Passing a field in a button to the actionPerformed()

I have a series of buttons in a JApplet.
For an example I define a button in init() by:
ButtonArray[ i ] = new MyButton( "Clear", CLEAR, 0 );
ButttonArray[ i ].addActionListener( this );
Then in the actionPerformed() there is an if statement, which, depending on
the type of button, calls one of two methods. The methods require a specific field value ( one needs the 2nd field value,
the other needs the 3rd field value ).
Such as ( the astericks is where the problem is ):
if ( evt.getActionCommand().equals( "NO_OP" ) ){
evaluate( ** needs 3rd value ** );
} else {
doCalc( ** needs 2nd value ** );
I've been stumped for hours on this so any help is greatly appreciated.

Here it is. I posted all of it. I know there are easier ways to do create
this type of app, but I need to know for future GUI projects.
custom button class first then the applet code.
public class HandyButton extends javax.swing.JButton {
/** for function button */
private int operation;
/** for number button */
private int value;
/** Creates HandyButton */
public HandyButton( String buttonText,int nOp,int nValue ) {
super( buttonText );
operation = nOp;
value = nValue;
public int getOp() { return operation; }
public int getValue() { return value; }
Here is the applet code:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
//** Be sure to have AND before compiling. */
public class HandyCalc extends javax.swing.JApplet implements ActionListener {
/** Button operation constants */
public final int NO_OP = 0;
public final int ADD = 1;
public final int SUBTRACT = 2;
public final int MULTIPLY = 3;
public final int DIVIDE = 4;
public final int POSNEG = 5;
public final int SQRT = 6;
public final int EQUALS = 7;
public final int CLEAR = 8;
public final int SIN = 9;
public final int COS = 10;
public final int TAN = 11;
public final int DECIMAL = -1;
/** GUI component declaration */
/** Text field object */
private javax.swing.JTextField output;
/** Panel for number keypad */
private javax.swing.JPanel pnlNumbers;
/** Buttons for number keypad */
private HandyButton btnNumbers[];
/** Operation buttons */
private HandyButton btnFunctions[ ];
private HandyButton btnArrayHButtons[ ];
private int buttonCount;
/** Panel for operation buttons */
private javax.swing.JPanel pnlFunctions;
/** Display string */
String sDisplay;
/** Operation to do */
int nOp = NO_OP;
/** Number is a new number */
boolean bNewNum = true;
/** Number is a decimal */
boolean bIsDecimal = false;
public void init() {
/** Set HandyButton arrays */
btnFunctions = new HandyButton[ 9 ];
btnNumbers = new HandyButton[ 12 ];
//buttonCount = 21
btnArrayHButtons = new HandyButton[ buttonCount ];
/** Create Text field */
JTextField output = new JTextField();
output.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(60, 30));
output.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(60, 30));
output.setMargin(new java.awt.Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
output.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(50, 30));
output.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.MatteBorder( 1, 3, 3, 1, new java.awt.Color ( 51, 0, 102 ) ) );
output.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 18));
//output.setBackground(new java.awt.Color ( 204, 255, 255 ));
output.setHorizontalAlignment( javax.swing.SwingConstants.RIGHT );
/** Add text field to frame */
getContentPane().add( output, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH );
/** Create function panel */
JPanel pnlFunctions = new JPanel();
pnlFunctions.setLayout( new java.awt.GridLayout( 5, 2, 2, 2 ) );
/** Create function buttons */
//HandyButton btnAdd = new HandyButton( "+", ADD, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 0 ] = new HandyButton( "+", ADD, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 0 ].setActionCommand( "ADD" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 0 ] );
//HandyButton btnSin = new HandyButton( "Sin", SIN, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 1 ] = new HandyButton( "Sin", SIN, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 1 ].setActionCommand( "SIN" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 1 ] );
//HandyButton btnSubt = new HandyButton( "-", SUBTRACT, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 2 ] = new HandyButton( "-", SUBTRACT, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 2 ].setActionCommand( "SUBTRACT" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 2 ] );
//HandyButton btnCos = new HandyButton( "Cos", COS, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 3 ] = new HandyButton( "Cos", COS, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 3 ].setActionCommand( "COS" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 3 ] );
//HandyButton btnMult = new HandyButton( "*", MULTIPLY, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 4 ] = new HandyButton( "*", MULTIPLY, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 4 ].setActionCommand( "MULTIPLY" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 4 ] );
//HandyButton btnTan = new HandyButton( "Tan", TAN, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 5 ] = new HandyButton( "Tan", TAN, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 5 ].setActionCommand( "TAN" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 5 ] );
//HandyButton btnDiv = new HandyButton( "�", DIVIDE, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 6 ] = new HandyButton( "�", DIVIDE, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 6 ].setActionCommand( "DIVIDE" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 6 ] );
