Parsing DOM with XSL and output as HTML

In a servlet I am fetching data from DB into an DOM-tree (using ordinary JDBC and building the XML-DOM while fetching rows). This is done in a servlet, and before I response to the browser i use Oracle XML-parser to join my DOM-tree with an XSL-file. If I try to my DOM-tree out before parsing, it contains data. But the parsed DOM only contains XSL-tags, no data. What do I do wrong?
Here is the code:
DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
//No problem finding the XSL-file...
URL xslURL = createURL("employee.xsl");
xslDoc = parser.getDocument();
XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet(xslDoc, xslURL);
XSLProcessor processor = new XSLProcessor();
//XML doc does contain data!!!
DocumentFragment result =
processor.processXSL(xsl, xmlDoc);
xmlOut = new XMLDocument();
Element root = xmlOut.createElement("root");
xmlOut.print(out); // Result is only the XSL-file.....
Regards Frank =:>

Sorry, but I still can not make it work. Here are the XSL and XML-files. My XML test file (which reflects the DOM I am makings
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE employees SYSTEM "employee.dtd">
<?xml:stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="employee.xsl" ?>
XSL-file is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="employees/employee">
<font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="id"/></font>
<xsl:value-of select="firstname"/>
<xsl:value-of select="lastname"/>
Frank =:>

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    Try to use filterDocumnet() and getFilteredDocument() in oracle.ifs.beans.Document. It helps to generate the PDF into HTML format.

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  • MultiThreading with Input and Output Streams

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    import javax.comm.*;
    import java.util.*;
    // DataServer waits for a client connection
    class DataServer
         static final int PORT = 7;
         // The ServerSocket to use for accepting new connections
         private ServerSocket ss;
         // A mapping from sockets to DataOutputStreams. This will
         // help us avoid from having to create a DataOutputStream each time
         // we want to write to a stream.
         private Hashtable outputStreams = new Hashtable();
         // The inputstream that will receive serial port data through a
         // piped inputstream
         public DataInputStream datalogger;
         // Constructor and while-accept loop all in one.
         public DataServer() throws IOException
              try {
                   // Creating pipe to convert the outputstream from the
                   // RS232 Thread to an inputstream for the server to read
                   PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
                   PipedInputStream pin = new PipedInputStream(pout);
                   // The inputstream that will receive data from the RS232Thread
                   datalogger = new DataInputStream(pin);
                   // Spawn the thread that will read data through from
                   // the TINI serial port
                   new RS232Thread( pout ).start();
                   // Begin listening for connections and send data
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                   System.out.println("Error >> DataServer::DataServer()");
              } finally {
                   try     {
                        System.out.println( "Closing >> DataServer::DataServer()" );
                   } catch (IOException i ) {
                        System.out.println( "Error2 >> DataServer::DataServer()" );
                        System.out.println(i); }
         private void listen() throws IOException
              // Create the ServerSocket
              ss = new ServerSocket( PORT );
              // Inform that the server is ready to go
              System.out.println( "Listening on " + ss );
              // Keep accepting connections forever
              while (true) {
                   // Grab the next incoming connection
                   Socket s = ss.accept();
                   // Inform that connection is made
                   System.out.println( "Connection from " + s );
                   // Create a DataOutputStream for writing data to the
                   // other side
                   DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream( s.getOutputStream() );
                   // Save this stream so we don't need to make it again
                   outputStreams.put( s, dout );
                   // Create a new thread for this connection, and then foret
                   // about it
                   new ServerThread( this, s );
         // Get an enumeration of all the OutputStreams, one for each client
         // connected to the server
         Enumeration getOutputStreams() {
              return outputStreams.elements();
         // Send a message to all clients (utility routine)
         void sendToAll( byte[] b ) {
              // synchronize on this because another thread might be
              // calling removeConnection() and this would screw things up
              // while it walks through the list
              synchronized( outputStreams ) {
                   // For each client...
                   for (Enumeration e = getOutputStreams(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                        // ... get the output stream ...
                        DataOutputStream dout = (DataOutputStream)e.nextElement();
                        // ... and send the message
                        try {          
                             dout.write( b );
                        } catch(IOException ie) {                     
                             System.out.println( "Error >> ServerThread::sendToAll()" );
                             System.out.println( ie );
         // remove a socket, and it's corresponding output stream, from the
         // list. This is usually called by a connection thread that has
         // discovered that the connection to the client is dead.
         void removeConnection( Socket s ) {
              // Synchronize so it doesn't mess up sendToAll() while it walks
              // down the list of all output streams
              synchronized( outputStreams ) {
                   // Inform about removal
                   System.out.println( "Removing connection to " + s );
                   // Remove if from our hastable/list
                   outputStreams.remove( s );
                   // Make sure it's closed
                   try {
                   } catch( IOException ie ) {
                        System.out.println( "Error closing " + s );
         // main - Opens a server socket and spins off a new thread each time
         // a new client connection is accepted on this socket.
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              System.out.println("Starting DataServer version 1.0 ...");
                   new DataServer();
              catch (IOException ioe)
                   System.out.println( "Error >> DataServer::main()" );
    class ServerThread extends Thread
         //The Server that spawned this thread
         private DataServer server;
         // The Socket connected to the client
         private Socket socket;
         public ServerThread( DataServer server, Socket socket )
              // save the parameters
              this.server = server;
              this.socket = socket;
              // Start up the thread
         // This runs in a separate thread when start() is called in the
         // constructor
         public void run() {
              try {
                   // The inputstream receiving data from the global inputstream
                   // that is piped to the RS232 Thread
                   // ???? is this where i'm messing up ???
                   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( server.datalogger );
                   int num = 0;
                   byte[] d = new byte[1];
                   // read from the inputstream over and over, forever ...
                   while( ( num = ) > 0 ) {
                        // ... and have the server send it to all clients
                        server.sendToAll( d );               
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                   System.out.println( "Error >> ServerThread::run()" );
              } finally {
                   // The connection is closed for one reason or another,
                   // so have the server dealing with it
                   System.out.println( "Closing" );
                   server.removeConnection( socket );

