Password for health and contacts app

Hello, I just bought an iPhone 4S and found the Health app which looks quite useful.
However this raises some privacy concerns, so I am wondering if Apple could put a password on accessing the Health app and perhaps also the contacts app?
When sharing the iPhone to show photos or games, it could be embarrassing if someone saw my Health details.
Thank you for the great work so far Apple  

This is a user-to-user support forum. You can make the suggestion directly to Apple at:

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    Content and Apple IDs -
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  • Phone and contacts app freezes, becomes slow and scrolling is jittery

    My setup:
    iPhone 4 with iOS 4.2.1 (8C148)
    I don't have 3G on my CIM (provider BASE.BE), I can only use WiFi to connect to internet. 
    I sync my gmail contact (mail and calendar are turned off) through the iPhone built in Exchange account connector.
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    I only turn WiFi on once a day, when I'm home, sync contacts and then I turn WiFi off again.
    Spotlight search is turned off.
    Device runs fine, battery life is great (much better than my iPhone 3Gs), I have about 2700 contacts, no duplicates, updates in both directions, everything working perfectly.
    Then without any warning, or even without any use of the phone, this happens: 
    1) The phone and contacts app becomes unresponsive for a few seconds, remains very slow, scrolling becomes jittery or freezes.  When the symptom occurs both apps have this issue.  I assume because both use contacts.  Both apps don't crash, they just get very slow as if they were trying to do something heavy. This does not happen with any particular event, like getting a call or text message. This can happen even at night without any missed calls or text messages send or received.  The symptom does not affect any other app.  For example when I open the iPod app, scrolling though the long list of music is fast, without any freezing or jittery behavior, while the Phone and Contacts app is still very slow.  The problem does not go away by itself.  Hard rebooting the phone does not help.  I assume the problem is not related to any purchased apps because this can happen when none of them are running.
    2) The phone gets really hot.
    3) The battery drains very fast.  I can go from 100% to 0% in under 30 minutes.
    4) CPU usage (use System App to measure) goes from < 20% to >75% or more.
    I notice the symptom mostly when in the 1) phone app, or 2) I feel the phone heat up or 3) in the morning when the phone battery is almost empty when it was full the night before.
    I can fix the problem by 1) turning on WiFi, opening the contacts app.  Then I see the circular indicator in the top left hand corner turning round.  This takes just a few seconds, to sync 1 or 2 contacts en when the indicator disappears, the problem is gone.  Scrolling is fast again.  Problem fixed.  It can take a day or two and the problem comes back.  Do sync trick again and problem gone again, and so on...
    I can also fix the issue by 2) deleting my gmail exchange account, putting it back and syncing everything back.  But like with solution 1) the problem will just returns after a few days.
    I have even tried a full factory reset and manually putting all my apps back.  But again, when I import my gmail contacts, wait a few days and problem returns. 
    I've been having this issue for a few months now and have done quit some research on the subject.  I'm pretty sure I also had the issue on iOS 4.1 and possibly also 4.0.  I did not have the issue in iOS3.  I had the same problem on my iPhone 3Gs which Apple replaced.  I thought the battery was dying.  Now I bought an iPhone 4, same problem. 
    I purchased many system monitor apps to find out what process was causing the problem.  The problem is that none of the apps I found report CPU or memory consumption per individual process.  So I only know CPU goes from below 20 to 75% and more, but I can't pinpoint which app or process is doing the extra consumption.  But it has to be one the standard built in iOS processes.  I can see when what process started.  And when the issue happens, I can hard reset and don't launch anything, and the problem is still there.
    When iPhone apps crash and you connect your phone via iTunes the crash reports are put on your computer.  I found these logs but because the contact and phone app don't crash I have found nothing interesting there. 
    I have not found a way to trigger the problem on purpose.  I tried adding, changing deleting contact on my iPhone, none of these actions trigger the issue.  The problem just appears at random.  
    I have also not found a way NOT to have the issue.  I've tried not changing any contacts for a few days, but the problem still creeps up. 
    I have read dozens of threads on the internet and only this one comes close: c&hl=en
    I also found this interesting:
    <Edited by Host>

    I solved this problem by restoring my phone to factory setting. I dint find any solution to this problem. Now instead of using "Google Sync" i use iTunes contact sync which does the same thing.
    The key is not to use "Google Sync" when you restore your iPhone. Follow these steps:
    1. Take back up of everything. Sync your contacts so your gmail has latest contacts.
    2. Restore your iPhone. And set it as new iPhone instead of reloading everything from previous backup.
    3. Sync everything using iTunes.
    4. For contacts go to Info -> Sync Contact with -> you can set up gmail here and it will load all gmail contacts to your iPhone.
    My iPhone is working perfectly after this. I hope it works on your too.

