PDF in HTML Region

How do I take a page that consists of 100 text items and make it into a PDF report. Ideally, I would like to create several of these pages and make them into one PDF report.
Thank you!

How do I take a page that consists of 100 text items and make it into a PDF report. Ideally, I would like to create several of these pages and make them into one PDF report.
Thank you!

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    <embed height="100%" width="100%" name="embed_content" src="apex_util.get_blob_file_src('P126_FILE',FILE_id)" type="application/pdf" />
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    Hi Fateh,
    How to make apex_util.get_blob_file_src servers as a src attribute of HTML Tag in an HTML region source ??my code :
    <div style="">
    <embed height="100%" width="100%" name="embed_content" src="apex_util.get_blob_file_src('P126_FILE',FILE_id)" type="application/pdf" />
    </div>So, I have PDF file in Blob. But The source here does not get rendered... What SRC do I have to use ??>
    Please see the example here http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23903_01/doc/doc.41/e21676/apex_util.htm#CHDICGDA.
        THEN '<img src="'||apex_util.get_blob_file_src('P4_DOCUMENT',id)||'" />' The API gets called in a PL/SQL block, not embedded into a HTML tag.

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    How to display blob content stored in a table in HTML region or report region.
    I already have a process to display the image content.
    But my question here is how to display word/pdf document within the html region so that the user can read the document without downloading it.
    Any suggestions/solutions would be of great help.
    Thanks in advance...
    Ramesh P.

    I was dead wrong.
    The display of images from BLOB is a special case because APEX provides a Display Image item type.
    Moreover, HTP/HTF packages also do not provide for handling of BLOB content. So AJAX cannot be used.
    Which implies that the only way to get binary content, other than images, is with the use of a WPG_DOCLOAD.DOWNLOAD_FILE call.
    This in turn implies that it may not be feasible to "inject" the BLOB into an exist HTML DOM in the Browser.

  • Embed PDF file in HTML region

    Hi There
    I have a simple report - with a link to view an underlying document. The document will be displayed on a seperate page with one HTML region. Say the file to display is statement.pdf and it is has already been uploaded to apex images. There is a hidden field P3_FILENAME on the display page. This gets set from the report. On the HTML region:
    <div style="">
    <embed height="600" width="1200" name="Statement" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#&P3_FILENAME." type="application/pdf" />
    </div>but it does not work. However, if I simply do this and 'run' the page - it displays fine.
    <div style="">
    <embed height="600" width="1200" name="Statement" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#statement.pdf" type="application/pdf" />
    </div>Looking at the source of the resultant failing page I can see that the values were correctly set.
    Any ideas?