    A couple of things to note...
    First, you are looping infinitely in your server's constructor. Since the constructor is never completing, your server object is never completely constructed - this may cause indeterminate behaviour when you pass a reference to the server to another thread.
    Second, I would recommend fixing your issues by modifying your design somewhat. The design I would recommend (read: The design I would use) is:
    A server object, with a public listen method. The constructor spawns a thread to constantly read from the serial port and forward the data read back to the server, via a multicast (sendToAll) method.
    The listen method sets up a server socket to accept connections, and in a loop opens client sockets and stores them in a set.
    The multicast method iterates through the list of open client sockets, and for each in turn confirms that it is still open. If open, send the data down the socket's output stream; if closed, remove the socket from the set.
    Note that this design includes only two threads - the main thread listens for and accepts new socket connections, while the extra thread collects data from the serial port, multicasts it to all of the open sockets, and removes all of the closed sockets. If you require to perform any other communication with the sockets, it may be necessary to create a thread for those sockets, to facilitate reading from their input streams, but in the given design, this is not necessary.
    I hope this helps,

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    DIAdem offers three types of DAC blocks, input, output and processing. In most cases you will use just input or output blocks in your DAC scheme. However if you want to implement a special algorithm that calculates some signals depending on some inputs, you have to use the process blocks. You can implement all three kinds of DAC blocks using the GPI wizzard.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Basshunter36 wrote:
    Hey guys, i'm having a major problem with inheritances.
    What i'm trying to do with my program is to create objects in my demo class. Values are passed to several other objects that each do their own calculations of grades and results and then outputs the result in my toString. I followed step by step the instructions in my book on how to setup the inheritance and such. I can only output everything that was created in my superclass, any other thing that was created in an object that belongs to a subclass does not display in the output at all.
    Even if I change or create new instance variables, I can't figure out for the life of myself how to output the other values.No idea what you're talking about. Provide an [url]SSCCE.
    Because there's so much code to be splitting on the forums, I zipped my whole project in a RAR. I'll link it here
    Not gonna happen. Provide an [url]SSCCE. And don't say you can't. You definitely can. You may have to spend an hour building a new program from scratch and getting it to reproduce the problem, but if you can't or won't do that, you'll find few people here willing to bother with it.

