Pay pal on site

I am in touch with pay pal and they are helpful, but just thought that someone might be able to solve this.. put pay pal button on several items on page then when click on item all pay pal buttons stay in place but all over the enlarged image? click on image to get the teeny bar at the top with all images but basket button is for the larger image on first page and not for the one on screenis that as muddled as I am ?

See this topic ...

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  • Making CCV field in checkout mandatory for on site credit cards, but not for getting to Pay Pal site

    Hi.  I posted this on December 1st and am still waiting for a response after a failed attept with chat.
    When my clients are making an order, the CCV field, even though it is marked as required, they can actually place an order without entering the CCV.  I’d like the CCV to be required.  A chat rep said Pay Pal and BC don’t require a CCV, but I would like it to be there for extra security.
    I’ve put the correct webform under Module tempaltes > online layouts > registration buy using both html and module insert methods to test it.  Neither worked.
    The rep gave me this code to put at the bottom of my web form (note this is just the bottom of the web form field code as the top and middle have nothing to do with CCV).  The bold text is the extra text that is supposed to make the CCV required. 
    It works. This code does render a CCV requirement for direct credit card transactions on site.  Problem is, if a client selects Pay Pal in my checkout as their choice and clicks "Place Order" a Pop up window appears telling them they must enter their CCV. So its being required for direct CC on site and offsite for Pay Pal.  Of course a CCV shouldn’t needed on that screen if a client wants to pay by going to the Pay Pal website. 
    So I was wondering if you could help me modify the code so that the CCV code IS required for direct credit card purchases on my site, but when a client wants to use Pay Pal, that the CCV required field pop up does NOT appear and the client can be taken to Pay Pal to compete their order.  Many thanks!  My website is and I am using the latest BC version and normally Firefox, though I have tested in Safari and IE 9 and 10.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
    var submitcount44260 = 0;function checkWholeForm44260(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.PaymentMethodType) why += checkSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType, "Payment Method");if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1) { if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card"); if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number"); if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount"); } if (theForm.WorkPhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.WorkPhone.value, "Work Phone Number"); if (theForm.BillingAddress) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingAddress.value, "Billing Address"); if (theForm.BillingCity) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingCity.value, "Billing City"); if (theForm.BillingState) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingState.value, "Billing State"); if (theForm.BillingZip) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingZip.value, ""); if (theForm.BillingCountry) why += checkDropdown(theForm.BillingCountry.value, "Billing Country");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.CAT_Custom_511186) why += checkSelected(theForm.CAT_Custom_511186, "Billing Address same as shipping address?");if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount44260 == 0){submitcount44260++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}

    I thought I had and a few others in that with the answer. Because it was a javascript issue.
    As I said in that other post, The code you get from the registration form has a condition on the radio options, none of the fields for credit card become required if you choose paypal.
    if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1)
                        if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card<br>");
                        if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number<br>");
                        if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount<br>");
    And in there and when that case is met you put in the CCV script.

  • Does anyone know whether it is possible to add a Pay Pal button to web site created using IWeb?

    Does anyone know whether it is possible to add a Pay Pal button to a community web site I created using IWeb?
    If so how does hide the Pay Pal code?
    Robert Jones

    See this page for info ...
    Other pages in this section show how to set up a sales page and create a shopping cart.
    "I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."

  • Want to Post a Warning from Pay Pal Regarding Safari

    I have read the latest issue of MacWorld, there is a short artcle about a warning from Pay Pal to "Steer Clear of Safari". Pay Pal "Chief information security officer", says, that "Safari has no built in Phishing filter to warn users when they are visiting suspicious web sites" he also says "a 2nd problem that safari has is it lacks support for another antiphishing Technology, called an Extended Validation Certificate."
    I would like to send this little info. out to someone that can either take this info out to someone that knows a apple Developer that can maybe do some adjusting to Safari so that the Safari web browser can be safer for the visitor, or maybe someone can refer me or direct me to a apple developer so that I can pass this info over to them and and suggest that they make some adjustment to Safari so that it is a safer Browser.
    Has anyone seen or read that little artcle in the " News in Brief" side bar?
    I am just trying to Help Safari and its developers to try to improve their web Browser so it can be safer for us users.
    Let me know what your feed back.

    I have read the latest issue of MacWorld, there is a short artcle about a warning from Pay Pal to "Steer Clear of Safari". Pay Pal "Chief information security officer", says, that "Safari has no built in Phishing filter to warn users when they are visiting suspicious web sites" he also says "a 2nd problem that safari has is it lacks support for another antiphishing Technology, called an Extended Validation Certificate."
    I would like to send this little info. out to someone that can either take this info out to someone that knows a apple Developer that can maybe do some adjusting to Safari so that the Safari web browser can be safer for the visitor, or maybe someone can refer me or direct me to a apple developer so that I can pass this info over to them and and suggest that they make some adjustment to Safari so that it is a safer Browser.
    Has anyone seen or read that little artcle in the " News in Brief" side bar?
    I am just trying to Help Safari and its developers to try to improve their web Browser so it can be safer for us users.
    Let me know what your feed back.

