Passing array of structures back to java from c

I have a DLL in C that I'm calling from a Java servlet. The C DLL creates a bunch of arrays of structures that I would like to be able to bring back to the Java servlet and process further. How difficult is this and does anyone have anywhere to point me that shows how it can be done?

1. In general, java knows nothing about structures. So you have to define eqquivalent java classes, and write code to move the data from C structs into the classes.
2. JNI supports definition of arrays of objects, which can be passed back from the dll.
You may find some code generators that will help you with the
CStruct->JavaObject definition. This may be a blind alley, but check out JACE.

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    With regards
    Satheesh Kumar

    Thanks for your immediate response.
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    Try to use a jbyteArray instead of jcharArray.

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    Then you have two asynchronous parallel loops, and you want one of them to receive information (Boolean) from the other in order to determine its state.
    If the loop with the elapsed time contains nothing but elapsed time, then consider moving it to the first loop.
    Otherwise, you should use a form of synchronization communication, such as a Notifier or User Event, to send data from your loop with the elapsed time to your loop with the case structure.

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    Your general approach works just fine. What you have to do is use JNI to find the appropriate method for the StringBuffer class, and invoke it.

  • ORA-00932 when trying to pass ARRAY from Java SP to PL/SQL

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    I am trying to pass ARRAYs back and forth between PL/SQL and Java stored procedures. But I keep getting:
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected a return value that is an instance of a user defined Java class convertible to an Oracle type got an object that could not be converted
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    create or replace type CONTENTP.sentences_array as VARRAY(1000) of CLOB
    -- I've also tried .. as TABLE of CLOB and varray/table of VARCHAR2
    proc_clob CLOB;
    SELECT document_body
    into proc_clob
    from documents
    where document_id = 618784;
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    LANGUAGE java
    NAME 'com.contentp.documents.ProcessDocument.sentenceSplit(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.ARRAY';
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    return CLOB
    LANGUAGE java
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    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
    String[] arrSentences = sent.getsentences ( CLOBtoString (text) );
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDesc =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("SENTENCES_ARRAY", conn);
    ARRAY ARRSentences = new ARRAY (arrayDesc, conn, arrSentences);
    return ARRSentences;
    I have confirmed that the String[] arrSentences contains a valid string array. So the problem seems to be the creation and passing of ARRSentences.
    I have looked at pages and pages of documents and example code, and can't see anything wrong with my declaration of ARRSentences. I'm at a loss to explain what's wrong.
    Thanks in advance - any help is much appreciated!

    I am trying to do something similar but seems like getting stuck at registerOutParameter for this.
    Type definition:
    type APL_CCAM9.VARCHARARRAY as table of VARCHAR2(100)
    Java Stored Function code:
    public static ARRAY fetchData (ARRAY originAreaCds, ARRAY serviceCds, ARRAY vvpcs) {
    Connection connection = null;
         ARRAY array = null;
         try {
         connection = new OracleDriver ().defaultConnection();
    ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", connection);
    String[] result = new String [2];
    result[0] = "Foo";
    result[1] = "Foo1";
    array = new ARRAY (adString, connection, result);
    connection.commit ();
    return array;
    } catch (SQLException sqlexp) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException exp) {
    return array;
    Oracle Stored Function:
    Java Code calling Oracle Stored Procedure:
    ocs = (OracleCallableStatement) oraconn.prepareCall(queryBuf.toString());
                   ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", oraconn);
                   String[] originAreaCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getGeogAreaCds();
                   ARRAY areaCdArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, originAreaCds);
                   ocs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.ARRAY);
                   ocs.setArray (2, areaCdArray);
                   String[] serviceCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getServiceCds();
                   ARRAY serviceCdsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, serviceCds );
                   ocs.setArray (3, serviceCdsArray);
                   String[] vvpcs = sTDynAllocationVO.getVesselVoyagePortCdCallNbrs();
                   ARRAY vvpcsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, vvpcs);
                   ocs.setArray (4, vvpcsArray);
    ARRAY results = ocs.getARRAY(1);
    Error I get:
    Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=2003
    Thanks for help in advance.

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    please give suggestion.

    it is not possible to pass array by using XSLT, you can wirite all values into a String with certain delim symbol, pass this string, then use xsl.substring() to get different values.