    I think the HTML is looking for the explicit &P3_FILENAME. and can't find it because it is being referenced through the HTML rendering engine rather than the PL/SQL engine which would handle the variable substitution.
    Try creating a PL/SQL region where you write out the div tags as strings using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. I use this to create some rather complicated reports and it works great for letting me do variable substitution amongst my HTML. Here's a simple example (mine's a procedure I call to feed in page variables):
    create or replace PROCEDURE PROC_DASH_SAFETY(x_org NUMBER, x_dt DATE)
      v_dt_disp        VARCHAR2(15);
      v_dt             DATE           := x_dt;
      v_org_id         NUMBER         := x_org;
      v_fact_id        NUMBER;
      v_org_nm         VARCHAR2(47);
      v_org_tz         VARCHAR2(4);
      ontime           VARCHAR2(47);
      v_saf_ct         PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
      v_eff_ct         PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
      saf_aud_t        NUMBER;
      saf_aud_a        NUMBER;
      eqp_aud_t        NUMBER;
      eqp_aud_a        NUMBER;
      saf_chk_t        NUMBER;
      saf_chk_a        NUMBER;
      saf_loss         NUMBER;
      eff_mpg_t        NUMBER;
      eff_mpg_a        NUMBER;
      eff_idl_t        NUMBER;
      eff_idl_a        NUMBER;
      eff_brk_t        NUMBER;
      eff_brk_a        NUMBER;
      pm_tgt_pct       NUMBER;
      pm_ct            INTEGER;
      pm_act_pct       NUMBER;
      pm_done          NUMBER;
      pm_ovrdue        NUMBER;
    begin  -- 100
      select ORG_NM, TZ into v_org_nm, v_org_tz from ORG_ENTITIES
       where ORG_ID = v_org_id;
      v_dt_disp   :=  to_char(v_dt,'MM/DD/YYYY');
      select CASE WHEN v_org_tz = 'MST' and sysdate - v_dt < 33/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'MDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 33/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'MST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 33/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'MDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 33/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'CST' and sysdate - v_dt < 32/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'CDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 32/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'CST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 32/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'CDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 32/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'EST' and sysdate - v_dt < 31/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'EDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 31/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'EST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 31/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'EDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 31/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'PST' and sysdate - v_dt < 34/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'PDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 34/24
                     THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'PST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 34/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                WHEN v_org_tz = 'PDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 34/24
                     THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
                ELSE '<span class="red">No</span>'
           END as PRINT_TIME
      into ontime
      from dual;
      htp.p('<p class="lgl">Dashboard information is confidential.  Refer to your employee handbook for confidentiality guidelines.</p>');
      --htp.p('<p>'|| v_org_nm ||' on '|| v_dt_disp ||'</p>');
      htp.p('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Run Information" width="800">');
          htp.p('<tr><td>Dashboard for '|| v_org_nm ||' on '|| v_dt_disp ||'</td><td> </td>');
          htp.p('<td>Dashboard run on time? '|| ontime ||'</td></tr>');
      htp.p('<table border="3" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Daily Dashboard">');
      htp.p('<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Safety Information" width="400">');
      select COUNT(ID) into v_saf_ct from DASHBOARD_AUDITS
       where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
          htp.p('<tr><th><div title="Safety">Safety</div></th><td class="c">Target</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">Actual</td><td class="c">%</td>');
              htp.p('<td style="text-decoration: underline;">Loss Free Day?</td></tr>');
      IF v_saf_ct = 1 THEN
        select LOSS into saf_loss from DASHBOARD_AUDITS
         where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
          into saf_aud_t, saf_aud_a, saf_chk_t, saf_chk_a, eqp_aud_t, eqp_aud_a
          from DASHBOARD_AUDITS
         where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
    ----Safety Audits
        IF saf_aud_t > 0 THEN
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Safety Audits</td><td class="c">'|| saf_aud_t ||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_aud_a||'</td>');
            IF ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2) >= 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2)||'%</td>');
            ELSIF ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2) < 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2)||'%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td>');
            END IF;
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Safety Audits</td><td class="c">No Audit Target set</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_aud_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
          END IF;
          IF saf_loss = 1 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">Yes</td></tr>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">No</td></tr>');
          END IF;
    ----Equipment Audits
        --eqp_aud_t        := 0;
        --eqp_aud_a        := 0;
        IF eqp_aud_t > 0 THEN
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Equipment Audits</td><td class="c">'||eqp_aud_t||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||eqp_aud_a||'</td>');
            IF ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2) >= 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
            ELSIF ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2) < 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td></tr>');
            END IF;
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Equipment Audits</td><td class="c">No Equipment Audits Target Set</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||eqp_aud_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
          END IF;
        IF saf_chk_t > 0 THEN
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Check Rides</td><td class="c">'||saf_chk_t||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_chk_a||'</td>');
            IF ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2) >= 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
            ELSIF ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2) < 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td></tr>');
            END IF;
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Check Rides</td><td class="c">No Checkride Target Set</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_chk_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
          END IF;
          htp.p('<tr><td colspan="4">This information has not been recorded.</td></tr>');
      END IF;
      select COUNT(ID) into v_eff_ct from VF_TARGET_PERF
         where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt between BEGIN_DATE and NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
      IF v_eff_ct = 1 THEN
        select MPG, IDLE_TIME, HARD_BRAKES into eff_mpg_t, eff_idl_t, eff_brk_t
          from VF_TARGET_PERF
         where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt between BEGIN_DATE and NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
        eff_mpg_t        := 0;
        eff_idl_t        := 0;
        eff_brk_t        := 0;
      END IF;
        into eff_mpg_a, eff_brk_a, eff_idl_a
       where TRUNC(TRIPSTART_TIMESTAMP) = v_dt-1
         and VEHICLE_LABEL IN
             (select EQUIP_TAG from EQUIPMENT
               WHERE ORG_ID = v_org_id and EQUIP_TYPE_ID = 1)
         and TRIP_FUEL > 0 AND DRIVING_MPG <= 10;
      htp.p('<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Performance" width="400">');
          htp.p('<tr><th>Efficiency</th><td class="c">Target</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">Actual</td><td class="c">%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c"> </td><td class="c"> </td></tr>');
          htp.p('<tr><td>  MPG</td><td class="c">'||eff_mpg_t||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a,2)||'</td>');
      IF eff_mpg_t > 0 THEN
        IF ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1) >= 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
        END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="c">-</td>');
      END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="c"> </td><td class="c"> </td></tr>');
    ------Idle Time
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Idle Time</td><td class="c">'||eff_idl_t||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a,2)||'</td>');
      IF eff_idl_t > 0 THEN
        IF ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1) > 100 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
        END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">-</td>');
      END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="c" colspan="2">PM''s</td></tr>');
    ------Hard Brakes
          htp.p('<tr><td>  Hard Brakes</td><td class="c">'||eff_brk_t||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_brk_a,0)||'</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">-</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="cu">Complete</td><td class="cu">Overdue</td></tr>');
    ------Preventative Maintenance
      select COUNT(ID) into pm_ct from DASHBOARD_PM
       where ORG_ID = v_org_id and DATE_INDEX = v_dt;
      IF pm_ct = 1 THEN
        select PM_TARGET into pm_tgt_pct from PM_TARGETS
         where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt >= START_DATE and v_dt <= NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
        select PM_COMPLETE, PM_DUE into pm_done, pm_ovrdue
          from DASHBOARD_PM where ORG_ID = v_org_id and DATE_INDEX = v_dt;
        IF pm_ovrdue = 0 THEN
          pm_act_pct       := 100;
        ELSIF pm_done > 0 THEN
          pm_act_pct       := ROUND((pm_done-pm_ovrdue)/pm_done*100,1);
          pm_act_pct       := 0;
        END IF;
          htp.p('<tr><td>  PM Currency</td><td class="c">'||ROUND(pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct,1)||'%</td>');
        IF pm_tgt_pct > 0 THEN
          IF ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1) < 0 THEN
              htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
          END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="crd">Set Target!</td>');
        END IF;
              htp.p('<td class="c">'||pm_done||'</td><td class="c">'||pm_ovrdue||'</td></tr>');
          htp.p('<tr><td>  PM Currency</td><td class="c">- %</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">- %</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="cgr">Enter PMs!</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="crd">- %</td>');
              htp.p('<td class="c">--</td><td class="c">--</td></tr>');
      END IF;
        when VALUE_ERROR then
          dbms_output.put_line('VALUE_ERROR exception raised');

