Paypal button for jquery mobile app in DW CS5.5

Using the jquery mobile app framework in DW CS5.5 and need help in using Paypal mobile.
<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" />
  <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="webassist.dreamweaver.4_5_0" />
  <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]" />
  <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Odor Cat" />
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="19.50" />
  <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" />
  <input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="5.50" />
  <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
  <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="" />
  <input type="hidden" name="undefined_quantity" value="1" />
  <input type="hidden" name="receiver_email" value="" />
  <input type="hidden" name="mrb" value="R-3WH47588B4505740X" />
  <input type="hidden" name="pal" value="ANNSXSLJLYR2A" />
  <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
  <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0" />
  <input type="submit" name="submit1" id="submit1" value="Pay with PayPal">
This form button will take the user to paypal for payment, but is not for mobile app.
thanks for your help,
-Jim Balthrop

How do I get someone to respond to my question here?
Let me try again.
With DW CS5.5 when I try to insert a PayPal button into a table (which I always did with DW8) the table in Design View gets scrambled, making it unusable.  Please would one of you out there who is much more knowledgeable about DW than me try it and see if there is a solution?  If you create a new HTML page in Design view, create a table in it, place the insertion point inside one of the table cells, go to the code view and locate the insertion point there, then paste the PayPal button code at that point. Here's the code:
<form target="paypal" action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="XSXQ9CUMUVLQC">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
Now go back to Design view and see how it looks.  If it acts the way it does for me, the table is no longer visible, but if you go to Live View everything looks fine with the table and the button inside it.  Of course, I can't design in Live View.
PLEASE can someone out there help me.
Many thanks.

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    I can confirm that with iOS you can connect to your SharePoint server through the advanced options.
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    See attached image.
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    <div data-role="content">     
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="POST" action="<?php echo $loginFormAction; ?>">
        <label for="username">Username:</label>
        <input type="text" name="username" id="username" />
        <label for="pwd">Password:</label>
    <input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" />
    <input type="submit" name="doLogin" id="doLogin" value="Login" />
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    Thank you.

    Hi Lydia, first off welcome to the world of Dreamweaver!
    Much like anything in DW it takes time to learn these things, especially the new technologies. Here is a page in the Adobe Developer Center that has many tutorials to help you get on the right track with the mobile stuff.
    Build dynamic websites and web applications | Dreamweaver Developer Center

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    I tried these:
    I'm not having any luck with those. Im guessing where it is located in the actioncontent isn't considered the stage. Any ideas?
                            <s:CalloutButton id="menu_btn" icon="@Embed('assets/images/menu/menu_btn.png')" visible="false">
                                      <s:Button id="btn_one" label="Button" />
    The actionContent is setup like that, I know like with most mxml stuff I could give it an ID to reference it but im not sure how how to give the action content an id number `<s:actionContent id="testID">` does not work. So how can i access this to remove it? making it invisible isn't cutting it i need to actually remove it.

    Does this do what you are looking for?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
            xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
            <s:Button id="excess" label="excess" />
            <s:Button label="remove" click="this.navigator.actionBar.actionGroup.removeElement(excess);" />

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    Please find below the screenshot of Dreamweaver CC with design and code panel. sue
    Find below the entire index.html code:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>jQuery Mobile Web App</title>
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.core.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.accordion.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="jQueryAssets/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="jQueryAssets/jquery-ui-1.9.2.accordion.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div data-role="page" id="page">
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                <li><a href="#page3">Digital</a></li>
                <li><a href="#page4">CASF RIA</a></li>
                <li><a href="#page5">Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap</a></li>
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            <label for="selectmenu" class="select">Select Technology Areas:</label>
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              <option value="option2">Oracle</option>
              <option value="option3">Mobile</option>
          <div data-role="fieldcontain">
            <label for="slider">Value:</label>
            <input type="range" name="slider" id="slider" value="0" min="0" max="100" />
          <div data-role="fieldcontain">
            <label for="flipswitch">Option:</label>
            <select name="flipswitch" id="flipswitch" data-role="slider">
              <option value="off">Off</option>
              <option value="on">On</option>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $( "#Accordion1" ).accordion();
    This is how it looks in device:
    This is how it looks in the mobile devices:
    Could anyone please help?

