PDF Submission Responses

How can I print the form submission date on the PDF Response Form?

Sorry, when you export a response as PDF form, the date-submitted-column is not exported. 

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    We don't currently support having the response data be attached to notification emails in PDF format. You can vote for this feature here:

  • Help with PDF form responses

    Hey there!
    I have two issues with online form data collection and am completely stumped. It's a real struggle to find useful documentation for Acrobat forms!
    #1 - I have created a form uploaded it to Acrobat.com, and have been able to collect test form data. In the local responses portfolio, I'm able to use the 'Update' button to bring the latest form data into the portfolio. But I would like to have a colleague be responsible for monitoring the form data and we're running into problems. He's able to open the portfolio and has full access, however the 'Update' button is greyed out so he is unable to bring in new form data. We've already updated his 'Acrobat.com' username/password in Acrobat preferences to match mine, but still no luck. Any help?
    #2 - Some computers are having issues with electronic submission. My best guess is that this is to do with Acrobat versions, as the issues all seem to come from computers where the form is completed using Acrobat Reader 8. The form was created with Pro 9, and form submission works for both Pro 9 and also Reader 9. Is there something I can do here? (And yes I know that it's a free upgrade to 9, but 8 is still in the official build for our organisation and I don't really have time to wait for them to complete an upgrade!)
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    Hello Paul,
    Thank you for your reply.
    I use Ipower for my hosting.  I see they use sendmail and the path on the server is - /usr/sbin/sendmail.  Would this work?
    The way I would like this to work would be:
    1) I e-mail the PDF form to the client
    2) Client opens and fills in the form
    3) They hit submit and the form information eventually gets e-mailed to my business e-mail
    I chose to use the HTTP method instead of e-mail because the PDF form says it can not be saved and if the client uses an internet beased e-mail like Yahoo it gets kind of messy.
    But, does the HTTP delivery method make it more difficult since this is not embedded in a website?
    Sorry, I did not realise this would be as involved as it is.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  • PDF submission download

    When I upgrade to the paid FormsCentral service, will the submitted form that I can download look like the original form or will it be a bunch of fields in a row? I want it to look like the orginal form as I will need to print this form for the patient to sign, etc. when they come in to our office.
    Here is the form we are using:
    If the form will be different, do you have another suggestion as to how this might work for me? We are currently only allowing patients to fill out the form, print themselves, and then bring with them to their appointment due to privacy concerns.
    Tommy Vaughan

    The submissions go into the "view responses" database in an "excel" type format. If you want them to look like the original PDF, then you can select the row of the submission, then "save as pdf" and it will save the submission the way it looked when the form was filled out. Bear in mind, you will have to do this for every row, there is no way to mass export submission rows as PDFs that I am aware of.

  • PDF via Response.redirect or direct send does not work

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    IT works fine on a desktop/notebook, iPhone. but on Windows Phone it just opens the reader, "downloads the file and says "Tap to open", but won't. Saving the file and doing a Response.Redirect doesn't work either.Only saving the file and setting
    up a JavaScript href to do a location =
    Will this be fixed, or do I need the workaround.
    - Bill Surface Pro 128gb, Win 8 Pro 64 bit, MS Expression 4, Office 365 Home Premium, Visual Studio Professional 2013, SQL Server 2012 Express

    Never a problem in when NOT using phone. Always a problem when using phone (PDF Reader or Adobe Reader. The code that send it look like this:
    Dim PDFContent() As Byte = objCmd.ExecuteScalar
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Response.Charset = String.Empty
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + FileName)
    Response.OutputStream.Write(PDFContent, 0, PDFContent.Length)
    - Bill using: Surface Pro 128gb, Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit, Office 365 Home Premium, Visual Studio Web Developer 2013, MS Expression 4, SQL Server 2012 Express

  • PDF form response display

    I'm pretty new to all of this, but here is what I'm trying to do:
    I work at a research facility, and we are wanting to be able to send PDF surveys and forms to people, and then let them click on an http submit button that will send the data to a JEE5 servlet that will persist the data into our database, so we can reduce manual entry.
    We made a simple PDF form in LiveCycle Designer 8, and I have the servlet working fine, in that it takes all of the information and and persists it to the database. the only thing left is we want to give the user some sort of results to let them know that the data was entered, and if possible show them some generated content, such as a score or results or something. The "preview pdf" window in the LiveCycle Designer can read html fine, so it shows everything as we want. However, plain adobe reader cant, it pops up an error saying "Cannot handle content type: text/html". Now the data is entered into the database fine, but the user thinks there was an error.
    I found an opensource java api (iText) that can generate pdfs and send them out in the response stream. Normal browsers recognize it fine, saving a pdf that can then be opened in adobe reader, but adobe reader still thinks its a text/html stream, and the LiveCycle Designer thinks the new pdf has not pages.
    if I could get the reader to display some sort of results page, that would be great, but really I would be satisfied with as little as the pop up window saying "Data submitted successfully".

