Payrool and TIME related  problem

Hi experts,
i one synerio regrding payroll/TM , my client is saying that one employee group will work one month and get one month salary and full month salary. 
II. if not work full month than he will get stndby rate like 50% salary for fulll.
How can we map this in TM, and in payroll.

Try Valuation of Absences T554C
under payroll pay roll india absence valuation

Similar Messages

  • Airport Extreme and Time Capsule problems

    I have had an Airport Extreme 802.11g, version 5.7 for several years and have some problems that is get stuck now and then, so I have to restart it. I have tried to upgrade software, but cannot find anything appropriate. Assume 7.5 is a software version, but where and how to upgrade?
    I got another problem when I bought a Time Capsule. It interferes with my Siemens Gigaset wireless phone. I have tried to change channel etc, but it does not seem to help. Any tips?
    The two problems are not related, as I had the first problem before I got the Time Capsule.

    v5.7 is the latest firmware for your AEB 802.11g.
    v7.3.2 is the latest firmware for the TC.
    You should probably do these simple maintenance tasks:
    Simple Maintenance Tasks:
    1. Repair Permissions - /Applications/Utilities/Disk Start Disk Utility, select your HD and click on Repair Permissions. When finished, quit Disk Utility and then restart your computer.
    2. Reset PRAM - hold down Option-Command-P-R keys when starting until you hear the startup chime a 2nd time.
    3. Safe Mode Startup - hold down the Shift-key at startup until you see the login screen. When logged-in, then go to System Preferences/Network/AirPort
    - click on the 'Network Name:' roll-button, select 'Join Other Network...', enter 'Network Name and select the security type you are using, and finally, enter your Password and click 'Join'.
    - click on 'Advanced', TCP/IP and confirm that 'Configure IPv4:' is set to 'Using DHCP', click 'OK'.
    - click the 'Apply' button and exit System Preferences.
    Make sure you separate the AirPort Base Station and the wireless phone by as large a distance as you can.
    You could enact Interference Robustness, but it will reduce the range of your AirPort base station:
    1. Open AirPort Utility, select the AirPort Base Station (main) and click on 'Manual Setup'.
    2. Click on 'Wireless' tab and click 'Wireless Options'.
    3. Tick 'Use interference robustness, click 'Done', and click 'Update'.
    4. Wait for ABS to restart. Restart your computer and test.

  • Help, I am about to pull my hair out, can't get into a locked drive and Time Machine problem

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    Hello, not sure how this might affect a TM drive, or not, but...
    Here is what i needed to do for my drive "320GB HD", the last command is just for clean up
    Open Terminal and type these commands carefully with the spaces & change 320GB HD to the name of your drive.
    sudo chflags 0 "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chown root "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chmod 1775 "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo -k
    That said, these should be sufficient to do the job:
    sudo chflags 0 "/Volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chmod a+rx "/Volumes/320GB HD"

  • PDF and Preview related problems

    A user in our office (MacBook Pro, v10.5.6) is having difficulty viewing and creating PDF files. To wit:
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    --Opening a PDF file may show exclamation points substituted for tab characters.
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    The two files appear correctly when viewed with Adobe Reader 9.0.
    --Creating a PDF file may result in exclamation points substituted for tab characters.
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    I don't believe this is a missing font problem.
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    Before I go ahead and move my data over to a new home directory...
    1. Has anyone seen this before?
    2. Has anyone fixed this before?
    3. How do I know which files to move to the new home directory and which (corrupted ones) to leave behind..if that indeed is the fix?
    4. How do I know that the creation problem doesn't extend beyond this user, and that I wasn't just lucky when Second User's PDF-created file was fine?

    You need to resolve the conflict/corruption in the original account. This can be a laborious process, but is guaranteed to resolve the problem. While logged into the newly created account (if it's an admin account; otherwise create a new one), backup the bad account's folder (to another volume, partition, or disk), delete the bad account, selecting the save data option (which is stored in /Users/Deleted Users/ as a disk image), recreate the bad account using the same username/password combo, log out and back into the recreated original account. Run Preview and, If the problem's solved (which it should be), open the saved data dmg file in /Users/Deleted Users/, open the /Library/Preferences/ folder from the saved data, open the current /Users/restored account/Library/Preferences/ folder, and slowly copy plist files from the saved data folder to the current one that don't exist in it, keeping track of what you're moving to the new account so you can remove them if you encounter problems in the next step. Log out and back in to ensure there's no conflict and things still work correctly. Good luck.