    Try defining a site and then create the mobile themed page within that site and DW will copy all the assets relative to the site path and will not be as its in your current page.
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

  • [iOS][Playlists] Offline Music Confirmation Button/pop-up (mobile app)

    In the mobile app (IOS and Android), I would like to see a confirmation button or pop-up window if I push the button to make a playlist available Offline OR when removing a playlist from Offline availablility.
    OR if possible, instead of just a button, make the "Available Offline" slider longer so the motion is more deliberate, rather than a simple tap.
    In trying to get used to holding a new phone (iphone6) I accidentally removed a playlist from offline availability.  I tapped the button again and managed to save about 3/4 of the playlist, but it still meant having to sync up about 100songs again.
    Thank you,

    Updated: 2015-07-27Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • Selection of a mobile framework - for enterprise mobility app.

    There have been many plethora of mobility frameworks (e.g Kony, HTML5 based  frameworks) that have same features as Cordova - write your code once and run it on multiple platforms. Some are free,others are not. Having recently implemented enterprise mobility app (integrating with ECC, CRM) using one such framework, there are a certain I would like to consider before choosing a framework:
    a) How easy it to build security into the app (the login module)?
    b) How do I know that the requests for my data is an authenticated source?
    c) How good is the vendor support with plugins, upgrades to SDK?
    d) For frameworks that are free, do vendors really pay attention to issues that you are facing during (very specific to) your implementation.
    e) Scalability of the framework to support the app with newer mobile OSs, mobility sets (Motorola, Micromax, Blackberry), tabs.
    f) All mobile sets have limited memory at most to 2GB (or little more). How will the framework help in viewing huge amount of data that is there in SAP?
    From my experience, I would say it is big pain, implementing a enterprise mobility app with open framework adhering with the go live dates.
    SAP products are more easy to handle. A lot of featues comes inbuilt. Mobile apps comes as pre-packaged apps. One needs to customize it according to it needs. Product support from SAP is remarkable. Implementing and going live with such product becomes automatically easy adhering to the timelines. So is the maintenance. But of course comes the licensing price for SAP.

