Parsing a UTF-8 encoded XML Blob object

I am having a really strange problem, I am fetching a database BLOB object containing the XMLs and then parsing the XMLs. The XMLs are having some UTF-8 Encoded characters and when I am reading the XML from the BLOB, these characters lose their encoding, I had tried doing several things, but there is no means I am able to retain their UTF encoding. The characters causing real problem are mainly double qoutes, inverted commas, and apostrophe. I am attaching the piece of code below and you can see certain things I had ended up doing. What else can I try, I am using JAXP parser but I dont think that changing the parser may help because, here I am storing the XML file as I get from the database and on the very first stage it gets corrupted and I have to retain the UTF encoding. I tried to get the encoding info from the xml and it tells me cp1252 encoding, where did this come into picture and I couldn't try it retaining back to UTF -8
Here in the temp.xml itself gets corrupted. I had spend some 3 days on this issue. Help needed!!!
ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    Connection connection = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    long cifElementId = -1;
    //Blob xmlData = null;
    BLOB xmlData=null;
    String xmlText = null;
    RubricBean rubricBean = null;
    ArrayList arrayBean = new ArrayList();
      rs = stmt.executeQuery(strQuery);
     // Iterate till result set has data
      while ( {
        rubricBean = new RubricBean();
        cifElementId = rs.getLong("CIF_ELEMENT_ID");
                // get xml data which is in Blob format
        xmlData = (oracle.sql.BLOB)rs.getBlob("XML");
        // Read Input stream from blob data
         inputStream =(InputStream)xmlData.getBinaryStream(); 
        // Reading the inputstream of data into an array of bytes.
        byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)xmlData.length()];;  
       // Get the String object from byte array
         xmlText = new String(bytes);
       // xmlText=new String(szTemp.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        //xmlText = convertToUTF(xmlText);
        File file = new File("C:\\temp.xml");
        // Write to temp file out = new;

What the code you posted is doing:
// Read Input stream from blob data
inputStream =(InputStream)xmlData.getBinaryStream();Here you have a stream containing binary octets which encode some text in UTF-8.
// Reading the inputstream of data into an
into an array of bytes.
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)xmlData.length()];;Here you are reading between zero and xmlData.length() octets into a byte array. read(bytes[]) returns the number of bytes read, which may be less than the size of the array, and you don't check it.
xmlText = new String(bytes);Here you are creating a string with the data in the byte array, using the platform's default character encoding.
Since you mention cp1252, I'm guessing your platform is windows
// xmlText=new new String(szTemp.getBytes("UTF-8"));I don't know what szTemp is, but xmlText = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); would create a string from the UTF-8 encoded characters; but you don't need to create a string here anyway.
//xmlText = convertToUTF(xmlText);
File file = new File("C:\\temp.xml");
// Write to temp file out = new;This creates a Writer to write to the file using the platform's default character encoding, ie cp1252.
out.write(xmlText);This writes the string to out using cp1252.
So you have created a string treating UTF-8 as cp1252, then written that string to a file as cp1252, which is to be read as UTF-8. So it gets mis-decoded twice.
As the data is already UTF-8 encoded, and you want the output, just write the binary data to the output file without trying to convert it to a string and then back again:// not tested, as I don't have your Oracle classes
final InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream)xmlData.getBinaryStream());
final int length = xmlData.length();
final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;                  // these two can be
final byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];   // allocated outside the method
final OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
for (int count = 0; count < length; ) {
   final int bytesRead =, 0, Math.min(BUFFER_SIZE, (length - count));
   out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
   count += bytesRead;

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    hi folks. First of all, thank you for contributing to my queries as of now.
    Problem statement.
    - This happens when i try to unmarshall a webservice response, which is nothing but a simple UTF-8 encoded XML string in an soap envelope.
    - 0xae is the register character: &reg;.
    - My next step was to ensure that my code works without this character. So I removed all occurances from my XML. It worked just fine...
    - So what do you guys suggest me to get rid of this problem?
    - Any suggestion will be treated as valuable resource.
    - Is there some kind of encoding setting with jaxb ?
    An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xae) was found in the element content of the document.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xae) was found in the element content of the document.
         at weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.reportError(
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    --------------- linked to ------------------
    - with linked exception:
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xae) was found in the element content of the document.]
         at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException(
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    ***Jaxb Exception while converting xml file to object. Possible cause, Invalid schema or unrecognized elements in input XML. Actuall exception message:javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
    - with linked exception:
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xae) was found in the element content of the document.]
    Output completed (44 sec consumed) - Normal Termination

