Parameters to pl/sql procedure on item?

OK, it seems like this should be obvious, but I'm not getting it...
I've created a custom Item type with a PL/SQL procedure. I've defined the procedure to accept the item id and site id as parameters. When the user clicks on the procedure link, the request URL looks like this:
What should the 'VIEW_CRYSTAL_REPORT' procedure look like in order to read those parameters?
Are they parameters to the procedure in the typical PL/SQL sense? Do I need to get them from wwpro_api_parameters? If so, where do I find the reference path?

I've even tried this now without any parameters, and there seems to be something even more basic that I'm missing.
I have the procedure published, with no paramters, I added the missing schema prefix, so the URL now looks like:
But I'm still getting a 404 file not found.
What am I missing?
Thanks again...

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    Hi all,
    I am trying to use a javascript function to create a small popup window that is populated by a pl/sql procedure from inside portal.
    I am trying to pass it a parameter to refine a SQL query running in that procedure, unfortunately I'm not sure of the syntax. The url that I'm trying to open in the new window looks like this:
    If I just run this, it works fine and the popup window opens correctly and displays all results. If I try to pass a parameter, it errors out with a 404 Page Not Found.
    The parameter itself comes from a text field that the user can enter a value into. I am able to get the value of that text field and append it to the url I'm generating, but I can't find the proper syntax.
    I've tried numerous syntax variants, but none of them seem to work. The procedure does have the parameter defined in both the spec and body and properly handles it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    -Mike Markiw

    You said you have a text field where a user enters a value, so I am assuming that you have form...
    you can try following
    <form action="/pls/portal/myschema.mypackage.myprocedure" method="post">
    your text field "inVar"
    your submit button
    I am sure your myprocedure has inVar as an input...
    If you just want to pass a value to a procedure you can always do following: value

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    Thanks for yr help!

    Change the payload of the request 'Process WSDL' message type. Change the element of the payload for the RequestMessage to be 'InputParameters' from the XSD generated by the DB Adapter wizard.
    Edit the payload (Element) - Choose 'Project Schema Files'. Select 'InputParameters' from the XSD.
    You can also change the ResponseMessage by doing the same thing, except that you select 'OutputParameters' from the XSD.

  • Passing of BOOLEAN parameters to PL/SQL stored procedures

    Hi ,
    How i can pass BOOLEAN parameter to store Procedure or do i need to pass it as Integer?
    waiting for quick reply
    Thanks in advance ,

    Disclaimer: I work for the company that makes the product mentioned below.
    Procedures that take boolean parameters can be called using JDBC without having to modify them or write additional 'wrapper' procedures. The secret is to write an anonymous block that accepts a numeric parameter and sets a boolean PL/SQL variable with it before calling the procedure.
    [url]OrindaBuild is a utilty made by my employer that does this along with a bunch of other stuff. If you open
    [url]this URL and scroll to the bottom you'll see an example of this technique in use for a BOOLEAN OUT parameter. The relevent code is:
    public String getProcCallStatement()                                            
    236    {                                                             
    237    return("DECLARE \n"
    238          +"/* Generated By OrindaBuild 4.0.1919 */ \n"
    239          +"/* Which can be obtained at */ \n"
    240          +"p_fromcity VARCHAR2(32767) := ?; \n"
    241          +"p_tocity VARCHAR2(32767) := ?; \n"
    242          +"p_direct BOOLEAN := null; \n"
    243          +"p_direct_SN SIGNTYPE := null; \n"
    244          +"BEGIN  \n"
    245          +"SIMPLE_EXAMPLES.DIRECT_FLIGHT_AVAILABLE(p_fromcity,p_tocity,p_direct); \n"
    246          +"  \n"
    247          +"IF p_direct IS NULL THEN  \n"
    248          +"  p_direct_SN := 0;  \n"
    249          +"ELSIF p_direct = FALSE THEN  \n"
    250          +"  p_direct_SN := -1;  \n"
    251          +"ELSIF p_direct = TRUE THEN  \n"
    252          +"  p_direct_SN := 1;  \n"
    253          +"END IF;  \n"
    254          +"? := p_direct_SN; \n"
    255          +"END; ");
    256    }     'p_direct' is a boolean variable we use to capture the result of the stored procedure.
    'p_direct_SN' is a variable of SIGNTYPE, a numeric datatype that can have the values -1, 0, or 1. This makes it ideal for representing booleans. The IF statement afte the procedure call sets p_direct_SN based on the value of p_direct. The magic code is in line 254:
    ? := p_direct_sn;
    If you bind '?' as a numeric out parameter you get -1, 0 or 1 back when you run call the stored procedure.
    This technique allows you to call PL/SQL procedures that have boolean parameters without having to write additional PL/SQL code. The only drawback is that you have to work with -1,0 and 1 on the Java side.
    David Rolfe
    Orinda Software
    Dublin, Ireland
    David Rolfe
    Dublin, Ireland

