That is when I hunted around for the NVidia driver and downloaded it from NVidia. And that is where I stand now.
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    Instead of restoring OS X in order to reinstall Safari, try troubleshooting extensions.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test.
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    If it's not an extensions issue, try troubleshooting third party plug-ins.
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    If that made a difference, instructions for troubleshooting plugins here.
    If it's not an extension or plug-in issue, delete the cache.
    Open a Finder window. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following
    Click Go then move the Cache.db file to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari to test.

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