  • Passing Array of java objects to and from oracle database-Complete Example

    Hi all ,
    I am posting a working example of Passing Array of java objects to and from oracle database . I have struggled a lot to get it working and since finally its working , postinmg it here so that it coudl be helpful to the rest of the folks.
    First thinsg first
    i) Create a Java Value Object which you want to pass .
    create or replace and compile java source named Person as
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Person implements SQLData
    private String sql_type = "PERSON_T";
    public int person_id;
    public String person_name;
    public Person () {}
    public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException { return sql_type; }
    public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String typeName) throws SQLException
    sql_type = typeName;
    person_id = stream.readInt();
    person_name = stream.readString();
    public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException
    stream.writeInt (person_id);
    stream.writeString (person_name);
    ii) Once you created a Java class compile this class in sql plus. Just Copy paste and run it in SQL .
    you should see a message called "Java created."
    iii) Now create your object Types
    USING SQLData (
    person_id NUMBER(9) EXTERNAL NAME 'person_id',
    person_name VARCHAR2(30) EXTERNAL NAME 'person_name'
    iv) Now create a table of Objects
    CREATE TYPE person_tab IS TABLE OF person_t;
    v) Now create your procedure . Ensure that you create dummy table called "person_test" for loggiing values.
    create or replace
    procedure give_me_an_array( p_array in person_tab,p_arrayout out person_tab)
    l_person_id Number;
    l_person_name Varchar2(200);
    l_person person_t;
    l_p_arrayout person_tab;
    errm Varchar2(2000);
         l_p_arrayout := person_tab();
    for i in 1 .. p_array.count
         insert into person_test values(p_array(i).person_id, 'in Record '||p_array(i).person_name);
         l_person_id := p_array(i).person_id;
         l_person_name := p_array(i).person_name;
         l_person := person_t(null,null);
         l_person.person_id := l_person_id + 5;
         l_person.person_name := 'Out Record ' ||l_person_name ;
         l_p_arrayout(i) := l_person;
    end loop;
    p_arrayout := l_p_arrayout;
         l_person_id := p_arrayout.count;
    for i in 1 .. p_arrayout.count
    insert into person_test values(l_person_id, p_arrayout(i).person_name);
    end loop;
         errm := SQLERRM;
         insert into person_test values(-1, errm);
    vi) Now finally create your java class which will invoke the pl/sql procedure and get the updated value array and then display it on your screen>Alternatively you can also check the "person_test" tbale
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class ArrayDemo
    public static void passArray() throws SQLException
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    ArrayDemo a = new ArrayDemo();
    Person pn1 = new Person();
    pn1.person_id = 1;
    pn1.person_name = "SunilKumar";
    Person pn2 = new Person();
    pn2.person_id = 2;
    pn2.person_name = "Superb";
    Person pn3 = new Person();
    pn3.person_id = 31;
    pn3.person_name = "Outstanding";
    Person[] P_arr = {pn1, pn2, pn3};
    Person[] P_arr_out = new Person[3];
    ArrayDescriptor descriptor =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor( "PERSON_TAB", conn );
    ARRAY array_to_pass =
    new ARRAY( descriptor, conn, P_arr);
    OracleCallableStatement ps =
    (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "begin give_me_an_array(?,?); end;" );
    ps.setARRAY( 1, array_to_pass );
         ps.registerOutParameter( 2, OracleTypes.ARRAY,"PERSON_TAB" );
         oracle.sql.ARRAY returnArray = (oracle.sql.ARRAY)ps.getArray(2);
    Object[] personDetails = (Object[]) returnArray.getArray();
    Person person_record = new Person();
    for (int i = 0; i < personDetails.length; i++) {
              person_record = (Person)personDetails;
              System.out.println( "row " + i + " = '" + person_record.person_name +"'" );
                        public static void main (String args[]){
                             ArrayDemo tfc = new ArrayDemo();
         catch(Exception e) {
              public static Connection getConnection() {
                             Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");
                             return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@<<HostNanem>>:1523:VIS",
                             "username", "password");
         catch(Exception SQLe) {
                        System.out.println("IN EXCEPTION BLOCK ");
                        return null;
    and thats it. you are done.
    Hope it atleast helps people to get started. Comments are appreciated. I can be reached at ([email protected]) or [email protected]