    Sukanta Rudra,
    I love to work with SAP products and so i m in SAP. Having worked on several other mobile applications before , i can clearly see the ease in development of Enterprise applications using SAP products portfolio.
    Often I have seem blogs in SCN, advocating for frameworks other than that of SAP. No harm
    Please mention the blogs as a reference for more understanding. I can always only see Cordova / appcelerator being the recommended platforms by SAP for cross platforms development.
    SAP Partners with Adobe-Cordova/phonegap , Appcelerator, Sencha (the three big players in cross platform development)
    Developer Announcement: Third Party Tools
    SAP Drives Openness and Choice for Millions of Mobile App Developers
    More over i have worked mostly on all the three for a while and have experienced the ease in development with cordova.
    Also the HWC (Hybrid Web Container ) - the former way for developing hybrid applications on SAP Mobile Platform till 2.x has Cordova/phonegap plugins inbuilt in it. Literally it followed the approch of Cordova and ui framework was of Jquery Mobile .
    But Now with the release of SMP 3.X things are completely under the control of developer. There are no restrictions to use a particular framework for development and developers are free to use their choice for development (SMP 3.x highlights BYOT - Bring Your Own Tools for Developers).
    Adding to above , just would like to mention there are few products mainly focused and developed on cordova technology (KAPSEL plugins, Appbuilder, Fiori Client , River RDE in future integrating Kapsel plugins)
    SMP 3.x is all open for developers , we are free to use any platform as per our requirements and convenience now.
    PLease have a look at these videos on how SMP 3.x strategy stands for
    My experience has been using Kony-SKY framework for developing the mobility apps (not mobile web). SKY plugins has been certified by SAP, to be used for developing mobility applications. (SAP does embrace other vendors). My questions pointed out above, was out of the struggles we had while implementing the project. Many at times, I felt I was reinventing the same tools while integrating into the SAP backends.
    I am not a Kony guy, but will surely look into this and would check if i can help you.But out of my experience with Cordova /HWC/ Kapsel , it was satisfactory.
    I presume you might have used/using SAP's Fiori apps, SAPUI5, mobile architecture and would like to gather some more information very specific to SAP's environment. I have no experience now on delivering apps using SAP's products. Maybe three months from now, I would get deep with 'SAP Fiori UX and SAP Screen Personas'. Maybe you could throw some light on few more queries.
    Yeah , thanks to SAP for Fiori being out of License now and UI5 an Opensource. I have had the opportunity to also work and implement Fiori transnational applications and also develop Custom UI5 applications .
    Note : Personas is really a good product , but on the down side is n't responsive in nature , so might not be a best fit for mobile devices
    How are builds generated for different platforms? (Android uses.apk, Blackberry uses .cod, iPhone uses .ipa)
    I can help you understand this with an Android Phone Gap project example
    Typically Native Android apps are developed using Core Java.
    Initially all the Core libraries of Android and java are loaded with import command
    import android.os.Bundle;
    Now Cordova libraries are added to existing libraries
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import org.apache.cordova.*;
    and Android uses the concept activities and layout for screen navigation and designing.
    and by default any android project should have an activity and layout for launching the application, for which the code looks something similar to this
    so , a Relative layout is initially launched as main view.
    As mentioned in the blog in  " How does it actually work section " cordova loads web views instead of the native layouts /activities
    How Does it actually work ?
    Technically the User Interface of a Cordova Application is effectively a WebView that occupies the complete screen and runs in the native Container. So , it is the same web view that is used by the Native  Operating systems. This purely means that only the Native Containers changes according to the OS and internally the web pages remain the same. (Since the browser rendering of webpages are different for each operating systems)
    For       IOS it is UIWebView class
                 Android it is in  android.webkit.webview
                 Windows it is WebViewClass and the similar goes to other OS .
    This line of code is responsible for that
    our developed web applications should reside in the above mentioned location to access as any native web view
    also few other hacks are to be done at
    public class [appname]Activity extends Activity {
    public class [appname] Activity extends DroidGap {
    and to the android manifest file accordingly to get the permissions
    Now internally the android applications works just like any native applications but accessing the web applications files in the web view. and just generates the .apk accordingly to the application.
    Say a query is executed from a mobility app, say the result set is some 1000 rows, how does the data fetch mechanism work. Do you use some delta data fetch mechanism?
    if i were to handle this , would try to filter this out to sections. Lets imagine huge PO s are resulted upon a query, i would try to create some sections/categories for Unreleased/Open/Approved /... and again try to perform some dynamic filter operations on each category selection/ or make use of pagination property to move across the items/records
    Also user would not be interested to scroll and search for his item from a huge collection of items.
    More over for handling of huge records Native approach is preferred to Hybrid/mobile web.
    When a mobility connection snaps while the user is using the app, does the app stop immediately? Or rather how is user informed about non availability of the network connection?
    Lets assume two cases here
    1) Complete Online application
    2) Online Offline Application
    1) If user is trying to access the data from the application , since this being an online application , a proper network connectivity id to be checked properly before making any request .
    for phone gap/cordova , Network Object helps us to check if network connectivity is available to make any request. else throw an alert to check the connectivity/ turn on the connectivity.
    Similarly a Connectivity manager API exists for Android . Here is an example. Same would apply for other OS also.
    2) For online - offline application . user wouldn't be able to read records from back end , but can perform other necessary operations on the device, and once the device gets connected to network, can sync with the back end . An alert should be thrown to inform the user about the loss in network connectivity and the limitations in accessing the data .
    Build/release mechanism and subsequent tracking for mobility apps for periodic release of apps  - say there would regular fixes to bugs, upgrades to framework SDK, device OSs might get upgraded - Is there a tool for tracking all these, etc
    Yes. MDM tools are perfect fit for these. Afaria and Mocana are doing well now.
    And, anything that you would like to share, related to SAPs environment, that makes implementation easier.
    SAP Mobility is really booming and will grow , dominate in enterprise mobility in future.
    For our understanding:
    Let us know for more.
    Edit :
    IG is a part of SMP 3 but not a separate component as NWG
    Message was edited by: Virinchy P

  • Do I need to use additional  mobile PayPal code to use a PayPal button on Muse Mobile Site

    Hi guys n gals
    I have designed a mockup Mobile (Phone) site using Adobe Muse (latest version) and uploaded to business catalyst see here HOME (Only on a Phone).
    Under Concert Travel Tickets, I have included some PayPal buttons using the same PayPal code as is on the existing live site (Joomla) here id=63
    I get an error on the mobile phone site.
    However, when I access the PayPay button on my phone using the actual link (from the live Joomla site)  using Google or Safari - it works and I am asked for payment.
    Could it be that because the phone site is temporarily hosted on - that is causing the problem.
    Or is there any difference in a PayPal button and code for a Desktop Website or a Mobile Version website in Adobe Muse?
    Many Thanks

    I am afraid, its not possible to have the page name without ".html" extension as Muse by default attach the same extension to every page you create.

