PDF guide download page

Just trying to finish up the new site, thanks for anyone that help test it and the emails to fix stuff.
Just wanted to let Aperture users know that there is an Aperture article download page. Check it out.
If you get a chance help exercise it a bit. Thanks

The site looks nice, professional and attractive. The content is considered, mature and useful. I like to learn a bit more about Aperture each day (it's a big subject) and you touch on some interesting topics for me to follow up.
There is a typo in the story about the sttaion 'bin' instead of been. Sorry, such things are like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
I downloaded the Aperture guide. It seemed to take a long time for 15 pages. I will printer it out once the printer has warmed up.
Overall I will bookmark the site.
And you must have been up late.

Similar Messages

  • Where are files downloaded to on the mac when creating a pdf from web pages?

    where on the mac HD are files downloaded to  when creating a pdf from web pages?
    Im creating web pages from the whole site so creating a large document, so wondered where these fiels are stored on the mac so I can delete when finished as dont want to clog up the hard drive.

    Look at the LiveCycle server products.

  • After Downloading, Error while opening PDF  : PDF has no pages

    After Downloading, Error while opening PDF  : PDF has no pages
          SRC_SPOOLID              = L_SPOOLNO
          NO_DIALOG                = SPACE
          DST_DEVICE               = MSTR_PRINT_PARMS-PDEST
          PDF_BYTECOUNT            = MI_BYTECOUNT
          PDF                      = MTAB_PDF
          ERR_NO_ABAP_SPOOLJOB     = 1
          ERR_NO_SPOOLJOB          = 2
          ERR_NO_PERMISSION        = 3
          ERR_CONV_NOT_POSSIBLE    = 4
          ERR_BAD_DESTDEVICE       = 5
          USER_CANCELLED           = 6
          ERR_SPOOLERROR           = 7
          ERR_TEMSEERROR           = 8
          ERR_BTCJOB_OPEN_FAILED   = 9
    Thanks in advance
          OTHERS                   = 12.
    Transfer the 132-long strings to 255-long strings
    it_attach = WA_BUFFER.
    APPEND it_attach.
    ****GET THE FILE NAME TO STORE....................
    v_path = 'C:\PD Form\' .
    CONCATENATE v_path p_pernr-low '.pdf' into v_name.
        create object v_guiobj.
        call method v_guiobj->file_save_dialog
            default_extension = 'pdf'
            default_file_name = v_name
            file_filter       = v_filter
            filename          = v_name
            path              = v_path
            fullpath          = v_fullpath
            user_action       = v_uact.
        if v_uact = v_guiobj->action_cancel.
          leave to current transaction.
    ..................................DOWNLOAD AS FILE....................
        move v_fullpath to v_filename.
        call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
            bin_filesize            = MI_BYTECOUNT
            filename                = v_filename
            filetype                = 'BIN'
            data_tab                = it_ATTACH
            file_write_error        = 1
            no_batch                = 2
            gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
            invalid_type            = 4
            no_authority            = 5
            unknown_error           = 6
            header_not_allowed      = 7
            separator_not_allowed   = 8
            filesize_not_allowed    = 9
            header_too_long         = 10
            dp_error_create         = 11
            dp_error_send           = 12
            dp_error_write          = 13
            unknown_dp_error        = 14
            access_denied           = 15
            dp_out_of_memory        = 16
            disk_full               = 17
            dp_timeout              = 18
            file_not_found          = 19
            dataprovider_exception  = 20
            control_flush_error     = 21
            others                  = 22.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    My Generated Spool request is PDF Spool. It contains Adobe Forms data. To Download Adobe form
                 Spool (PDF Spool) into PDF format,
    A)     Read PDF Spool data by using u2018FPCOMP_CREATE_PDF_FROM_SPOOLu2019 Function module.
    B)     Assign the Output Data to XSTRING format
    C)     Convert that XSTRING data to Binary Format using 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' Function module.
    D)     Save File on Application server using OPEN DATASET , TRANSFER , CLOSE DATASET.You can see your
                          downloaded file in Transaction AL11 in specified directory.
    You can save your file on Presentation server also using GUI_DOWNLOAD.
    First three steps are necessary if your spool is PDF Spool.
    Basically we need this when we are downloading Adodbe forms ( which is not a SAPScript or smartforms)
    Example :
    DATA :
      e_pdf1 TYPE  fpcontent,
      e_renderpagecount1  TYPE i.
          i_spoolid               = l_spoolno
          i_partnum               = '1'
         e_pdf                   = e_pdf1
         e_renderpagecount       = e_renderpagecount1
    *   E_PDF_FILE              = E_PDF_FILE1
    *   ADS_ERROR               = 1
    *   USAGE_ERROR             = 2
    *   SYSTEM_ERROR            = 3
    *   INTERNAL_ERROR          = 4
    *   OTHERS                  = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      DATA : buffer  TYPE  xstring,
      append_to_table  TYPE  c.
      DATA : output_length TYPE  i.
      TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_binary,
                binary_field(1000) TYPE c,
              END OF ty_binary.
      DATA : lt_binary TYPE TABLE OF ty_binary WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA : lv_xstring TYPE xstring.
      lv_xstring = e_pdf1.
    * Convert xstring to binary.
          buffer                = lv_xstring
         append_to_table       = ' '
    *   OUTPUT_LENGTH         =
          binary_tab            = lt_binary.
      DATA : wa_binary LIKE lt_binary.
      DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
      END OF itab.
      DATA: dsn(50000) VALUE '/usr/sap/tmp/',
      length LIKE sy-tabix,
      lengthn LIKE sy-tabix.
      CONCATENATE '/usr/sap/tmp/' lv_pernr '.pdf' INTO dsn.
    ******* Save file on Application server
      LOOP AT lt_binary.
        TRANSFER lt_binary-binary_field TO dsn.
      CLOSE DATASET dsn.
      CLEAR lt_binary.
      REFRESH lt_binary.

