Pause scrolling image until mouse over

Hi, I'm using a movieclip (link below) to display a large,
detailed view of an image within limited space.
I need the image to stop moving when the cursor rolls out of
the movieclip and start moving again when the cursor rolls over.
Please take a look at the example.swf I've hosted. Theres a
link to download the .fla
example movie
Thanks for reading!

Thanks Ned!
As I mentioned I am new to actionscript. Guess I should be using actionscript 2.0, but I do not have preferences.
I understand the logic, but still have no idea of how to do it. I´ll put my hands on it right now, from scratch.
I´ve been trying to modify a couple of scripts I found with no success.
If you (or somenone) could provide a piece of code I could start from that would easier my job a lot.
I usually work doing animation (after effects, motion...) and I accepted building a simple website for a friend...this is the only piece missing and should be online in 48 hours. I am going nuts with this, obviously my case is a paradigm of wishfull thinking...
Any help would make me very, very, very happy. And that, of course, is good for your karma
Thanks again!

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  • Set Default Spry Tabbed Panel As Close Until Mouse Over

    Dear All,
    Is there a way to set the default spry tabbed panel to be closed when the page load untilI mouse over it??
    here is the link to my page As you can see, it roll down by default.
    How to fix??
    Below is my SpryTabbedPanel.js
    var Spry;
    if (!Spry) Spry = {};
    if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);
    this.defaultTab = 0; // Show the first panel by default.
    this.bindings = [];
    this.tabSelectedClass = "TabbedPanelsTabSelected";
    this.tabHoverClass = "TabbedPanelsTabHover";
    this.tabFocusedClass = "TabbedPanelsTabFocused";
    this.panelVisibleClass = "TabbedPanelsContentVisible";
    this.focusElement = null;
    this.hasFocus = false;
    this.currentTabIndex = 0;
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.setOptions(this, opts);
    // If the defaultTab is expressed as a number/index, convert
    // it to an element.
    if (typeof (this.defaultTab) == "number")
      if (this.defaultTab < 0)
       this.defaultTab = 0;
       var count = this.getTabbedPanelCount();
       if (this.defaultTab >= count)
        this.defaultTab = (count > 1) ? (count - 1) : 0;
      this.defaultTab = this.getTabs()[this.defaultTab];
    // The defaultTab property is supposed to be the tab element for the tab content
    // to show by default. The caller is allowed to pass in the element itself or the
    // element's id, so we need to convert the current value to an element if necessary.
    if (this.defaultTab)
      this.defaultTab = this.getElement(this.defaultTab);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
      return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getElementChildren = function(element)
    var children = [];
    var child = element.firstChild;
    while (child)
      if (child.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */)
      child = child.nextSibling;
    return children;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
    if (!optionsObj)
    for (var optionName in optionsObj)
      if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
      obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabGroup = function()
    if (this.element)
      var children = this.getElementChildren(this.element);
      if (children.length)
       return children[0];
    return null;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabs = function()
    var tabs = [];
    var tg = this.getTabGroup();
    if (tg)
      tabs = this.getElementChildren(tg);
    return tabs;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getContentPanelGroup = function()
    if (this.element)
      var children = this.getElementChildren(this.element);
      if (children.length > 1)
       return children[1];
    return null;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getContentPanels = function()
    var panels = [];
    var pg = this.getContentPanelGroup();
    if (pg)
      panels = this.getElementChildren(pg);
    return panels;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getIndex = function(ele, arr)
    ele = this.getElement(ele);
    if (ele && arr && arr.length)
      for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
       if (ele == arr[i])
        return i;
    return -1;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabIndex = function(ele)
    var i = this.getIndex(ele, this.getTabs());
    if (i < 0)
      i = this.getIndex(ele, this.getContentPanels());
    return i;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getCurrentTabIndex = function()
    return this.currentTabIndex;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabbedPanelCount = function(ele)
    return Math.min(this.getTabs().length, this.getContentPanels().length);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
      if (element.addEventListener)
