PCR quering wrong Absence Type while running TE live

I'm facing a strange issue with running TE live. There is a Absence Type XXXX maintained for a particular day. When i run the TE live for that particular day, what happens in the Schema is...there is a rule which is quering a different Absence type  YYYY which is not at all maintained for that particular day.
Because of this wrong quering of Absence type, the absence hours is going to different time type.
But when i run the TE in simulation, the same PCR is quering the right Absence type XXXX.
This is strange for me.
Can anyone tell me...wht could be the reasons for this wrong quering.
Thanks in Advance

i guess u r checking B2 cluster and Simulation run ???!!!!
Check B2 cluster, Absece Table, check which AB has been updated for that particular date.
and cross check if the same is existing in Infotype 2001 for the same day.
Might be, user has changed the Absence type yyyy from xxxx.
So, in simulation mode system will take current AB type into calculation.

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    HI Experts,
    Pls help me to update the problem,While running the live payroll run the wagetypes /101,/560 are Not appearing in the RT cluster .
    and all primary wagetypes are missing in the RT log .I have checked the processing class table for each classes but its perfecly placed.Whatever I placed in the IT 8 is not appering in the RT LOG .I have run with Standard and custom schema's also for indian payroll.Any settings has been changed for basic infotype??wht could be the reson.Early respose will be appreciated.

    Hi  Chandra,
    To me, your problem seems like a patch updation problem.
    Please contact your basis team.
    Technical wagetypes not coming in the RT table

  • Wrong message type while sending response from TP

    We are simulating a scenario in which the host is sending a Rosetta over RNIF request to TP. The request is getting completed and acknowledgement is reaching the host properly.
    Now we are trying to send back a response from TP for the above request. But the following error is being observed:-
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
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    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Generic Wizard:getTradingPartnerNames Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Generic Wizard:getTradingPartnerNames tpitValue >>
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Generic Wizard:getTradingPartnerNames Exit
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage All TPs list for broadcasting[]
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsgold.get_MSG_ID()>G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011<
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsg.getMessageID() >G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011<
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 91217C8567EB4A3EAC135BD382FD14E3
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsg.getMessageID()>G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011<
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:884: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage msgIdFrmBkEnd>G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011<
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setFromPartyId() changing from null to TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setToPartyId() changing from null to TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setInitiatingPartyId() changing from null to TPName: null Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage To TP NameBTGS
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage From TP NameCOMSTOR
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage business action name: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage doctype name: Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage doctype revision: V02.03.00
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:900: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage AppMsgIdG20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage ipmsg.get_MSG_TYPE = 1
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setInitiatingPartyId() changing from TPName: null Type: null Value: null to TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 91217C8567EB4A3EAC135BD382FD14E3
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage using appMsgId as b2bMsgId
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage B2B Message ID is G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage RefTo B2B Message ID is null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage isSignalMsg() == false; call outgoingTPA
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processOutgoingTPA() Begin TPA Processing..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() PARTIES (before calling processParty) :
    initial : null
    from : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    to : TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    final : null
    initiating : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() direction is outgoing
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() calling processparty with : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:915: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() Begin..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() COMSTOR is hosted party
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() End..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() after calling processparty with : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() PARTIES (after calling processParty):
    initial : null
    from : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    to : TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    final : null
    initiating : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() docTypeName: Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation docTypeRevision: V02.03.00
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() actionName: PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction actionRevision: V02.03.00
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:931: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:getCollaborationDetails() Begin.. Activity Name : PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction Activity Version: V02.03.00
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:962: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setMode() changing from -1 to 2
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setMode() changing from 2 to 2
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setValidationEnabled() changing from null to false
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:addCollaborationDetails() End..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() eventName:<PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction>
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() messageType:1
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setInitiatingPartyId() changing from TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null to TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() TPA Name : null
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier:identifyTPA() Begin..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier:identifyTPA()
    From Party -> null-null-COMSTOR-Buyer To Party -> null-null-BTGS-Seller Collaboration -> 3A4
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) RepoDataAccessor:getAgreementName(partyNAMES) Begin..
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:561)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:216)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1041)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:561)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:216)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1041)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage B2BDomainException
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updating Error Message: Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:21:977: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:008: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Wire message not found.
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:008: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Creating new b2berror object
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:008: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating business message error information
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Exit
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updating Native Event Tbl Row
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow:tip_wireMsg wiremsg not found
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException notifying App
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Enqueue Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 91217C8567EB4A3EAC135BD382FD14E3
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="http://integration.oracle.com/B2B/Exception" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <errorText>Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate</errorText>
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (punin1879150941)
    Description: Unable to identify the trading partner agreement from the given input values. Also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    Error -:  AIP-50501:  Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:561)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:216)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1041)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:024: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 91217C8567EB4A3EAC135BD382FD14E3
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:039: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:039: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updated the Error Message Successfully: Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:039: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:055: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:055: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.03.03 at 11:31:22:055: Thread-24: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Exit
    As it can be seen from the logs, the message type is being set to 1. However it should be 2 in case of response.
    The following header properties are being used in the AQ stub:-
    msgID = G20090303035936810.34565d:11fc706dc89:-7fbc@706519011
    from = COMSTOR
    to = BTGS
    doctypeName = Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation
    doctypeRevision = V02.03.00
    payload = Pip3A4_Response_POA10170020309.xml
    attachment =
    Can you please let us know the reason for the wrong message type being set?
    Ravi Shah

