Passing multiple rows from one action to another

I've build a Guided Procedure Process with two actions. Both actions call a Visual Composer Model (deployed as Flex).
The Processdesign is:
Action 1
CO 1 as VC Model (Flex)
Action 2
CO 2 as VC Model (Flex)
From the first vc model I want to pass multiple rows (its a vc table) to the second vc model. Therefor I've group the out-going parameters from model 1 with the in-coming parameters from model 2 at the block-level.
Now, when I start my process I have two results in the table of  vc model 1 and will pass them to model 2. But only one record (always the first) is shown at model 2.
Can you say me the reason for this? Have I configured the parameter-grouping false? Or isn't it possible to pass multiple rows at guided procedures?
I'm using Visual Composer 7.0 and Guided Procedures 7.0 technology.
Thanks in advance

Do structure mapping to pass row values

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    No Lookups
    Unfortunatly the only thing that you can do a look up on in an external list is on the ID column, anything else and you are out of luck.
    Try below webpart. it should help
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    Hi Ganesh,
    Kindly do search before posting.. this discussed many times..
    First create your context in component controller, and do context mapping in two views so that you can get values from
    one veiw to any views.
    and for multiple selection, for table we have property selection mode.. set as multi and remember context node selection
    selection cardinality shoud be 0-n.
    so, select n no of rows and based on some action call sec view and display data.( i think you know navigation between veiw ).
    Pelase check this...for multi selection
    Re: How to copy data from one node to another or fromone table to another table
    for navigation.. check
    navigation between the views

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    We have implemented caching in the front-end level.But according to the business logic we need to clear the cache and again have to access the database after some actions are happened.There are another class file called
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    public Object loadContent() throws Exception {
    Hashtable htStore = new Hashtable();
    JetspeedRunData rundata = this.getInputData();
    String pId = this.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug(" in the portlet content: "+pId);
    pId1=pId;//done by sraha
    htStore.put("PortletId", pId);
    HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();
    "BugWatcherPortletContent:: build normal context");
    HttpSession session = null;
    int bugProfileId = 0;
    Hashtable bugProfiles = null;
    Hashtable bugData = null;
    boolean fetchProfiles = false;
    try {
    session = request.getSession(true);
    // Attempting to get the profiles from the session.
    //If the profiles are not present in the session, then they would have to be
    // obtained from the database.
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) session.getAttribute("Profiles");
    //Getting the selected bug profile id.
    String bugProfileIdObj = request.getParameter("bugProfile" + pId);
    // Getting the logged in user
    String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    if (bugProfiles == null) {
    fetchProfiles = true;
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    // setting the bugprofile id as -1 indicates "all profiles" is selected
    bugProfileIdObj =(String) session.getAttribute("bugProfileId" + pId);
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    bugProfileId = -1;
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    ("bugProfileId" + pId),
    //fetching the bug list
    bugData =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(userId, bugProfileId, fetchProfiles);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("BugWatcherPortletContent:: got bug data");
    if (bugData != null) {
    Hashtable htProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    } else {
    htStore.put("NoProfiles", "Y");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    htStore.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    ("BugWatcherPortletContent:: CodedPortalException!!",e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    "BugWatcherPortletContent::Generic Exception!!",e);
    htStore.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.GET_BUGLIST_FAILED));
    if (fetchProfiles) {
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    session.setAttribute("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    // putting the stuff in the context
    htStore.put("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    htStore.put("SelectedProfile", new Integer(bugProfileId));
    htStore.put("bugs", (ArrayList) bugData.get("Bugs"));
    return htStore;
    And I am trying to call this function as it can capable of fetching the data from the database by "getbugProfiles".
    In the new class I have coded a part of code which actually clears the caching.Below I am giving the required part of the code:
    public void doPerform(RunData rundata, Context context,String str) throws Exception {
    JetspeedRunData data = (JetspeedRunData) rundata;
    HttpServletRequest request = null;
    //PortletConfig pc = portlet.getPortletConfig();
    //String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    /*String userId = ((JetspeedUser)rundata.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    String pId = request.getParameter("PortletId");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);  */
    //Calling the variable holding the value of portlet id from
    //We are getting the portlet id here , through a variable from
    /*BugWatcherPortletContent bgAct = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    String portletID = bgAct.pId1;
    PortalLogger.logDebug("got the portlet ID in bugwatcherRefreshAction:---sraha"+portletID);*/
    // updating the bug groups
    Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
    try {
    request = data.getRequest();
    String userId = ((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    //String pId = (String)request.getParameter("portletId");
    //String pId = pc.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after getting the pId-----sraha");
    result =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(profileId, userId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("select the new bug groups:: select is done ");
    context.put("SelectedbugGroups", profileId);
    //start clearing the cache
    ContentCacheContext cacheContext = getCacheContext(rundata);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching - removing markup content - before removecontent");
    // remove the markup content from cache.
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching-removing markup content - after removecontent");
    //remove the backend content from cache
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName()));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching User: " +((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName());
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching pId: " +pId);
    if (pdata != null)
    // User's data found in cache!
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null- after removeObject");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -finish calling the remove content code");
    //end clearing the cache
    // after clearing the caching calling the data from the database taking a fn from the
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after clearing cache---sraha");
    BugWatcherPortletContent bugwatchportcont = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    Hashtable httable= new Hashtable();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after making the type casting-----sraha");
    Set storeKeySet = httable.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, httable.get(paramName));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after calling the databs data from hashtable---sraha");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    catch (Exception e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.EXCEPTION_CODE));
    try {
    ((JetspeedRunData) data).setCustomized(null);
    if (((JetspeedRunData) data).getCustomized() == null)
    catch (Exception e)
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction", e);
    In the bugwatcher Action there is another function called
    here though i have found the portlet Id but unable to fetch that in the . I am also giving the code of that function under the bugWatcherAction.Java
    // Get the PortletData object from intermediate store.
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(
    pId1 = (String)portlet.getID();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("in the bugwatcher action:"+pId1);
    try {
    Hashtable htStore = null;
    // if PortletData is available in store, get current portlet's data from it.
    if (pdata != null) {
    htStore =(Hashtable) pdata.getObject(     PortletCacheHelper.getUserPortletHandle(
    //Loop through the hashtable and put its elements in context
    Set storeKeySet = htStore.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, htStore.get(paramName));
    bugwatcherRefreshAction bRefAc = new bugwatcherRefreshAction();
    So this is the total scenario for the fetching the data , after clearing the cache and display that in the portal.I am unable to do that.Presently it is still fetching the data from the cache and it is not going to the database.Even the portlet Id is returning as null.
    I am unable to implement that thing.
    If you have any insight about this thing, that would be great .As it is very urgent a promt response will highly appreciated.Please send me any pointers or any issues for this I am unable to do that.
    Please let me know as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,
    Santanu Raha.