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    example, if I specifiy:
    format-number(price,'$###,###.00'), I should get $7596.99. I
    actually get 7596.990000000001 in my Preview (no currency symbol,
    too many decimal places). If I do the same thing in another XSL
    editor (Xseleerator) I get: $7,596.99.
    This is REAL PAIN, as every time I do anything with number
    formatting, I need to open the XML and XSL in another product just
    to check the formattng.
    Can anyone shed any light on this?

    Try to declare the variable out side of the region
    <script> var tp1;</script>
    <div spry region ... >
    tab panel stuff
    <script type="text/javascript">
    tp1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("tp1");

  • How to Parse XML with SAX and Retrieving the Information?

    I have written this code in one of my classes:
    /**Parse XML File**/
              SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              GameContentHandler gameCH = new GameContentHandler();
                   SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                   saxParser.parse(recentFiles[0], gameCH);
              catch(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException e)
              catch( e)
              catch(org.xml.sax.SAXException e)
              /**Parse XML File**/
              games = gameCH.getGames();And here is the content handler:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    class GameContentHandler extends DefaultHandler
         private ArrayList<Game> games = new ArrayList<Game>();
         public void startDocument()
              System.out.println("Start document.");
         public void endDocument()
              System.out.println("End document.");
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName) throws SAXException
         public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException
              /**for (int i = start; i < start+length; i++)
         public ArrayList<Game> getGames()
              return games;
    }And here is the xml i am trying to parse:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
    </Database>I have been trying for ages and just can't get the content handler class to extract a gameID and instantiate a Game to add to my ArrayList! How do I extract the information from my file?
    I have tried so many things in the startElement() method that I can't actually remember what I've tried and what I haven't! If you need to know, the Game class instantiates with asnew Game(int gameID)and the rest of the variables are public.
    Please help someone...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    OK, how's this?
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException
              current = "";
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName) throws SAXException
                   if(qualifiedName.equals("Game") || qualifiedName.equals("Database"))
                   else if(qualifiedName.equals("gameID"))
                        {games.add(new Game(Integer.parseInt(current)));}
                   else if(qualifiedName.equals("name"))
                        {games.get(games.size()-1).name = current;}
                   else if(qualifiedName.equals("publisher"))
                        {games.get(games.size()-1).publisher = current;}
                        {System.out.println("ERROR - Qualified Name found in xml that does not exist as databse field: " + qualifiedName);}
              catch (Exception e) {} //Ignore
         public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException
              current += new String(ch, start, length);

  • Totally new to this. Audio problems with device and output volume.

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    Hi, missiontorock.
    Could this be a "through-feedback" kind of problem? I don't get any kind of distortion or hiss running through my Edirol M100-FX USB mixer.
    Depending on how the Alesis is configured, you might be feeding the same signal from the mixer to the computer, getting that signal back from the computer, and then sending it on to the computer again. This is particularly likely since you report that the problem goes away when you lower the output volume from the computer.
    You might look for a 'mixdown' switch on your mixer.

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    does anyone know, whether InDesign CS6 also exports Table Headers and footers correctly into the XHTML-File of the ePub.
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    Or is it only possible to steer this via the CSS-Classnames which can be given in the tableformats?
    Generally I think it would be better if the user had the chance to map other exporttags to its elements than just p, em, strong, h1-h6.
    it would be useful to also put in other elements by hand.
    Best regrads.

