People posting that 2.0 will be released on the 12

They are probably trying to trick you to lower the flooding on itunes servers... if everyone thinks it is tomorrow, no one will try downloading today, then they are free to download.
The fact is that some people have downloaded 2.0 already legitimately from itunes, the only reason it is not working is because the servers are flooded and keep crashing.

Hey, I heard the update was going to b released tomorrow. I got this from a guy I know at work who has an ex girlfriend who dated a guy who dated another guy who heard it from Steve Jobs himself.

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    You can get the complete alpha release now. I am using it and it rocks.
    See previous posts in this forum for instructions on how to get it.

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    I found this: on a similar thread, and hope that it helps.
    For more details regarding the post announce upgrade please refer to:
    Complimentary CS6 upgrades | FAQ | Purchases from Adobe - ases.html
    Complimentary CS6 upgrades | FAQ | Purchases from resellers, Adobe - seller-purchases.html
    If you still have questions regarding if you qualify or not then you will want to contact our support team.  For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at  Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to discuss your particular circumstances for the upgrade.
    I know that 10 days are over. I'll try and find more current information and will keep you posted.

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    Forget about it on an RT you need a Surface Pro that runs Real windows applications. When you get that Adobe CC 2014 Direct Download Links – Creative Cloud 2014 Release | ProDesignTools
    Photoshop CC (2014) system requirements and language versions
    Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (2 GHz or faster)
    Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1
    2 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
    2 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
    1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512 MB of VRAM (1 GB recommended)**
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.*

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    This is a user discussion board, we fellow users don't know. Speculation is against Terms of Use.
    Do a Search Discussions on country and there are plenty of previous posts on this.
    Basically, legal stuff needs to get hashed out with each country and its music distributors.

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    By all the information available on the apple web site, sometime between today and November 30th.  Other than that, no one here will know until Apple says it is available.

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    Wow ... well all I can say is I've been using Connect for 2 years for remote training and for webinars and all sorts of stuff, and in general I'm thrilled with it.  I've used the freebie ConnectNow service (via, the $39.95/mo. Connect Standard account (hosted, up to 15 participants), and for the past 1.5 years, the Connect Pro account, also hosted.
    When you are sharing your screen, you don't see any of the Connect "room" interface; all you see is your screen. This is how most of the services work in my experience. If you're just showing a Powerpoint demo that you've uploaded to your account previously, then you *can* see the panels etc. in the Connect room.
    Almost all of my demos/webinars/training involved me sharing my screen, so yes, I do connect a second laptop to the room, logging on as a guest, so I can see what my participants see, and I can see what the lag time is. I don't think that's out of the ordinary.
    I started using Connect after nightmares with WebEx and other services. It's really important to me that everything works equally on Macs as well as Windows; and so far Connect is great that way.
    I do agree the Support is a pain and Connect is missing some features. But all in all it's been nice and stable for me and my clients. You should check out; there are wonderful forums and expert users and tutorials over there.

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    Here is one article about the simple case of migrating from one machine to other..:
    There is no easy solution to catalog merging and one needs to look for solutions as suggested in last reply

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    Only Apple can tell you, and they have not announced the date yet.

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    The World Wide Release Time for iOS 6: -release-time
    So, for India, the time is 10.30 PM !
    Apple servers will be busy and hence the downloading won't be as easy as soon as iOS 6 releases.

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