    Have you run it in a debugger? That will show you exactly what is happening and why.

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    arpitak wrote:
    Yes,jar file holds class of class files wants to trigger a method of a class file which resides in different jar file.this is the situation I tried to describe.Let consider there are three jar files like JAR A,JAR B ,JAR C.Here JAR A is a common jar where other two jar could be used as a plug in. So based on the condition any one of them (JARS) will be triggered by the common jar(JAR A).this is the situation.The class file of JAR A will trigger some method or main method of the JAR B/JAR C.So,here how could I pass a object from one jar to another is my main question.
    Is it clear now?
    I need a solution for this very urgently.Are you looking for a plug-in framework? That is, dynamically discovering and loading plugins. I am not experienced in developing or using plugins. However Googling "java plugin" brings up JPF.
    If you just have multiple jars that have different classes, the JVM will load the appropriate classes if it can find the jars through the standard classloader on the classpath or through a customer classloader.

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    Export your internal tables or work areas to a memory id in ur program before u use submit.
    Then in second pgm you have to import from memory id given above.
    EXPORT gs_header FROM gs_header to memory id 'HEADER'.
    EXPORT gt_item FROM gt_item to memory id 'ITEM'.
    In your second pgm you can write
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    import gt_item TO gt_item from MEMORY id 'ITEM'.