       element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
      else if (element.attachEvent)
       element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabClick = function(e, tab)
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabMouseOver = function(e, tab)
    this.addClassName(tab, this.tabHoverClass);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabMouseOut = function(e, tab)
    this.removeClassName(tab, this.tabHoverClass);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabFocus = function(e, tab)
    this.hasFocus = true;
    this.addClassName(this.element, this.tabFocusedClass);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabBlur = function(e, tab)
    this.hasFocus = false;
    this.removeClassName(this.element, this.tabFocusedClass);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.ENTER_KEY = 13;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.SPACE_KEY = 32;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabKeyDown = function(e, tab)
    var key = e.keyCode;
    if (!this.hasFocus || (key != Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.ENTER_KEY && key != Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.SPACE_KEY))
      return true;
    if (e.stopPropagation)
    if (e.preventDefault)
    return false;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.preorderTraversal = function(root, func)
    var stopTraversal = false;
    if (root)
      stopTraversal = func(root);
      if (root.hasChildNodes())
       var child = root.firstChild;
       while (!stopTraversal && child)
        stopTraversal = this.preorderTraversal(child, func);
        try { child = child.nextSibling; } catch (e) { child = null; }
    return stopTraversal;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.addPanelEventListeners = function(tab, panel)
    var self = this;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "mouseover", function(e) { return self.onTabClick(e, tab); }, false);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "mouseover", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOver(e, tab); }, false);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "mouseout", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOut(e, tab); }, false);
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
      // XXX: IE doesn't allow the setting of tabindex dynamically. This means we can't
      // rely on adding the tabindex attribute if it is missing to enable keyboard navigation
      // by default.
      // Find the first element within the tab container that has a tabindex or the first
      // anchor tag.
      var tabIndexEle = null;
      var tabAnchorEle = null;
      this.preorderTraversal(tab, function(node) {
       if (node.nodeType == 1 /* NODE.ELEMENT_NODE */)
        var tabIndexAttr = tab.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex");
        if (tabIndexAttr)
         tabIndexEle = node;
         return true;
        if (!tabAnchorEle && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a")
         tabAnchorEle = node;
       return false;
      if (tabIndexEle)
       this.focusElement = tabIndexEle;
      else if (tabAnchorEle)
       this.focusElement = tabAnchorEle;
      if (this.focusElement)
       Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "focus", function(e) { return self.onTabFocus(e, tab); }, false);
       Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "blur", function(e) { return self.onTabBlur(e, tab); }, false);
       Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onTabKeyDown(e, tab); }, false);
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.showPanel = function(elementOrIndex)
    var tpIndex = -1;
    if (typeof elementOrIndex == "number")
      tpIndex = elementOrIndex;
    else // Must be the element for the tab or content panel.
      tpIndex = this.getTabIndex(elementOrIndex);
    if (!tpIndex < 0 || tpIndex >= this.getTabbedPanelCount())
    var tabs = this.getTabs();
    var panels = this.getContentPanels();
    var numTabbedPanels = Math.max(tabs.length, panels.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < numTabbedPanels; i++)
      if (i != tpIndex)
       if (tabs[i])
        this.removeClassName(tabs[i], this.tabSelectedClass);
       if (panels[i])
        this.removeClassName(panels[i], this.panelVisibleClass);
        panels[i].style.display = "none";
    this.addClassName(tabs[tpIndex], this.tabSelectedClass);
    this.addClassName(panels[tpIndex], this.panelVisibleClass);
    panels[tpIndex].style.display = "block";
    this.currentTabIndex = tpIndex;
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.attachBehaviors = function(element)
    var tabs = this.getTabs();
    var panels = this.getContentPanels();
    var panelCount = this.getTabbedPanelCount();
    for (var i = 0; i < panelCount; i++)
      this.addPanelEventListeners(tabs[i], panels[i]);

    You may be better off asking this question over at the forum dedicated to the Spry Widgets:
    Spry forum.

  • Safari 4 images all have red cast until mouse over?