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    I have purchased a macbook pro retina and time capsule recently. I had no trouble setting up the TC, however even though it is visible in the Finder, I can not connect to it. I can not make time machine. Try to connect with my imac that has snow leopard and immediately detected.

  • Mail app keeps crashing (and other related problems)

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    2. Mail is depending on something else on my system that is broken.
    3. Mail app itself somehow became corrupted.
    4. Something being synced from my Gmail is not properly being handled, resulting in a crash.
    When this started happening (if it helps):
    1 day after installing the OS X update 10.8.3 as well as MacBook Pro Retina SMC Update v1.1, my MBP froze as soon as I loaded League of Legends. This was followed by a reboot as I couldn't Cmd+Tab out of the game. I wasn't aware of the Force Close App shortcut at the time, so I used the power button. That was the only time this happened, and it has worked fine a few times after the updates were applied and also worked after the reboot following the freeze. Since that time, I have encountered another issue where just about all of my apps crashed simultaneously -- no 3D-accelerated apps were even running this time.
    Since then, I've updated VirtualBox from 4.2.8 to 4.2.10 (seemed like something that could cause this weirdness as I always have a VM running) and have not had any problems except Mail crashing all the time.
    This question is primarily about fully resetting the Mail app to clean settings/data, but any thoughts on what may have happened are also welcome

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the name of the crashed application or process in the Filter text field. Select the messages from the time of the last crash, if any. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    Still in the Console window, look under User Diagnostic Reports for crash reports related to the process. The report name starts with the name of the crashed process, and ends with ".crash". Select the most recent report and post the entire contents — again, the text, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don’t post shutdownStall, spin, or hang logs — they're very long and not helpful.

  • Alarm and event related problem

    hi dear all
    again my problem needs u
    On upgrading my project from labview 6.1 to labview 7.1 version i have problem in generating alarm related .ALR file which i further use in my software. for this i m using "legacy_hist_alarms_&" this vi but in labview 7.1 i replaces it with
    "Alarms and event query to spreadsheet" but its number of display format and filter elements are changed i also changed these.
    but how i order the elements so i correctly connect with vi . i tried acc. to error list but it gives error every time so pls give the example or any suggestion regarding the order of elements .
    i m thankful to u all in advance

    What error are you receiving when you try to connect to the VI?  What do you mean by "order the elements"? Are you talking about the inputs to the VI? If so, the easiest way to connect to these are to right click on the terminal and select "Create -> Control", which will make a cluster that connects to the VI.
    Let me know if this helps.
    --Paul Mandeltort
    Automotive and Industrial Communications Product Marketing

  • Two external hard drives and Time Machine Problem

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    Problem: Each time I connect a different hard drive it wants to start from scratch and create another new backup file. What I want is called smart copy in Superduper! but can't figure out how to do it on Time Machine
    Thank You


  • Time Machine and Time Capsule Problems

    I have a Time Capsule and my Time Machine no longer seems to work on my MBA.
    It had been working fine for the past 2 months. It would do quick backups (between 1-3 MB normally) after my first long backup.
    Now whenever I look at my MBA it will show Time Machine spinning but always says "Preparing Backup." It will stay in this state for days. If I try to stop the backup it will then be stuck in "Stopping Backup." The only way to get out of this is to turn off the computer. Then it will say "Last Backup Failed" and the next time it tries to sync the process will start over again.
    In the past I would have some problems if the MBA went to sleep in the middle of a backup where the backup would fail, but it would work the next time it tried to backup. I don't know why it isn't working anymore.
    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    See this KB article. It may apply to your situation.
    Mac OS X 10.5: Time Machine preferences may display "Preparing" for a longer time
    One observation it has is that anti-virus software can interfere with the backup process.