  • Exasperated trying to do a pay pal button, plz help!

    I am trying to add a buy button to an image on my website.  Pay pal gave me the code.  But where do I put it?
    The image is a rollover image but at this point I'll settle for just getting it up there.  I do want the custom image, not the pay pal logo, which will disturb the site design.
    Also, I tried going the route of adding a dreamweaver extension, but could not find "api" information on the paypal site.
    thx in advance.

    Hi  all -
    Sorry, I got called away to another task and this is my first chance to get back.  Desperately need to get this page up.
    Here's the code to the page.  Here's the line to search for that refers to the image I want to link to a pay pal page: 
    <img src="images/cx_paypal_u_NEWEST.jpg" alt="Order with Pay Pal" name="paypal" width="235" height="80" border="0">
    Just for a test, when I replaced the button text with the pay pal code, a drop-down box appeared with the test amounts I had set up.
    I only want the button to link to the page.  And honestly, I really don't even want drop-down options, just a field where a customer can enter an amount with their credit card.
    I'm sort of old school when it comes to privacy and like maintaining my anonymity in the forums. I'd be happy to send a link but could I do it by email?
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
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    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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    <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('images/home_bc_home_sel.jpg','images/home_bc_vprod_sel.jpg','im ages/home_bc_cx_sel.jpg','images/cx_email_sel_NEWEST.jpg','images/cx_paypal_sel_NEWEST.jpg ','images/home_bc_reel_sel.jpg')">
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  • Pay pal and iweb

    i am trying to set up a pay pal account using my iweb site.
    paypal has buttons (ex: donate now) that are in html format. in order to use these buttons one must copy and paste the code they provide for us into our web site.
    iweb does not work this way.
    any thoughts?

    art of music,
    Welcome to the iWeb forums.
    It's fairly simple to place the html code into your website, but it has to be done using a text editor, after you publish your site. It isn't hard to do at all. Take a look at Basic Instructions for HTML Additions to any iWeb page: in Varkgirl's Aardvarkland site. The instructions are clear and simple to follow.

  • Pay Pal to SagePay

    I've got a client whose site uses Pay Pal to process orders. It works well - all the information is dynamically generated to fill out the Pay Pal variables in the form which is then added to the Pay Pal cart - all works great
    Now the client is looking to use SagePay. I have zero experience of Sage Pay - so my question is: How difficult is it to go from Pay Pal to Sage Pay.
    Also does anyone know of a good tutorial for Sage Pay integration because after extensive hunting on Google I can find buggar all.
    Does Sage pay even have an 'add to cart' button like Pay Pal? Will it return information to the client server so a database can be updated like Pay Pal IPN?

    hans-g. wrote:
    Hello osgood_,
    according to my information SagePay is spread in good old Europe (UK, Spain, Ireland and Germany). Did you already explore their UK website here:, where you will find many answers to your questions, what I took from the German side.
    Good luck!
    Hi Hans. Yep already been to the UK SagePay website and it's about as clear as mud. No real examples of form intergration. Looks like you need a 3rd party shopping cart as well.
    I guess this is simple if you know how but when you don't like everything else web related its a ••••••• nightmare. Is it me or does everyone else take 1 step forward and 11 backwards.
    Looks like the best solution is going to tell the client to shop around for someone with SagePay experience. Shite - you can't be expected to know everything.
    Seems you need to be an expert in, html, css, database, php, jquery, paypal, worldpay, sagepay, mobile, SEO, Wordpress, Drupal, CMS, front end designer -  to be able to offer anything worthwhile on the web. I'm missing my old job as a Graphic Designer. Just need the copy and the images and you're good to go, simple and it paid more!
    Yawn! I'm getting tired of this.

  • Publishing to .mac pay pal buttons disappear/How to integrate iweb enhancer

    When I publish my website to a folder, the index html file gives a perfect working model of my website. When I publish to .mac, the pay pal buttons disappear and leave the same raw input that appears on the iweb page.
    Could it relate to iweb enhancer?I understand how to use iweb enhancer when publishing to a folder. How is it used when publishing to .mac?
    CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP! I must get the site correctly published ASAP to sell concert tickets and time is running out!!

    It will work just fine publishing it to your own domain / host. Just insert the code as a Web Snippet and upload it as you normally would.
    I don't know about changing the PayPal link but you could try to create your own custom made image and just take the PayPal url from the code they gave you and connect it as a hyperlink in iWeb -- I would think it would work fine.

  • Iweb and pay pal buttons

    Hi and thanks in advance- on i have installed pay pal buttons "add to cart" and they work, only problem is when i click on individual pic and goes to slide show mode, the buttons stay on the screen. take a look -any ideas on how to fix? Tom

    tombunten wrote:
    ...all other shopping sites seem to cost a lot of money where paypal was free to me?
    Not all — For a simple and free shopping cart not hosted on MobileMe, see the video here:
    ...You may find you can build your entire site (not just the "shop") in Weebly. But if not, as an alternative to setting up a basic hyperlink in iWeb to your external "shop", you can link to it from iWeb's navigation bar:
    Create a blank internal page titled "Shop" (actually you can name the page whatever you want.) Then in that Shop page add an HTML Snippet with the following code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    parent.window.location = ""; // change this to your own URL
    ...Once published, clicking on "Shop" in the navbar will immediately redirect to your external Shop page. (Thanks to Cyclosaurus for the code).