    This is how the XML looks like ..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <configresponse xmlns:xsi="">
    - <csticValues>
    - <csticValue id="024" selected="false">
    <desc>Pentium� 4 1.7GHz/400MHz</desc>

  • Not able to handle Special Character in Bpel using UTF-8 Encoded XML

    I am using UTF-8 encoded xml for my application,but during conversion of XML from one source to other using simple BIOS java programme , i am not able to convert special characters like(Göblyös Tünde,Makaróni etc).All getting converted to (G�bly�s T�nde,Makar�ni etc).As a result data corruption occurred.Please let me know if any go across this issue.

    Possibly the data you receiving is not UTF-8... Have you check with the data provider?
    Try with other encoding... like ISO-8859-1 for example...

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    Is there a reason this can occur?
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    C:\Home\Java\testbed\tmp>java RFKGenerator -in 4874.xml -xsl cl_rfk.xsl -out 4874.rfk
    Applying stylesheet cl_rfk.xsl...
    Exception in thread "main" ; SystemID: file:///C:/Home/Java/testbed/tmp/2.209_M_
    4874.xml; Line#: 1; Column#: -1
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    As I mentioned before this only occurs if the file is encoded in UTF-8 so I am not sure if there is any extra steps needed when parsing these type of files. I am using the latest xalan parser and the xerces processor that apache provides.
    If you need any other information please let me know.
    thank you.

    I found that the issue was I was using an older version of Xalan and when updated it fixed the problem. Also there are issues with parsing UTF-8 on win9x machines you should be on Win2k/XP to not encounter errors.

  • Flex XML Parsing fails on UTF-8 encoded XML.

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    So in summary, good + good = bad.
    Multiple browsers, multiple versions of Flash (latest, as well as a couple prior releases), multiple OS's.
    XML headers indicate the content type correctly:  Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
    Any suggestions?

    I worked around the bad XML handling in Flex by Base64 encoding my data, then Base64 decoding it in Flex.  I used com.dynamicflash.util.Base64 to do the decoding.
    Its a shame though...wasting extra CPU and making the flash slower just because it can't handle XML reliably.

  • Reading UTF-8 Encoding xml file sqlserver

    Hi ,
    I am recieving a xml file from a third party vendor. it is encoded in UTF-8. while i am reading it i am getting the below error.
    Msg 9420, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
    XML parsing: line 30117390, character 33, illegal xml character
    the characters causing the problem are like è,Ö,è.
     My database default collation is ‘SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS’
    I am using the below query to read the xmlfile.
    declare @xml xml
    @xml= CAST(x AS XML)
    OPENROWSET(BULK 'D:\sample.xml',SINGLE_BLOB) AS T(x)
    X.product.value('(ID/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as ID ,
    X.product.value('(Name/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as Name
    @xml.nodes('Students/Student') AS X(product)
    how can i read the file successfully. any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    This issue normally happens when the XML file is not in the correct format. To save in the correct format open the xml file and click save as. Choose the encoding option as "UTF-8".
    Regards, RSingh

  • Message Mapping Problem with UTF-16LE Encoded XML

    we have the following scenario:
    IDoc > BPM > HTTP Sync Call > BPM > IDoc
    Resonse message of the HTTP call is a XML file with UTF-16LE processing instruction. This response should then be mapped to a SYSTAT IDoc. However the message mapping fails "...XML Parser: No data allowed here ...".
    So obviously the XML is not considered as well-formed.
    When taking a look at SXMB_MONI the following message appears: "Switch from current encoding to specific encoding not supported.....".
    Strange thing however is if I save the response file as XML and use the same XML file in the test tab message mapping is executed successfully.
    I also tried to use a Java Mapping to switch encodings before executing message mapping, but the error remains.
    Could the problem be, that the codepage UTF-16LE is not installed on the PI system ? Any idea on that ?
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Feb 2, 2010 2:29 PM
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Feb 2, 2010 2:29 PM

    thank your for your answer.
    This is what I have tried to achieve. I apply the java conversion mapping when receiving the response message - i tried to convert the response to UTF-16, UTF-8 but none of them has helped to solve the problem.
    I guess that using adapter modules is not an option either as it would modify the request message, but not the response, right?