  • Html region print report in APEX 3.0

    Hi all!
    I have some HTML regions on some pages of my application.
    Do you know how to receive print reports of this regions in some formats e.g. PDF, EXCEL, HTML, rtf ?
    Is't any idea or any link ?

    Hi all!
    I have some HTML regions on some pages of my application.
    Do you know how to receive print reports of this regions in some formats e.g. PDF, EXCEL, HTML, rtf ?
    Is't any idea or any link ?

  • Use a static file as HTML region source

    Hi All,
    Sorry for maybe trivial question, but is there a way to use static files as HTML region source? The files are simple enough but have to be translated so we'd rather keep them as static files, rather than paste them in multiple region sources to display conditionally.
    I tried something like
    <embed src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#&FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE.file01.txt" >
    This however is showing the HTML source on screen and not rendering it as html.
    The other option I tried is creating an URL region that would get the content from the same server, e.g.:
    ... but I'm running against an access control list (ACL) error. The file opens when one loads the link directly in a browser but localhost apparently is not allowed in ACL and I would not have sysdba access where I deploy.
    finally I saw recommendation to use an iframe in a similar discussion to display pdf file here Display PDF in Apex Region land tried
    <iframe src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#&FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE.file01.txt&embedded=true" style="" ></iframe>
    but receive "Not found
    The requested URL /apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file was not found on this server" as if the file name is not received at all? Same name is parsed correctly in the embed tag.
    Please help

