Patching an AUR package [SOLVED]

I'm trying to install omake from AUR.  To get this to work I need to patch the code as described above.  However being a newbie I'm having trouble.
Here is what I've done.  Using yaourt I tried installing omake.  It failed, as expected, so I want to patch the code as descibed above.  How do I do this?
Last edited by banbh (2009-04-16 01:57:49)

banbh wrote:
I'm trying to install omake from AUR.  To get this to work I need to patch the code as described above.  However being a newbie I'm having trouble.
Here is what I've done.  Using yaourt I tried installing omake.  It failed, as expected, so I want to patch the code as descibed above.  How do I do this?
Welcome to the forums.
My advice? Don't use yaourt. Download the tarball from the AUR page and modify the PKGBUILD accordingly.

Similar Messages

  • Yaourt: Problems installing generated AUR packages [SOLVED]

    I'm using Archlinux and the system works flawessly. Sadly, there's a problem when trying to install AUR packages.
    The following happens installing any AUR package I tried lately.
    ==>  Continue installing wicked-git? [Y/n]
    ==>  [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap
    ==>   ----------------------------------------------
    loading package data...
    error: './wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz': cannot open package file
    ==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-timofonic/wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    cp: cannot stat `./wicked-git-20090112-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    ==> WARNING: Unable to copy wicked-git-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz to /tmp/yaourt-tmp-timofonic/ directory
    Any idea about how to fix it? I tried using both an user with sudo and root, same problem.
    Last edited by timofonic (2009-07-14 19:52:53)

    lilsirecho wrote:
    Perhaps the method to use is given by the man pacman files.
    pacman -U (.pkg.tar.gz package ID found in the directory generating the package)
    For example:  ...pacman -U /var/local/kernel26-2.6.30-5-x86-64.pkg.tar.gz......since the pkg generated is in that directory for this theoretical case.
    Any locally generated package is loaded with ...pacman -U....
    What do you mean? The package doesn't exist, I double checked it.
    Maybe I need to check where yaourt writes it. Any suggestion about what util to use for that?
    EDIT: I used "lsof" command and found the file is there, but yaourt can't locate it and deletes the directory after
    $ ls /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/aur-wicked-git/wicked-git/w*
    Please, could anyone help me to solve this problem?
    Last edited by timofonic (2009-07-09 22:08:47)

  • [SOLVED] Enabling debug for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from AUR