  • How to read UTF-8 encoded text file randomly?

    I am trying to read a text file which has been encoded in UTF-8. The problem is that I need to access the file randomly. The RandomAccessFile is a low-level class and there seems to be no-way to wrap it in InputStreamReader so that UTF-8 encoding can be done on-the-fly. Is there any easy way to do that. Below is the simplified version of my program.
    public class Test{
            public Test(String filename){
                            RandomAccessFile rafTemIn = new RandomAccessFile(new File(filename), "r");
                                    char chr = rafTemIn.readChar();
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                            System.err.println("File read.");
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            System.err.println("File input error");
            public static void main(String[] args){
                    Test t= new Test("template.idx");

    The file that I am going to read could be few hundreds of MBs or GBs. Hence, I will index interesting items in the file. The index file contain the keyword and the byte offset in the file. So, I will need to seek to any byte to read it. The file could be UTF-8 encoded XML or UTF-8 encoded plain text.
    Also, would like to add-up that in the sample program above I am reading the file sequentially. The concerned class has another method which actually does the reading randomly. If this helps, I am pasting the simplified version of code again but this also includes the said method.
    public class Test{
            long bloc;
            long eloc;
            RandomAccessFile rafTemIn;
            public Test(String filename){
                            rafTemIn = new RandomAccessFile(new File(filename), "r");
                                    char chr = rafTemIn.readChar();
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                            System.err.println("File read.");
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            System.err.println("File input error");
            public String getVal(String templateName){
                    String stemval=null;
                    try {
                  ; //bloc is a long value for beginng location to read from. It changes.
                            byte[] b = new byte[(int)(eloc - bloc + 1L)];
                  ,0,(int) (eloc - bloc + 1L));
                            stemval = new String(b,"UTF-8");
                    } catch(IOException eio) {
                            System.err.println("Template Dump file IO error.");
                    return stemval;
            public static void main(String[] args){
                    Test t= new Test("template.idx");

  • Can't use UTF-16 encoding with XML Parser for Java v2.

    This is my XML Document:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    <Title>Documento de Prueba de gestin de contenidos.</Title>
    <Creator>Roberto P     rez Lita</Creator>
    This is the way in which i parse de document:
    DOMParser parser=new DOMParser();
    new FileInputStream(new File("PruebaA3Ingles.xml")));
    I've got this error:
    XML-0231 : (Error) Encoding 'UTF-16' is not currently supported.
    I am using the XML Parser for Java v2_0_2_5 and I am a little
    confused because the documentation says that the UTF-16 encoding
    is supported in this version of the Parser.
    Does anybody know how can I parse documents containing spanish
    Thanks in advance.
    Roberto P     rez.

    Oracle just uploaded a new release of V2 Parser. It should
    support UTF-16.
    Yet, other utilities still have some problems with UTF-16
    encoding. Seems we just
    have to wait this one out.
    BTW, I'm trying to use Japanese. We, also, have some problems
    with JServer.
    Roberto P     rez (guest) wrote:
    : This is my XML Document:
    : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    : <Content>
    : <Title>Documento de Prueba de gestin de contenidos.</Title>
    : <Creator>Roberto P     rez Lita</Creator>
    : </Content>
    : This is the way in which i parse de document:
    : DOMParser parser=new DOMParser();
    : parser.setPreserveWhitespace(true);
    : parser.setErrorStream(System.err);
    : parser.setValidationMode(false);
    : parser.showWarnings(true);
    : parser.parse(
    : new FileInputStream(new File("PruebaA3Ingles.xml")));
    : I've got this error:
    : XML-0231 : (Error) Encoding 'UTF-16' is not currently supported.
    : I am using the XML Parser for Java v2_0_2_5 and I am a little
    : confused because the documentation says that the UTF-16
    : is supported in this version of the Parser.
    : Does anybody know how can I parse documents containing spanish
    : accents?
    : Thanks in advance.
    : Roberto P     rez.

  • How to change UTF-8 encoding for XML parser (PL/SQL) ?

    I'm trying to parse xml file stored in CLOB.
    p := xmlparser.newParser;
    xmlparser.parseCLOB(p, CLOB_xmlBody);
    Standard PL/SQL parser encoding is UTF-8. But my xml CLOB contain ISO-8859-2 characters.
    Can you advise me, please, how to change encoding for parser?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Do you documents contain an XML Declaration like this at the top?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
    If not, then they need to. The XML 1.0 specification says that if an XML declaration is not present, the processor must default to assume its in UTF-8 encoding.