    Hello Atanas,
    >> the shortcuts text does not get into the translations …
    Just so you know, and for future reference, the shortcuts of type Message are fully translatable (as mentioned in the documentation Jari pointed out to you).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More


    I want to create a repeatable HTML Header (not an ApEx region Header) for a HTML region as described in
    I want to include the header at different points in my HTML region
    It says that you need to save the Header in an external file and then reference it using the line
    <!--#include file="header.html" -->
    Can you do this in ApEx? I've uploaded the file with the header code into ApEx but how do I reference it? I've tried
    <!--#include file="#WORKSPACE_IMAGE#header.html" -->
    but it doesn't recognize it.
    Or is there a better way to do it?
    Paul P

    Can a shortcut be plugged in the middle of report output?
    The problem I'm grappling with is the page setup for a report prior to printing.
    If I use a template, the header will still appear only once if the report is large and pagination is turned off.
    Is the only way to define a "page" in ApEx through Pagination?
    If I have a report with no pagination set and the number of rows set to, say 10000 and I want to print off the report, how would I place a page header or footer every 66 lines (i.e. simulating portrait on A4)?
    Am I using the wrong application for this?

  • PDF or HTML for mobile Technical Documentation and Newsletters

    I've been reviewing the pros and cons for PDF and HTML for mobile technical documentation and newsletters and wanted to get your honest thoughts on this.
    Here's the scenario:
    I need to create  mobile technical documenation and newsletters that are interactive, i.e. video, commenting/annotating, links, forms, etc.
    Given how the mobile publishing market is rapidly evolving, what is the most practical format, (with minimum format issues) to use for both short term and long term?  PDF or HTML?  Why?
    Based on your choice, which format would you use for non-interactive documents that offers the most creative options and usability?  Why?

    Hyper Text Markup Language ( HTML ) is going to work better.  Mainly because the way mobile is setup, the interface has to conform to the device and with the other elements coded into the interface, HTML is far better.  You keep referring to usability, so even in non-interactive scenarios in mobile documentation, you're better off using HTML.

  • A working method to load local PDF and HTML files on iOS

    I had a lot of trouble getting this to work, and I'm hoping this post saves someone time. Some of the information that's been posted in other locations is either wrong, incomplete, or might only work on Android. By the time you read this message the information here may no longer be accurate, so here's the testing environment:
    Window 7
    Flash CS 5.5.0
    AIR, which was compiled on June 28, 2011
    iPad 1, version 4.3.5 of iOS
    Let's get started.
    On iOS, you load external PDF and HTML files using the StageWebView class.
    On Windows, StageWebView works but the HTMLLoader class is a better choice if you're creating a desktop app.
    You can also load HTML files by reading in the file's text. The information in this post is only for loading external HTML files.
    StageWebView will not load a file that's in File.applicationDirectory. All files bundled in your app are placed in File.applicationDirectory, which means you'll have to copy any external file you wish to load with StageWebView to another directory.
    So where can you copy your file? File.applicationStorageDirectory won't work. File.documentsDirectory does work.
    Several people have recommended copying to a temporary file using File.createTempFile(). This works, but there's a catch: it seems that, like Windows, StageWebView relies on a file's extension when determining how to load it. When you create a temporary file on iOS using File.createTempFile(), the file will have no extension (and on Windows, File.createTempFile() creates a file with the extension .tmp, which is equally problematic).
    The solution to the file extension problem is to rename the temporary file by appending the original file's extension. AIR currently does not have a <file>.rename() function, so you'll have to do it using <tempFile>.moveTo().
    Here's some code I've successfully tested several times on both iOS and Windows. The file is copied to the temp directory. The file's extension is restored by just slapping the original file name to the end of the temp file.
            private function loadExternalFile():void
                var webView = new StageWebView();
                webView.stage = this.stage;
                webView.viewPort = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 1024, 555 );
                // Works with either html or pdf files.
                // These are stored in the root of the application directory.
                var fileName:String = "euei.pdf";
                //var fileName:String = "euei.htm";
                var sourceFile = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( fileName );
                var workingFile = File.createTempFile();
                    sourceFile.copyTo( workingFile, true );
                    // You have to rename the temp file
                    var renamedTempFile:File = workingFile.resolvePath(workingFile.nativePath + fileName);
                    workingFile.moveTo(renamedTempFile, true);
                    webView.loadURL( renamedTempFile.url );
                catch (err:Error) { }

