Pentium D 945 Processor compatibility with MB 955X Platinum MS-7158

Hi everybody.
I’ve bought a new processor (Pentium D 945 3.4 GHz) to my MS-7158 955X Platinum. But I’m not sure about use it in my board. I’ve checked on the global MSI site:  but they only say’s “under testing”.
Can anyone help me If can I use this without problems, what would be happen If I install this processor? Any possible damage will occur?
Thanks a lot!...

probably will work.
"Can anyone help me If can I use this without problems, what would be happen If I install this processor? Any possible damage will occur?"
nop, just have a try it.

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    Thanks for the information. I could not find 7.12 for download. I would suggest you try installing 8.19 from the following weblink:
    I am an HP employee.
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer “Accept as Solution” if it solves your problem.
    ***Click on "Thumbs up" button to the bottom right side of my post to say thanks!***

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    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    Mac mini
      Model Identifier:    Macmini5,1
      Processor Name:    Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed:    2.3 GHz
      Number of Processors:    1
      Total Number of Cores:    2
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      L3 Cache:    3 MB
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      SMC Version (system):    1.76f0
      Serial Number (system):    C0*******JD0
      Hardware UUID:    ****
      Firmware Revision:    RP09
      Interconnect:    USB
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      DVD-Write:    -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
      Write Strategies:    CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
      Media:    To show the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose View > Refresh
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    System Version:                    OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
    Kernal Version:                      Darwin 12.3.0
    Boot Volume:                         Mac OS X
    Boot Mode:                            Normal
    Computer Name:                   John's Mac Mini
    User Name:                           John Lipscomb (johnlipscomb)
    Secure Virtual Memory:         Enabled
    Time since boot:                    6:04
    <Edited By Host>

    Sorry about the serial number...wasn't thinking.  Mentally noted.
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    There has been a better and free alternative to old versions of MS Word and MS Office since forever. Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is the latest version of a free and complete All-In-One document processor, spreadsheet, drawing, presentation, database, & formula software, found here:
    It also reads, writes and translates MS Word, saves in many formats, and is pretty easy to use. It's entirely modern and compatible with all the latest Mac operating systems. Good luck.

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    Thanks Japamac, can I go through this deadhead style...
    You can install as many OS's as you want. When you
    set your Startup Disk Preferences, you are able to
    select the OS that you want, as well as the disk that
    you want.
    Does this mean I have to make a partion thing on the same disk for each (even the same) OS?
    Do I use the original install disks to do this?
    Another way to select startup disk/OS, is to boot
    while holding the Option key. This will open the
    Startup Manager, and allow you to select which and
    where you want to boot from.
    This is the screen I remember from my Apple Care Plan Help Desk days
    It is a good idea to have a second (and third)
    bootable disk in your system.
    Is the third disk on a partion thing ( I have researched this and have found, using "disk utility" I can make "partitions", if I understand correctly, my machine will "see" a partition as a separate disk, am I miles off?
    That way, heaven
    forbid, should one disk have trouble booting, you can
    use the Startup Manager to select an alternate disk,
    and then diagnose and repair the ailing disk from
    Do I use "disk utility" from another partition disk to do this?
    This is, actually, a very important thing to
    have in your system. by all means, install the OS on
    the other disk.
    A partition on the 120gb, how big should the partition be?
    Remember, to keep both disks backed up. So, don't
    give up on your external drives all together. They
    are VERY useful.
    This is where you are going to hate me... I dont have any externals or back ups.... this is why I am trying to work out what to do... I back up my photo's to DVD when I have enough, its not good practice because it can take a months worth before I have time to physically go through all the work to decide what I will archive to DVD, I would love for all of the work to automatically copy itself to a safe place.
    While we are on the subject, a very good way to
    backup, is to use Super Duper. This is a clone
    utility. SD will copy bit for bit, your drive, and
    then make that backup bootable. This is a very nice
    feature. Also, after that, you can use the Smart
    Update feature, which updates any changes of a volume
    to it's clone. This way, you always have an exact
    copy of your system and data. Invaluable!
    This is obviously what I need... I will download it and try to understand its functions
    I like OWC, myself. Even with shipping and tariffs to
    Japan, it is most often cheaper to do so. Also, the
    company is very reputable, has great service (try
    their live chat) and stands behind what they sell.
    OWC also has lots of install tutorial video (and
    PDF's) in their support section. Check it
    I have trusted OWC since you recommended them for my processor upgrade and have just ordered the SATA controller from them and am going to get a 500gb internal HD for now until I can learn to rationalise my disk space... at the moment my files are just copies of themselves on the same disk (120gb)
    Hey Japamac... I have to say thank you to you sir, you have obviously put a lot of time and effort into your reply and I really do appreciate it...
    As Arnie says.... "I will be back"
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    9800   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Pioneer DVR-109, 23" ACD,
    Ratoc USB 2.0, QCam Ultra, Nikon Coolscan
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    Powermac G4 Giga-ethernet Dual 1.2ghz 100bus 2 Gig Ram 2xHD 80gb+120gb USB1+2/FW   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   wireless network