  • IF_IXML : How can i add encoding with value UTF-8 to the document object??

    i want to create a xml file with the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://...."> 
    i did this with the if_ixml interface and rendered the content in a file 'D:\usr\sap\IFD\DVEBMGS01\log\TEST_out.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://...."> 
    BUT the document attribut(?) encoding="UTF-8"?> is missing!
    How can i add encoding with value UTF-8 to the document object?? it should look like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    *here is my coding.
    TYPE-POOLS: ixml.
    DATA: lo_ixml           TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
          lo_streamfactory  TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
          lo_document       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
          lo_parent         TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
          lo_ostream        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_ostream,
          lo_renderer       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_renderer,
         lv_rc           TYPE i.
    lo_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    lo_streamfactory = lo_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
    lo_document = lo_ixml->create_document( ).
    lo_parent = lo_document->create_simple_element( name   = 'OpenSearchDescription'  "root node
                                                    parent = lo_document ).
    lo_parent->set_attribute_ns( name   =  'xmlns'
                                 value  = 'http://....' ).
    *rausrendern in file
    lo_ostream = lo_streamfactory->create_ostream_uri( system_id = 'D:\usr\sap\IFD\DVEBMGS01\log\TEST_out.xml' ).
    lo_renderer = lo_ixml->create_renderer( ostream  = lo_ostream
                                            document = lo_document ).
    lv_rc = lo_renderer->render( ).
    Thanks for help

    Use the following code:
    set an document encoding
      l_encoding = l_ixml->create_encoding( character_set = 'UTF-8'
                                            byte_order = if_ixml_encoding=>co_none ).
      l_success  = l_ostream->set_encoding( encoding = l_encoding ).
    create a xml renderer
      l_renderer = l_ixml->create_renderer( document = l_doc ostream  = l_ostream ).

  • XML stream utf-8 encoding

    Hi folks,
    I'm trying to establish a CSTRING XML stream with utf-8 encoding. I've only managed to do this in XSTRING so far.
    If i use this coding, i get a binary output.
      DATA: gt_result TYPE TABLE OF string,
             l_result type string.
      constants: encoding type string value 'UTF-8'.
      data:  g_ixml type ref to if_ixml.
      data:  g_stream_factory type ref to IF_IXML_STREAM_FACTORY.
      data:  g_encoding type ref to if_ixml_encoding.
      g_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
      g_stream_factory = g_ixml->CREATE_STREAM_FACTORY( ).
      g_encoding = g_ixml->create_encoding( character_set = 'utf-8'
                                            byte_order = 0 ).
      data:  resstream type ref to if_ixml_ostream.
      resstream = g_stream_factory->create_ostream_cstring( l_result ).
      call method resstream->set_encoding
          encoding = g_encoding.
    * XML Transformieren
        SOURCE     itab = it_Itab
        RESULT XML resstream.
    * Temporär, XML File erzeugen
      refresh gt_result.
      APPEND l_result TO gt_result.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
          filename         = 'c:test.xml'
          data_tab         = gt_result
          file_write_error = 1.
    Without this expression :
    g_encoding = g_ixml->create_encoding(
                 character_set = 'utf-8' byte_order = 0 ).
    I get a cstring stream, but in utf-16.
    My question now is, how do I manage to get a utf-8 encoded stream in cstring?
    Thanks for your help.

    This is the solution:
    *********************** XML ***********************************
      G_IXML = CL_IXML=>CREATE( ).
                                            BYTE_ORDER = 0 ).
    * XML Transformieren
        SOURCE     ITAB = IT_ITAB
    * XString to String
          IM_XSTRING  = L_RESULT
          IM_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
          EX_STRING   = E_XML.
    * Temporär, XML File erzeugen
      refresh gt_result.
      APPEND e_xml TO gt_result.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
          filename         = 'c:test.xml'
          data_tab         = gt_result
          file_write_error = 1.
    How can I give the 10 points to myself?

  • How to get UTF-8 encoding when create XML using DBMS_XMLGEN and UTL_FILE ?