    Wireless card: TP-LINK TL-WN951N. lspci says that it is an Atheros AR5416 adapter [AR5008].
    Some background: I'm having the same issues as the OP in this thread, which references this bug report. The problem is that I get a 2000 ms ping every 30 seconds. So 2 seconds of inactivity every 30 seconds. I have the same wireless PCI card, as well. I need to fix this, because it's making online gaming impossible. I should also note that the card is working just fine in Windows 8, however. I am using net-auto-wireless. I have tried using wicd, enabling ath9k's nohwcrypt option, toggling the card's power save, installing the latest compat-drivers-patched from the AUR, toggling different settings in my motherboard's BIOS, and removing the antennae from the card. But nothing has made a significant difference.
    I think I'm really close now. I just have to disable ANI. But in order to do that, it seems that I need to enable debugging for ath9k. But this means that I need to either recompile a custom kernel, or somehow enable debug for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from the AUR. I'd prefer the latter, as that means that I will have a more bleeding-edge driver. That, and I won't have to touch the kernel as much. What I want is described on this page. But it seems too complicated to me. Please let me explain.
    I've installed things from the AUR before, as mentioned above, and have properly configured my makepkg.conf for my system. So I'd like to use the CFLAGS and such that I've set. I don't understand how everything works in the PKGBUILD; I don't have much experience with sed and awk and regular expressions, and haven't done much shell scripting at all. It seems that at some point in the PKGBUILD, I need to enable debugging for ath9k before it is compiled. Apparently on the last page I linked to, I need to add:
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    to some file. I can only get access to the file after I install the package with pacman. I've tried adding those lines to my /etc/profile file, and checked, after a reboot, with "set", that those variables are indeed set. But the thing is, with these variables set in /etc/profile, when I run makepkg, makepkg fails with an error 2. I tried again and got the same error. I removed those lines from my /etc/profile, rebooted, tried makepkg again, and everything worked. So putting those lines in my /etc/profile is not the solution, and I feel like I'm doing something very stupid. What am I doing wrong?
    I should also note that I've tried to read the wiki page on compiling a custom kernel using ABS, but it seems to just say "get your custom configuration files" and then just continue (so it assumes that I should already be familiar with the configuration part). The PKGBUILD and Creating Packages wiki pages also seem to be a little... too advanced for me at this point in time.
    So how do I enable debugging for ath9k in compat-drivers-patched from the AUR? I'd prefer to stick with only editing the PKGBUILD and using makepkg, if possible.
    I've really tried to search the web and the arch forums on how to fix this problem myself, but alas, it seems that I need help this time. I greatly appreciate your time for reading my long post.
    I've made a lot of progress. I ended up removing the AUR package with pacman by invoking "pacman -Rsn compat-drivers-patched".
    Instructions for [almost] success: First, download compat-drivers-patched from AUR. Then move it to the "builds" directory (or "local", if using ABS). Extract the tarball. After the new directory is created, cd into it. Now here's the important part: run
    $ makepkg -so
    Then cd into src, cd into the directory inside src, then edit the file. Make sure these lines are uncommented (or created, if not already there):
    export CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    Now run "cd ../.." to go back up two directories. Now run:
    $ makepkg -e
    # pacman -U <file that was produced>
    And I ran "mkinitcpio -p linux" just in case, but I'm not sure if that is necessary at all. I'm... not touching the kernel, right?
    Now I ran:
    echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani
    But bash would say that the file or directory doesn't exist. Even if I prepend it with "sudo", I get the same results. I was only able to get the command to work if I logged in as root. I even put the line in my /etc/profile. The 2000 ms ping every 30 seconds is now GONE. HOWEVER! If I reboot and log in as a normal user, the problem is there again. If I reboot and log in as root, the problem is gone. If I then log out and then log back in as a normal user, the problem does not come back.
    So really, I can avoid the problem if I first log in as root, log out, and then log back in as a normal user. But this is a great inconvenience. I would much prefer if I could just log in as a normal user right after boot, and have everything working.
    Now, how do I get the command to automatically run at boot as root (without me having to log in as root), and work?
    UPDATE 2:
    I got it working. Putting the line in /etc/profile is not the solution. I created a custom systemd .service file.
    Put this into /etc/systemd/service (name it "disable_ani.service"):
    EDIT: Wow. I made a glaring typo here. It should be /etc/systemd/system/disable_ani.service
    ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani"
    Then make sure to "sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/service/disable_ani.service", since root owns this file.
    Then run "sudo systemctl enable disable_ani.service".
    EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there is a much simpler way than creating a custom service.
    Using a tmpfile:
    w /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/disable_ani - - - - 1
    Now ANI is persistently disabled between boots, even if I log in as a normal user right after boot.
    Thanks for reading.
    Last edited by vyu223 (2013-03-12 10:20:19)

    So zsh is telling you that the command didn't work, since it claims that there is no such file or directory. I had a lot of trouble with getting the echo command to work, as well. I found that if out of these lines:
    export CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS=y
    export CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG=y
    export CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUG=y
    If the first and second line above were not uncommented in the file, I couldn't leave the last line above uncommented as well, or else makepkg would fail and give me an error. So originally I had only the 3rd and 4th lines above uncommented/inserted in my With that configuration, I could not get the echo command to work, no matter what. Have you uncommented or inserted all of the above 5 lines into your
    After making sure all of the above 5 lines were in my, the echo command still didn't work, even if I preceded the command with sudo, or entered a su session. Bash would tell me that there was no such file or directory. I found that if I actually logged out of my normal user, and then logged back into the computer as root, the command would work. If your shell does not give you any feedback (particularly, "no such file or directory"), then the command worked. In order to get the command to run every time the computer boots, I used a systemd service, so that the command is issued as root. For some reason, it doesn't work if you put the command into /etc/profile.
    Oh, and it would probably be helpful to mention that for the compat-drivers-patched package from the AUR, the PKGBUILD checks to see what your _selected_drivers variable is before compilation. If you set _selected_drivers=ath9k, your compile times will be much shorter.

