Passing Chinese characters in OBIEE 11g GO URL to init the dashboard prompt

Hi Experts,
Currently we are using OBIEE 11g and passing the dashboard prompt parameter values through the OBIEE go url. When we are passing English strings the dashboard prompt is initialized with the correct passing value. However for Chinese character it is not. I am using the URLEncoder.encode("parameter value", "UTF-8") encoding to encode the passing string.
Can anyone tell me what is the wrong in this approach? How can we pass any language strings to OBIEE 11g via go url?

To avoid encoding problems use POST method. Here is js example for OBIEE 10g, but I bellieve you will find similar XML syntax in 11g.
function getGoXML(P){
     var goXML = '<sawx:expr xmlns:sawx="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawx:logical" op="and">';
     for (var i=0; i<P.length-1; i=i+2){
          goXML = goXML + '<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:comparison" xmlns:xsi="" op="equal">';          
          goXML = goXML + '<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">' + P[i] + '</sawx:expr>';
          goXML = goXML + '<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:untypedLiteral">' + P[i+1] + '</sawx:expr>';
          goXML = goXML + '</sawx:expr>';          
     goXML = goXML + '</sawx:expr>';
     return goXML;
function dashboardPageNav (navParams){     
     var tForm = saw.createForm("customNavForm");
     tForm.action = saw.commandToURL("Dashboard");
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "PortalPath", navParams.portalPath);
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "Page", navParams.portalPage);
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "Action", "Navigate");
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "StateAction", "NewPage");
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "P1", "dashboard");
     saw.addHiddenInput(tForm, "P0", getGoXML(navParams.P));
     portalPath: '<portal path>',
     portalPage: '<page name>',
     P: new Array(                         
          '<param1 name>', '<param1 value>',
          '<param2 name>', '<param2 value>',
          '<param3 name>', '<param3 value>',
          '<param4 name>', '<param4 value>'

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    Scott Richardson (NI) -
    Yes, there is a URL that will display the dashboard.
    Have a great day,
    Molly K.
    Web Support & Operations Manager
    National Instruments

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    Hi Anne
    User Input type as " Multi select prompt" keep it with constrain option then apply below query
    apply like this kind of SQL query in Default selection --->SQL result section
    SELECT "MX_PORTFOLIO_STATIC"."MT_BU_Level1" FROM "Position" where "MX_PORTFOLIO_STATIC"."MT_BU_Level1" is not null

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    ------------------------------------error message--------------------------------------------

    Project properties - compiler , check the encoding value.

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    As an experiment, I created a simple VI that reads an array of Chinese text and writes it to a text file and this works fine. But, as I say, if I try doing this using queues, I just just get rubbish.
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Steve
    I've tried to replicate my situation but now I get a different outcome. It seems that I am now getting Chinese characters in my text file. However, you'll see from my code that I'm trying to Tab seperate each item (Date, Time and Message) but this doesn't seem to be working. Likewise, I want to end each line with a Carriage Return but that doesn't seem to be working either.
    I think I'm going to have to take it on the chin that something I'm doing in my "real" application is preventing me from seeing the Chinese characters in my log file.
    I've attached the sample VI along with a sample logfile from my "real" application so you can see what I'm getting.
    I can't really see what I've done different between my sample VI and my application. The only real difference is to do with the Byte Order Mark. In my application I've tried the following :-
    Inserting this once at the beginning of the entire log file
    Inserting it once at the start of each line of the log file
    Inserting it before each piece of text excluding the date and time
    Inserting it before every message item including the Tabs and Carriage Returns
    None of the above produce anything I can use.
    Thanks for responding so quickly.
    Sample Chinese ‏37 KB
    120125-16-15-59.txt ‏1 KB

  • ODBC API SQLBindParameter Bug When Passing Chinese Characters?