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    It's not an external device's compatibility with LPX that matters...
    It's your external hardware's compatibility with whatever OS X version you are using to run LPX in.... that is important.
    Im guessing you upgraded OS X about the same time you switched to LPX?
    Make sure you have installed the drivers and software from this page....
    Failing that, contact Apogee support for further assistance
    Note: Why is it showing Duet and not Quartet briefly? Are you sure you installed the correct drivers or did you, at one time have a Duet?
    Additional: You might want to try this.. though I doubt it will fix things... but this can cure all kinds of weird issues...
    Delete both the main plist and the CS file...
    Delete the user preferences
    You can resolve many issues by restoring Logic Pro X back to its original settings. This will not impact your media files. To reset your Logic Pro X user preference settings to their original state, do the following:
    Quit Logic Pro
    In the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro X User Manual for details on how to do this. If you are having trouble with a control surface in Logic Pro X, then you may also wish to delete the file from the preferences folder.
    Restart the computer.
    Note: if you cannot find either of these files you didn't follow the instructions exactly as described

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    When talking to other humans and asking a question, phrasing your question in, you know, the form of a question is usually best.
    You can get a list of known issues straight from Adobe itself, here:
    There are also a large number of other discussions of this topic in this forum. Do a search if you would like additional information.

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    dual core processor,
    4 gigs of RAM
    win7 pro 64bit
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  • Processor compatability

    Hi, we are lenovo fanatics, we have 4 different lenovo's - an IBM Lenovo r60 2.0 dual core, a Lenovo r61 15.4 wide screen 1.8 800 MHZ FSB 2m cache dual core, a Lenovo V-200 1.8 dual core, and a T61 14" screen  2.2ghz 800mhz fsb 4m cache dual core- My question(s)    is this:
    Are the processors in my R61 and T61 compatable?
    Will the bios be compatable with the processors?
    I know its probably foolish on my part because all of our lenovo's are very excellent machines, however I love the big 15.4" view of the R61 yet the t61's cpu power is far superior and I am hoping I can get the best of both worlds! 
    Please if anyone has the answer or any information pertaining to their compatability respond with haste,  Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and a special thank you to any and all who send a response

    R61 and T61 uses the same processors, and depending on the FRU or version of the motherboard they also can be compatible with the T8xxx and T9xxx CPU.
    Standard R61 and T61 both uses the Socket P version of the T5xxx and T7xxx CPU.
    R60 CPU use the Socket M, so they are not compatible with R61/T6.
    But make sure download CPU-Z and report back on what CPU you have.
    Your R61 should be a T7100 and the T61 is the T7500.
    But you will void your warranty by doing this swap.
    If you want to go through with this follow these two guides. <-- T61 with 14.1 inch LCD <--- R61 15.4 inch
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • BT Infinity and laptop processor compatability

    I have just ordered BT Infinity to be installed in October 2012.
    My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite with an Intel Pentium Dual Core !.60 GHz processor. The laptop utilises Vista Home Edition with Service Pack 2. The RAM memory is 2 GB and have installed a 'n' type USB wireless adapter.
    The BT Home Hub 3, hopefully, will be using 'n' type wireless network.
    The BT Infinity installataion web page calls for the processor to have a minimium specification of 2 GHz.
    Will my existing laptop with an Intel Pentium Dual Core !.60 GHz processor work with BT Infinity using 'n' type wireless network?
    BT Infinity Help Desk could not confirm that it will work, so any advise would be welcome. 

    That only refers to all of the extra BT software, which you do not need anyway, as it will work without it.
    Just enter the wireless key into your laptop, and it should be fine.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • 945P Platinum and Pentium D 945

    Did anyone try Intel Pentium D 945 CPU on the 945P Platinum motherboard? Does it work with bios 1.6?

    Quote from: Maesus on 09-March-07, 19:50:58
    oh well, there is no good reason why D 945 is not supported by 945P. Just make sure you have the latest BIOS.
    Once I've seen OK on the CPU Support Page for the Pentium D 915.. Maesus do you think I should try?  ???

  • Cluster Processor Compatibility.

    Can you cluster nodes with E5-2600 processors (Sandy Bridge) and E5-2600 v2 (Ivy Bridge) without enabling Processor compatibility at the VM level? 

    Hi AuZZZie,
    We recommend you to use the identical hardware for Hyper-V cluster nodes.
    Sandy and Ivy are different architecture , so they are different processor .
    Based on my understanding , this is a compatibility issue on cluster level .
    Here is an similar issue :
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Windows 8 and itunes 11 compatibility with an ipod

    I have itunes11 and Windows 8. I've called Apple and I've talked to Microsoft. This was months ago. I can download itunes and run it from my laptop but am unable to sync my ipod. I get an error and it automatically reboots my computer. I was told there were known compatibility with itunes and Windows 8.  This was months ago.
    I know how to downgrade itunes to XP or Win 7. This is not the issue. I can download to my laptop and place, it will not sync to my ipod device (which is a fear years old), but when I did talk to support I was told that it was supported. The ipod was not the issue.. It was the incompatibility between the programs.
    I see recent updates in the support community in the past month about production resolution but this still has not resolved my issue. I don't believe purchasing a new ipod is going to resolve the issue either.
    If anyone has successfully developed a workaround or recently downloaded itunes11 w/ Windows 8 and can sync to an apple ipod I would love to know how you did it.
    [email protected]

    Im not sure that will solve the issue I have with itunes. I have a lenovo laptop and I think it's just an issue with Apple who has to modify the program for users of Windows 8 so that itunes can be used and to find purchased music. I found the music I purchased through itunes but it's not the full tracks. It said it allows me to download it fully so I can hear the whole track, but needs some kind of capatibility? I have no idea what the problem is. If someone has the answer knowing my computer brand and having windows 8 compatibility issues, please let me know what you suggest.

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