  • [Solved] Cant install\compile certain AUR packages

    This is a brand new 32-bit build on my laptop. Everything is working great, but for some reason I cant get some AUR packages. I have Yaourt, pacman-color, and slock installed from AUR and working fine, but I cant get mpd-git or mplayer-svn installed? I have gcc, python installed and tried both root and user accounts. Not sure what is missing. This is a new dual core laptop so not sure why I am getting the CPU errors below?
    This is for mplayer-svn:
    ==> SVN checkout done or server timeout, updating build dir
    ==> Applying disabled-features patch...
    /var/abs/local/yaourtbuild/mplayer-svn/./PKGBUILD: line 56: patch: command not found
    Detected operating system: Linux
    Detected host architecture: i386
    Checking for host cc ... gcc
    Checking for cross compilation ... yes
    ./configure: line 1605: gcc: command not found
    ./configure: line 1610: gcc: command not found
    Checking for CPU vendor ... GenuineIntel (6:15:11)
    Checking for CPU type ... Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
    Checking for kernel support of mmx ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support mmx.
    To use mmx extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for kernel support of mmxext ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support mmxext.
    To use mmxext extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for kernel support of sse ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support sse.
    To use sse extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for kernel support of sse2 ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support sse2.
    To use sse2 extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for kernel support of ssse3 ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support ssse3.
    To use ssse3 extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for kernel support of cmov ... failed
    It seems that your kernel does not correctly support cmov.
    To use cmov extensions in MPlayer, you have to upgrade/recompile your kernel!
    Checking for mtrr support ... yes
    Checking for GCC & CPU optimization abilities ... CPU optimization disabled. CPU not recognized or your compiler is too old.
    Checking for byte order ... failed to autodetect byte order, defaulting to little-endian
    Checking for extern symbol prefix ...
    Error: Symbol mangling check failed.
    Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    Error: Makepkg was unable to build mplayer-svn package.
    This is for mpd-git:
    Looks like I need to set the path for gcc in here, but not sure how?
    configure: error: in `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-banshee/aur-mpd-git/mpd-git/src/mpd-build':
    configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
    See `config.log' for more details.
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    Error: Makepkg was unable to build mpd-git package.
    Last edited by banshee28 (2009-09-03 04:15:43)

    Allan wrote:
    You need to install the base-devel group (pacman -S base-devel).
    This is a bit weird though....
    Checking for cross compilation ... yes
    hopefully it goes away!
    Ah, I see all the apps in this group now! Not sure how I missed this? Was this in the wiki somwhere??
    Anyways,its getting further along now ....

  • Can't install AUR packages(makepkg: invalid option '--asroot')[SOLVED]

    I've been unable to install any AUR packages with either packer or yaourt since a couple days ago possibly after a system update.
    For example if I try to install kodi-standalone-service:
    sudo packer -S kodi-standalone-service
    (Type - y, n, n)
    makepkg: invalid option '--asroot'
    The build failed.
    This happens to all packages I tried including ones that I installed  before with the same command. I installed yaourt after I started to get this error but fails just like packer. I tried running as root or normal user with same results.
    In case it matters, these are the steps I used to install packer.
    I am at a loss as to why it suddenly stopped working, any ideas?
    Last edited by dominicm (2015-01-04 01:41:15)

    slithery wrote:
    dominicm wrote:
    slithery wrote:
    The --asroot option has been removed from makepkg, which you would know if you searched the forum before posting...
    I googled the error with no relevant results, then I searched the forum to make sure it wasn't solved with no relevant results returned for the search term "makepkg: invalid option '--asroot')". It's ironic that you accused me of not searching when you haven't bothered to search the error message yourself. If you had you would know the search does not return useful results until this post.
    Sorry, I only searched for --asroot which brought up several relevant threads.
    No big deal, but in general you shouldn't post things like "search the forum" as it's rarely helpful, and when it is the thread should probably be closed it those cases anyways...

  • [SOLVED] yaourt how to update aur packages

    I got a quick question. I thought that yaourt is able to update old packages installed from Aur automatically.
    So for example I type as usually yaourt -Syu --aur but I noticed it doesn't show AUR packages I can update. Only from core/extra/community
    For example I just typed:
    yaourt yaourt
    1 aur/yaourt [ installed] (2406)
    and see that I can update yaourt. I have other packages installed from AUR, how do I know that a newer version is available without checking it manually?
    so I am happy to mark it as solved. It wasn't a bug, but it is a way how yaourt works.
    yaourt -Syu --aur shows packages from core/extra/community.
    If I press Y (to install them). It shows a list again with the information how much to download and install and then after pressing "No" to install them, yaourt continues to check AUR packages in this case.
    Julien MISCHKOWITZ, the developer said he could change the behavior
    Thanks everyone for the attention!
    Last edited by ngsupb (2009-08-21 13:15:09)

    shining wrote:yaourt has a bug tracker : … &sort=desc
    Thank you shining. I have opened a ticket there. Lets wait, I hope they can help!