  • When I click on the converted PDF in my downloads, I receive a message saying'invalid format' Could that be because I use 'Pages' and not 'Word" If so, how can I convey PDF's to Pages?

    When I click on the converted PDF n my downloads, I receive a message saying 'invalid file format'.
    Could that be because I use Pages and not Word?
    If so, how can I convert my PDF's to Pages so I can modify the documents?

    Hi Kathy,
    I'm not very familiar with Pages, but I did just read on Apple's website that it does import .docx files. What happens when you open Pages, and then choose File > Open to open the .docx files?

  • Cannot download Pages in iCloud as Word or PDF

    I have been uploading Pages documents to iCloud for about a year and a half. (And before that, I used the iWork beta to upload docs to the cloud.)
    I believe I used to be able to download Pages docs as Word/PDF files after opening them on my iOS device (either iPad or iPhone).
    Now, I keep getting the option to download only as Pages. I have found that if I open the document on my iPad, make a change, after a minute or so, I can open it in all three formats on my laptop.
    Is there a way to avoid having to re-edit every single document on my iPad that I might want to download eventually from the laptop? This is so frustrating, as I use iCloud as a way to store my teaching documents, and they don't all need to be edited. I just want to have access across all my machines and via the web. I'd like to be able to use a computer at school that only has Word, but this is impossible as it stands, as most of the documents that I've uploaded since the summer are not available.
    Interestingly, this appears to only be a problem starting with this school year (September 2012 or thereabouts), as documents that I've uploaded in the past do appear to be available in all three formats. Things that I have uploaded certainly in 2013 are available only as Pages downloads, unless I have already edited them on my iPad.
    Help? Please?

    The following is from an older post:
    You can do this from icloud.com  (using a web browser on a Mac or PC). iCloud.com will give you the choice to download a Pages document as a Pages, PDF or Word document.
    Please read Apple's Support document titled iCloud: Get documents stored on icloud.com.
    HOWEVER, while I can download a word file on icloud as a word file, one of my Pages files can only come back as a Pages file.  Perhaps the advice above is no longer appropriate given the changes on iCloud.

  • Having fairly recently downloaded Pages, I have included two pages produced documents on emails on 2 different occasions.  Both times I had a reply from the recipient saying the attachment was not recognised.  Why

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    You have send the Pages document to people on Mac without Pages or to People using Pc's.
    You need to export the Pages document to Word or Pdf.
    To learn more about Pages download the Pages User Guide from your Pages Help menu.

