PCD inspector tool in EP7.0

Hi all,
How to install PCD inspector tool in EP7.0.
Sunaina Reddy T

It should be installed. Check:
System Administratio -> Support -> Support Desk -> PCD -> PCD Inspector

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    Thank you.

    It should be installed. Check:
    System Administratio -> Support -> Support Desk -> PCD -> PCD Inspector

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    20" iMac 2.16GHZ, 2GB   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    i have that problem sometimes. it happens that the inspector moves out of the window. you need to delete the following file (search using spotlight):

  • PCD Inspector Filter doesn't work

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    I try to implement a PCD Inspector filter. I've implemented the java filter class very similar with com.sap.portal.demo.CountryFilterService provided on the Webinar Filtering role and workset content for developers.
    my filterString is:
         filterExpression = "(Cash=SI)";  
    but, when I try to execute this on the pcd inspector this error appear:
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.search.ParseException: No parentheses expected between position 3 and 11. The character "(" at position 3 is not recognized as a legal operator in filterString "(&((Cash=SI))((&(|(com.sap.portal.pcd.gl.ObjectClass=com.sapportals.portal.page)(com.sap.portal.pcd.gl.ObjectClass=com.sapportals.portal.iview))(com.sapportals.portal.navigation.FolderEntry=true))))".
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    thanks in advance

    I never tried to implement a PCD Inspector filter but if I look at the error message: <i>The character "(" at position 3 is not recognized as a legal operator in filterString "(&((Cash=SI))((&(|(com.sap.portal.pcd.gl.ObjectClass=com.sapportals.portal.page)(com.sap.portal.pcd.gl.ObjectClass=com.sapportals.portal.iview))(com.sapportals.portal.navigation.FolderEntry=true))))".</i>
    I see that ((Cash=SI)) has double parenthesis and i think that's what bothers him.
    Its a long shot but try:
    filterExpression = "Cash=SI";
    Best regards,
    Avishai Zamir

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    Am I describing question clear?
    Thanks in advance for help!

    Hi Dennis,
      Please go thru the  PDF<a href="https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/4ee6d3ee-0901-0010-658f-d9b21cdebce4">PCD inspector</a>.
    It describes how to do the mass property change.The change which u are refering is possible. An example is given for the same under the section 'Mass property change' under 'General PCD Inspector capabilities'.
    Hope this helps.

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    Have you tried this?
    From the "HOME" screen, go to "SETTINGS > PRIVACY > PHOTOS" and see if iMovie is listed in the "PHOTOS" page. If it is, then tap the iMovie switch to "ON"
    Now your Videos & Photos should be accessible in the iMovie App.

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    You might have to Optimize that clip in order to enable the speed settings. Highlight the clip in the Project Browser. Then under the File Menu choose Optimize. Usually this is enough to get the Video Adjustments working.

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    Sooooo anyone else run across this? Any idea why this might be happening?

    Well...no one seemed to be having the same problem. We have not found the root cause, but thankfully, using the PCD Inspector tool makes it MUCH easier to delete all the "corrupt" objects (though it is still time consuming as each "hiccup" creats about 30 pages of bad objects). I will just mark this one up to one of those portal "oddities". =)

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      Can I restore these objects and how do I find out who and when those objects were deleted?
       I have super admin access into the Portal.

    Hi Arunava,
    First check if they are really deleted using the PCD Inspector tool available for download in the Downloads section of the SDN.
    If they are really deleted then only restore can help.

  • Mass change:  iViews Properties (gui type, alias,..)

    Do you  know how I can get the read/write version of the PCD Inspector?
    (system: EP 6.0 SP2 P4)
    Thank you. Ciao. Davide

    Hi Davide Sini,
    to get the read/write version of the Pcd Inspector please do the following:
    - log in with your SAP user to SDN
    - navigate to: Home -> Enterprise Portal (click on the Enterpris Portal node text of the "Developers Areas" detail navigation so that an additional entry "EP Content" appears in the detail navigation)
    - click on the submenu "Portal Content Portfolio" of the "EP Content"
    - On the page that appears then you will find a link "Browse Content Portfolio" in the upper right corner. Please click on this link.
    - On the page that appears then you will find different links for "Every User", "Line Manager" and "Specialist". Please click on the "Other" link of the "Specialist"
    - On the page that appears then you will find three tab strips: "SAP Content(...)", "Vendor Content(...)", "SAP Exchange(...)". Please click on the "SAP Exchange(...)" tab.
    -> on the page that appears then you will find the download of the read/write PCD Inspector tool.
    Best Regards,


    Where  Iview details are stored at database level in PORTAL?

    The <b>PCD Browsers</b> allowed you to browse the Portal Conent Directory. You have to download and install the Package <b>com.sap.pct.tools.pcd_inspector.epa</b> which can be download from SDN. After installation, you can start the tool by Url:
    Before that you should assign the role <b>com.sap.pct.tools.pcd_inspector_role</b> for that user in the User Administration Section in the Portal. The PCD Inspector tools allows you to browse the PCD where almost all portal relevant objects (like iViews, pages, roles, worksets, systems etc.) are stored. You can able to Edit and delete the objects in the PCD.
    This is helpful for you. If you have any doubt, ask me.
    Prakash T

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    I am wondering if anybody has experiences with integrating a third party WCM tool with EP7 for intranet-style content in the portal, and whether an assessment versus Web Page Composer has been made?  I have looked at Web Page Composer but am interested in seeing what best-of-breed third party offerings are certified for integration to EP7 and how these compare.
    Points will be awarded for useful responses.

    Hi John,
    I've seen btexx easyWCM in some projects and although I do not like it, many users are quite content with the features.
    Afaik it is certified for SAP EP 7.0, have a look at it.

  • Inspector link tools disabled?

    I'm just getting started with iWeb, and have had some initial success geting my web page up (just travel photos -- yawn). However I have not had much using the Inspector tool to set up hyperlinks, as the "Enable as hyperlinks" checkbox is greyed out and non-functional, as is the pull-down menu. Not really sure whats' going on, as no one else has reported that problem. Have still managed to create working links by dragging page titles from the "Site organizer" window.
    Is this one of those problems to be cured by trashing the preferences?

    The only way to have a photo on a photo page is to put a Shape box in front of the photo and have it as a link to the collection. However that would negate being able to click on the photo to get the larger version to pop up.
    The Shape box must have a color but have its opacity at 1%. Also turn of stroke for it. It will then work as you'd like. But I repeat, you won't be able to bring up the large version of the photo unless you run the slideshow.
    If you don't want the slideshow you can delete the slideshow button and as long as every photo has a Shape box in front of it there will be no way to get into the slideshow mode.
    To test these tricks out try publishing to a folder on the desktop and then run it in Safari to see the results. Much faster than normal publishing.
    Do you Twango?

  • Firefox dev tools inspector window keeps going blank

    every few times i switch to FF to debug, the inspector window is totally blank. if i click the inspector tool and highlight html, it will appear to be scrolling over in the inspector window to highlight the code, but the page is totally blank. close/reopen tools fixes, but a few times later its broken again. has been going on for months and months, at least since v32. Using FirefoxDeveloperEdition.

    Does this also happen if you use a release version instead of the beta?
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problem.
    See "Creating a profile":
    If the new profile works then you can transfer files from a previously used profile to the new profile, but be cautious not to copy corrupted files to avoid carrying over problems.

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