    I've searched fairly extensively for anyone else having this same problem, and I note a number of possibly related threads on the colour/color management in Safari, but this problem seems to be slightly different. Perhaps someone will tell me this is a feature, but I can't find it listed. I'm finding that on many pages, such as, images (of any size) have a distinct orange or red cast until I pass my mouse over them. A smaller but possibly related problem occurs with text and especially links, which are sometimes a garish bright blue until my mouse rolls over them.
    To fix the images requires only a mouse over, and seems almost instantaneous, but this is tedious, and the pages look really ugly. Does this happen on all pages? No, for instance I did a search for "Steve Jobs" on Google images and the results all look fine. Do I have a MBP and a second monitor (which has been mentioned in the other threads)? Absolutely, a 24" Apple LCD.
    If I understand the color management issues, images don't suddenly correct themselves when you move the mouse over them, which is why I thought I'd post this to see if there is a fix, or if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.
    Thanks for any replies.

    And I'd like to report that although the red cast has gone away, it pales in comparison to the new problem, where images go monochrome/sepia, which I'm now experiencing. Moving the window over to the laptop screen and back to the second display seems to fix it, not exactly a great workaround. I hope someone fixes this bug soon, it's pretty nasty.

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    Could you try version 18.0.1? Also, please provide us with screen shots? And, you can check if your add-ons are causing this as well.
    '''Try the Firefox Safe Mode''' to see how it works there. The Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.''
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shift key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one.
    Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''

  • Flex app doesnt not appear until mouse over?

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    I found an answer here:
    I need to set focus on load like this:
    <body onload="document.getElementById('WeddingBandBuilder').focus()">
    However I am having trouble doing this because the <body> tag is locked my the there a way I can do the equivalent with a script in the <head> tag?

  • Larger image on mouse over

    I've got a map of the US divided into 5 territories. On mouse
    over each territory, I want to display a larger picture of that
    territory in a new window over that spot on the map. (I've got the
    map and the five larger graphics as separate files.)
    I thought I could draw the hot spots on the base map and
    assign them behaviors -- I see Open New Window in Behaviors. The
    only option it gives me is to open the new pic as a URL, replacing
    the main window.
    Is the answer the show/hide command? I see my list of
    available graphics -- can I get the larger pics in there somehow?
    Or give up in Dreamweaver and figure it out in Flash? Help
    appreciated beyond words. ttt

    > Is the answer the show/hide command?
    You would have to put the larger images into hidden layers
    and toggle their
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "templemedia37" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g175hh$jdu$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I've got a map of the US divided into 5 territories. On
    mouse over each
    > territory, I want to display a larger picture of that
    territory in a new
    > window
    > over that spot on the map. (I've got the map and the
    five larger graphics
    > as
    > separate files.)
    > I thought I could draw the hot spots on the base map and
    assign them
    > behaviors
    > -- I see Open New Window in Behaviors. The only option
    it gives me is to
    > open
    > the new pic as a URL, replacing the main window.
    > Is the answer the show/hide command? I see my list of
    > graphics --
    > can I get the larger pics in there somehow? Or give up
    in Dreamweaver and
    > figure it out in Flash? Help appreciated beyond words.

  • IPhoto 11 Scrolling hangs until mouse moved

    Having an incredibly frustatring problem. Have been a mac user for 20+ years, and usually know my way around, but this is too much.
    IPhoto has become unuseable - trying to accomplish anything (selecting a photo, scrolling, anything), stalls the program, and then if I move the mouse to the dock or menu bar, the program "snaps back". So I scroll, move the mouse to the dock, scroll, move the mouse to the dock...this is not acceptable.
    This happens in Safari as well, but not as bad.
    What is going on??

    Same thing with wired mighty mouse.
    Typed a line in this message, and it didnt appear until I move the mouse down to the dock. Moving up to menu bar works as well.
    Something is "hanging" the system.

  • IMac Freeze's until mouse over dock!

    Very simple problem but god knows what the answer is.
    When using my iMac in all soerts of situations especially Safari and iTunes when watching video the screen freezes until I move my mouse over the dock!  This will fee it up for a few seconds or mintes before freezing again!
    Any ideas?