  • Can not locate driver download page.

    Can not locate driver download page.
    Officejet Pro 8500 A909a
    MS Vista Ultimate 64 Bit.
    When using my Linux PC to try and locate drivers for another PC, the website just keeps sending me in circles and never displays the drivers to download.  Seems like in the past this has been a problem too.  This occures with latest version of Firefox-37.0.1 and the current version of Chromium-37.0.2062.120 Built on Debian 7.6, running on Debian 7.8 (281580) (64-bit).
    Navigate to hp.com
    Select: Support | Download Drivers
    Under 'Drivers and Downloads' tab
    - enter product id: officejet pro 8500 A909a
    - Select 'Go'
     Expand the '+' that lists one link and select it.
    None of the following links give a driver download!
    - Troubleshooting
    - How To
    - Product Info.
    - Users Guide
    - Video Tutorials
    - More Options
    Maybe one of the options should be 'Driver Downloads'.
    Just my $.02.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Many links in there. Please use the following direct driver (for Windows all):
    (Note: Many printers for the whole 8500 series use same drivers).
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Problem with pdf display downloaded from application server

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with displaying pdf downloaded from application server (saved in BINARY MODE).
    I am getting the pdf output of adobe form in FPFORMOUTPUT-PDF as rawstring back to my program and then converting that rawstring into binary form using the function module SCMS_BINARY_TO_STRING.
    Now, when I export the data to presentation server directly using cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download, the pdf is downloaded properly.
    However, when I save the data to application server file by looping at the internal table obtained from SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY and using TRANSFER, and subsequently downloading the file in "unconverted format" from AL11 to my desktop, I am getting a "blank" pdf file (with the same number of pages as the one downloaded using gui_download).
    I have tried different encodings during download but in those cases i get corrupted pdf message. only the default option of INTIAL value seems to work.
    I am forced to believe that there is a problem in my code which saves the data to app server but I cant find any solution that is logical. Any solution to this would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Sasi Upadrasta on Sep 29, 2010 7:55 PM

    used a program to read the file from appl server and then downloading it to desktop.

  • How to include non web pages to the "Create PDF from Web Page" feature?

    In Acrobat Pro (v. 10), when I use the "Create PDF from Web Page" feature, it works great for html pages, but it skips non-html links (doc, pdf, ppt, xls, etc). I need Acrobat Pro to convert those files and put them in the order as well. I don't see an option for this in settings. Is there ANY way I can do this? This is for an archiving purpose and I have 10,000 plus files to convert. Please help.

    This is a question i'm trying to answer too. My issue is that I have a PDF file which itself contains links to both DOC and PDF files. The end result is that I need one consolidated PDF containing all the linked files (in order).
    I can run the "create from web page" on this PDF file, and it'll download them, but not convert them. It just adds them as "jumbled" text to the end of the document. I need it to download, convert, and then append them.
    So, as isunshine3 asked above, any way to have Adobe convert the files that it finds linked when running the "create from web page"?

  • Placing a pdf on a page in Muse.

    Is there any way to place a pdf on a page in Muse so that it is plainly viewable on that page?
    I have tried converting it to an image such as a png but the quality goes down and it's not suitable.
    I know how to add a pdf with a link for downloading, but that's not what I'm looking for in this case.

    Unfortunately, PDF is not a web file.  It's media.  It requires end users to have apps and browser plug-ins installed at their end to view it.  If they don't have the necessary apps or their system settings are configured to only open PDFs in Acrobat, they won't see the file in their browser -- no matter what you do.  IOW, there are too many variables which you cannot control.
    The best you can do is provide a link to the file and let people handle PDF as they see fit.  As a courtesy, post a small thumbnail image to give users some idea of what the PDF contains along with the file size so folks can make an informed decision about whether or not to download the file.
    Nancy O.

  • When I select a title in the iTunes Store and click on Play in iTunes I am sent to the download page for iTunes 10 which I have already. The selected title cannot be found anywhere in my iTunes. How can I get the title in iTunes with possibility to buy it

    When I select a title in the iTunes Store and click on Play in iTunes I am sent to the download page for iTunes 10 which I have already. The selected title cannot be found anywhere in my iTunes. How can I get the title in iTunes with possibility to buy it?