  • Creating page items from pl/sql procedure and using them on a page

    I have a page containing 2 select lists (P21_DEPARTMENTS and P21_DATE). Originally I added them as items that were "select list with submits". The problem is that based on the clearance level of the currently logged on user I only wanted the P21_DEPARTMENTS to be a select list if the user was an administrator. If however the user is not an admin then I want the page to have a hidden form field called P21_DEPARTMENTS that stores the user's department and has a label item that has the department name.
    There is also a report region that generates a table based on the department selected from the select list (if the user is an admin) or the value stored in the hidden form field if the user is not.
    My problem is that I cannot have both those items on the same page and use the HTML built-in authentication to determine which item should be rendered because I need to use the same ID for both items so that the stored procedure in my report region doesn't break. HTML does not permit items to share the same ID.
    I tried to circumvent the problem by creating a stored procedure that performs all of the item rendering in the procedure and uses "htp.p()" to output all of my HTML code. This solution would allow me to pass a parameter into the procedure informing me as to whether or not the user is an administrator. If the user is an administrator the procedure would use a conditional statement and render a select list. If not, the hidden form field and label option would be used instead.
    I finally got the stored procedure working perfectly. Now I am encountering the most bizarre thing. Since the "select list with submit" was not working (I used the same code that gets generated when I created other items using htmlDB's GUI) I decided to use a JavaScript function instead that gets triggered by the onChange event. I send along the value that is currently selected in the select list and in the function I set:
    In theory this should work. The problem is that it doesn't. The page reloads and the P21_DEPARTMENTS select list is not pre-selected.
    The only thing I can think of is that when htmlDB generates page items that you've created with it's own admin tool it assigns some internal guid or something as opposed to when someone tries to generate dynamic page items of their own from a pl/sql procedure it's like the application doesn't even know they exist.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
    My only other solution would be to create a totally separate page (one for admin and another for non-admin). I would really like to avoid this.
    Thanks in advance.

    I would love to be able to generate my menus and
    various other items in my htmlDB applications in much
    the same way I can using ASP, PHP and Cold Fusion.
    Users should have the ability to write server-side
    code wherever they feel like it. The way htmlDB works
    right now I spend more time trying to figure out how
    to create simple effects and generate simple
    interfaces when I need to be building a portal. Ami - it's important to understand that HTML DB is not like other languages. Thus, trying to force concepts which are common in other languages into HTML DB will often result in more work.
    It's definitely worth the time to go over the HTML DB 2-day Developer, which can be found here:
    I can build a portal using Classic ASP, C#, PHP or Cold
    Fusion in like 1/10 of the time that it takes me to
    build one using htmlDB. I understand that this is not
    meant for the hard-core programmer but no web
    programming application in today's day and age should
    prevent experts from getting under the hood.And I can build a Portal in HTML DB in 1/10 the time it will take me to do it in any other language. It's like anything else - proficiency comes with practice and work.
    As for getting under the hood, there is plenty of places you can do that with HTML DB. Keep in mind that HTML DB itself is an HTML DB application, so the limits on what you can build with HTML DB are virtually limitless.
    Sorry for the vent there. After spending the last 2
    days trying to figure out how to implement such a
    straightforward thing and now being informed that it
    can't be done kind of bugged me.I understand your frustration, as I've been there before. My rule for beginners is that if you are writing more than a line or two of code in the first week, you're doing something wrong. Stop, take a break, and then use the ample resources (including searching this forum) to help solve your problem. There are plenty of resources available for you to learn about HTML DB on the HTML DB home page:
    Good luck,
    - Scott -

