Party + Beer = Dead Hard Drive

My buddy fried his MacBook Pro by getting it soaked with beer at a party. It's dead. I tried connecting it to my MacBook Pro to see if I could retrieve data - but nothing works. It's really dead.
There's important info on there that we need. Is there any solution out there that would assist besides spending $15 grand at a special recovery lab?

I have noted links to a great video and product that should assist you. Check out the hard drive dock solution by NexStar. It seems to be the cheapest way to recover data.

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    It's super easy.
    Go here and buy this HHD (I have bought 3 of them for my Mac laptops)
    Go here for simple instruction on installing it.
    One thing to remember is to re-format the HHD once installed using your install Disk #1. Reformat using GUID. Very simple to do. Can be installed in less than 10 minutes with the right tools (highly recommend buying the from OWC), and another few hours to reinstall everything.
    Right tools from here.
    Message was edited by: D/FW

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    Well. I've checked out all the Fujitsu drive reports here and see no problems...
    On the off chance, have you tried a PRAM Reset or whatever passes for a PMU Reset these days?

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    My hard drive failed completely and the Apple Store offered to "try" to recover it for $2000+. I went to a company called ProSoft and they were very helpful. They sold me some software for around $100 to recover all of the data. It took over a week for the software to run correctly, but I got EVERYTHING back and ProSoft was so helpful with all of my questions.
    Good Luck

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    Product: MacBook
    Mac Model: MacBook 2, 1
    CPU type: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Number of cores: 2
    CPU Speed: 2 GHz
    L2 CPU Cache (shared): 4mb
    Boot Rom version: MB21.882.00A5.B07.0706270922
    System Serial #: xxxxxxxxxxx
    SMC version: 1.1780
    Overview: 1024 MB
    (details about RAM)
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    Hello Nut Case,
    There are several ways you can pull the music off your iPod and onto iTunes. The first link after the Apple support document below provides step-by-step instructions for the direct method if you have a PC as well as a few third party applications (for both the Mac and PC) if you choose to go that route instead. You can also do a simple Google search for "copy music from iPod to computer" and you should receive a number of sites that can help you out.
    Just make sure that when you have your iPod plugged into your computer, that you don't hit "Erase and Sync" before completing the task of copying your music over.
    Also, if you have any purchased music, you will probably have to re-authorize your computer by heading to the Store drop down menu and choosing "Authorize computer."
    [5 Ways to Copy Music OFF your iPod and onto iTunes| d-windows-mac-os-x>
    Here are a few more helpful sites.
    [Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide| d-to-computer]
    [How to copy songs your iPod to your PC| -pc-105256.php]
    Hope this helps.

  • Dead hard drive dilemma

    Earlier today I dropped my macbook by accident. Afterwards it was working just fine up until a few hours later when it randomly decided to freeze. I turned my Macbook off and on again and now it stays on the grey Apple boot-up screen with the spinny thing going for ages and just won't boot up. I've tried using the safe mode method, the cmd+alt+p+r method, two cmd+s methods and such but it won't boot up.
    I know it's a hard drive issue because I am able to boot of my external drive. A couple of months ago I replaced my 160GB hard drive with a 500GB one (one being internal and one external, i basically switched the two hard drives into eachothers cases) and there hasn't been a single problem with it until I dropped it today.
    I would/should have backed up the hard drive, but there was too much data on my 500GB HDD to fit on my 160GB one. I also can't afford a Time Capsule. I've opened the macbook and the HDD looks fine, no loose connections or dints or anything. I'm also wondering if there's a way I can recover the data from it as the HDD that is playing up is visible when I boot from my external, however, the files are not the same as they were when it was usable, they're really old ones.
    If it helps I have a MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) 13.3"/D2.0G/2x1GB/160/SD-DL

    Try this:
    Reinstall Snow Leopard without erasing the drive
    Do the following:
    1. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    2. Reinstall Snow Leopard
    If the drive is OK then quit DU and return to the installer.  Proceed with reinstalling OS X.  Note that the Snow Leopard installer will not erase your drive or disturb your files.  After installing a fresh copy of OS X the installer will move your Home folder, third-party applications, support items, and network preferences into the newly installed system.
    Download and install the Combo Updater for the version you prefer from
    Reinstalling Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

  • Dead hard drive? replace myself?

    Hi folks,
    My hard drive was making a funny clicking/vibrating noise while spinning for the past 2 months. I have backed up everything, fortunately, to an external HD. Today, the HD seems to have died. When it spins, it makes a worse clicking/grinding sound, and the iBook freezes and becomes unresponsive (except to reboot, and the boot sequence freezes when the HD starts to spin). Currently, I have my backup external firewire HD attached and I'm actually loading OSX.3 onto it now so that perhaps I can boot from it and get access to files.
    Now for the hard stuff. I've been quoted by local Apple Store and another Apple local shop $350-$450 for replacement HD and recovery of files. For another few hundred, I could buy a used PBook or iBook on eBay, which is tempting, but my current iBook is fine except for the HD, so it seems. And I see plenty of quite inexpensive replacement 40-80 GB HD's on eBay for less than $100. Questions are two:
    - is it reasonable to assume HD is dead, and if so,
    - should I buy a replacement and install it myself?
    My technical skills: I have installed memory cards into my Lombard PBook, memory into my Dell subnotebook, and on occasion I can use hammer, nails, and drill. I am a doctor, but not a surgeon.
    Yes, no, maybe?? Tell me if I'm getting in way over my head.
    -- Josh

    Hi Joshua,
    Does wen you said it freezes, does it actually freeze or do you get the spinning wheel? Can you move the mouse? I would wait a couple of days before thinking about installing a new hard drive. The reason being, we might find that it isn't necessarily a failing hard drive; it could be something else. You might want to look at Mac OS X v10.3 Tutorials - Troubleshooting a Mac that Won't Start and Knowledge Base Document #106464 on Your Mac won't start up in Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.3.9 or earlier).
    You may also want to try reseting the PMU (Knowledge Base Document #14449, which covers Resetting Powerbook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)). What does it say next to S.M.A.R.T. status (Checking the S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disk (Disk Utility 10.5))?
    PS The iFixit guide is a great guide as long as your patient and read it over a couple of times before you begin. Remember it's not a race; if you find yourself getting frustrated, stop, walk away, and come back when you have relaxed.
    Mac Mini 1.42Ghz, iPod (All), Airport (Graphite & Express), G4 1.33Ghz iBook, G4 iMac 1Ghz, G3 500Mhz, iBook iMac 233Mhz, eMate, Power Mac 5400 LC, PowerBook 540c, Macintosh 128K, Apple //e, Apple //, and some more...  Mac OS X (10.4.5) Moto Razr, iLife '06, SmartDisk 160Gb, Apple BT Mouse, Sight..

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