    Magnolee2 wrote:
    does anyone know, whether InDesign CS6 also exports Table Headers and footers correctly into the XHTML-File of the ePub.
    What I mean, is whether the elements <thead> and <tfoot> are created?
    By "also", do you mean the behavior is changed with respect to CS5/CS5.5? In those, thead and tfoot are created correctly. (Although, quite disconcerting, in the order "thead / tfoot / tbody". ePub renderers based on Webkit display them correctly nevertheless, but others do not. An extremely annoying free interpretation of the W3C rules.)

  • How to create DOM with node and its value

    <NAME>Name one</NAME>
    i can write the code to create a DOM for this one.
    but how can i write the code to get the DOM as shown below
    <Item name="xxx">

    Your question appears to be how to get an attribute applied to an element. Is that right?
    If so, use the setAttribute() method of the Element interface.

  • Encoding problem with XSL

    I have problems when printing the result of processing XML with an XSL that contains locale specific chars.
    Here is a sample:
    XML :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    XSL :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="html"/>
    <xsl:template match="*|/"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>
    <xsl:template match="text()|@*"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:template>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <META http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'/>
    <TITLE>Liste de patients</TITLE>
    <xsl:apply-templates select='ListePatients'/>
    <xsl:template match='ListePatients'>
    <xsl:for-each select='Patient'>
    <xsl:sort select='Nom' order='ascending' data-type='text'/>
    <TR TITLE='`ihnotvy'>
    <TD> <xsl:value-of select='Nom'/> </TD>
    <TD> <xsl:value-of select='NomMarital'/> </TD>
    <TD> <xsl:value-of select='Prinom'/> </TD>
    Test program (from Oracle sample) :
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocumentFragment;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLProcessor;
    public class XSLSampleOTN
    * Transforms an xml document using a stylesheet
    * @param args input xml and xml documents
    public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
    DOMParser parser;
    XMLDocument xmldoc, xsldoc, out;
    URL xslURL;
    URL xmlURL;
    if (args.length != 2)
    // Must pass in the names of the XSL and XML files
    System.err.println("Usage: java XSLSampleOTN xslfile xmlfile");
    // Parse xsl and xml documents
    parser = new DOMParser();
    // parser input XSL file
    xslURL = DemoUtil.createURL(args[0]);
    xsldoc = parser.getDocument();
    // parser input XML file
    xmlURL = DemoUtil.createURL(args[1]);
    xmldoc = parser.getDocument();
    // instantiate a stylesheet
    XSLStylesheet xslSS = new XSLStylesheet(xsldoc, xslURL);
    XSLProcessor processor = new XSLProcessor();
    // display any warnings that may occur
    // Process XSL
    XMLDocumentFragment result = processor.processXSL(xslSS, xmldoc);
    // print the transformed document
    // an other way to print, it doesn't print the same !!!!
    processor.processXSL(xslSS, xmldoc, System.out);
    catch (Exception e)
    When printing the transformed document with DocumentFragment.print() it work fine but when using processXSL(xslSS, xmldoc, System.out) it don't works for locale specific chars and a second <META> balise appears, Why ?
    with DocumentFragment.print(), it's Ok :
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
    <TITLE>Liste de patients</TITLE>
    <TR TITLE="`ihnotvy">
    </TR >
    <TR TITLE="`ihnotvy">
    <TR TITLE="`ihnotvy">
    With processXSL(xslSS, xmldoc, System.out), it's not Ok :
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <TITLE>Liste de patients</TITLE>
    <TR TITLE="C C)C(C.C/C4C6C9">
    <TD>C C)C(C.C/C4C6C9</TD>
    <TR TITLE="C C)C(C.C/C4C6C9">
    <TR TITLE="C C)C(C.C/C4C6C9">

    Two other problems with XSL and print:
    first one :
    XSL :
    <SCRIPT langage="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/erreur.js"></SCRIPT>
    DocumentFragment.print() produce :
    <SCRIPT langage="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/erreur.js"/>
    => IE5.5 don't load the file !!, it required syntaxe like <SCRIPT ...></SCRIPT> to load.
    the second one :
    <TD><IMG src="images/menuleft.gif"/></TD>
    DocumentFragment.print() produce :
    <IMG src="images/menuleft.gif">
    processXSL(xslSS, xmldoc, System.out) produce :
    <TD><IMG src="images/menuleft.gif">
    Why a cariage return ?? it cause prisentation failure when you want to specifie the size off the cell !!