  • Adding Pay Pal buttons to Photo Grid

    I have a website in iWeb, and the photos of my jewelry that is for sale are done using the photo grid. I followed the instructions found elsewhere on these forums for using HTML snippets to do the Pay Pal buttons, and they worked great - except the button stays with the base page, and not with the individual photo it needs to be with. So the button for image #1 is the same button for the first image on each succeeding page... which obviously is NOT going to work! I cannot get the snippet to drop into the text box below the individual photo.
    Suggestions most welcome! Thanks in advance! My web site is, if you want to see how I have it set up so you can better understand where I want to add the buttons.

    debudi wrote:
    > I created a site in Dreamweaver. When I add pay pal code
    to the buttons the
    > table it is sitting in becomes messed up, unaligned.
    When the pay pal code
    > isn't there there is no problem. I would appreciate if
    someone can tell me how
    > to resolve this problem. The url is
    > shopping cart image is custom, not standard pay pal
    image. I put in a <br> to
    > bring the image down a little, but as you can see it is
    still not aligned and
    > is messing up the whole table.
    > Thank you for any help.[b
    > Site
    Web Site
    Remove the alignment elements from the problematic table
    chin chin

  • Pay pal buttons

    Hi am getting conflicting answers on pay pal buttons on photo page- when i install buttons than go to larger picture or slide show, buttons remain. 1 persons says I need to use a blank page - but than I lose my slide show- cyclosaurus says I just need to alter or add java script? I dont have a clue can any one help and tell or show me how o do this? His/her examples dp exactly what I want, but indicated they had no info on how to do it/. Thanks. Tom

    By the way, on my personal Sharepoint site - only half of the buttons are not working, the other half still work! Hopefully someone can find an answer for me. I cannot believe that something as basic as Purchase buttons would have problems.

  • Pay Pal Buttons, HTML and FTP in iWeb question...

    I have my site fully finished but want to have the ability for people to buy directly from my website. I have found the coding for the Pay Pal buttons but info for iWebMore - however, I don't publish my site to a .mac - I publish it to a folder on my computer and then FTP it up to a server.
    Will this still work?
    One more Q:
    Does anyone know if you can add/change the pay pal buttons, because I want other features like the size/price in the same button, and not having 3 buttons for one product?

    It will work just fine publishing it to your own domain / host. Just insert the code as a Web Snippet and upload it as you normally would.
    I don't know about changing the PayPal link but you could try to create your own custom made image and just take the PayPal url from the code they gave you and connect it as a hyperlink in iWeb -- I would think it would work fine.

  • Pay Pal buttons in Photo Grid

    I have a website in iWeb, and the photos of my jewelry that is for sale are done using the photo grid. I followed the instructions found elsewhere on these forums for using HTML snippets to do the Pay Pal buttons, and they worked great - except the button stays with the base page, and not with the individual photo it needs to be with. So the button for image #1 is the same button for the first image on each succeeding page... which obviously is NOT going to work! I cannot get the snippet to drop into the text box below the individual photo.
    Suggestions most welcome! Thanks in advance! My web site is, if you want to see how I have it set up so you can better understand where I want to add the buttons.

    debudi wrote:
    > I created a site in Dreamweaver. When I add pay pal code
    to the buttons the
    > table it is sitting in becomes messed up, unaligned.
    When the pay pal code
    > isn't there there is no problem. I would appreciate if
    someone can tell me how
    > to resolve this problem. The url is
    > shopping cart image is custom, not standard pay pal
    image. I put in a <br> to
    > bring the image down a little, but as you can see it is
    still not aligned and
    > is messing up the whole table.
    > Thank you for any help.[b
    > Site
    Web Site
    Remove the alignment elements from the problematic table
    chin chin

  • How do I make a payment to pay pal or pay pal credit?

    How do I make a payment to pay pal or pay pal credit?  I've been trying to find where to pay my bill with you for over 2 hours.    Please send me a bill in the mail and I'll write you a check.  Your new Web Site SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    I too struggled with finding this option.  On your summary page there will be a PayPal balance as well as a, in my case, eBay MasterCard listed.  To the right of those options are arrows.  Click on the arrow next to your credit card listed. That will bring up a new page where you will see a "make a payment" link.  I say, "Shame on them for making it so hard to find!"  Good luck!

  • Adobe Exchange-paying directly to pay Pal

    I want to sell products through Adobe Exchange, but I want
    the buyer to be redirected to Pay Pal when he decides to buy. I saw
    that it is possible. Most sellers have redirection to their site,
    or to internet markets where they sell their stuff. I would like
    the buyer to be redirected to Pay Pal, where he can transfer the
    money in my account. How do I do that? Thank you so much :)

    There is nothing to 'replace.'
    Simply go to and sign in with your Adobe ID and password (most likely, the same one you used to post here in the forum).

Maybe you are looking for

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