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    I guess - the nub of the question is - is it still possible to access the MobileMe preference pane and put in a different account when iCloud is up and syncing?
    Thanks in advance, Jonathan.

    I've looked at the iDisk and there's no way to do it automatically.  However when you're back at your home iMac, you can copy the files that you find in ~/Library/Keychains onto your iDisk.  Then when you're at your friend's iMac, you can copy the *.keychain files in your iDisk to the ~/Library/Keychain folder on your friend's machine (in the account that you're using).
    That way - you can open your keychain locally - although it won't sync backwards and forwards.  An alternative is to use a third-party product such as 1Password - of which there's an iPad app - as well as a web interface (when combined with Dropbox).
    Hope that helps - Jonathan.

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    First try updating to iTunes, using an installer downloaded from the Apple website:
    If you still get the errors after that, try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    (Also when I checked for 'SAP*' in 001 it looks like it is not got created as I queried as below:
    Can anybody throw some light on this? RewardS is guranteed for solutions!
    -B S B

    Hi again:
    I forget to tell.
    You must restart the system. So, that a new user with the name "sap*" gets generated with password "pass"
    Hope this wil help,

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    To prevent others from reading your mail, don't give them access to your account. If others need to use your computer for some reason, set up personal accounts, or a guest account, and switch to it before allowing them access. This is the simplest, and most effective, method.
    Email message files can be read as plain text in TextEdit or any word processor.
    To protect your email messages from being viewed by others while in your account, you would have to lock the folder, putting it into an encrypted disk image that required a password to be opened and mounted. You would have to double-click on the image and give your password to mount it before launching Mail then unmount it as soon as you're done. My guess is that you could replace the ~/Library/Mail folder with an alias pointing to the folder on the disk image.
    It may work, but it seems like a lot of unnecessary hassle.

  • Duplication check for Lead and Contact

    Can i confirm that, there is no duplication check for Lead and Contact during the new reacord adding?
    I also realise that during the Lead convertion, CRMOD also never check for duplication even i have existing contact available?
    Is there anyway for us to activate the duplication check during the Lead convertion?

    System can check duplicate if you add external id for record (Lead and Contact).
    For more information please refer topic 'About record duplicates and external ids' on page no.1303 of OnDemand help.
    Hope this helps.

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    Back up all data.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Select the login keychain from the list on the left side of the Keychain Access window. If your default keychain has a different name, select that.
    If the lock icon in the top left corner of the window shows that the keychain is locked, click to unlock it. You'll be prompted for the keychain password, which is the same as your login password, unless you've changed it.
    Right-click or control-click the login entry in the list. From the menu that pops up, select Change Settings for Keychain "login". In the sheet that opens, uncheck both boxes, if not already unchecked.
    From the menu bar, select
    Keychain Access ▹ Preferences ▹ First Aid
    If the box marked Keep login keychain unlocked is not checked, check it.
    Keychain Access ▹ Keychain First Aid
    from the menu bar and repair the keychain. Quit Keychain Access.

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    What Windows OS are you using?  Are you networked?
    If you are networked, you have to setup your file and print sharing options in order to require password assess.  If you are just trying to control specific files from being printed, you can do that, too.
    If you are just trying to control the amount of printing off of a single PC with a printer, you could setup different accounts for each user and limit their access. 
    Some of the commercial printers can have password options, but I do not find any password options for the CM 1410, other than what I provided earlier.
    If I have been helpful, a Kudo is always appreciated.

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    And I am looking at Marketing attributes of an Contact for this account. But these values are different from Account Marketing Attributes.
    They are not same...can you please let me know..when they will bcome same (for Account and his contact).
    And when I create lead(campaign)...will these attributes changes for Account and Contact?
    Please let me I am very new to CRM Marketing.

    If the marketing attribute set is created with assignment to bith Accounts and Contacts.. the same would be visible through out.
    If u want different set of attributes for contacts and accounts, define multiple marketing attributes and select the checkbox for availability in either contacts or accounts and not both.

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