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    I have been tasked with developing and amending the HTML/Backbone custom content viewer as nicely detailed and explained by Derek Lu here:
    I can see that by removing the reference to libs/AdobeLibraryAPI.js in Index.html i am able to "test" on the desktop.
        The DPS library/store API.
        The include below should be commented out when testing on the desktop.
    <script src="libs/AdobeLibraryAPI.js"></script>-->
    and that data is bought in via the fulfilment XML feed and the parse method is called on Librarycollection.
    I have made the changes to hook up the viewer to bring in some folios that we are developing.
    However, although this provides the ability to test and develop on the desktop in one form since we are using JS and Backbone, there are various checks within the provided code to see if ADOBE.isAPIAvailable.
    If it is, then the behaviour is different than on the desktop, so once the viewer is packaged up and put on the IPad there is disparity between what you were able to check and test on the desktop version against what is shown on the IPad.
    The question therefore is... is there a quick way to develop and test on the Ipad ... it doesnt seem like a viable option to develop blindly on the desktop and then package up the content viewer within Adobe DPS to check how those changes behave on the IPad?
    To re-iterate the viewer is to make use of backbone / js example to provide greater functionality and options for customisation.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Thankyou for taking the time to respond and for providing such detailed articles on adobe dps development, it is much appreciated.
    I had completely missed that article and was struggling to find anything useful from googling!

  • Java Input and Output streams

    I have maybe simple question, but I can`t really understand how to figure out this problem.
    I have 2 applications(one on mobile phone J2ME, one on computer J2SE). They commuinicate with Input and Output Streams. Everything is ok, but all communication is in sequence, for example,
    from mobile phone:
    form computer:
    reply = in.readUTF();
    if(reply.equals("GETIMAGE")) sendimage()
    But I need to include one simple thing in my applications - when phone rings there is function in MIDlet - pauseApp() and i need to send some signal to Computer when it happens. But how can i catch this signal in J2SE, because mayble phone rings when computer is sending byte array? and then suddnely it receives command "RINGING"....?
    Please explain how to correcly solve such problem?

    TCP/IP is not a multiplexed protocol. And why would you need threads or polling to decipher a record-oriented input stream?
    Just send your images in packets with a type byte (1=command, 2=image, &c) and a packet length word. At the receiver:
    int type =;
    int length = dataInputStream.readInt();
    byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
    int count, read = 0;
    while ((count =,count,buffer.length)) > 0)
    read += count;
    // At this point we either have:
    // type == -1 || count = -1 => EOF
    // or count > 0, type >= 0, and buffer contains the entire packet.
    switch (type)
    case -1:
    // EOF, not shown
    case COMMAND: // assuming a manifest constant somewhere
    // process incoming command
    case IMAGE:
    // process or continue to process incoming image
    }No threads, no polling, and nuthin' up my sleeve.
    Modulo bugs.

  • How to set the input and output of a subVI

    I am trying to configure a subVI by following Chap. 7 of "LabVIEW fundamentals". But I stuck at "Building the connector pane".
    My subvi is quite simple, just for testing purpose. I plan to do a summation and display the result. So I placed one numeric Add icon on the block diagram and a numeric Indicator on the front panel. I built a connector pane with three terminals, two for input and one for output. 
    But, how could I associate the terminals on connector pane with inputs and outputs of terminals on the block diagram? I wanna build a subVI, whose input are two numbers and display the summation on the subVI.
    Forrest Sheng Bao, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA

    Hi Forrest Bao,
    use the right mouse key as often as you can in LabVIEW. It´s very helpful. If you right click on a link in the connector pane, then you can select to disconnect selected or all.
    Message Edited by MikeS81 on 08-28-2008 01:33 PM

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