    The issue is that your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside in order to purchase iTunes content.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location. You can use the iTunes Store in all countries of which you’re a resident, but you’ll either need a separate iTunes Store account for each one, or you’ll need to continually be switching the billing information on your single account. Generally, it’s simpler just to set up an alternative account for these situations, although it’s worth nothing that features like iTunes in the CLoud and iTunes Match are designed to work best when using a single iTunes Store account, as you can only switch accounts with these services every 90 days."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

  • How to import PDF document to Pages

    I am attempting to import a LaTex created PDF book into Pages so I can add and introduction, etc.. to the book and further refine some of the paging and print style.  This used to be possible in AppleWorks but seems to be missing in pages and now requires all editing to be done by purchasing full Adobe Acrobat which is extremely costly for a non corporate user.  I have also attempted to use several applications that purport to be able to edit PDF Doc direct but NONE of them, so far, retain the original paging information therefore rendering them USELESS for any practical use.
    Does anyone know of a widget/etc that can be added to Pages that would open the document as a Pages document while retaining ALL paging information?

    I would dearly like to be able to fix LaTex to output a Pages document but that is waaayayyayayay beyond my capabilities and I doubt the developers of LaTex would even want to try so that is totally out of the question.  The next possibility would be to develop some kind of macro script that would do the same thing but again that is beyond my capabilities.
    I just check DataViz and they show an old MacLinks that seems to be able to convert PDF to CWK (WP) file.  I also remember one from my OLD Apple IIGS (1992) days that had the same capability but that could not be proted to the Mac and I used it quite a lot somewhat later after I started genealogical research for downloading page files.
    Thanks to all who answered and we may as well call this one unsolvable.

  • Making .pdf files downloadable

    How do I make .pdf files downloadable in my iWeb page?
    I have several .pdf files on my desktop that I'd like to make available to visitors to my iWebsite for download. Please forgive me if this is "intuitively obvious." I am new to the forum and am also navigationally clumsy until I use it a while.

    You either need to Zip or Compress, as it is in 10.5 and then in iWeb click on Inspector and then Hyperlink and just create a hyperlink to a file. One someone clicks the link, it will then be downloaded as a Zip file containing the pdf.

  • Adobe pdf to Flash page turning book

    First of all apologies as this isn't strictly an Indesign itself question - more the end product of Indesign brochure query.
    Can anyone recommend a particular professional PDF to Flash page  turning book effect software. I've googled but there's a fair few out  there and not sure which to go for. Anyone recommend a software in  particular or know if any have been approved by Adobe? This is following  a request by corporate client of mine but I'm stuck on which one is  best to go for.
    Molly O'Moon

    eDocker is not a PDF to Flash FlipPage software, it´s more like InDesign to Flash FlipPage solution, but it´s aproved by Adobe.
    You can download trial version from Adobe Marketplace at:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/marketplace/index.cfm?event=marketplace.offering&offeringid=1 7503&marketplaceid=1
    Sample Magazine (with videos, animations, slideshows etc. InDesign interactive features)

  • "Create PDF from Web Page" Yields Authorization Failure

    Acrobat 9 Pro Extended running on Windows XP Service Pack 3:
    When using "Create PDF from Web Page," certain linked pages result in an "Authorization Failure" error message. Is there any way to instruct Acrobat to disregard pages that are not downloadable and continue creating the PDF?

    I am having the same issue AND none of my pages or files require a UserID or Password. My issue appears to be something with the domain because a and b work just fine and produce a PDF file while item c does not work and produces the error msg.
    http://www.dot.wi.gov/projects/neregion/151/index.htm works just fine and produces a PDF file.
    http://www.dot.state.wi.us/projects/neregion/151/index.htm works just fine and produces a PDF file.
    http://www.wisconsindot.gov/projects/neregion/151/index.htm produces an error msg. ‘Nothing done’.Error info. - Authorization Failure    http://www.wisconsindot.gov/projects/neregion/151/index.htm
    [email protected]

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