    How to get UTF-8 encoding when create XML using DBMS_XMLGEN and UTL_FILE ?
    I do generate XML-Files by using DBMS_XMLGEN with output by UTL_FILE
    but it seems, the xml-Datafile I get on end is not really UTF-8 encoding
    ( f.ex. cannot verifying it correct in xmlspy )
    my dbms is
    NLS_CHARACTERSET          = WE8MSWIN1252
    I do generate it in this matter :
    xmldoc CLOB;
    ctx number ;
    -- generate fom xml-view :
    ctx := DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext('select xml from xml_View');
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowSetTag(ctx, null);
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowTag(ctx, null );
    -- create xml-file:
    xmldoc := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(ctx);
    -- put data to host-file:
    vblob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(xmldoc);
    DBMS_LOB.READ (xmldoc, vblob_len, 1, vBuffer);
    bHandle := utl_file.fopen(vPATH,vFileName,'W',32767);
    UTL_FILE.put_line(bHandle, vbuffer, FALSE);
    end ;
    maybe while work UTL_FILE there is a change the encoding ?
    How can this solved ?
    Thank you
    Edited by: astramare on Feb 11, 2009 12:39 PM with database charsets

    I tryed to work with dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file,
    that works good,
    but what is in this matter with encoding UTF-8 ?
    in my understandig, the xmltyp created should be UTF8 (16),
    but when open the xml-file in xmlSpy as UTF-8,
    it is not well ( german caracter like Ä, Ö .. ):
    my dbms is
    -- test:
    create table nh_test ( s0 number, s1 varchar2(20) ) ;
    insert into nh_test (select 1,'hallo' from dual );
    insert into nh_test (select 2,'straße' from dual );
    insert into nh_test (select 3,'mäckie' from dual );
    insert into nh_test (select 4,'euro_€' from dual );
    select * from nh_test ;
    S0     S1
    1     hallo
    1     hallo
    2     straße
    3     mäckie
    4     euro_€
    rc sys_refcursor;
    open rc FOR SELECT * FROM ( SELECT s0,s1 from nh_test );
    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file( xmltype( rc ).getclobval( ) , 'XML_EXPORT_DIR','my_xml_file.xml');
    ( its the same when using output with DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOFILE )
    open in xmlSpy is:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>

  • Incorrect UTF-8 encoded date in XML reports under German Win in March (IE error)

    TestStand XML reports are marked as UTF-8 encoded. But those reports generated under Win2k German in March (written as "März" in German) cannot be displayed in the Internet Explorer because the umlaut character of the month name is not correctly UTF-8 encoded.

    I have attached the modified modelsupport2.dll and the ReportGen_Xml.seq which fixes the problem. I also attached the modified report.c and modelsupport2.fp files.
    If you have not made changes to modelsupport2.dll and reportgen_xml.seq you can add the modified files to \Components\User\Models\TestStandModels\ folder and the TestStand engine should use the version under the user folder.
    If you have made changes to ReportGen_Xml.seq and ModelSupport2.dll then you will need to move the changes in the below files to the files under the User folder.
    FYI: If you want to create a new component or customize a TestStand component, copy the component files from the NI subdirectory to the User subdirectory before customizin
    g. This ensures that installations of newer versions of TestStand do not overwrite your customization. If you copy the component files as the basis for creating a new component, be sure to rename the files so that your customization do not conflict with the default TestStand components.
    The TestStand Engine searches for sequences and code modules using the TestStand search directory path. The default search precedence places the \Components\User directory tree before the \Components\NI directory tree. This ensures that TestStand loads the sequences and code modules that you customize instead of loading the default TestStand versions of the files.
    I hope this helps.
    Anand Jain
    National Instruments.
    Attachments: ‏384 KB

  • Blob to base64 encoded XML

    We have a table with two columns (Name varchar2, Picture Blob).
    How do we get XML output containing rows from table, with Picture (blob column) being base64 encoded.
    Note: I have tried using utl_encode.base64_encode, but getting error due to large size of Picture.

    I am not sure what you finally want to accomplish (create a binary xml?), but to base64 encode a blob you could do it »stepwise«:
       bl            blob;   /* your picture blob */
       bl_enc        blob;  /*  encoded blob */
       offset        integer            := 1;
       amt           integer            := 20000;
       dbms_lob.createtemporary (bl_enc, false);
       while dbms_lob.substr (bl, amt, offset) is not null
          dbms_lob.append (bl_enc, utl_encode.base64_encode (dbms_lob.substr (bl, amt, offset)));
          offset := offset + amt;
       end loop;
       dbms_lob.freetemporary (bl_enc);

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