Party Classification Import for existing parties

In R12, we are trying to import party classification from third party system for the parties already exists in TCA. The party classification interface table records are not processed by Import batch to TCA Registry program
We have close to 250K parties, hence we choose the import batch method instead of public API.
we followed the below procedure, not sure where iam missing..
1. Create batch using below API
2. Activate the batch using below API
3. Insert records into interface table with party_id
4. Control -->Run Request--> Import Batch to TCA Registry with parameter Run Preimport and Import
Edited by: user576223 on Mar 9, 2009 5:13 PM

Can you please run the error report for the import batch and provide the error details?

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    Try looking at the following: BAPI_BUPA_FRG0040_CREATE
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           ACCOUNT_GROUP                  0001

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    L. Francesca Ferrari, L.Ac., DTCM, DMQ (China)
    Ferrari Center of Chinese Medicine
    222 Forest Avenue
    Pacific Grove, CA 93950
    L. Francesca Ferrari, L.Ac., DMQ (China)
    Department Chair Medical Qigong Science
    Five Branches University
    This message, together with any attachments, is intended only for the use of
    the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
    information that is confidential and prohibited from disclosure. If you are
    not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
    or copying of this message, or any attachment, is strictly prohibited. If
    you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender
    immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete this message, along
    with any attachments, from your computer.
    From: "Nancy O." <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 18:34:03 -0600
    To: Francesca Ferrari <[email protected]>
    Subject: i am looking for assistence how to import an existing
    website in Dreamweaver CS4
    >> I do not know where the site files are. They are on my initial Mac laptop
    >> computer, and I use Hostway as my server.
    Do you mean you lost your local copy of your site files from on an old
    Log-in to your Remote Server and GET the site files using DW or your favorite
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    Which version of DW did you have before?
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    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Dreamweaver or an html editor such as TextWrangler.
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    i_object = '000000151860630000'.
    i_alloc_num-CHARACT = 'THICKNESS'.
    i_alloc_num-VALUE_FROM = '5.70'.
    append i_alloc_num.
    i_alloc_char-charact = 'SHAPES'.
    i_alloc_char-VALUE_CHAR = 'PLATE'.
    append i_alloc_char.
    clear  i_alloc_char.
    i_alloc_char-charact = 'CATEGORY'.
    i_alloc_char-VALUE_CHAR = 'CS'.
    append i_alloc_char.
    clear  i_alloc_char.
        OBJECTKEYNEW            = i_object
        OBJECTTABLENEW          = 'MARA'
        CLASSNUMNEW             = 'RAWMATERIAL'
        CLASSTYPENEW            = '001'
      STATUS                  = '1'
      STANDARDCLASS           =
      CHANGENUMBER            =
      KEYDATE                 = SY-DATUM
      NO_DEFAULT_VALUES       = ' '
      CLASSIF_STATUS          =
        ALLOCVALUESNUM          = i_alloc_num
        ALLOCVALUESCHAR         = i_alloc_char
        RETURN                  = i_ret.
        WAIT = 'X'.
    But i am getting the error 'Assignment exists and is valid '.
    Please help.

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    .Anyone have any ideas.
    G4dualproc   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    If I read you correctly, you tried to import another iMovie HD project directly into a second project. You selected a project icon to import, correct?
    iMovie HD can't do that, although the programmers forgot to tell iMovie HD. When we try, we get a "cannot parse" error. (The import dialog shouldn't allow us to select an iMovie HD project to import. It's a bug.)
    There are other ways to do the same thing:
    1) Do a Save As to copy Project A to a new Project B. That duplicates the entire project.
    2) If you have an existing project you want to import clips to, you can Copy and Paste the clips from Project A to Project B. With Project A running, select all the clips, Copy, open Project B, Paste. Repeat for the audio clips.
    Note that when Copying and Pasting try to copy all the clips you want together. If you don't, then any clips you copy and paste separately which share the same source file will cause iMovie HD to deliver TWO copies of the source file to Project B. That can hugely increase the size of Project B.
    That occurs because Copy/Paste preserves the non-destructive editing of the clips. The Pasted clips behave just like the clips in Project A. A split clip can be restored to its original length, for example.

  • Standard Report for missing parts at production order operation level?

    Hi PP Gurus,
                We have standard report for missing parts at production orders level.
    For our client, they need a report for missing parts analysis at production order operation level. Do we have any such standard report in the SAP?
    Please help.

    Hi Arvind,
          Thanks for for your response.
    1. List: Components,  Layout: Standard layout          set the Missing part
           It shows the component requirement/withdrawn  quantity for each operation of production order. It is not showing the commit quantity.
    2. List: Components,  Layout: Pick list          set the Missing part
           It shows the component requirement/withdrawn  quantity for each production order.
    3. List: Components,  Layout: Missing Parts List-Material View          set the Missing part
           It shows the component requirement/commit quantity for each production order. It is not showing the commit quantity at opertion level.
    4. List: Components,  Layout: Missing Parts List-Order View          set the Missing part
           It shows the component requirement/commit quantity for each production order. It is not showing the commit quantity at opertion level.
          We are unable to get the solution from all these 1 to 4 reports from COOIS.
    Do we have any option to change the existing layout (ex: 3 ) to get the commit quantity for operation with missing parts indicator?
    If avilable, what is the procedure to be followed?

  • Error while importing an existing project into workspace

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    Please do suggest.

    To correctly use the project in a new NWDS. Please use the following method (for Windows XP only):
    1.) Navigate to the projects folder. This will be in the "DC" or "Local Development" folders in your "Documents and Settings" folder.
    2.) Inside the project folder you will find an "_comp" folder.
    3.) Zip this entire folder with WinZIP or WinRAR.
    4.) Finally goto the new PC / Location of export. Unzip this archive into a new Folder.
    5.) Open NWDS. Goto File->Import->Existing Project into Workspace.
    6.) Select your folder (where you extracted the archive).
    Hope that helps.

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    not end up pulling out all my hair....

    Export the OMF from an audio app like ProTools or Logic as a stereo pair AIFF, then use that with your video. Chop it up if you need to checkerboard.
    Of course this will only work if the audio is very simple - overlapping audio will mess you up. If you can figure out the audio app part, you can split up your OMF into separate tracks.
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  • How to activate the new fields on material master(MM01/MM02/MM03) for existing Materials

    We have a requirement to add  some custom fields as a new tab in additional data option(Descriptions, Unit of measure, etc.) in Basic data of Material master (MM01/MM02/MM03). I have successfully added and these custom fields and they are not part of standard(MARA, MARC) but a custom table and the updates are also done in custom table.
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    Is there any setting or mass generation program I have top perform so that I can see and maintain these new fields for existing materials. Appreciate any leads or help on this.

    Hello Harry,
    Goto t.code SPRO ---> Display IMG --->  Logistics - General --> Material master --> Configuring the material master --> Create program for customized screens
    Use the above path and create the screen and assign it to the sequence using the below link as reference.
    **************** - Tips - Implementing screen exits for MM01/MM02/MM03

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