  • FND_REQUEST PL/SQL procedure with parameters

    Hi guys
    I have created a concurrent program, using PL/SQL procedure which has 2 in parameters. I am trying to call the concurrent program using
    NULL,SYSDATE,FALSE,l_on_date, l_org_id,
    However, the concurrent program always failing with
    **Starts**26-AUG-2013 14:02:31 ORACLE error 6550 in FDPSTP Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'OMS_POP_INVVALUES_P' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    and I doubt it is because the database procedure call is not proper.
    I have set four parameters with the concurrent program, as they were with the procedure itself, which are
    p_on_date IN DATE, p_org_id IN NUMBER, errbuff   OUT VARCHAR2,retcode   OUT VARCHAR2
    Please help

    Okay I fixed the problem by
    1. Changing the order of parameters with Procedure like following
    errbuff   OUT VARCHAR2,retcode   OUT NUMBER, p_on_date IN DATE, p_org_id IN NUMBER)
    and then changing the concurrent program call like following
    l_req_id :=
                                                                        NULL,SYSDATE,FALSE,l_in_date, l_org_id,CHR(0));
       :SYSTEM.Message_Level := '25';
    after removing all the parameters from the program parameter list. No need to pass any value for errbuff and retcode, just pass other parameters and end the parameter list with CHR(0). Hope this is useful for somebody else out there.

  • I wonder whether a PL/SQL procedure can take an array of varchar parameters

    i want to take an array as parameters of a PL/SQL procedure, the type of the array may be varchar. How to implement this idea?
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    create or replace
    procedure c1 (p_array  DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S) is
       dbms_output.enable (10000) ;
       FOR i_rec in p_array.FIRST..p_array.LAST LOOP
           dbms_output.put_line (p_array(i_rec)) ;
       END LOOP ;
    end ;
    set serveroutput on
        T_V2   DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S;
        T_V2(1) := 'Alpha' ;
        T_V2(2) := 'Beta'  ;
        T_V2(3) := 'Gamma' ;
        C1 (T_V2)  ;

  • Can some selection conditions as PL/SQL procedure input parameters

    Dear All,
    I need to write a PL/SQL procedure so as to compute the different query only by changing the input parameters. But those input parameters need to be like a PL/SQL table selection conditions. Like:
    one of the query I need two conditions: = 60606 = employees.zipMy procedure can compute the query like:
    select customers.cno, cname, employees.eno, ename
    from customers, orders, employees
    where customers.cno = orders.cno and
          employees.eno = orders.eno and
    where C is the conjunction of the conditions in the input parameter.
    Please help and thanks in advance!

    Well, it's easy enough to do what you want....
    SQL> conn scott/tiger
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION flexi_q (pn_deptno IN NUMBER, pv_string IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
      2  RETURN sys_refcursor AS
      3    return_value sys_refcursor;
      4  BEGIN
      5    IF pv_string IS NULL THEN
      6          OPEN return_value FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = pn_deptno;
      7    ELSE
      8          OPEN return_value FOR 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = :1 AND '
      9          ||pv_string USING pn_deptno; 
    10    END IF;
    11    RETURN return_value;
    12  END;
    13  /
    Function created.
    SQL> var rc refcursor
    SQL> exec :rc := flexi_q(30)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print rc
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> exec :rc := flexi_q(30, 'SAL > 1400')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print rc
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0
    SQL> The real question is: do you really want to do this? Fundamentally you are handing over control of your app to any nimrod who thinks they know how to write SQL. It's just about allowable for them to add simple restrictions but they could add in anything - correlated sub-queries, extravagant sorts, etc. Even if they don't deliberately exploit this hole you still have a fundamentally untunable part of your app.
    It would be much better to have some additional parameters that allows the users to choose from several off-the-peg queries. If you have a user demanding the ability to write "any report I need" I recommend talking to them. The chances are they simply have a pet query, probably embodied in an Excel spreadsheet, they run once every month. Give them a view to meet that need and they'll be happy.
    Cheers, APC

  • Registering  PL/SQL procedure in APPS with optional parameters

    I want to register a PL/SQL procedure as follows in Oracle APPS.
    The procedure is to pick up employee details from a table.I need to pass empno as the parameter(or as an input) to the procedure.I want this parameter registered as an optional parameter. This means if I input a value to this parameter, then the procedure will pick up employee details for that empno. If I do not pass any value to this parameter, then procedure will pick employee details for all employees.
    Also how can pass two optional parameters to pick employee details for a range of employee numbers?