//HandyButton btnClear = new HandyButton( "Clear", CLEAR, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 7 ] = new HandyButton( "Clear", CLEAR, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 7 ].setActionCommand( "CLEAR" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 7 ] );
//HandyButton btnEquals = new HandyButton( "=", EQUALS, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 8 ] = new HandyButton( "=", EQUALS, 0 );
btnFunctions[ 8 ].setActionCommand( "EQUALS" );
pnlFunctions.add( btnFunctions[ 8 ] );
for ( int i = 0; i < btnFunctions.length; i++ ) {           
btnFunctions[ i ].addActionListener( this );
/** Add functions panel to frame */
getContentPane().add( pnlFunctions, java.awt.BorderLayout.EAST );
/** Create number panel */
JPanel pnlNumbers = new JPanel();
pnlNumbers.setLayout( new java.awt.GridLayout( 4, 3, 2, 2 ) );
/** Create number buttons */
//HandyButton btnNum1 = new HandyButton( "1", NO_OP, 1 );
btnNumbers[ 0 ] = new HandyButton( "1", NO_OP, 1 );
btnNumbers[ 0 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 0 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum2 = new HandyButton( "2", NO_OP, 2 );
btnNumbers[ 1 ] = new HandyButton( "2", NO_OP, 2 );
btnNumbers[ 1 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 1 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum3 = new HandyButton( "3", NO_OP, 3 );
btnNumbers[ 2 ] = new HandyButton( "3", NO_OP, 3 );
btnNumbers[ 2 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 2 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum4 = new HandyButton( "4", NO_OP, 4 );
btnNumbers[ 3 ] = new HandyButton( "4", NO_OP, 4 );
btnNumbers[ 3 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 3 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum5 = new HandyButton( "5", NO_OP, 5 );
btnNumbers[ 4 ] = new HandyButton( "5", NO_OP, 5 );
btnNumbers[ 4 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 4 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum6 = new HandyButton( "6", NO_OP, 6 );
btnNumbers[ 5 ] = new HandyButton( "6", NO_OP, 6 );
btnNumbers[ 5 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 5 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum7 = new HandyButton( "7", NO_OP, 7 );
btnNumbers[ 6 ] = new HandyButton( "7", NO_OP, 7 );
btnNumbers[ 6 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 6 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum8 = new HandyButton( "8", NO_OP, 8 );
btnNumbers[ 7 ] = new HandyButton( "8", NO_OP, 8 );
btnNumbers[ 7 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 7 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum9 = new HandyButton( "9", NO_OP, 9 );
btnNumbers[ 8 ] = new HandyButton( "9", NO_OP, 9 );
btnNumbers[ 8 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 8 ] );
//HandyButton btnPosNeg = new HandyButton( "+/-", NO_OP, 0 );
btnNumbers[ 9 ] = new HandyButton( "+/-", NO_OP, 0 );
btnNumbers[ 9 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 9 ] );
//HandyButton btnNum0 = new HandyButton( "0", NO_OP, 0 );
btnNumbers[ 10 ] = new HandyButton( "0", NO_OP, 0 );
btnNumbers[ 10 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 10 ] );
//HandyButton btnDecimal = new HandyButton( ".", NO_OP, DECIMAL );
btnNumbers[ 11 ] = new HandyButton( ".", NO_OP, DECIMAL );
btnNumbers[ 11 ].setActionCommand( "NO_OP" );
pnlNumbers.add( btnNumbers[ 11 ] );
for ( int i = 0; i < btnNumbers.length; i++ ) {
btnNumbers[ i ].addActionListener( this );
/** Add numbers panel to frame */
getContentPane().add( pnlNumbers, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER );
String sTenth = (new Double(0.1)).toString();
sDisplay = sTenth.substring(sTenth.length()-2).substring(0, 1);
public void actionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt ) {               
Object temp = evt.getSource();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, String.valueOf(evt. ) );
//int buttonCount = btnNumbers.length + btnFunctions.length;
//int allButtons;
try {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, String.valueOf(temp.getClass().getDeclaredField( "value").getInt( "value" ) ) );
catch ( NoSuchFieldException e1 ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, e1 );
catch ( IllegalAccessException e2 ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, e2 );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "You clicked a button\n" + evt.getActionCommand() );
buttonCount = btnFunctions.length + btnNumbers.length;
/** Determine what type of button - function or number */
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, evt.getSource() );
if ( evt.getActionCommand().equals( "NO_OP" ) ){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "number key\n" );
evaluate( evt.getSource( nValue ) );
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "function key" );
doCalc( evt.getSource() );
public void evaluate( int nValue ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Starting method evaluate\nButton value: " + nValue );
String Number;
if(nValue == DECIMAL)
bNewNum = false;
bIsDecimal = true;
Number = sDisplay;
Number = (new Integer(nValue)).toString();
if(nValue != 0)
bNewNum = false;
output.setText(output.getText() + Number);
public void doCalc( int nOp ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Made it to doCalc\n" );
public static void main(String args[]) {
/** Create a handy frame */
HandyFrame hfrmMain = new HandyFrame( "Handy Calculator V1.0" );
/** Create a handy calculator */
HandyCalc HCalc = new HandyCalc();
/** Build the handy calculator */
/** Put handy calculator on the frame */
hfrmMain.getContentPane().add( "Center", HCalc );
/** Package the frame */
/** Display the frame */;