    Hi Everyone,
    I am accessing Oracle 10g database (on Windows XP) from Windows XP machine.
    Table TEST_TABLE is defined as
    Using ODBC (code comes shortly) data are successfully inserted into table using SQLBindParameter to bind parameter values.
    The same data can be succesfully read from the table. But the query to retrieve only those rows containing chinese characters simply doesn't work.
    I am using SQLBindParameter to bind a parameter placeholder when executing SELECT * FROM TEST_TABLE WHERE C1=?. It simply doesn't find the rows if parameter value contains chinese characters, it only finds rows if parameter contains pure ASCII data.
    Am I missing something here? NVARCHAR2 data type should be able to always store unicode data. My database settings are:
    Here is the code:
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <sql.h>
    #include <sqlext.h>
    #define SQLCheck(x)          if (SQL_SUCCESS != x) {\
                                                                SQLINTEGER native;\
                                                                SQLSMALLINT msgLength;\
                                                                SQLCHAR szState[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH],szErrorMessage[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];\
                                                                printf("Error state=%s, native=%d, message = %s\n",szState,native,szErrorMessage);\
    #define MAX_CONNECT_LEN 512
    int tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
         SQLRETURN nRetCode     ;     
         HENV henvAllConnections;
         HDBC hdbc(0);
         HSTMT hstmt(SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
         //TEST_TABLE is created using the following query CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE(C1 NVARCHAR2(255))
         nRetCode = ::SQLAllocEnv(&henvAllConnections);
         nRetCode = ::SQLAllocConnect(henvAllConnections, &hdbc);
         HWND hWnd = ::GetDesktopWindow();
         TCHAR szConnectOutput[MAX_CONNECT_LEN];
         TCHAR *pszConnectInput = const_cast<LPTSTR>(_T("DSN=o10 american;UID=no;PWD=no#"));
         SWORD nResult;
         nRetCode = ::SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, hWnd, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(pszConnectInput),
              SQL_NTS, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(szConnectOutput), sizeof(szConnectOutput),
              &nResult, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT);
         nRetCode = ::SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt);
         TCHAR* szQuery = T("INSERT INTO TESTTABLE(C1) VALUES(?)");
         nRetCode = ::SQLPrepare(hstmt,reinterpret_cast<UCHAR*>(szQuery), SQL_NTS);     
         SQLSMALLINT     DataType,DecimalDigits,Nullable;
         SQLUINTEGER     ParamSize;
         nRetCode = ::SQLDescribeParam(hstmt, 1, &DataType, &ParamSize,&DecimalDigits, &Nullable);
         wchar_t chineseData[6];
         wchar_t asciiData[] = L"test data";
         SQLLEN sqlnts = SQL_NTS;
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindParameter(hstmt, (UWORD)1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_WCHAR,SQL_WVARCHAR,ParamSize,DecimalDigits,chineseData,static_cast<SQLINTEGER>(wcslen(chineseData) * sizeof(wchar_t)),&sqlnts);
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecute(hstmt);
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindParameter(hstmt, (UWORD)1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_WCHAR,SQL_WVARCHAR,ParamSize,DecimalDigits,asciiData,static_cast<SQLINTEGER>(wcslen(asciiData) * sizeof(wchar_t)),&sqlnts);
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecute(hstmt);
         nRetCode = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_DROP);
         int nMaxLength = 1024;
         SQLLEN lLength = SQL_NTS,dataLen;
         TCHAR lpszFieldName[256];
         SWORD nActualLen,nSQLType,nScale,nNullability;
         SQLULEN     nPrecision;
         SQLSMALLINT nResultCols;
         wchar_t pWData[1024];
         nRetCode = ::SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt);
         SQLLEN paramLength = static_cast<SQLINTEGER>(wcslen(chineseData) * sizeof(wchar_t));     
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_WCHAR,SQL_WVARCHAR,nMaxLength,0,chineseData,paramLength,&sqlnts);     
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecDirect(hstmt, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(pszSQL), SQL_NTS);
         nRetCode = ::SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &nResultCols);
         nRetCode = ::SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, 1,     reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(lpszFieldName), 255, &nActualLen,&nSQLType,&nPrecision,&nScale,&nNullability);          
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1,     SQL_C_WCHAR, pWData, (nPrecision+1) * sizeof(wchar_t),     &dataLen);
         nRetCode = nRetCode = ::SQLFetch(hstmt);
         if (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND == nRetCode)
              printf("No data found although data are in the table!\n");
              printf("Found chinese data in the table!\n");
         //now try with another qay of SQLBindParameter, which uses length instead of SQL_NTS     
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_WCHAR,SQL_WVARCHAR,nMaxLength,0,chineseData,paramLength,&paramLength);
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecDirect(hstmt, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(pszSQL), SQL_NTS);
         nRetCode = nRetCode = ::SQLFetch(hstmt);
         if (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND == nRetCode)
              printf("No chinese data found even using different way of SQLBindParameter, although chinese data are in the table!\n");
              printf("Found chinese data in the table!\n");
         //now try with ascii data
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_WCHAR,SQL_WVARCHAR,nMaxLength,0,asciiData,static_cast<SQLINTEGER>(wcslen(asciiData) * sizeof(wchar_t)),&sqlnts);
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecDirect(hstmt, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(pszSQL), SQL_NTS);
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1,     SQL_C_WCHAR, pWData, (nPrecision+1) * sizeof(wchar_t),     &dataLen);
         nRetCode = ::SQLFetch(hstmt);
         if (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND == nRetCode)
              printf("also didn't found ascii data!\n");
              printf("found ascii data!\n");
         nRetCode = ::SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_DROP);
         nRetCode = SQLAllocStmt(hdbc,&hstmt);
         //now read all values to prove data are really there
         TCHAR* pszSQLAllDaya = _T("SELECT * FROM TEST_TABLE");
         nRetCode = ::SQLExecDirect(hstmt, reinterpret_cast<SQLTCHAR *>(pszSQLAllDaya), SQL_NTS);
         nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1,     SQL_C_WCHAR, pWData, (nPrecision+1) * sizeof(wchar_t),     &dataLen);
         while (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND != SQLFetch(hstmt))
              printf("data from table %S\n",pWData);
         nRetCode =      ::SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);
    hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT;
         return 0;