    This sounds like it is the same as
    Can you check if it also resumes working when you drag the window instead of moving the mouse over the dock?

  • How can i highlight an image when mouse over an image in c#?

    I want to highlight an image when mouse goes there on image. The backcolor of image should change. Give a solution.

    Its for button. I need to highlight image. I have attached screen shot. I want to create like that in windows form.
    Based on my understanding, it just changes the background for that image to highlight them.
    So we could change the background for the control hosts these images, and in addition, the size mode should not be autosize, because we should keep some area to display the background.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Interactive PDF with mouse-overs was created in Illustrator, now pauses and flashes when opened in Acrobat

    I have created an interactive PDF using Illustrator that has mouse-overs. When i export the file and then open it in Acrobat there is odd pausing on teh image bewteen mousing over it and the text callout that shold then display. Did I export or save incorrectly?

    Thank you for both responses! I'm impressed with the fact that you're reading my post.
    I'm new to tech matters with Adobe/PDF/Nitro tho I've been using them for several years.
    The original file was created by an agency and given to independent contractor to use.  I don't know which program they used to create the form. And I don't know what XFA or LiveCycle Designer means  because I'm not technically sophisticated unfortunately.
    I used Nitro 6 to populate the data and have a number of forms already filled out, which I periodically open and modify and resubmit. But Nitro 6 is acting sick, despite reinstalling several times.  I'm attempting to see if it's worth transitioning to Adobe Acrobat, i.e., can I reopen the forms I've populated and continue to work with them.  I like some of the Adobe features for other purposes (e.g., OCR). 
    Any help in determining how to open the form while keeping the data?

  • Mouse-over image resizing in CS4

    on my website ( i have an image that changes to another image when mousing over it. the two images are different sizes, so as it is now the second image distorts because it is constrained to the aspect ratio of the first image. My question is, how do i make it so that both images auto-resize depending on the size of the window while keeping the second image constrained and distorting to the size of the first image. I am able to auto resize the first image with with=#% and hight=#%, but i can't figure out where to put html in the correct place to auto-resize (while constrained and distorted) the second image.
    this is the code i am looking at:
      <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image2','','DSC03696.jpg',1)"> <br />
    <img src="fish pencil.jpeg" name="Image2" width="538" height="830" border="0" id="Image2" /></a><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p> </p>

    Hard to say. Just maybe a hickup in the system. The popping up is slightly delayed on about every system but I have never had them not pop up at all.
    Anyways, here is a link that pretty much fixes weird stuff happening in Photoshop that is called resetting the Prefs.

  • Image Mouse Overs = Small source pic to large mouse oevr

    Just need to pick someones brains really ....mouse overs are
    fairly straight forward if you wanna swap the same size image but
    what if the mous eover image you want to display is larger ?
    I figured this out years ago and now cant remember for the
    life of me how to do it ...I think you edit the script dreamweaver
    puts in...
    So to recap ...small source image then mouse over to display
    a large one...also can you re do the positioning on where the mouse
    over displays ?

    You can do this many ways ways -
    1. Don't use swap image - use Show/Hide layer instead. Have
    the alternate
    image in a hidden layer that is shown when the trigger is
    'tickled'. Using
    this method you can have images that are any dimension.
    2. Use swap image, but remove the dimensions from the
    original image's tag,
    i.e., change this -
    <img name="original" width="150" height="220" ...
    to this -
    <img name="original" ...
    Now when you swap in your offsize image, there is no
    predefined size to
    change it to. Be aware that this method may well result in an
    and undesirable 'rearrangement' of your page layout as it
    adjusts to your
    new image's dimensions.
    3. Pad the smaller image with canvas background color on all
    sides so that
    all the images *are the same size*.
    4. Use a SetText behavior to change the image reference in a
    container on
    the page so that it will show the desired larger image in the
    proper place.
    You can see an example here -
    5. Use the PVII ShowPic extension -
    Take your pick....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "crashpolo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fpjrlm$83a$[email protected]..
    > Hi
    > Just need to pick someones brains really ....mouse overs
    are fairly
    > straight
    > forward if you wanna swap the same size image but what
    if the mous eover
    > image
    > you want to display is larger ?
    > I figured this out years ago and now cant remember for
    the life of me how
    > to
    > do it ...I think you edit the script dreamweaver puts
    > So to recap ...small source image then mouse over to
    display a large
    > one...also can you re do the positioning on where the
    mouse over displays
    > ?