  • What are the rules for AUR packages that rely on Alien bins [solved]

    I use ArchLinuxArm and want to create an AUR package that gets binaries from, lets say Fedora ARM, extracts them and modifies the config files in order to make it compatible with the Arch way of Linux. Of course, the PKGBUILD I am going to write will limit installation on the appropriate arcitecture, e.g. armv7h, then.
    Is this generally allowed or will my package be deleted after submission to AUR?
    Last edited by RaumZeit (2013-10-27 01:38:31)

    AUR queries should be posted to the aur-general mailing list.
    As indicated in the thread linked by Karol above, it is permitted to append unsupported architectures to the arch array of a PKGBUILD that builds on officially supported architectures. That does not necessarily mean that we will allow packages that only build on unsupported architectures. This should be discussed on the mailing list. I have a vague memory of this coming up before and I think the consensus was that such packages would not be supported, but that consensus may have changed. Personally, I do not see a problem with such packages right now and I expect official supported to be extended in the future,  so I am in favor of allowing them.
    Packages that install pre-compiled binaries should be distinguished from normal packages with a "-bin" suffix. Such packages are permitted as long as they do not violate applicable licenses.

  • [SOLVED] can't build an AUR package while installing Arch

    So I am nearly there installing Arch for the first time. And I will start with saying that I am really sorry if I missed the answer to my problem but I have had a look around the documentation and the general webz for something regarding this problem and haven't found anything.
    I am trying to set my wireless connection up but I apparently need the AUR b43-firmware package installed for my Broadcom BCM4322 [14e4:432b] to be functional.
    So I follow the documentation to install an AUR package, but I am stuck at the building stage as makepkg does not allow me to build if I am root, and I am root by default while installing/configuring Arch...
    What should I do to build and install that package so I have a wireless connection later on?
    Last edited by chtfn (2015-03-21 14:11:12)

    I am connected to the wired network, and I followed the steps to make it persistent for later, but I just wanted to go through the wireless stuff too to be extra sure I will be able to connect to the Internet later on. As it is the first time I install Arch, I am trying to be extra cautious, and having that security would make me feel more comfortable! Plus, I am keen to learn how to do those things from the command line.
    Isn't there a way to switch to a normal user just for a command, and automatically reverting back to root when that action is finished? Just like sudo but the other way round

  • [Solved] Permissions issues when updating AUR package.

    Hi there,
    Today i was trying to update some of my AUR packages, but all I got is "Error - all files must have permissions of 644 or 755."
    It isn't very clear to me, i've changed all the files/directories permissions and i'm still getting this error so I gave up, i don't know what's going on, i've doing the same package process for a while with no problems.
    I can see the SRC file is compressed as root (root/root), I did a fresh Arch install three days ago to use all my hard disk drive (i was dualbooting), so I don't know if that could be the problem, I've changed my user's primary group anyways.
    I don't know why some of my backup files had 400 and 755 persmissions, i changed back to 644, i did it before... and it didn't work...
    Last edited by AbaddonOrmuz (2015-01-22 21:44:53)

    The source files must have 644 or 755 permissions. In your first paste, the source files have 777 permissions.

  • [SOLVED] What are Git-type AUR packages?

    I read the ArchWiki Entry on Git, but I still don't really understand what it is in terms of Aur packages.
    I've seen this a couple of times, where there's a second git version of a package in AUR. For example, when I type 'prey' into Yaourt, I get a couple of results, among them:
    3 aur/prey-git 20100424-1 (5)
        Prey is a lightweight application that will help you track and find your laptop if it ever gets stolen.
    4 aur/prey-tracker 0.6.0-1 (100)
        Remote tracking and monitoring application for laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices
    Either would install Prey on my computer, right? What are the differences and/or benefits of either?
    Last edited by Winston-Wolfe (2013-06-06 11:11:27)
    Packages     42851
    Orphan Packages     9729
    Packages added in the past 7 days     126
    Packages updated in the past 7 days     1052
    Packages updated in the past year     17219
    Packages never updated     10679
    Registered Users     46348
    Trusted Users     34
    x33a wrote:As someone mentioned on the forums recently, people should at least abandon the packages so others can take over.
    You can always e-mail the maintainer and if you don't get a response in two weeks, ask on the AUR ML to take that package over.
    In the meantime you can post a link to the updated PKGBUILD etc. in comments on the AUR page of that package.
    As with my posts, quantity != quality ;P