  • PayPal buttons for iWEB 1.1.2

    I am new to iWEB, and I made this really cute website with some of my art, but I have run into a problem with getting it to show PayPal buttons. I have read posts for other versions, and I cannot find any kind of HTML editor, or HTML Widget to use in this version I have. I have tried just pasting in the code right into the page, but when I publish the site, I see the code, not the PayPal button.
    HELP!!!!! I need to get this finished up and please do not tell me that I need to buy another version! This is Apple software we are talking about! Where's the HTML editor??????!!!
    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am DESPERATE!!!!! What to do?!
    thanks in advance

    Mari ~ Welcome to the discussions. This old thread may help:

  • Datagrid for flex mobile apps

    Since in-built Datagrid component is not optimized to be used in flex mobile apps, what is the best alternative we can go ahead with?
    I have seen some of the posts which says that we can use List. But I'm still unable to find how List can be used. As we would need multiple columns, should we be using multiple Lists for each column?
    Kindly let me know if any of have have got this working and how.
    Appreciate your help..

    Anyone please?:) Flex HarUI ??

  • Authentication Mechanism for Our Mobile App

    Hi All,
    We developed a mobile app with SAP SRM System as backend.
    Java Adapters is used in the front end to access SAP Backend in the form of Web Service URL, which is nothing but FM in the form of URL.
    The FM in our application, takes only the User ID, who logs in as the input and returns the data of the user as expected.
    When the Web-Service is called, it is accessing the SAP SRM backend DIRECTLY.
    So, we have to give SAP Backend Credentials to the WS to return the output.
    Is there anyway by which, the user can login the mobile app with his user ID and some other password set by him in the front end login application (which can also have "Forgot Password?") BUT NOT SAP Backend password, as the user id will be consumed in the back-end by the Web-Services.  
    Hope I am clear:)
    Thanks & Regards,

    Cool. Thanks.
    >>> thsundel<[email protected]> 6/18/2012 8:06 AM >>>
    seschenburg;2201882 Wrote:
    > See subject. :-)
    > We just installed Novell Messenger 2.2 and I've been asked about mobile
    > app availability. Mostly for internal users on our internal wi-fi
    > segment, but if there's an external option please share that also. I'll
    > probably get asked about that next.
    > Thanks.
    iPhone and Android mobile apps should be available in mid 2012
    according to the roadmap: (ignore
    the video)
    thsundel's Profile:
    View this thread:

  • Export for jquery mobile 1.2.0

    Exporting my theme from Fireworks to a document using jquery mobile 1.2.0 (final) breaks several elements.  I also tried including the CDN for 1.2.0 while including my fireworks exported css after.  That was better, but elements were still rendering incorrectly.
    Does there needs to be an update for the fireworks exported css to jive with 1.2.0?

    Moving this discussion to the Dreamweaver extensions forum.

  • ExternalUrl for EWS for Lync Mobile App w/ Exchange 2010

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    I've been piecing together articles on "how-to" but they are for Exchange 2013.
    One article says that part of the process is to run the script Configure-EnterprisePartnerApplication.ps1. This is not present on my Exchange server.
    Another step is to configure the external WebServicesVirtualDirectory using the cmdlet
    Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity Contoso\EWS -ExternalUrl
    When I do this, I get an error "The operation could not be performed because object '[mailserver].local\EWS' could not be found on 'DNS_Server.local'

    Correct, I would imagine ExternalURL would only be external. If you didn't have EWS published you would be only leveraging the internal URL.
    The other thing is if your DNS auto-configure is configured for your email system LYNC should be leveraging the DNS records to connect. So, if you have outlook essentially doing outlook-anywhere today with auto finding its settings via e-mail lookup those
    things should work.
    If you had DNS configured to go off DNS SRV records you would only have to do this.
    The AutodiscoverVirtualDirectoy URL are supposed for Microsoft's optional use only.
    Therefore it is not necessary and not Best-Practise defining them!
    If you set the URL's, it will NOT HAVE AN IMPACT. Meaning, if they are defined or not, it will not change the Autodiscover behavior, since they are NOT USED within Exchange.
    What is IMPORTANT, is the Authentication, you must set it the Basic Authentication, so the SSL configuration will take part. 
    It would be enough is you configure simply:
    Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Identity 'autodiscover (default Web site)' -BasicAuthentication $true
    I can agree with autodiscover rules making the EWS be found. That has worked for me in my previous environments.

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    It doesn't appear that BlackBerry has an app for that but Android does and you can load Android apps to your phone if you follow the instructions in this article by @John_Clark : 
    I hope that helps you.  
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