    Hi Darko,
    You are right, I think you have discovered a bug in the ODBC driver. I believe this problem is described in Bug 3249731.
    The good news is that this is already fixed in the ODBC driver. Do you have access to MetaLink? Goto patches and download "Patchset 3842783" which is the ORACLE ODBC INSTANT CLIENT DRIVER PATCH VERSION
    Good Luck

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    add a row
    [ PDF ]
    .....AL32UTF8 = "MSungStd-Light-Acro"
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    for example:
    [ PDF:Subset ]
    times = "Barcd39.ttf"
    Arial..italic.Bold.. = "arialbi.ttf"
    Arial..italic... = "ariali.ttf"
    Arial...Bold.. = "arialbd.ttf"
    Arial = "arial.ttf"
    "Andale Duospace WT J" = "Aduoj.ttf"
    "Albany WT J"="AlbanWTJ.ttf"
    "Arabic Transparent"="artro.ttf"

  • OBIEE 11G error while installation at the configuration setting(ASinstance)

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to Install OBIEE 11G on Windows on Local PC.But getting the following error .
    "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" at the configuration step of ASinstance.
    I have set the virtual memory to maximum.Machine's RAM is 2 GB and Virtual memory is 4 GB which meeets system requirement for OBI.
    I have treid few options but nothing seems to workout :( . and even Downloaded and tried to Install the software again.
    Any help on this highly appreciated.

    Hi Dhar,
    below is the log file content:
    Error Message from opmn.log file:
    [ERROR:1] [] [libopmncustom] Process Ping Failed: coreapplication_obips1~OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent~coreapplication_obips1~1 (1035801255:1640) [No addresses matched the properties for the request]
    [ERROR:1] [] [libopmncustom] Hi Dhar,
    below is the log file content:
    Error Message from opmn.log file:
    [ERROR:1] [] [libopmncustom] Process Ping Failed: coreapplication_obips1~OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent~coreapplication_obips1~1 (1035801255:1640) [No addresses matched the properties for the request]
    [ERROR:1] [] [libopmncustom] Ping failed in Ready callback for proc:1035801255
    All other log files (presentation, bi server, scheduler, cluster controller) contains the following error message:
    Error Message: The configuration file (C:\obi\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\config\fmwconfig\jps-config.xml) was not found or is inaccessible.
    As per comments posted by you here:
    I checked FMW_SECURITY_SERVICE_URL parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file.
    This parameter is using VIP (admin server listen to this) and not the actual IP of the server.
    Should I change this URL and point it to actual IP.
    What is the procedure to change this parameter using EM?

  • OBIEE 11g Recent Reports in a custom dashboard

    I have a requirement to put "Recent Report" of a user in a Custom built Dashboard. I know this functionality is available in OBIEE 11g home page. But our requirement is to put the same sections in few Custom Dashboards. Please let me know if this is possible
    Edited by: user5393876 on Aug 9, 2011 1:51 AM
    Edited by: Rish on Aug 9, 2011 11:08 PM

    Ya i think it is comming due to null data, just restrict the data by specifying not null prompt or specific condition in the associate column Isnull(attribte,0)

  • OBIEE 11g install - is C drive the only drive that will work?

    Anyone know if the installation needs to be done on the C drive only . i tried to specify the middleware home on the d drive and got stuck with an error at 98%
    Invalid weblogic home specified: D:\app\OBIEE11g\wlserver_10.3
    I havent encountered this when installing on the C drive . Oracle's documentation does not specify this requrement . does anyone know if this is a requirement? Any tips on a clean uninstall for the OBIEE 11g server ?