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    Is scoring enabled on these? If so, perhaps your quiz settings are preventing backward movement.
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    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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    Create a text field and make this script its custom calculation script :
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         a="You did thing 1 wrong";
         event.value = a;
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    heres the sample HTML code if it helps.. this one is just to show how the screen looks like. The actual JSP has the while loop.. which is also pasted below
    <HEAD><TITLE>File Format Management</TITLE>
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var errMsg = "";
    function confirmDelete(frm)
         var deleteSure = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the fileType?");
         if (deleteSure)
         return deleteSure
    <TABLE border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
      <TR class="titlebar">
        <TD align="center">File Format Management</TD>
      <TR bgcolor="#cccccc">
    <B>File Types:</B>
    <p>The following file types are defined for this project.</p>
    <div align="center">
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
    <tr><td>Filetype��</td><td># of fields��</td><th></th><th></th></tr>
    <tr><td>Demographics</td><td align="center">5</td><td><input type="submit" value="Edit"></a></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Delete"></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Clinical</td><td align="center">17</td><td><input type="submit" value="Edit"></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Delete"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>MS</td><td align="center">9</td><td><input type="submit" value="Edit"></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Delete"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>HLA</td><td align="center">20</td><td><input type="submit" value="Edit"></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Delete"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>SNP</td><td align="center">18</td><td><input type="submit" value="Edit"></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Delete"></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan="4"><input type="submit" value="Add new filetype..."></td></tr>
    <p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Return"></p>
    //actual while loop in JSP
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
                <tr class="titleitem"><td>Filetype��</td><td># of fields��</td><th></th><th></th></tr>
                <% if ((!fileTypesFormats.equals(null)) && (fileTypesFormats.size() > 0))
                        Iterator keyIter = fileTypesFormats.entrySet().iterator();
                        while (keyIter.hasNext())
                            Map.Entry CurrentEntry = (Map.Entry);
                            String formatNos = CurrentEntry.getKey().toString();
                            String fileTypeName = CurrentEntry.getValue().toString();
                       <tr class="<%=htmlObj.getClassString(count)%>">
                         <td><input type="hidden" name="filetypeName" value="<%=fileTypeName%>"><%=fileTypeName%></td>
                         <td align="center"><%=formatNos%></td>
                         <td><input type="button" value="Edit" name="editBtn" onclick="location.href='edit_delete_filetype_format.jsp'"></a></td>
                         <td align="right"><input type="button" name="deleteBtn" value="Delete" onclick='confirmDelete(this.form)'></a></td>
                 <% } } %>
                        <tr class="<%=htmlObj.getClassString(count)%>"><td colspan="4"><input type="button" value="Add new filetype..." onclick="location.href='edit_delete_filetype_format.jsp'"></td></tr>