    Hi Sunil,
    I've a similar situation where I'm trying to insert Java objects in db using bulk insert. My issue is with performance for which I've created a new thread.
    I ran into your code and looked into it. You've used the Person object array and directly passing it to the oracle.sql.ARRAY constructor. Just curios if this works, cos my understanding is that you need to create a oracle.sql.STRUCT out of ur java object collection and pass it to the ARRAY constructor. I tried ur way but got this runtime exception.
    java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation: JavaBulkInsertNew$Option@10bbf9e
                        at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
                        at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
                        at oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleTypeADT.toDatum(
                        at oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleTypeADT.toDatumArray(
                        at oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleTypeUPT.toDatumArray(
                        at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.toOracleArray(
                        at oracle.sql.ARRAY.<init>(
                        at JavaBulkInsertNew.main(
    Here's a code snippet I used :
    Object optionVal[] =   {optionArr[0]};   // optionArr[0] is an Option object which has three properties
    oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor empArrayDescriptor = oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("TT_EMP_TEST",conn);
    ARRAY empArray = new ARRAY(empArrayDescriptor,conn,optionVal);If you visit my thread, u'll see that I'm using STRUCT and then pass it to the ARRAY constructor, which works well, except for the performance issue.
    I'll appreciate if you can provide some information.

  • Pass arrays from Java to PL/SQL procedure.

    Hi All,
    Can some body give an example, where an array of strings is passed from java to a PL/SQL procedure.
    Any help in this regard is appreciated.

    Kiran Kumar Gunda wrote:
    I would want to use Oracle provided (Oracle Extensions) API to pass arrays to PL/SQL
    procedure from Java. I am using weblogic connection pool, but the 'createDescriptor'
    method donot allow Pooled connection. So I have taken Physical Connection by casting
    to 'WLConnection'. Now, weblogic strongly suggest NOT to use this,as pooling capabilities
    will be disabled.
    But by setting RemoveInfectedConnectionsEnabled to false, we can ask weblogic
    to return the Physical Connection to Pool. I have tested this with the attached
    code. I DON'T find any issue.Good. The only real risk to obtaining the physical connection is retaining and
    using it beyond the current thread execution. Your code looks OK. The only thing
    I'd suggest is to add to the finally block. I would put a separate try-catch-ignore
    block around every action in the finally, so if one fails, the others are still
    As long as you're writing good JDBC like that, there is no risk to telling the
    pool to trust the code, by setting RemoveInfectedConnectionsEnabled to false.
    That way you'll retain all the performance of the pools.
    I want your opinion in this, so that I will be confident in using this feature
    in our application.
    Note : Please look at the sample code that I am using. I AM NOT GOING TO USE PHYSICAL
    CONNECTIONS for normal operations. I will use Physical Connection only when I
    want to pass Arrays to Oracle.

  • How to pass an array or structure, in addition to a query, or multiple queries to the Report Builder as parameters

    Is there a way to pass an array or structure for example as parameters, in addition to a query, or multiple queries to the Report Builder in CF8? I believe this was recommended by users to be in CF8.

    Although it's been a while, I thought I'd provide the code to do this for you. It works for me in CF8, and probably will in CF7.
    Here I create a structure called My, and provide that one parameter to my CFReportParam tag.
    <CFSet My = {
    Client = "Client Name",
    ReportDateFrom = DateFormat(ThisStartDate, DateMask),
    ReportDateTo = DateFormat(ThisEndDate, DateMask),
    PageHeaderImage = ImagePath & "\Logos\Page_Header.png",
    WatermarkImage = ImagePath & "\Logos\Watermark.png",
    GetBarSummary = GetBarSummary,
    GetPieSummary = GetPieSummary
    <CFReport Template="#ReportPath#\SpendSummary.cfr" Format="PDF" Query="GetSummary">
    <CFReportParam Name="My" Value="#My#">
    Inside the report itself, reference the given parameter as Param.My.PageHeaderImage for example. It can be referenced that way from any expression inside the report builder. You can even use the queries as the data source for charts (using the Data From a Query -> Query Builder -> Advanced) by entering "Param.My.GetPieSummary" where it says "Variable containing query object".

