Parental control lock

I can't remember the password to my parental control lock. Is there any way to reset it? Thanks, Mary
Edit>Preferences>Parental Control>Click on lock to prevent further changes>password

Pressing return produced this message:
The Parental Control preferences could not be locked because the user 'mom" has an account restriction. This can occur if the account does not have a password. Any account used to lock the parental control preferences must have a password.
So how do I create a password?

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    OK, please do a couple of administrative things once you have changed  your password. First is update your profile. You can easily do that by clicking Your Stuff in the upper right then click Profile and update as needed. This saves us a lot of time!
    Next when you are replying to a message please click Reply in the message you are replying to, otherwise we cannot tell who your message is intended for.
    Now to change the password in Lion please read Reset 10.7 Lion Password

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    howdy my Scotch/Irish brother (I'm Irish descent - actually Norman invader, but hey)
    I'm surprised you didn't ask our gracious Hosts to EDIT the live link in the OP's reply - seems very malicious indeed. I reported it already though asking that it be left as merely a domain name - can't save everyone when the ship sinks
    buenos dias

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    That's a bug in the current version of iTunes that Apple has acknowledged. There's no indication as to when the bug will be fixed, though. You (and anyone else for whom this is a problem) might want to submit a comment to Apple through the iTunes feedback page so that they know it needs to be a priority.

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    On what device? You cannot download updates using a browser on an iPhone. If your Restrictions passcode is forgotten the only solution is to restore your phone using iTunes and set it up as New. You will lose all of your data.

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    Sometimes "Parental Controls" can be subject to glitches, so just to clarify, are you saying that while logged in to the "admin" account and selecting that user in "System Preferences" > "Accounts" you are unable to use "Parental Controls" > " & System" > "Applications" to select "", or that you are selecting it but the alias is not appearing in the user's "My Applications" folder? This is a fairly common problem with non-Apple apps and "Classic" apps, but I don't think it happens very often with OS X Apple apps...
    As a workaround, you can add your own alias by logging in to the "simplified" account, switching to "Full Finder" and opening two "Finder" windows - one showing "/Applications" and the other showing the user's "~/Library/Managed Items/My Applications" folder. Drag "" to the "My Applications" folder while holding down the "command" (⌘) and "option" (⌥) keys (dragging with these modifiers causes an "alias" to be created at the destination, provided that the destination is "writable" by the user performing the operation). However, due to the way "Simple Finder" works, it will be necessary to "lock" the alias file using "Get Info", or else the alias will be deleted during the next login.
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    No, it applies to Windows systems as well. There must be at least one account with administrator privileges or you can't manage the system; install updates, add new applications, etc. In addition to the account actually titled Administrator, which would have been given a password on initial Windows setup, there should be some user account in your Windows setup that has administrator privileges. You should be able to use any of those user names and passwords.

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    Did you check out the link I posted? Did you expand the applicable section:
    If you have previously synced your device with iTunes
    If you have never synced your device with iTunes
    If you don't have access to a computer

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    Use security software or a router with a build-in password protected logging feature if you want to keep a record of visited websites.<br />
    You can't prevent people from deleting the history and other personal (private) data in Firefox and a log elsewhere will always work even if other browser would be used.

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    Although one would think that re-creating the index could fix this problem, that’s not the case. What sometimes works is restarting the computer or doing some cache-cleaning — don’t ask me why, and I don’t know how to fix the problem when that doesn’t work either.
    You may also want to take a look at the following thread, where another user reported the problem in his/her case was related to a difference in how the email address was written:
    Error - "... unable to find your response..."

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    Turning off in-app purchases and the App Store itself would be the best bet for you. You can always unlock these features as needed and lock them again.
    Apart from restricting purchases, there are a number of other restrictions you can setup. You can even setup a safe browser with remote parental controls from the App Store, like the one from Mobicip. You may find this tutorial to be helpful: How to setup Parental Controls on the iPad.
    Hope this helps.
    Disclaimer: This response is posted by a Mobicip representative who may stand to gain indirectly from it.