    I tried this with Flash CS5.5 and AIR 4.0 SDK. Any pdf loaded simply fills the viewPort with black. Also tested with a png version of the pdf and that displayed just fine.
    What's the purpose of copying to a temp work file? I found that webView.loadURL( sourceFile.url ); gave me the exact same results.
    Any ideas?

  • How to read text from PDF and HTML

    I have got solution to read text form .txt file but did'nt get code for PDF and HTML.
    I dont want to convert PDF to txt.
    Please help me ...

    reading from a file is always the same. using the same strategy used for a .txt will allow you to read a .pdf file.
    Offcourse in itself it will be useless becuase pdf files have a special internal structure.
    html files are identical to txt files.
    What are you trying to accomplisch with the files you are reading ?

  • How to read data from PDF and HTML  file

    I have got solution to read text form .txt file but did'nt get code for PDF and HTML.
    I dont want to convert PDF to txt.
    Please help me ...

    ah crap i could have guessed there would be a crosspost only the forum in where the crosspost is made is abit funny

  • I am in the process of expanding a database of chemistry journal articles.  These materials are ideally acquired in two formats when both are available-- PDF and HTML.  To oversimplify, PDFs are for the user to read, and derivatives of the HTML versions a

    I am in the process of expanding a database of chemistry journal articles.  These materials are ideally acquired in two formats when both are available-- PDF and HTML.  To oversimplify, PDFs are for the user to read, and derivatives of the HTML versions are for the computer to read.  Both formats are, of course, readily recognized and indexed by Spotlight.  Journal articles have two essential components with regards to a database:  the topical content of the article itself, and the cited references to other scientific literature.  While a PDF merely lists these references, the HTML version has, in addition, links to the cited items.  Each link URL contains the digital object identifier (doi) for the item it points to. A doi is a unique string that points to one and only one object, and can be quite useful if rendered in a manner that enables indexing by Spotlight.  Embedded URL's are, of course, ignored by Spotlight.  As a result, HTML-formatted articles must be processed so that URL's are openly displayed as readable text before Spotlight will recognize them.  Conversion to DOC format using MS Word, followed by conversion to RTF using Text Edit accomplishes this, but is quite labor intensive.
      In the last few months, I have added about 3,500 articles to this collection, which means that any procedure for rendering URL's must be automated and able to process large batches of documents with minimal user oversight.  This procedure needs to generate a separate file for each HTML document processed. Trials using Automator's "Get Specified Finder Items" and "Get Selected Finder Items", as well as "Ask For Finder Items"  (along with "Get URLs From Web Pages") give unsatisfactory results.  When provided with multiple input documents, these three commands generate output in which the URLs from multiple input items are merged into a single block, which yields a single file using "Create New Word Document" as the subsequent step.  A one-to-one, input file to output file result can be obtained by processing one file at a time, but this requires manual selection of each item and one-at-a-time processing. What I need is a command that accepts multiple input documents, but processes them one at a time, generating a separate output for each file processed.  Is there a way for Automator to do this?