  • URGENT: Passing Array from JSP to a Stored Procedure

    Can some one please help me understanding how can I pass array from JSP page to a stored procedure in database.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried and was successful in passing array values to the stored database procedure.
    How can I use this class in JSP? Like I have first JSP where in I will collect input from the user and then submit it to the second JSP - that needs to call the to pass the values as array to the database.
    How should I call this java code in my second JSP?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Passing array of Types to java class

    I am trying to pass a user defined type (that is an array) from PL/Sql to a javaclass. Here are the definitions that make-up the parameter to pass from PL/Sql to Java (uri_digest_array):
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE uri_digest as object (uri VARCHAR2(256),
    digest_value CLOB);
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE uri_digest_array AS VARRAY(10) OF uri_digest;
    In Oracle-land, java classes are published to PL/Sql by way of the following definition. Note that the intent here is to have compatible data-types.
    NAME 'SignReturningXml.main(oracle.sql.Array) return java.lang.String';
    Here is a fragment of the java class code:
    class SignReturningXml {
    public static String main(String [] [] signItems ) // I have no idea what datatype to use here!
    { . . . . The code in here would process the passed array normally from first entry to last.
    Currently I get the following error:
    PLS-00311: the declaration of
    "SignReturningXml.main(oracle.sql.Array) return
    java.lang.String" is incomplete or malformed
    I could use some suggestions on resolving the datatype conflicts. Any ideas? Has anyone tried this kind of thing?

    At the risk of another [non] useful response, I meant that you should try searching the "Ask Tom" Web site, because usually you will find an answer to your question that has already been asked by someone else. Perhaps these will be helpful:
    ]Can I Pass a nested table to Java from a pl/sql procedure
    ]passing arrays into pl/sql stored procedures
    Good Luck,

  • Passing array from JS to method of applet

    There is unable in IE pass array of values from javascript to method of applet, but in Mozilla it's working fine. In IE i have got exception:
    java.lang.Exception: setTest{0} :no such method exists
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at$ Source)
         at Method)
         at Source)
    java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: setTest{0} :no such method exists
         at Source)
         at$ Source)
         at Method)
         at Source)
    JavaScript code:
    var testArr=[];
    Applet method:
    public void setTest(Object[] test){
            System.out.println("Test "+test.length);
            for (Object o: test){
        }How do passing in IE?

    yes, MAYSCRIPT just allow to call methods. but as i know it's unable to pass simply array from js to applet and from applet to js. so i convert array of values to String and in applet i use StringTokenizer to parsing. Thanks. ;)

  • Accessing Array of Structures from Coldfusion

    I am having a problem accessing an array of structures from
    Coldfusion within my flex application. Here is how I make my Array:
    (GetRegions is a type Query and Type is a string variable)
    <cfset ReturnArray = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset ReturnArray[1] = StructNew()>
    <cfset ReturnArray[1].Query = GetRegions>
    <cfset ReturnArray[2] = Type>
    Within flex I am trying to access the results in the
    following way:
    private function dataHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
    Query_Filter = new ArrayCollection(event.result[0].QUERY as
    myString = event.result[1] as String;
    Can anybody help me with this. I want a way to return a query
    and a string back from coldfusion.
    Thanks for the help,

    So now I changed my code to the following in CF:
    <cfset Type = "MyString">
    <cfset ReturnArray = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset ReturnArray[1] = StructNew()>
    <!--- set up query GetRegions --->
    <cfset ReturnArray[1] = GetRegions>
    <cfset ReturnArray[2] = Type>
    <!--- Return Array --->
    <cfreturn ReturnArray>
    Now in flex I have the following dataHandler Function:"hello: "+ObjectUtil.toString(event.result[0]));
    Query_Filter = new ArrayCollection(event.result as Array);
    Now I set up a List box with Query_Filter as the dataprovider
    but the results aren't showing correctly. The first item in the
    list box is displayed as [object, Object], [object, Object] and the
    second item is my String.
    Does anybody know how to break up the query to a variable and
    the string to its own variable in the dataHandler function.
    Thanks for any and all help

  • Passing an array of structures to an Oracle stored procedure (CFMX)

    I'm looking to write a Oracle stored procedure where I would pass in an array of structures and loop over each iteration to insert the bits and pieces within the structures to the DB.,
    I haven't written this type of procedure / package before.  I am planning to do an sp / package similar to what is sketched out in the second reply to this thread:
    Assuming I do, how can I call the procedure from ColdFusion (I'm using MX) and pass in my array?  As far as I can see, none of the CF_SQL_Types make sense.

    Let me know if you make any progress.  I'm fighting the same battle.  What I've done so far is to convert my array of struct into a delimited CLOB that looks like this:
    Then I wrote a stored proc to suck it up using a pipelined function.  It's not to bad but parsing the CLOB on the ORACLE side is somewhat time consuming.
    I've also converted the array to XML and used dbms_xmlstore to convert but, on large arrays, it is very slow and the CLOB gets huge fast.
    I was hoping to use the cf_sql_refcursor but I can't figure out how.

Maybe you are looking for

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