    How are you calling your PL/SQL procedure and how are you planning on returning your results?
    You don't actually need to have an optional parameter - you could simply pass a NULL value for the EmpNo parameter. If you do want to not reference the parameter at all you can provide a default in the parameter definition.
    Assuming that you want to return your results as a cursor, you could do something like:

  • Calling PL/SQL procedure that returns boolean in java

    Hi All,
    Was not sure weather to post this on Java forum threads or PL/SQL forum threads. So posting at both locations.
    I have to call a PL/SQL procedure from java. This PL/SQL has IN/OUT parameters as well as return a Boolean value.
    The procedure definition is as follows:
    return BOOLEAN;
    And the java function I am using is as follows:
    This is in the ADF Application module impl code
    public String callNextItem(){
    CallableStatement callableStmt = null;
    String rmsUser = getDBTransaction().getConnectionMetadata().getUserName();
    String callableStatement = "begin ? := ITEM_NUMBER_TYPE_SQL.VALIDATE_FORMAT(?,?,?); end;";
    System.out.println("callableStatement "+callableStatement);
    callableStmt = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(callableStatement,0);
    callableStmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.*BIT*);
    callableStmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStmt.setBoolean(1, false);
    callableStmt.setString(2, "");
    callableStmt.setString(3, "");
    callableStmt.setString(4, "UPC-A");
    System.out.println("STATUS : " + callableStmt.getString(3));
    System.out.println("ERROR : " + callableStmt.getString(2));
    String status = "";
    System.out.println("commited ");
    return status;
    }catch(SQLException e){
    System.out.println("Error:" +e);
    throw new JboException(e);
    But this function never works. Throws "not valid expression type" error.
    I have called several PL/SQL procedures before, only difference being
    they never used to return any value. Particularly I feel the cause of the
    error is the Boolean type that is returned from the procedure.
    If you have any idea, please help.

  • How to get data from URL in a PL/SQL procedure

    I want to pass values in APEX from a report with a link to a PL/SQL procedure through URL.
    How can I make this?<br>
    For example:<br>
    I have a report:<br>
          when akt is NULL then '< a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:27:&SESSION.:START_PROCESS" name="test_link" >set< /a >'<br>
       end choice<br>
    I want to pass the value "id" in the link ( named "test_link" ) . And want to use this value in a process like this:<br>
       v_user_id NUMBER(10);<br>
       --I want to read this value from the url<br>
       if :REQUEST='START_PROCESS' then<br>
          v_user_id := ????;<br>
       end if;<br>

    1- Create a hidden item P27_USER_ID on page 27
    2- Change your code :
    SELECT ID, NAME, akt,
              WHEN akt IS NULL
                 THEN    '< a href="f?p=&APP_ID.:27:&SESSION.:START_PROCESS:NO::P27_USER_ID:'
                      || ID
                      || '" name="test_link" >set< /a >'
           -- refer to f?p=App:Page:Session:Request:Debug:ClearCache:itemNames:itemValues:PrinterFriendly
           END choice
      FROM users;
       And then
       v_user_id   NUMBER (10);
       --I want to read this value from the url
       IF :request = 'START_PROCESS'
          v_user_id := :p27_user_id;
           --your code
       END IF;
    END;Hope this helps,

  • Obtaining HTML page by issuing a call from a PL/SQL procedure

    Is there any possibility to obtain HTMLDB -> HTML page from a user defined PL/SQL procedure ?
    For example I build an procedure which calls directly,p_flow_step_id=>'2',p_flow_id=>'104')
    and i try to read the result from htp.showpage, but I get a html response page with a security error.
    Maybe is necessary to initialize other parameters?
    Any help?