    I don't think this is quite the right LiveCycle forum. This is for the Data
    Services part of LC, formerly known as the Flex Data Services. This is the
    back-end server that works with Flex client applications.
    I would try the Forms forums.

  • PDF form responses coming back uneditable

    I have created a lengthy form in InDesign (v.9.2) for a client, which I have exported to PDF then extended in Acrobat Pro (11.0.06) under File > Save as Other > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools.
    This makes the form savable (if that's a real word.) The form is sent to their clients, which they fill in, save and send back by email.
    When the form returns, my client wants to be able to edit some of the responses further (mainly checkboxes) then re-save but the Save option in file menu is greyed out. The purple bar says 'Click "Sign" to fill out and send this form etc...'.  If you try to 'Save as > PDF', it will only save a blank copy of the form.
    I assume the client's clients use Reader for the input, and the client definitely uses just Reader.
    I have suggested using an original copy and checking all the checkboxes that the client specified, but they are getting a lot of these forms back and that would be too time-consuming.
    Is there a way round this without them having to upgrade to Acrobat Pro? That would make them distinctly unhappy. Though if the community decreed that was the only option, it could be considered.
    Any help greatly appreciated!

    The form that you sent is not Reader-enabled, so that would be the reason it's not savable with Reader versions prior to 11. Reader 11 is able to save non-enabled forms, so I would your clients could use it, but this doesn't help unless all of the people they distribute it to use Reader 11 as well.
    You should not provide clients with Reader-enabled forms, except for testing purposes. If they will be distributing a form for the purpose of collecting data and need Reader-enabled forms, they need to enable them with their own version of Acrobat. This is an Acrobat licensing issue.
    The Acrobat license also limits the licensee from using data from no more than 500 instances (including hardcopies) of an enabled form if the form has been made available to more than 500 recipients. A way to avoid this limitation is to use Adobe's FormsCentral service, which allows PDF forms to securely submit the form data, which is collected by a server. A team or people can have access to the data and export any response as a filled-in PDF, which can be  further edited as they want. They could instead set up their own web server to collect submissions, but this requires some expertise and more expense, particularly if security is needed. A form can also be set up to submit just the form data by email, which also avoids the licensing limitations, but since email is not secure and notoriously unreliable, it should not be considered for anything of much importance.
    Note that Acrobat Standard is sufficient for enabling the form for use with Reader.
    You should also make them aware of the Preview problem that I mentioned earlier. If they encounter a form that has been corrupted by Preview, they should export the form data and import it into the original blank form. They will need Acrobat for this.

  • Viewing and retrieving PDF form responses problem

    Yesterday there were 2 submissions of our driver application form. One was my test and the other was from an actual applicant. Both were clearly displayed under the View Responses tab and I could click on either one and save as a PDF. Today I have 7 new responses. When I click on the number under Total I get a series of horizontal cells: Time Submitted  First Name Middle Name, etc. I am not seeing the individual submissions as I did yesterday. What's the fix.

    This FAQ may be useful for the missing responses, http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-4071.  If still not solve the issue, you can share your forms with me, I'll try to help you find out what is the problem.  You can share the form to my email, [email protected]

  • Stream a PDF to response

    I'm trying to stream a generated pdf file (jasperreports) to the response in an AbstractPortalComponent. The Code looks like follows...
    public class HelloWorld extends AbstractPortalComponent
        JasperPrint jprint;
        JasperReport report;
        Map parameters;
        public void doContent(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response)
      //input parameters
      parameters = new HashMap();                                                                     
      //path to report
      IResource res = request.getResource(IResource.SCRIPT, "reports/SAPPortalPDF.jasper");
      String path = res.getResourceInformation().getSource();
      //jasper print object
      jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(path, parameters, new JREmptyDataSource());
    //output data in byte[]-object                                   
    byte[] bytes = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jprint);
    Writer w = response.getWriter();
    //Content-Type setzen
    PortalComponentContentType content = PortalComponentContentType.parse("application/pdf");               
    catch(Exception e)
    It seems to work fine, but the data is not shown as a pdf file. I get all the characters displayed, which are in the byte array. So there are two possibilities... either the way I stream the data to the response is not correct or there are problemes concerning the mime-type. If I put out the mime-type of the response, it says "application/pdf". So this seems to be correct...
    any ideas ????
    Greets, Jochen

    Hope the following will help. it's based on some code i writed some times ago.
    If i remember, the idea is to write into a response object that is not the one given as a parameter.
    //output data in byte[]-object                                   
    byte[] bytes = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jprint);
    // write bytes to response stream
    HttpServletResponse res = request.getServletResponse(true);
    ServletOutputStream os = res.getOutputStream();

  • PDF Submission Error

    I have created a sign-sheet through adobe central forms. I exported the form as a PDF. I downloaded and completed the form through Adobe. However, when I submit the form I receive this error message:
    Invalid Server Response

    Could you set me as a Co-author to this form so that I can take a look at this ([email protected])? Instructions on how to do this are at: https://www.acrobat.com/formscentral/en/library/collaboration.html.
    Jeff Canepa
    Software Quality Engineer
    Adobe Systems, Inc.
    [email protected]

  • Printing actual PDF with responses?