    Thanx for your help praveen
    I appreciate that.. but i misguided you. I am sorry abt that
    I want the value of the field beside the delete box to be passed to the Server side scripting.
    so if u see the html page u see something like this
    "Demographics 4 Edit Delete "
    "Clinical 3 Edit Delete"
    //note edit and delete are buttons
    Of this when the user clicks on Delete I want the jsp to pass Demographics value to the JSP.
    Right now it will pass all the values like "Demographics Clinical" . I probably have to give different names to the buttons...lets c
    Thanx for u r help

  • Button on the manual form

    I am pretty new in APEX and need your help.
    I have a manual form for ex: say on Employee form with only one editable field say 'Salary'. If a user edits the salary and hits save, the record goes into the history table but doesn't update the original table (in this case emloyee). The table is also showing the new salary (coming from history table).
    I need to show a history button on the form for each row (pass empno). Whenever a person hits history button, it shows history (updated rows) against that empno in a new region but on the same page. It should have 'close' button to close the history region.
    Do you have any similar example?
    Edited by: user6699807 on Dec 3, 2008 6:07 AM

    You can create a custom report template to handle that.
    Go to Shared Components, Templates and Create a new report - use a copy of your existing report template.
    When the template is created, select it from the templates list to edit it. On the template definition, you will see four sections - Custom Template 1, 2, 3 and 4. In these, we can define up to four formats depending on stated conditions. In your case you only need to use the first two sections (and perhaps the third if you have users that don't fall into either category?).
    In Custom Template 1, enter the following:
    &lt;td headers="#COLUMN_HEADER_NAME#" #ALIGNMENT# class="t18data" style="background-color:lightgreen"&gt;#COLUMN_VALUE#&lt;/td&gt;You should adjust the t18data class name to whatever your one is - all I've really added here is added the style attribute.
    In Custom Template 1 Condition, select: Use Based on PL/SQL Condition
    In Custom Template 1 Expression, we need to enter whatever the expression would be to return true for your first style. For example:
    '#ROLE#' = 'EDITOR'or
    #ROLE# = EDITORdepending on if the ROLE column is a string or number - replace ROLE with whatever the name is for the column containing the role (but keeping the #'s). #ROLE# would be repaced by the value on the column for the current row - if the equation returns true, then the custom template is used, otherwise the next one is checked instead.
    Make similar entries in Custom Template 2 settings for your approver role.
    And, if you will have users that fall outside of these roles, then repeat the process for the Custom 3 Template setting, but leaving the Condition and Expression as their defaults - that way, if the ROLE value does not match either of the first two template settings, then this third one must be used as it is effectively unconditional.
    I have done this here: - any DEPTNO of 10 turns the line lightgreen, 20 is pink and all others are yellow.

  • How to clear the fields within copy routines in the copy contorl

    HI Gurus,
    I need to clear  the fields VBP-VBELV and VBAP-PSSNV within the copy routines 303 in the copy control between quote item and sales order item. I am not sure how to do that... Can some body please help.
    This is required because we had sales order and quote using the same requirement type which controls the special stock indicator. This leads to the stock getting update in quotation instead of the sales order, because the quotation is initiating document (collecting all cost etc).Now i know requirement should only be passed to production from sales order and not from quotation so i changed the config but there are some existing documents using same requirement type on both quotation and sales order and to correct those i need to clear fields VBP-VBELV and VBAP-PSSNV within the copy routines 303.
    Please help!