  • Mouse Over event not dispatching properly.

    I am working on a scroll for iPhone, in which I'm using touch scrolling, it is working fine with less number of list items, but when I increases the nuber of items in scroll list, the mouse over event not propogates properly, I mean to say those events are overlapping due to some extra memory issue, can any one have any idea about it.
    I'm pasting code for your reference :
    public function IPhoneScroll( pContent:DisplayObjectContainer, pStage:Stage ) {
                                  _stage = pStage;
                                  _myScrollElement = pContent;
                                  _canvasHeight = _myScrollElement.height;
                                  // add handlers
                                  _myScrollElement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, on_mouse_down);
                                  _myScrollElement.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, on_enter_frame);
                        private function on_enter_frame(e:Event):void {
                                  if ( started )
                                            // decay the velocity
                                            if(_mouseDown) _velocity *= MOUSE_DOWN_DECAY;
                                            else _velocity *= DECAY;
                                            // if not mouse down, then move the element with the velocity
                                            if (!_mouseDown)
                                                      var textHeight:Number = _myScrollElement.height;
                                                      var y:Number = _myScrollElement.y;
                                                      var bouncing:Number = 0;
                                                      // calculate a bouncing when the text moves over the canvas size
                                                      if (y > 0 || textHeight <= _canvasHeight) // textHeight <= _canvasHeight => when the item is smaller than the stage.height, align to the top
                                                                bouncing = -y * BOUNCING_SPRINGESS;
                                                      }else if( y + textHeight < _canvasHeight){
                                                                bouncing = (_canvasHeight - textHeight - y) * BOUNCING_SPRINGESS;
                                                      _myScrollElement.y = y + _velocity + bouncing;
                        // when mouse button up
            private function on_mouse_down(e:MouseEvent):void
                if (!_mouseDown)
                    // get some initial properties
                    _mouseDownPoint = new Point(e.stageX, e.stageY);
                    _lastMouseDownPoint = new Point(e.stageX, e.stageY);
                    _mouseDown = true;
                    _mouseDownY = _myScrollElement.y;
                                            // add some more mouse handlers
                    _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, on_mouse_up);
                    _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, on_mouse_move);
            // when mouse is moving
            private function  on_mouse_move(e:MouseEvent):void
               if (_mouseDown)
                    // update the element position
                    var point:Point = new Point(e.stageX, e.stageY);
                    _myScrollElement.y = _mouseDownY + (point.y - _mouseDownPoint.y);
                    // update the velocity
                    _velocity += ((point.y - _lastMouseDownPoint.y) * SPEED_SPRINGNESS);
                    _lastMouseDownPoint = point;
            // clear everythign when mouse up
            private function  on_mouse_up(e:MouseEvent):void
                if (_mouseDown)
                    _mouseDown = false;
                    _stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, on_mouse_up);
                    _stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, on_mouse_move);
                        public function release():void
                                  _myScrollElement.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, on_mouse_down);
                                  _myScrollElement.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, on_enter_frame);
                                  _myScrollElement = null;
    The highlighted part is working properly for less items but not for more number of items, lets say 200 movieclips in scroll lists.
    Please help me on this, thanks in advance.

    Look I have an idea, I donu2019t know if you already try it.
    Please give the format that you want percentage, decimals etc...
    In the Excel where the charts are being directed
    Then redirect de chart to the same cells, these with the porpoise of refreshing
    Now each serie have the format.
    Please let me now what happen with these

  • Why does my login screen when scrolling mouse over appear pixalated (has small squares wherver the mouse scrolls until the entire page has been scratched like a lotto ticket:) ?