    We have included msgType=2 as a part of the AQ header.
    The logs show that message type is getting set to 2 but still COMSTOR is Buyer and BTGS is Seller.
    Because of this, agreement look-up is getting failed.
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Action Name: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Generic Wizard:getTradingPartnerNames Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Generic Wizard:getTradingPartnerNames Exit
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage All TPs list for broadcasting[]
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsgold.get_MSG_ID()>G20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011<
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsg.getMessageID() >G20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011<
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 72E9465AA77D4B70A1D1F327F359E819
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage ipmsg.getMessageID()>G20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011<
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage msgIdFrmBkEnd>G20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011<
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setFromPartyId() changing from null to TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setToPartyId() changing from null to TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setInitiatingPartyId() changing from null to TPName: null Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage To TP NameBTGS
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage From TP NameCOMSTOR
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage business action name: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage doctype name: Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage doctype revision: V02.00
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage AppMsgIdG20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage ipmsg.get_MSG_TYPE = 2
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 72E9465AA77D4B70A1D1F327F359E819
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage using appMsgId as b2bMsgId
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage B2B Message ID is G20090304062204707.e44c79:11fcbe016e5:-7fdc@706519011
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage RefTo B2B Message ID is null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage isSignalMsg() == false; call outgoingTPA
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processOutgoingTPA() Begin TPA Processing..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() PARTIES (before calling processParty) :
    initial : null
    from : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    to : TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    final : null
    initiating : TPName: null Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() direction is outgoing
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() calling processparty with : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() Begin..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() COMSTOR is hosted party
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:825: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:processParty() End..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:841: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() after calling processparty with : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:841: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() PARTIES (after calling processParty):
    initial : null
    from : TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    to : TPName: BTGS Type: null Value: null
    final : null
    initiating : TPName: null Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:841: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() docTypeName: Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation docTypeRevision: V02.00
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:841: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() actionName: PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction actionRevision: V02.00
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:841: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:getCollaborationDetails() Begin.. Activity Name : PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction Activity Version: V02.00
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:856: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setMode() changing from -1 to 2
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setMode() changing from 2 to 2
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setValidationEnabled() changing from null to false
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor:addCollaborationDetails() End..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() eventName:<PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction>
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() messageType:2
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) calling setInitiatingPartyId() changing from TPName: null Type: null Value: null to TPName: COMSTOR Type: null Value: null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() cpaID=null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() TPA Name : null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor:processTPA() TPA Name : null
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier:identifyTPA() Begin..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier:identifyTPA()
    From Party -> null-null-COMSTOR-Buyer To Party -> null-null-BTGS-Seller Collaboration -> 3A4
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) RepoDataAccessor:getAgreementName(partyNAMES) Begin..
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:589)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:221)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1060)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:589)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:221)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1060)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage B2BDomainException
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updating Error Message: Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:872: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Wire message not found.
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:888: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Creating new business message
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:888: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow toparty name BTGS
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow toparty type and value nullnull
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow BusinessAction for the given name PurchaseOrderConfirmationAction BusinessAction_9516
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Creating new b2berror object
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating business message error information
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Exit
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updating Native Event Tbl Row
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:903: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow:tip_wireMsg wiremsg not found
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException notifying App
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Enqueue Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 72E9465AA77D4B70A1D1F327F359E819
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="http://integration.oracle.com/B2B/Exception" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <errorText>Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate</errorText>
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (punin1879150986)
    Description: Unable to identify the trading partner agreement from the given input values. Also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    Error -:  AIP-50501:  Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementName(RepoDataAccessor.java:2133)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(TPAIdentifier.java:180)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(TPAProcessor.java:589)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processOutgoingTPA(TPAProcessor.java:221)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(Engine.java:1060)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:833)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:400)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:919: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 72E9465AA77D4B70A1D1F327F359E819
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleOutboundException Updated the Error Message Successfully: Error -: AIP-50501: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party [NAME-ROLE] "COMSTOR-Buyer", To party [NAME-ROLE] "BTGS-Seller", Collaboration name "3A4"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.03.04 at 11:53:01:950: Thread-13: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Exit
    Can you please look into this?
    Ravi Shah