  • DATE and Time related FUNCTIONS in SQL

    I want to know the Answers(Queries) for below mentioned Question.
    Q!--list the name of account holders who have opened a/c in the last 5 days
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    Q3--list branch-wise,product-wise total amount as on Last Friday?
    Q4--list the customers who opened a/c in first week of last month?
    Q5-- how many customers opened a/c in last date of previous month?
    IN SQL language

    Unfortunately your post is off topic as it's not specific to SQL Server Samples and Community Projects.  
    This is a standard response I’ve written in advance to help the many people who post their question in this forum in error, but please don’t ignore it.  The links I provide below will help you determine the right forum to ask your question
    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an end user, please visit the Microsoft Answers forum ( ) which has sections for Windows, Hotmail,
    Office, IE, and other products.
    For Technical issues with Microsoft products that you might have as an IT professional (like technical installation issues, or other IT issues), please head to the TechNet Discussion forums at, and
    search for your product name.
    For issues with products you might have as a Developer (like how to talk to APIs, what version of software do what, or other developer issues), please head to the MSDN discussion forums at, and
    search for your product or issue.
    If you’re asking a question particularly about one of the Microsoft Dynamics products, a great place to start is here: 
    If you think your issue is related to SQL Server Samples and Community Projects and I've flagged it as Off-topic, I apologise.  Please repost your question and include as much detail as possible about your problem so that someone can assist you further. 
    If you really have no idea where to post your question please visit the Where is the forum for…? forum 
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful,
    Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer
    Jeff Wharton
    MSysDev (C.Sturt), MDbDsgnMgt (C.Sturt), MCT, MCSA, MCSE: BI
    Blog: Mr. Wharty's Ramblings
    Twitter: @Mr_Wharty
    MC ID:
    Microsoft Transcript

  • Any Date and Time Connection Problems?

    My clock doesn't setup properly at startup, all the time. Do I just need a new PRAM battery? I believe it happened on my Quicksilver, too ... that's why I ask below about the Server. I did get my Quicksilver off eBay ... so it might need a battery, too.
    Or is Apple's Time Server having periodic problems? or do I have DSL timing issues?
    I am running OS X 10.3.9 on an XPostfacto PowerPC 9500. Shouldn't matter, software wise.
    Mac Plus, Performa 6116, PPC 8500, 9500, QS 2@1GHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Mine are PPC 9500 G3/500, PPC 8500 G4/450, QS Dual 1GHz
    I still think there is a problem with Apple Americas ... I got the correct time and date with Apple Europe, and the same bad result from Apple America. My zone is set correctly.
    So, I've gone totally Euro.
    Mac Plus, Performa 6116, PPC 8500, 9500, QS 2@1GHz Mac OS X (10.3.9)

  • Upgrade Lion and Time Capsule problem

    Good moorning
    here my problem: after upgrade from snow leopard to lion it’s impossible to start any backup using Time Caspule base airport 1TB
    this the error  message : Time Machine non può completare il backup.
    Impossibile accedere all’immagine disco di backup “/Volumes/Data/I_Mac Anna .sparsebundle”  (errore-1)
    It’s strange that I can start Time Machine and work on it but I can’t start any backup
    the firmaware seems to be ok, I never had this problem before upgrade to lion, but I’m very  afraid because I’m going to buy a new Mac Book Air and I’ll ned Time caspule and its backups for starting data on the new machine
    Who can help me? Tanks, Fiorini Giorgio

    The coverage should be fine, since I get 4-reception-bars.
    Sorry, I'm confused here. Is that what you "see" on your computer if the Express is powered down and you have your laptop at the location of the Express?
    The "bars" are not a very accurate indicator of actual signal strength, and they tell you nothing about noise or other interference that you may be picking up in the new location.
    I suggest that you download a utility like iStumber to get a more accurate picture of your network.
    When you open iStumber, you'll see some general information about signal strength and noise on the network. You may be surprised to see that the signal is not as strong as you might have thought, but the most useful information is found under the Inspector in the Edit menu. Click Inspector.
    Click the Samples tab and drag the lower right corner of the box out until you see the figures for Signal(dBm) and Noise (dBm). To get a SNR reading, or Signal to Noise Ratio, you would enter the Signal and subtract the Noise = SNR.
    For example, lets say you see a signal of -60 dBm and noise of -90 dBm, so:
    -60 dBm - (-90 dBm) = 30 dBm SNR
    Then use the chart below provided by forum expert Tesserax to analyze the SNR on your network at the given location of your laptop:
    o 40dB+ SNR = Excellent signal
    o 25dB to 40dB SNR = Very good signal
    o 15dB to 25dB SNR = Low signal
    o 10dB to 15dB SNR = Very low signal
    o 5dB to 10dB SNR = No signal
    So, you would power down the AirPort Express temporarily and locate your laptop as close as possible to actual location of the AirPort Express and take some readings.
    You would want to see a SNR reading of at least 25 dB at this location. Higher would be better because the Express can only "extend" what it receives. It does not "boost" the signal.
    Please post on your results.