    Scott, I have got two pages in an application one is login page the other is welcome page. my login page will be process by store proceduer to validate the user based on users table that I have created on my schema. If the user login with username and password, if they exist on this table I will like to send them to welcome page. but I get
    The page cannot be found
    The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
    Please try the following:
    If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Back button to try another link.
    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Internet Explorer
    the procedure is below:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE obj_pls_login_chk(p_UserName IN varchar2
    ,p_Password IN varchar2
    ,Login IN varchar2 ) IS
    l_usr_id number;
    l_url varchar2(2000);
    l_url := '';
    select user_id into l_usr_id
    from s_cdm_users
    where upper(username) = upper(p_UserName)
    and upper(Password) = upper(p_Password);
    if l_usr_id is not null then
    l_url := l_url||'p=29921:2:4413779570974471450';,p_flow_step_id=>'29921',p_flow_id=>'29921:2');
    end if;
    when others then

  • Basic Report Run from a PL/SQL Procedure

    I am hosed trying to start a BI Publisher report from a PL/SQL procedure. Basically, I have a procedure with a local variable defined as an XMLType. I need to call an RTF source, pass the xmlfile in and tell the RTF Engine where to send the output.
    The users guide implies that it involves calls to a Java program and I am totally ignorant of Java.
    I have successfully linked the RTF source into the XML_Publisher application and previewed it against a known data set. hat works.
    So, if I have a PL/SQL package with the local variable L_XML defined as XMLTYPE
    and an output file L_OUTBUT defined as VARCHAR2(100), what do I use to call the RTF Processor and generate the report to the output file?
    That is
    l_xml xmltype;
    l_output varchar2(100);
    -- stuff to build the xml variable
    -- insert the call to FTP Processor here Apparently, it should be
    -- something like
    package.procedure('linked_rtf file name', l_xml, l_output);
    If this calls a Java script, would also appreciate a sample copy of the script.
    My need is desperate so any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

    I don't think you can. The parameters passed to a VB dll are formatted differently than a C dll, especially strings. I know a C program has to use special data structures when working with a VB dll, and this is basically what Oracle is doing.
    It should be possible, however, to create a C dll that acts as a wrapper for the VB dll. I'm not sure this would save you anything, though. If you have to do that you may as well write the function in C.

  • How to accept user values into a pl/sql procedure or function on every execution

    As we accept user values on every execution in a C or a java program, is it possible to do so with a pl/sql procedure or a funtion without using parameters?
    I cannot use parameters because it is required to be interactive while accepting the user-values like,
    Please enter your date of birth in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format:

    It depends from where you are calling your PLSQL routine. If it is SQL*Plus then you can use & (ampersand) with the variable to be input at run time.
    If you are executing the PLSQL routine from another application (some front end application) then it's not possible. Because when a procedure is executing at server side, the front end application does not have control, and the control is only transfered back to front end application when the PLSQL routine either completes successfully or throws an exception.
    In either case, you can not go back to the PLSQL routine.
    In this case, what you can do is, write code in your front end application to get that variable value from user and then pass that value to PLSQL routine.

  • How to pass variable to content area from a PL/SQL procedure

    Can somebody tell me how to create a(Content area) folder based on a PL/SQL procedure that takes a variable as a
    parameter and returns data based on value of that parameter to the folder . Any help would be appreciated .
    Thanks and regards.

    Somewhere, in one procedure, build a session identifier and save your variable there. If no session with that identifier is previously stored, it will create a new session instance with that ID for you.
    l_sess portal30.wwsto_api_session;
    varvalue number;
    varvalue := 100;
    l_sess := portal30.wwsto_api_session.load_session('MYSESSION','VARIABLES');
    In your other procedure, or anywhere else needed within that same session, simply load the session and reference the variable. To reference the variable, use the following.
    -- assuming new procedure, so re-defining session variable and reloading session into it
    my_session portal30.wwsto_api_session;
    my_new_variable number;
    my_session := portal30.wwsto_api_session.load_session('MYSESSION','VARIABLES');
    my_new_variable := my_session.get_attribute_as_number('VAR_NAME');
    This will let you reference parameters across multiple portal applications and indirect calls.

Maybe you are looking for

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