    I created a registration form for a youth sports program, I can see the responses under "view responses" and "summary report" but I also need to have access to the actual pdf completed so it can be printed.  What do i need to do to ensure i get the completed packet sent to me?  Is this an allowable feature?

    In a paid level subscription you have access to "Download Response as PDF Form" from the View Respones tab which will download a PDF that looks like the original form filled out.
    I am guessing that you are distributing a PDF as opposed to a web/HTML form, is that correct?  If you are distributing a PDF and you want the actual filled out PDF to be returned via Email as opposed to having to download from the Response table you could add an additional Submit method to the Submit button by editing the PDF in Adobe Acrobat and adding the Email Submit method so the form, when Submit is clicked would both submit the data to FormsCentral to be available on the View Responses tab and would also open an email in the users default email client attaching the PDF and assuming the user sends the email you would receive it back.  If this is what you are looking for let me know and I can point you to some instructions.

  • PDF Submission failing

    Hi there,
    I have created a pdf form to send to our clients and have come across some issues when submitting in my testing. Sometimes when I fill in the required only fields in the form and submit, I get a "Submission Failed" warning pop up. As I am getting no information as to why the submission has failed, it is very frustrating and I don't understand what I have to do to fix it. Could you please help? Is there some way that I can send our form to a staff member for them to view and check that I haven't set the form up incorrectly?

    Can you please check out this article http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-2653 and see if it helps to solve your problem?  If not, please send your form to me at [email protected] and I'll take a look.

  • Auto-create PDFs from responses?

    Does there exist a way to automate the process of turning separate responses into a PDF? As a pay-per-month customer you have the possibility to right-click each and every row in the response-section and have to ability to export them into a formated PDF-file. Having several hundred responses, is there a way to automate this process and potentially delete all the responses that has been converted into a PDF?
    Would this be possible to automate using a third-party program?

    That's too bad, but thank you for the answer. Is this something that might be implemented in the future or do I have to look around for other ways to this exact thing?

  • TOUGH ONE: How to get Adobe 9 ext PDF submission to auto populate a database??

    Have a close friend and coworker who's using Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.
    What he's trying to do, is create a form with certain fields (checkboxes, text fields, etc.) that he wants to send out to a few hundred clients and have them fill in updated information (the clients will only have Reader for the most part), and then instead of them saving the form and sending it back to him (means he has to manually enter the data they filled in into an Excel spreadsheet), he wants to have them be able to click 'submit' (or submit it somehow), and it AUTOMATICALLY populate the Excel spreadsheet, so he doesn't have to manually handle each one of the 300 or so that are going to be submitted back to him.
    Apparently there's a way to make this work - anyone have any idea?
    Much appreciated

    I looked at Adobe.com and even the professional version only claims to convert TO PDF. not the other way.
    But I am having a similar problem - have used a dataset to automatically collect data. When I export as a CSV it gets the data wrong although all the rows and columns are there, it's misplaced from where it should be (for example, 5 columns with numeric data 4 4 2 3 1 might export to excel as 0 0 3 4 3) Very strange (and unacceptable!).  I can't get it to export to xls at all  generates an error that the file can't be read when I try to open it.
    Suggestions? Adobe, what's the story here ...

  • Determining a PDF submission status

    Is there a way to URL submit a PDF to an ASP application, and get some kind of indication of success or error condition?
    I can successfully use:
    event.target.submitForm({ cURL:myURL, cSubmitAs:"PDF" });
    to submit the PDF to the ASP application.
    Ideally, I would like to display a message on the PDF, after the submit occurs, showing the status of the submit.

    Good point...
    <cffunction name="pdfGetSigned" returntype="string" output="false">
    <cfargument name="pgsFile" type="string" required="yes">
    <cfset var.pgsAns="">
    <cfif FileExists(pgsFile)>
      <cfset var.pgsReader=CreateObject("java","com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init(pgsFile)>
      <cfset var.pgsAcroFields=var.pgsReader.getAcroFields()>
      <cfset var.pgsAns=ArrayToList(var.pgsAcroFields.getSignatureNames(),",")>   
    <cfreturn var.pgsAns>

Maybe you are looking for