  • Mismatch Error Type while running VBScript??

    Hello.... I'm having an error on my VBScript file. I wrote the script to retrive the list of batches installed from the windows server. Basically there are two files which are  Config.txt and servers.txt. Config contains the data such as month
    of patch release and month of maintainence while servers.txt contains a list of servers to retrived the patches. When i click on run.vbs, I got the error saying Type Mismatch. This only happens to certain servers but when i run on most of the server, it's
    successful. Any issues ?? I have attached the code below....

    The script is very badly designed. It was written by someone with very little knowledge of good design. The error makes no sense in the context of the script and is likely do to either an error in the design or to some issue with the system it is running
    It appears that the script could NEVER run correctly or get to that error.
    These lines:
    Do untilsvrlist.AtEndOfStream
    strTest =svrlist.ReadLine
    then exit
    This can leave the file beyond end of file.  Any further attempt to read from the file will fail.
    The code makes little sense and the use of "On Error" at the beginning means that no error will be detected except for at one line.
    To debug this script must be rewritten.
    If youdo notknow how to write or debug a sript I suggest you recommend hiring a consultant to help.
    Note that the error can only be coming from one line.  The line supposedly causing that error cannot cause the error unless something external is broken.
    This line should not be able to cause a type mismatch error.

  • Default attendance/absence type in cat2

    I am getting two values as default for the attendance/absence type while going to cat2 transaction for time sheet entry for a particular pernr only.
    Please let me know its reason.What needs to be done in order to remove these.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thank you for your reply. Attendance type is not maintained as defalut in customization.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • I am facing error while running Quickpay in Fusion payroll that "The input value Periodicity is missing for element type KGOC_Unpaid_Absence_Amount. Enter a valid input value". Any idea?

    I am facing error while running Quickpay in Fusion payroll that "The input value Periodicity is missing for element type KGOC_Unpaid_Absence_Amount. Enter a valid input value". Any idea?

    This is most probably because the Periodicity input value has been configured as "Required" and no value has been input for it.
    Please enter a value and try to re-run Quick Pay.

  • Displaying messages while running BEx queries.

    Hi Experts,
    Can any one explain me is there any possibility to display some popup messages while running BEx queries?

    Hi there,
    You can do taht with user exit variables with the code something like this:
        if i_step = 2.
        LOOP AT eto_charsel INTO ln_charsel.
    *some validation of your own
          if ln_charsel-low NE '1'.
    *call function to send a message, in this case, an error message
                 i_class  = 'ERROR!'
                 i_type   = 'E'
                 i_number = '000'
                 i_msgv1  = 'Please connect again and'
                 i_msgv2  = 'use the Revision Layout'.
                 RAISE no_processing.

  • With hoding Tax type is not defined while running he TDS inconsistency

    Dear Experts
    While running the TDS inconsistency program (RFWT0010) for a vendor group ranging from 1 to zzzzzzzzzzz in company code , I am getting an error that "Withholding tax type is not defined".
    Can anybody please help me how to solve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    Points will be awraded.