    Hi ,
    just use this code in ur save button action handler , this will clear the field after entered in to the database and will ready for the next set of data.
    String password=wdContext.currentContextElement().getpwd();
         InitialContext ctx=new InitialContext();
         DataSource ds=(DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/SAPJ2EDB");
         Connection con=ds.getConnection();
         Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
         int retIns = stmt.executeUpdate("insert into TMP_NEWUSERDETAIL(PASSWORD) values("password")");
    or use a seperate button to clear the field.
    Vijayakhanna Raman

  • Push button in the application tool bar in the standard LDB PNP

    I have a  requirement that in the selction screen to use the standard LDB PNP beyond that I need to pass one push button in the selection screen 1000 ( in the application tool bar beside execute button) actually i  passes the push button in the gui status but its not refelcting in the output  and in the initilization event also i passed even then its noty working,
      move 'Cluster ID'(010) to sscrfields-functxt_01.
    Thanks and Regards,

    write code like this
    TABLES: USR02,       "Logon data
      PARAMETERs p1 type i.
      SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_01 = 'Button'.
    Bala Duvvuri

  • Close the IE page on click of a button in the transaction

    Hi All,
    I have a button on the transaction and once I click the button it should log off from the SAP WEB AS and close the Internet Explorer page.
    Can anyone guide me through the process?
    Thanks in advance,

    from your earlier Passing data through URL i understand that you use integrated ITS, so my answer is going to be based on that.
    in your program add the following :
    include AVWRTCXM .
    and write the following code for button click.
    field-set '~OkCode' 1 '/NEX' .
    its-browser_redirect 'XXX'.
    now go to SICF
    navigate to your service under sap/bc/gui/sap/its/
    double click on the service
    choose error pages tab
    then choose logoff page tab
    make sure "explicit response time" radio button is selected.
    Click on the create icon next to "Body" in the resulting window enter the following text
    Thanks for using ITS
    <a href="#" anclick="windaw.clase();">
    click here to close this window
    in this line (anclick="windaw.clase();) change the alphabet 'a' to 'o' .
    Save the service.
    and test the same.
    Message was edited by:
            Durairaj Athavan Raja

  • Wan to add push button in the output of ALV Grid display.

    Hi Friends,
    I wan to add a Push button in the output of ALV GRID display with STANDARD ikons.
    How to copy standard ikons of GRID output.
    How to apply the copied status into my code.

    Goto SE41, create a pf-status for your alv report program.
    On the next screen, click menu EXTRAS --> click option ADJUST TEMPLATES and select radiobutton LIST VIEWER --> you will get all standard buttons of alv in the pf-status.
    Delete the unwanted buttons and also you can add new buttons if reqd.
    Activate pf-status --> and apply in alv program.
    Now to apply this pf-status in your alv report follow code:-
         i_callback_program                = v_rep_id       " report id
         i_callback_pf_status_set          = 'PF'           " for PF-STATUS
         i_callback_user_command           = 'USER_COMMAND' " for User-Command
         is_layout                         = wa_layout      " for layout
         it_fieldcat                       = it_field       " field catalog
         it_sort                           = it_sort        " sort info
          t_outtab                          = it_final      " internal table
         program_error                     = 1
         OTHERS                            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *&      Form  pf
    *       -->RT_EXTAB
    FORM pf USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
      SET PF-STATUS 'ZTG_STAT'. "<--pass pf-status name here
    ENDFORM.                    "pf
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    *      -->LV_OKCODE   used to capture the function code
    *                     of the user-defined push-buttons
    *      -->L_SELFIELD   text
    FORM user_command USING lv_okcode LIKE sy-ucomm l_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    * assign the function code to variable v_okcode
      lv_okcode = sy-ucomm.
    * handle the code execution based on the function code encountered
      CASE lv_okcode.
        WHEN '<function_code>'. "<--to handle user actions
    ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND
    Hope this helps you.

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