    Hi Team,
    While installing OBIEE11g with database 11g the installation getting successful at 98% and Post installation steps are executing and getting hanged.
    after verifing the log the below message came across.
    pls. suggest how to resolve this error.
    [2010-10-06T17:18:13.558+05:30] [as] [NOTIFICATION] [] [] [tid: 15] [ecid: 0000Ii1FPUX1ZbS_UDk3yc1Cf5UQ000006,0] Validating node manager service arguments...
    [2010-10-06T17:18:13.558+05:30] [as] [ERROR] [] [] [tid: 15] [ecid: 0000Ii1FPUX1ZbS_UDk3yc1Cf5UQ000006,0] Invalid weblogic home specified: D:\OBIEE11g\wlserver_10.3
    [2010-10-06T17:18:13.558+05:30] [as] [ERROR] [] [] [tid: 15] [ecid: 0000Ii1FPUX1ZbS_UDk3yc1Cf5UQ000006,0] Error occurred during OUI launch[[
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid weblogic home specified: D:\OBIEE11g\wlserver_10.3
    pls. let me know how to resolve this issue...
    Thanks in advance

  • OBIEE 11g Sorting the Dashboard Prompt

    In OBIEE 11g, How to sort a bashboard prompt which is cascaded on another column?

    2) Removing Reset button :
    use below html code --via dashboard object..
    check it this screen short
    1) In obi10g try it obi11g
    If you need to rename the 'GO' button, follow the below steps.
    Go to {OracleBIDir}:\oraclebi\web\msgdb\l_en\messages and Open the globalfiltermessages.xml file.
    Find this text
    <WebMessage name="kmsgGFPGo"><TEXT>Go</TEXT></WebMessage>
    Edit the 'Go' which is there between the TEXT tags.. for e.g.., replace the Go with Confirm
    <WebMessage name="kmsgGFPGo"><TEXT>Confirm</TEXT></WebMessage>
    Hope it is clear...
    Edited by: Devarasu on Sep 16, 2011 1:15 AM

  • OBIEE 11g - Current year date and the same date in Previous year

    Hi Experts,
    I have an attribute say RECEIPT NO, i want to display the "No of Receipts" i.e(count(receipt no)) for any given date in the current year as well as for the same date in previous year.
    Please suggest me how to achieve this in 11g.

    Hi Veeravalli,
    Thanks for your prompt help.
    Could you please ellobarate this. I have to display the count(receipt_no) for the last year same date.

  • Inserting a link to BI Publisher report and passing the dashboard prompts

    I have an answers dashboard where there are various prompts (say P1, P2, P3, P4  -all these are date prompts )and various  reports.
    These Prompts are stored as Presentation variable say var1, var2, var3, var4.
    I need to insert a Link on this page to a BI Publisher Report.  BI Publisher report also has some prompts say D1, D2, D3 , D4, D5, D6
    The link should take the values from the prompts of this page and open the BI Publisher report with D1= value of Prompt P1,
    D2= value of prompt P2, D3= value of Prompt P3, and D4= value of Prompt P4.
    I was easily able to use an action link -> "Navigate to Web Page" option.  I gave the URL for this BI Publisher report and clicking on that link takes me to the report.
    But I am still figuring out out to send the values of the prompts.
    The BI Publisher Report is :
    - built from an RTF template.
    - uses a SQL Query with Bind variables to get the value of its prompts D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6.
    - Suppose D1 is bind variable :date1, D2 is bind variable :date2, D3 is bind variable :date3 and D4 is bind variable :dat4.
    So my first try was to append the value of bind variable to the URL
    Can someone suggest the steps I need to take to make this work.

    Hi, I am facing the same issue (OBIEE 11g version0
    Please let me know if you found any solution or workaround for this?

  • OBIEE Writeback : Clock appears when navigating the dashboard

    Hello Guys,
    Wrong time to post the question just before long weekend.
    I have a writeback report that views fine when I navigate it through Answers. It has 500 rows.
    When I view the same report on the dashboard , after navigating to the fourth or fifth page process gets hung and all I see is the clock that is ticking.
    The clock will keep on ticking indefintely.
    When I click on cancel the page refreshes and I able to see the desired report results.
    This is a replicable issue at my end.
    I have gone through the presentation and OBI Server logs but I dont see an error or exact error description.
    Has anyone faced this problem.
    What is the best way to solve the problem.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    This is a bug in 11g, apply patch 12561330.

  • How to Handle the Strings more than 4000 characters in OBIEE 11g

    Hi Folks,
    I have a derived column in RPD where there are like bunch of case statements which involve the columns from 2 or more dimensions. Now I am getting an error ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long at OCI call OCIStmtFetch.
    How can we handle this in OBIEE? I have tried the below option that is provided in the below link but I think this work only if it is a single column but in my case it is derived column.
    Please suggest.

    Can you try using CLOB function.Check the below URL.Not sure if it helps you.
    sql - LISTAGG function: &amp;quot;result of string concatenation is too long&amp;quot; - Stack Overflow
    Sasi Nagireddy.

Maybe you are looking for