    Hello Surendra,
    For TDS calculation WHT Code and Type are plays a major role in TDS.
    In your case, you are not defined wht type in your system without this how system calculates tds. So, you should create type and code and assigned the same to concerned vendor master. For wht type path is
    Spro>FA>****>wht>ewht>calculation>wht type for paymentj and inovice posting
    If you want to more on this pl feel free to ask us

  • Report is giving wrong output while running in Background ?

    We have a report program which gives the correct output while running it in forground(or manually) but when we run it in backgroud it gives the wrong output. (The printout goes to the wrong printer.)
    I've read in a SAP doc that:
    NEW-PAGE PRINT ON  even gives unpredictable
    results when the print parameters are incomplete; and it suggested to use FM 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS to validate the print parameters before NEW-PAGE PRINT ON event . I tried the same but still our report is sending the printout to the wrong printer while running it in background.
    Other events used in the program are AT NEW and AT LAST .
    Can anyone confirm me NEW-PAGE PRINT ON, AT NEW and AT LAST  events work correctly in background mode also.

    NEW-PAGE PRINT ON should be work in the background also,check your syntax with the below syntax,if still it is going to the different printer in the background than check with the configuration setting of printer for the particular report that you r printing,sometime it happens that even in the foreground the correct printer ideanfies but in the background that same printer didnt identify.
        PARAMETERS pripar
        NO DIALOG.
      DO 440 TIMES.
        WRITE (3) sy-index.

  • Error while running sql queries..

    Hi there,
    We are suppose to run gather schema stats..
    but while running the procedure we are getting following error..
    exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('CMWCONN');
    exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('CMW');
    exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL');
    SQL> @gather_schema.sql;
    BEGIN fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('CMWCONN'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    BEGIN fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('CMW'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    BEGIN fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Could you give me the correct pl/sql procedure to run the query.

    Actually the script was working fine last week..we are using the following script
    SQL> exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL');     
    but it throws me the following error
    BEGIN fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  • Error while running adf application(wrong post)

    while running a simple adf application on jdev11g i am getting following error:
    ServerInstance1 startup time: 25355 ms.
    ServerInstance1 started.[Running application HRSystem on Server Instance ServerInstance1...]
    [12:52:51 AM] ---- Deployment started. ----
    [12:52:51 AM] Target platform is (Weblogic 10.3).
    [12:52:52 AM] Retrieving existing application information
    [12:52:53 AM] Running dependency analysis...
    [12:52:53 AM] Deploying 2 profiles...
    [12:52:55 AM] Wrote Web Application Module to C:\Users\Ami\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\HRSystem\ViewControllerWebApp.war
    [12:52:55 AM] Wrote Enterprise Application Module to C:\Users\Ami\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\HRSystem
    [12:52:55 AM] Deploying Application...
    <Feb 10, 2011 12:52:55 AM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149132> <Split-dir application HRSystem can only be deployed to the Admin Server>
    <Feb 10, 2011 12:52:55 AM IST> <Warning> <Deployer> <BEA-149124> <Failures were detected while initiating deploy task for application 'HRSystem'. Error is: '[Deployer:149132] Split-dir application HRSystem can only be deployed to the Admin Server' >
    [12:52:55 AM] #### Deployment incomplete. ####
    [12:52:55 AM] Remote deployment failed (oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.common.Jsr88RemoteDeployer)
    #### Cannot run application HRSystem due to error deploying to ServerInstance1.
    Serverinstance1 is the Admin server application server name.HRSystem is the name of application.Please advice.

    It looks like some jasper library missing.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    Please make sure you have all dependent jasper libraries imported in your project.

  • Tmp files created on desktop while running queries

    I have on some PC's a problem while running reports in Discoverer Desktop: for each report I run, a tmp file is being created on desktop and its not being deleted after closing the Discoverer.
    can someone advice?

    Once you close Discoverer you can delete if you want.
    As suggested by Michael, you can put them in a location where you know you can delete them later, but really, you only need to delete them if you feel like it.
    Of course, you could always get a shareware product like 'crapcleaner' - I know ... bad name, but good product ... that can be set to delete things like .tmp files whenever run.