    Why does my login screen when scrolling mouse over appear pixalated (has small squares wherver the mouse scrolls until the entire page has been scratched like a lotto ticket:) ?

    OS X Lion: Login window partially appears, cursor movement redraws screen

  • Why does moving the mouse over an IMAQ image display slow the GUI down so much?

    I have a large application with several vi's running simultaneously under labview 8.6.1.  When I mouse over an image display control in one of the vi's, everything slows down a shocking amount in all the other vi's.  The windows task manager does not show a large increase in CPU use.  My pc is has a quad cpu with 4GB of RAM, and the CPU and memory loads do not appear to be terribly taxing to the system.  However, many of my vi's apparently come almost to a standstill if I just move the mouse in a circle around my image control.
    This looks like it is largely a GUI display issue.  If I make a new vi and put a while loop in it that only displays the iteration loop number to an indicator, I can see the iterating occurring, then stopping totally when I mouse inside the image display control.  When I stop moving the mouse inside the control, or when I move it outside the control, the interation loop number jumps up, as if it had been incrementing behind the scenes the whole time.  So only display of the interating was halted.
    This problem occurs even if the vi with the image control is not executing.  If the vi with the image control is open but not running, and I mouse over the image on it, the other guis all come to a screeching halt.
    Does mousing in the image display control really utterly crush all other guis in all other labview windows?  Is this an issue inherent to the image display control?  If so, is there anything I can do about this? 
    Also, this issue is not entirely limited to display.  I started looking at it in greater detail because this issue also exposed what I think is a race condition in my code.  I have a vi that acquires an image from a ccd and puts it into an IMAQ image.ctl.  This image then gets passed up to a vi up the call chain, and is put on a queue and sent over to be de-queued by a vi that has the image display control.  Here's the kicker:  when I mouse over the image display control, the image successfully gets acquired inside the subvi, and if I probe the wire leading to the output IMAQ image display.ctl, I see the image.  If I simultaneously probe the wire coming out of the subvi one level up the call chain, the image gets lost about half the time.  This only happens if I am mousing in the image display control IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND SEPARATE VI.  If I bump up the priority of the ccd image acquisition vi to 'highest priority', the problem only happens about 1% of the time, and I really have to mouse around to make it happen.  Still, it's disturbing that mousing in the GUI in one window results in a failure of a separate subvi to simply pass an image up the call chain.  I understand that IMAQ images are referenced rather than passed by value, but I don't see why there should be a failure to pass the image up the call chain.  I've looked for a race condition, but can't find one.

    I have finally been able to replicate the behavior that you are seeing on another computer once the image was large enough.  Here are a few notes about this behavior:
    First. The UI only slows down when the images are large, 16 bit images.  The reason why this is unique to 16 bit images is that they can only be displayed on the front panel as 8 bit images.  The workaround that Weiyuan suggested to change the 16 bit display mapping hints towards the root of the problem...that any time a mouse runs over the indicator, Windows asks the entire image to re-draw (having a separate indicator overlapping the image will create the same behavior).  With a 16 bit image, not only does the image have to re-draw on the screen but the 16 bit pixels need to be mapped to 8 bits.  When setting the 16 bit display mapping to Full Dynamic, this requires mor computation/pixel than 90% dynamic or one of the other mapping schemes.
    This is expected behavior if your program is running and you're trying to display a large 16 bit image.  To fix this behavior there are a couple options:
    Change the 16 bit display mapping to something other than full dynamic.  You can choose which 8 bits to display or if you want to map the bits. 
    Resize the image just for viewing purposes on your front panel (since you aren't going to view every single pixel of you image on the screen). You can use the IMAQ to do this.  This will allow you to take your 1500x1500 pixel image and only display a 500x500 pixel version.
    If you are interested in viewing small details of the large image, consider just displaying a smaller region of interest at a time.
    Let me know if any of these solutions work for you.  Good luck on your application.
    Zach C.
    Field Engineer
    Greater Los Angeles

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