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    The carrier doesn't have to "touch iPhone SMS or calling features. THEY SHUT THEM DOWN at thier end.
    Have you even bothered to look to see what AT&T offers? Apparently NOT. You can effectively shut her down on any schedule you like.
    Restrict the times it can be used for messaging, browsing and outbound calling.
    That means no SMS, no iMessage, and no calling her friends. It doesn't block incoming calls, but messages will be blocked.
    Afraid she'll hop on your WiFi and use that instead? Then lock her out of it. You can even do it on a schedule if you have a half way decent router and a few ounces of technical understanding.
    ENHANCED FEATURE: Block incoming and outgoing calls and text messages - now up to 30 numbers.
    NEW FEATURE: Block calls to 411 Directory Assistance (including 555-1212).
    Restrict times of day the phone can be used for messaging, browsing and outbound calling.
    Set limits for the number of text and instant messages allowed per billing cycle.
    Choose a dollar limit for downloadable purchases (ringtones, games and more).
    Select the amount of web browsing/data usage allowed per billing cycle.
    Restrict access to inappropriate content with content filters.
    $4.99/month per line
    Calls and text messages to and from phone numbers you designate as “Allowed Numbers” and calls to and from 911 will continue to be permitted regardless of the limits you set.
    As your child approaches the text and download limits, he/she will receive an advance warning. Once a limit is reached, there will be a notification that the action is restricted and that the service will be stopped until the next billing cycle begins.
    Please Note Important Limitations:

  • Parental control permission

    I'm setting up parental controls for my kids in 10.4. I have given permission for some games that start from the CD, and don't need to be installed to run. When I give permission then log right into their user, it works. But if I log out and log back in, it forgets those CDs and whatever was in the "other" category. It doesn't forget the permissions for games that are installed though.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    Highlight the game application. Then select get info. by hitting Command-I. Under the Ownership & Permissions section, select detail. At the very bottom will have listed what your sons permission is for the application, listed under the sectio "Other". This has to be at least read, for him to have access to the application. This part is not set by parental controls, but how/when/where the application was installed.
    If there is a lock at the top, unlock by clicking it, input your administator password if requested, make the necessary adjustment, and click the lock to prevent further changes.

  • Parental Control Problems

    As soon as I push the "lock icon" to change/edit the "parental controls", the multicolor wheel does not stop rolling and I have to "force quit" from "parental control" window. It won't let me into the Parental Controls setting pane. Any help on this ?

    I think you need to register a new account. Or you could do a factory reset.
    Just helping out...
    "Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it"

  • Parental Control Troubleshooting

    I tried to install the Guest Account and Parental control with few additions in the pre-selected software. As soon as I push the "lock icon" to close the "parental controls", the multicolor wheel do not stop rolling and I have to "force quit" from "parental control" window. Any help on this ?

    Not to beat (or revive, as the case may be,) a dead horse, but...
    I have three Leopard computers:
    A MacBook Pro (see tag at bottom of post,) which only has one account, so no Fast User Switching, and no parental controls. Dashboard works fine.
    An eMac (1.25 GHz USB 2.0 model, 768 MB RAM, 160 GB hard drive, SuperDrive,) with two accounts, plus the Guest account turned on. Fast User Switching is on, and the Guest account has parental controls. Dashboard works fine in all three accounts, no matter what user switching I do.
    A 12" PowerBook G4 (867 MHz VGA model, 640 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, Combo Drive,) with one account, plus the Guest account turned on. Fast User Switching is off, and the Guest account has parental controls. I have Dashboard disabled in the Guest account. Dashboard does not work in the main account, though. (I do have the security on this computer totally locked down. Every single Preference that even hints at "security" is on. Secure VM, FileVault, auto-logout after x minutes, login window requires typing user name and password, the works.) I've tried all the tricks, including turning off Parental Controls. This computer is also on its original software install. Yes, really. It has never been reformatted since I opened the box. It came with Jaguar, and has been upgraded to Panther, then Tiger, and now Leopard. I have deleted user accounts and created new ones, (the current user account is less than a month old;) and have done disk repair and permissions repairs. I know that Dashboard worked in Tiger on a different user account; but I honestly can't recall having tried Dashboard on the current user account in Tiger, much less in Leopard, until today.

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