  • JWSDP, WSDL and multipart/related problem

    I got a wsdl file that sends multipart/related soap messages and I want to generate a client stub using wscompile.
    This is a short exerpt from the wsdl describing the message I want to send:
    <wsdl:operation name="MessageSubmit">
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <mime:content part="content" type="*/*"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    The problem I have is that wscompile complains and says: "error: input message of binding operation "MessageSubmit" does not have a SOAP body extension". But it does! It's in there in the multipart/related tags.
    The same wsdl works using tools from systinet. Doesn't JWSDP and wscompile handle multipart/related properly? Anyone else seen this?

    wscompile does not support mime:multipart binding.

  • Windows 8 Laptop Boot Issue (and other related problems)

    My Toshiba Satellite S855D-S5148 laptop was bought about a month ago, but it's been giving me issues for the last week.
    The most significant one was a boot issue, where out of nowhere, the PC would not start, and after a hard restart, I received an error message saying Windows was not able to start. So I called tech support and they guided me through a PC refresh. That seemed to have solved the issue until twenty minutes later, when my system froze and I could not move the cursor let alone use any applications. So I did a hard restart again, and tried to do another PC refresh until the laptop 'clicked' and shut off. I restarted again, and my system seemed to be working normally until two days later (I did not shut it off or restarted it during this period, only kept it in hibernate when not in use).
    Upon trying to use my laptop, it said Windows was reconfiguring. Afterwards, I received an error message saying that Windows had to restart due to 'this problem,' though the problem was not specified. The error message included a list of file addresses that presumably contained a description of the problem, but I can't access the files because they don't show up when I search their addresses. They are .dmp and .xml files, respectively.
    Is anyone familiar with this problem? I wish I could return the laptop but it's a couple of weeks shy of the return period (Staples has a measely 14-day return period, but I didn't think I'd have to use it). I don't want to go through the hassle of shipping it off to Toshiba for repairs. Would reformatting the laptop solve the problem? I wish I could attach the .dmp and .xml files to this post but I can't locate them. I'd try using the recovery disks, but they were recently destroyed in a flood.  
    Any comments, advice, and/or suggestions are very much welcome!

    Happy to learn the hardware is fixed.
    I was told they could not do so without the product key.   ...   Any ideas as to how I can get my product key?
    Everybody should know by now that there is no product key for preinstalled Windows. The OEM has it locked into the motherboard.
    As I've said over and over, recovery media will restore the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents. Windows will be activated.
    Windows is not installed during this process. Everything on the hard drive is restored. It's an important distinction.

  • IWeb won't open and other related problems ....

    I saw other posts regarding this but not sure if there is a fix
    that works.
    I worked in iWeb all day yesterday. This morning, I cannot open iWeb 08.
    When I try, it says "iweb can't open "xxxx.html" file"
    (this is a file I created yesterday)
    So I searched and i found the Domain.sites2 file in the
    User/library/application support/... folder,
    but when i double click to open i get this message:
    Cannot open file «~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain.sites2».
    And I don't see any of the new pages i built in yesterday anywhere.
    I was saving my work every 10 minutes yesterday while i worked,
    however I did not publish the pages I built, I just saved them.
    I do not have a backup,(my bad)
    can someone please advise?

    Unless you choose otherwise, iWeb builds all your sites on one domain file.
    For those of us who have more than one or two sites its more convenient to have your sites on separate domain files so that you can load them into iWeb and publish them separately.
    You'll see that you can manage multiple domain files using a third party application or do it manually.
    I use the latter method.
    Splitting domain files is not a brilliant idea but most people seem to have no problems.
    In future, I would advise you to start new sites from a new, blank domain file to avoid corruption.
    See.... /
    Starting new sites on a blank domain file and keeping them in separate folders makes life a lot simpler if you do get corruption in any one.

Maybe you are looking for