    With the project all done, i'm preparing for the presentation. Managed to get my hands on a HD beamer for the night (Epason TW2000) and planning to do the presentation in HD.
    That of course managed to bring up some problems. I posted a thread which i'll repost here . Sorry for the repost, i normally do not intend to do this, but since this thread is actually about the same thing, i'd like to ask the same question to you. The end version is in AfterEffects, but that actually doesn't alter the question. It's about export:
    "I want to export my AE project of approx 30 min containing several HD files to a Blu Ray disc. The end goal is to project the video in HD quality using the Epson  EMP-TW2000 projector. This projector is HD compatible.
    To project the video I need to connect the beamer to a computer capable of playing a heavy HD file (1), OR burn the project to a BRD (2) and play it using a BRplayer.
    I prefer option 2, so my question is: which would be the preferred export preset?
    Project specs:
                        - 1920x1080 sq pix  (16:9)
                        - 25 fps
                        - my imported video files (Prem.Pro sequences) are also 25 fps and are Progressive (!)
    To export to a BRD compatible format, do i not encounter a big problem: my projectfiles are 25 fps and progressive, and I believe that the only Bluray preset dispaying 1920x1080 with 25 fps requests an INTERLACED video  (I viewed the presets found on this forum, this thread)... There is also a Progr. format, BUT then you need 30 fps (29,...).
    So, is there one dimension that can be changed without changing the content of the video, and if yes which one (either the interlacing or the fps).
    I'm not very familiar with the whole Blu-ray thing, I hope that someone can help me out."
    Please give it a look.

  • Generate pdf and html(urgent)

    can anybody tell how to generate pdf and html from a single report,
    thanks in adv

    From a single report, you can generate outputs to html, htmlcss, pdf, rtf, XML and text formats.
    If you use rwclient, rwrun or rwservlet methods, specify desformat=pdf/html and the destination file name in desname command line parameters.
    If you use Reports Builder, open a report, select File->Generate to file and select html/pdf. Then give the file name.
    For more details, Refer to Reports Tutorial / Publishing Reports document from this site.
    The Oracle Reports team

  • Information broadcasting in 2004s for pdf and HTML format throws error

    hi experts,
    I am broadcasting via e-mail, when i use output format as MHTML or XML it works fine, when i change the output format to pdf or html (as zip file) i get the following errors
    <b>For PDF</b>
    --><b><i>Settings ZTEST1 were started from the BEx Broadcaster  </i></b>
            --><b><i>Processing for user BSHKSC, language EN  </i></b>
                    --><b><i>Processing setting ZTEST1</i></b>  
                              Error: com.sap.ip.bi.base.exception.BIBaseRuntimeException 
                              Error occurred during processing of framework class
                              CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_PRECALC, type PROD  
    <i><b>FOR HTML</b></i>
    --><i><b>Settings ZTEST1 were started from the BEx Broadcaster</b></i>  
           --><i><b>Processing for user BSHKSC, language EN </b></i> 
                 --><i><b>Processing setting ZTEST1</b></i>  
                     Web template 0BROADCAST_INDEX_PAGE could not be intstantiated
                      Error occurred during processing of framework class 
                      CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_PRECALC, type PROD
    Anyhelp will be really appreciated

    Hi Guus,
    We are not using the new authorizations we are still  on 3.5 authorization and we tried for an user with SAP_ALL, SAP_NEW authorization , so i am not sure if this is an authorization problem.
    We have a new issue on hand, initially i was able to broadcast thru xml,mhtml, xml formats, yesterday our portal was down, when the portal was brought up, i found that even the ones that were working were  now throwing an error.
    I spoke with the basis person, and he told me user mappings were lost, but even after restoring the user mapping were restored we still have the problem.
    If this error is caused by lack of new authorization, atleast we know what we are dealing with, but for now iam not sure if this error is due to authorization or some settings on the web server side.
    Message was edited by:
            shiva k

  • Display image in HTML region???

    I made blank page, and on that page I made html region. Then I go to the Shared Components>Images Create and Upload the image DMD.gif
    to the Application 106, that the Application with which I'm working.I trying to put that image to the html region.
    In html region in Source I put this code, but it doesn't working:
    .<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    .<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    .<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    .<title>Untitled Document</title>
    /img src="/i/DMD.gif" align="top"/
    I'm workin with Application Express 2.1!
    Edited by: user10187476 on Aug 27, 2008 2:35 AM

    In the HTML Region just put
    &lt;img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#DMD.gif">
    or if you associated the image with the application
    &lt;img src="#APP_IMAGES#DMD.gif">
    Denes Kubicek

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