  • Runtime error while running the queries on Portal

    While running the BI7 query the error has occured .  Description of the error is
    Portal runtime error
    An exception has occured while processing your request . Send the exception Id to your adminstrator
    But when the query is being run in the direct portal  url it is working fine ,  it is only when we try to run the query with the user id which has single sign on .
    Unable to understand why this problem is there as the business demands to run all the query with the single sign on
    Please let me know the solution for this

    I have created a system alias. But still the problem persists.
    It still throws the same error.
    Could You please suggest some other option.
    SampathKumar G.

  • Quota Creation cannot be made due to collision while running PT60

    Hi ,
    I'm trying to run Time Evaluation for an employee, getting Quota Creation cannot be made due to collision while running Time Evaluation.

    HI ,
    Thanks for the response, i have maintained as 01 in absence types. Still i'm getting same error.
    I'm generation quota throug pCR for Calendar year on the day one of Joininig or First Day of the year. It is creatiing & carryfoward also happening correctly.
    If i run TE for 01.Jan of that Year. Quota is created for Jan - Dec with Same validity.but when trying Run TE for Next day.
    I'm getting above.
    Similary, if Run TE for the first time till whateverdate i run,but for the same period,if i'm trying to Run. I'm getting above Error.

  • Issue with PCR to restrict absence quota

    Hi Experts.
    i have a requirement where the absence quota should never be over 24 at any particular time.
    for this absence 24 leaves per annum with 2 leaves accumulate monthly.
    we are using -ve time mgt and written a PCR to restrict absence to 24 by using Time type
    now the issue is when i run the simulation of time evaluation it is generating 2 leaves per year instead of
    2 per month. can anybody help me solve the issue
    Thanks & Regards

    I need a PCR for the below scenario.  I created two types to store day balance and max entitlement to 25 days.   We are not processing payroll from SAP.   Any help writing PCR  with details would be appreciated.
    Schema we are copying TM04
    Time types - storing  daily balance one for below 60 days &  one for after 60 days planned working time.
    Vacation per calendar year 25 days not based on seniority.
    2.       Prorated entitlement for employees who will work fewer than 60 work days for company in a given year are calculated as follows:
    a.     1/12 of annual vacation for every 21 days s/he performs work
    b.    For these purposes (60 days worked rule) the following is also considered as work performance: Planned working time from IT0007 and public holidays. 
    c.     e.g. if hired on Nov 11, 2011, there < 60 wd remaining. They get 1/12 (25/12 = 2.1d) for every 21 work days remaining - in this case 2 periods of 21 wd, since RIM days and holidays are included as work days, for a total of 4.5 days (round up to half-day).
    3.       Prorated entitlement for employees who will work 60 or more work days for RIM in a given year are calculated as follows:
    a.     1/12th of annual entitlement for every calendar month of completed work
    b.    E.g. If George is hired on July 15 2011, he gets 10.5 days of vacation entitlement.
    c.     The number of full months George will have worked by the end of the calendar year is five u2013 Aug to Dec incl. George gets no entitlement from the 16 days from July 15 to July 31st.
    5 / 12 * 25 days = 10.4 days, rounded up to 10.5 days.
    Edited by: saphrtime on Apr 21, 2011 5:19 PM
    Edited by: saphrtime on Apr 21, 2011 5:21 PM

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I delete many emails at one time

    I just upgraded to ML and can no longer paint the messages and delete many at one time. I can only delete them one by one.Thanks.


    Hi Experts, We are finished with upgrading our system frm 4.6C to ECC6.0. While testing the objects we got one runtime Error.While saving a transport request in Development Sytem against custom transaction a run time error has been triggered. The des

  • PI process  Large Xml payload?

    HI experts:    in my scenario,  i call a RFC and the RFC have a response ,the  response  payload  have   10M, and the my java crushed with the error:out of memory,is there any way to expand the pi java memory? thanks ,best regards

  • Creating a CATT file

    when i create a varible on the "Maintain input values" page it only works for the fields which display as default for the user. So if i create a field for something  which only displays in the drop down menu i get an error saying that its not on this

  • Shockwave MSI Problem  and Flash name changes

    Hi 1) The Shockwave 10 MSI is not suitable for easy redeployment. It does not detect itself correctly when added to an MSI as a nested product. This means that unless I manually detect it and Flash it causes a 1713 error on installation. Whilst I kno