  • [SOLVED] Archiso : installing AUR packages on a live image

    Hi all,
    I'm quite an arch newbie, I'm trying to setup a live USB stick, with the help of archiso. My goal is to finally get an "audio oriented" system (with jack, ardour, qsampler, and so more...).
    During the setup everything was working very well, until I tried to add some AUR packages to the install.
    On the arch website, I found this tip, which gave me a great hope about this.
    I'm not so familiar with Arch package management, but ok, I try to make a test : adding the "qsampler" AUR package. It needs "linuxsampler", "qt4", and "liblscp" as dependencies. "linuxsampler" and "qt4" are official packages, so I just have to add them to packages.both in the archiso working directory. "liblscp" is an AUR package (with no dependency); so there is 2 AUR packages to install : "liblscp", and "qsampler".
    So I create a directory tree like described in the tip, download the two build packages from AUR, and for each of them I do (something) like described there :
    # tar -xvf tarball_filename.tar.gz
    # cd tarball_filename
    # makepkg --asroot
    # mv *.xz ..
    # cd ..
    # rm -r tarball_filename{,.tar.gz}
    And then:
    # repo-add customrepo.db.tar.gz *.xz
    (I'm staying as root because it's red written to stay as root for the image creation. I think it's stupid, but people make stupid things when they are desesperate. Sorry I didn't take the time to test the code above again, it's only memory, but it was very similar)
    I did the same for both architectures (i686 and x86_64), so that my custom repo looks like this:
    ~/liveusb/customrepo # ls -R
    i686 x86_64
    customrepo.db customrepo.db.tar.gz liblscp-0.5.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz qsampler-0.2.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    customrepo.db customrepo.db.tar.gz liblscp-0.5.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz qsampler-0.2.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    Oops... I just noticed I did wrong for i686 machines, but it doesn't matter for the moment, since I'm working on an x86_64 machine.
    As explained in the tip, I add the following lines to pacman.conf (in the archiso working directory):
    SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
    Server = file:///my/path/to/customrepo/$arch
    From my point of view, at this point, the USB stick is ready to be updated:
    ~/liveusb # ./ -v
    and then (with /dev/sdf as my usb stick device):
    ~/liveusb # dd if=out/archlinux-2014.10.01-dual.iso of=/dev/sdf
    But when I boot on the USB stick, there's no trace of qsampler (linuxsampler, however, is present).
    Since it happened, I'm feeling like a lost, lonely man, on a desert island... Thinking about the "why", the "how"..., the meaning of life..., of package management... all this stuff
    I'm sure I did something wrong about the "custom repository", and the main reason is I don't deeply understand all the steps about this; that's why I'm looking for help
    Any idea?
    Many thanks
    Last edited by yolenoyer (2014-10-02 09:16:57)

    Thank you for the reply,
    I think I did a more trivial mistake :
    With archiso, the packages are automatically installed, from a package list file called "packages.both", and "packages.x86_64", "packages.i686" for architecture dependent packages. But they only use common repos by default. The "'qsampler" is not in official repos (that's why I choosed this one for my question).
    So, ok, I setup a common repo (with some mistakes but it was working), BUT...
    I just forgot to put the package name in the packages.both file...
    So, now that I did it, I just have an error about the package architecture, which I think possible to fix, just by rebuilding the common repo in a correct manner:
    ~/liveusb # ./build -v
    warning: vlc-2.1.5-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
    warning: mplayer-37224-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
    error: failed to prepare transaction (package architecture is not valid)
    :: package qsampler-0.2.3-1-x86_64 does not have a valid architecture
    ==> ERROR: Failed to install packages to new root
    Trilby wrote:Also, does this need to be a static iso image - is there a reason not to just do a persistent usb install?
    About the static iso image : the idea of building an iso image with all my personnal tools and config already installed on it is very pleasant to me, including the fact that you can burn it on a CD as well. The persistent acpect would be pleasant too, but in a secondary way.
    While I'm writing this message I really understand a bit more about all of this, since yesterday... Sometimes, simply posting a message in forums helps you to understand your own problem, because you have to be clear and concise!