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    It really depends on what you want to do with your exception. Is there some sort of global handler that will process the exceptions in some meaningful way? Unless you have that, there's not much point in throwing an exception in a thread, unless you simply want the stack trace generated.
    Presuming that you have a global handler that can catch exceptions, nest your Exception subclass inside a RuntimeException:
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        private final m_nestedException;
        public NestedRuntimeException(final Exception originalException)
            super("An exception occurred with message: " + originalException.getMessage());
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    Hi there,
    As far as I could understand your question: The second frame is created when the button is pressed? If that is the case you obviously handle the event in some kind of a listener which gets the path and then creates the second frame.
    public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
    public void setPath(String path) {
       this.path = path;
    }Now, if you separate "view" from "controller" (google MVC) you can pass it to the constructor of the "controller" class or after creating the frame pass it to a method like the one above. It is all up to your program's design.
    Hope to be helpful,

  • How to pass a variable from one class to another class?

    Is it possible to pass a variable from one class to another? For e.g., I need the value of int a for calculation purpose in method doB() but I get an error <identifier> expected. What does the error mean? I know, it's a very, very simple question but once I learn this, I promise to remember it forever. Thank you.
    class A {
      int a;
      int doA() {
          a = a + 1;
          return a;
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  // error: <identifier> expected. What does that mean ?
      int doB() {
         int c = b/a;  // error: operator / cannot be applied to a
    }Thank you!

    elaine_g wrote:
    I am wondering why does (r.a) give an error outside the method? What's the reason it only works when used inside the (b/r.a) maths function? This is illegal syntax:
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  //syntax error
    }Why? Class definition restricts what you can define within a class to a few things:
    class X {
        Y y = new Y(); //defining a field -- okay
        public X() { //defining a constructor -- okay
        void f() { //defining a method -- okay
    }... and a few other things, but you can't just write "r.a" there. It also makes no sense -- that expression by itself just accesses a field and does nothing with it -- why bother?
    This is also illegal syntax:
    int doB() {
          A r = new A();
          r.a;  // error: not a statement
    }Again, all "r.a" does on its own is access a field and do nothing with it -- a "noop". Since it has no effect, writing this indicates confusion on the part of the coder, so it classified as a syntax error. There is no reason to write that.

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    ViewRowImpl value = super.createRowFromResultSet(qc, resultSet);
    AdfFacesContext fct = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Number abc = (Number)fct.getProcessScope().get("___");
    }catch(Exception ex){System.out.println(ex);  }
    return value;

    Table may be copied with the
    expdp and impdp utilities.

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    pro_id NUMBER;
    pro_link VARCHAR2(1200);
    pro_id := p_session.get_value_as_number(
    p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    p_attribute_name => 'A_PRO_ID');
    pro_link := portal30.wwv_user_utilities.get_url(
    Trouble is, the parameter does not get passed. This could be because:
    the field I'm trying to populate is based on an LOV ?
    the target form is not set up to receive parameters? (I read this somewhere, but how do you do it?)

    Dear InoL
    My Header Form coding as follows.
    When I press the button to move to the lines the following code executes
         IF NOT ID_NULL(pl) THEN
         END IF;
         pl := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST('PL_AT');
         END IF;
    Created PARAMETER as P_AT, Data Type CHAR, MAX LENGTH 30
    Thank you


    hi all,
    I  have a small issue.
    i have created two views.In the table of the first view i'm selecting a row and pressing the button it will move to next view.
    i am adding some fields manually in the table of the second view and pressing the save button.Here all the values should get updated corresponding to the field which i have selected in the first view.
    I want to know how to get the particular field in the selected row from one view to another view.
    Kindly help me.

            Any data sharing accross views can be achiveved by defining CONTEXT data in COMPONENT CONTROLLER and mapping it to the CONTEXT of all the views. Follow the below steps.
    1. Define a CONTEXT NODE in component controller
    2. Define same CONTEXT NODE in all the views where this has to be accessed & changed.
    3. Go to CONTEXT NODE of each view, right click on the node and choose DEFINE MAPPING.
    This is how you map CONTEXT NODE and same can be accessed/changed from any VIEW or even from COMPONENT CONTROLLER. Any change happens at one VIEW will be automatically available in others.
    Check the below link for more info regarding same.

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    Is there is any way of moving multiple queries from one category to another in the query manager?
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    The query manager has limited function compare with normal file management applications. Under current design, you have to do this one by one. You just need to make sure move the smaller amount of queries to large category. Category name can be changed easily.

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