  • [SOLVED] Any guidelines for changing AUR package name?

    I have TTWM in the AUR, and I'm changing the name to Alopex.
    I can revise the PKGBUILD to change the name, and put ttwm-git in the "replaces" and/or "conflicts" array, but when I submit this to the AUR will there then be two AUR packages?
    There is no need for the ttwm-git package to remain in the aur as they will be identical - it's just a name change.  I don't want to needlessly clutter the AUR, so if there are any guidelines or best practices for renaming AUR packages, let me know.
    Last edited by Trilby (2013-04-20 11:12:07)

    If the wiki is unclear, please edit it
    Package merging has been implemented, users still have to resubmit a package under a new name and may request merging of the old version's comments and votes on the mailing list.

  • AUR package not present in packer, why? [SOLVED]

    Dear all,
    first: I'm not really sure this topic should be here or in "pacman" section, please be patient.
    I have a quick and simple question: I have been using packer for years, and never happened to me that I couldn't install a AUR package with it. The problem is that I would like to install modipy-git:
    but a search for "modipy" returns no results.
    I'm puzzled.. what's wrong?
    Thanks in advance for any help (actually is just curiosity, I can "fix" this downloading the package, but I would like to stick with packer).
    solution: you can't find something that does not exist!
    Last edited by MajinJoko (2013-05-08 09:52:53)

    Perhaps it's because the package is named "mopidy-git" (check your spelling)
    All the best,

  • [SOLVED]Weird conflict with official packages and aur packages

    Hi. I have enchant-zemberek installed on my system. It is my package that i'm maintaining at AUR. Yesterday i tried to install poedit which depends on enchant. Weirdly altoguh enchant-zemberek provides enchant; pacman tried to remove enchant-zemberek and instead install enchant. Otherwise it won't let me install poedit. I have updated enchant-zemberek PKGBUILD and pacman let me install poedit without forcing me to install enchant. Here is what i have in my first PKGBUILD before update:
    And after updating;
    Now, i'm wondering while an AUR package have different package name than the official one why pacman tries to replace it? Why PKGBUILD needs package version in provides tag? Say, if i want to keep my own my-abc-1.0-1.i686.pkg.tar.xz but official package abc-1.1-1.i686.pkg.tar.xz released; must i keep my package only in Ignores array? Should i report this as a bug?
    Last edited by tarakbumba (2011-04-07 09:52:41)

    No, its not a bug. poedit depends on gtkspell which depends on enchant>=1.5.0 - your original custom enchant package did not provide any specific version of enchant, so pacman pulled in the repo package instead to satisfy the versioned dependency. As you have built your package with replaces=enchant, pacman also honours that.

  • (SOLVED) How do I remove dependencies of AUR packages?

    I rather not use sudo and thereof I issue a 'makepkg' instead of a 'makepkg -s' and install dependencies manually. I wonder though what happens when I issue a 'pacman -Rns' to remove an AUR package. Pacman doesn't seem to remove the dependencies. Do I need to issue a 'makepkg -s' in order to automagically remove dependencies with 'pacman -Rns'? What about AUR packages that have other AUR packages as dependency and therefor cannot be installed with 'makepkg -s'?
    Last edited by Kasumi_Ninja (2010-01-03 13:39:51)

    I haven't fully thought this through but I would like --asdeps to take an argument that specifies 'to what'. 
    For example: wicd has an optional dependency for notifcation-daemon, which I want.  I would like to be able to
    pacman -S --asdeps='wicd' notification-daemon
    This would then modify wicd to depend on notification-daemon.  This isn't perfect since it is an optional and not a real dependency.  The only real problem I can think of is if I want to remove notification-daemon.  However pacman should see 'notification-daemon' listed under dependencies AND optional-dependencies, so it could give a warning and an option to go ahead anyway.  If it goes ahead, pacman reverts wicd to nolonger depend notification-daemon.  I feel like it should be pretty easy to add this to pacman.
    I feel like something like yaourt would be responsible for asking if I want to install optional dependencies.  So when I install something with yaourt it asks me about each optional dependency and if I want it. 
    Just my two cents.

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