Per_person_type_usages_f table in HRA

We are trying to load out of box Employment Dimension using Informatica and there are some joins for Per_person_type_usages_f table in SQL Transformation.
I need columns like effective_start_date and effective_end_date to perform joins from Per_person_type_usages_f table which I dnt have right now. So, I will have to go for customization of SQL Query. In my master table(per_person_types) also, these columns are missing.
Suggest whether to remove this table from SQL Query or Is there any other way?

What do you mean that you do not have the per_person_type_usages_f table?

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    Well, this is one of those situations where we really need to see your data, which, unfortunately, we cannot do on this forum. Look at your per_person_types table, and the person_type_id values showing for your example employee in the per_person_type_usages_f table. I am thinking that maybe HR or Payroll is changing the person type to something like "Sick Employee" when the employee has an absence, then change back to a regular employee type when the absence ends. Then maybe someone got tired of making all these person type changes and stopped doing that? Just guessing. Generally per_person_types are used to indicate the type of person the person is within the Oracle HR system - such as employee, retiree, applicant, spouse, domestic partner, and so forth. I don't think it was designed/intended for tracking absences, but it certainly could be attempted to be used that way if a company wants to do so. So study your records by joining per_person_types to per_person_type_usages_f and seeing what kinds of person types are being assigned to these absence records. Then you may need to go talk to someone in HR/Payroll to see if they can explain what you are seeing. Hope this makes some sense.
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         SET PERSON_TYPE_ID = :new.person_type_id
         WHERE person_id = :NEW.person_id
         AND sysdate BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
    Application Error:
    ORA-20005: Trigger UPDATE_PERSON_TYPE_ID: ORA-04091: table HR.PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F_ARIU", line 228
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'APPS.PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F_ARIU'
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XXMIL.UPDATE_PERSON_TYPE_ID'
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_PTU_SHD", line 398
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_PTU_UPD", line 256
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_PTU_UPD", line 338
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_PTU_UPD", line 781
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.PER_PTU_UPD", line 915
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_PER_TYPE_USAGE_INTERNAL", line 357
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_PER_TYPE_USAGE_INTERNAL", line 757
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_PER_PEOPLE12_PKG", line 1311

    you should push to change your custom code.
    Direct update over seeded tables is not supported by Oracle.
    per_people_f updates are allowed only through front end or API, and I doubt there is an API to update the person_Type_id.
    Furthermore it's way a bloody road to have the trigger, maintain it over upgrades and patches, have it firing at the right time (order in which they fire is not predictable), have data the consistent if you eventually upgrade to iREc o Benefits (when the person type could become ex-Employee.Applicant....).
    I believe triggers on per_people_f are not recommendable (except for auditing). You should create your custom function and substitute any person_type_id occurrence with your custom function (or use the hr_person_type_usage_info.get_user_person_type or another if suit you well).
    If you are upgrading from 10.7 to 12i, a lot of rework should be envisaged, so there should be room to create a business case to stick to oracle standard and adjust your custom code. Indeed you should check wth Oracle if what proposed is actually supported by them, this would eventually make your recomendation accepted.
    my 2c.
    Edited by: Giuseppe on 07-Jun-2012 10:27

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    Hi Deepthi,
    Check Table V_T7INA5,V_T7INA1,V_T7INA3 and V_T7INA9 also.
    Check it,
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    USE [FacetsXR]
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[frdmrpt].[pr_pha_BiometricsSummary]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [frdmrpt].[pr_pha_BiometricsSummary]
    CREATE PROCEDURE [frdmrpt].[pr_pha_BiometricsSummary]
    DECLARE @partcTot int
    select @partcTot = [frdmrpt].[fn_pha_total_participants](default);
    SortOrder varchar(10),
    --INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('00','Biometric Measure','Risk Citeria','N','Percent Of Screened Population','Average Value')
    declare @BMI int
    select @BMI = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.BMI is not null and hra.BMI != 0.0
    declare @BMIavg float
    select @BMIavg = cast(isnull(AVG(BMI),0.0) as decimal (5,1))
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.BMI is not null
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('100','BMI','.',@BMI,'.',@BMIavg)
    SELECT SortOrder,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,CAST((CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @BMI)) AS VARCHAR(100))) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%'
    WHEN (BMI > 0 AND BMI <= 17.4) THEN '101'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 17.5 AND 18.4 THEN '102'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 18.5 AND 24.9 THEN '103'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 25.0 AND 29.9 THEN '104'
    WHEN BMI >=30.0 THEN '105'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN (BMI > 0 AND BMI <= 17.4) THEN 'Very Underweight'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 17.5 AND 18.4 THEN 'Underweight'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 18.5 AND 24.9 THEN 'Normal'
    WHEN BMI BETWEEN 25.0 AND 29.9 THEN 'Overweight'
    WHEN BMI >=30.0 THEN 'Obese'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumBI
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumBI.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='BMI'
    WHERE bioSumBI.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumBI.SortOrder ,bioSumBI.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='101') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('101','Very Underweight','17.4 and below','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='102') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('102','Underweight','17.5 to 18.4','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='103') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('103','Normal','18.5 to 24.9','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='104') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('104','Overweight','25 to 29.9','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='105') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('105','Obese','30.0 and above','0','0%','.')
    declare @BP INT
    select @BP = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.Systolic IS NOT NULL AND hra.Diastolic IS NOT NULL
    declare @BPAVG VARCHAR(15)
    select @BPAVG = isnull(CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),AVG(Systolic)) + '/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),AVG(Diastolic)),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.Systolic IS NOT NULL AND hra.Diastolic IS NOT NULL
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('200','Blood Pressure (mmHg)','.',@BP,'.',@BPAVG)
    SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @BP)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN (Systolic <=119 and Diastolic <=79) THEN 201
    WHEN not (Systolic >= 140 OR Diastolic >=90) and not (Systolic <=119 and Diastolic <=79) THEN 202 -- basically not high and not low
    WHEN (Systolic >= 140 OR Diastolic >=90) THEN 203
    --WHEN hra.Systolic <=119 OR hra.Diastolic <=79 THEN '201'
    --WHEN (hra.Systolic between 120 AND 139) OR (hra.Diastolic between 80 AND 89) THEN '202'
    --WHEN (hra.Systolic between 140 AND 159) OR (hra.Diastolic between 90 AND 99) THEN '203'
    --WHEN hra.Systolic >= 160 OR hra.Diastolic >= 100 THEN '204'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN (Systolic <=119 and Diastolic <=79) THEN 'Low Risk'
    WHEN not (Systolic >= 140 OR Diastolic >=90) and not (Systolic <=119 and Diastolic <=79) THEN 'Moderate Risk'
    WHEN (Systolic >= 140 OR Diastolic >=90) THEN 'High Risk'
    --WHEN hra.Systolic <=119 OR hra.Diastolic <=79 THEN 'Low Risk'
    --WHEN (hra.Systolic between 120 AND 139) OR (hra.Diastolic between 80 AND 89) THEN 'Prehypertension'
    --WHEN (hra.Systolic between 140 AND 159) OR (hra.Diastolic between 90 AND 99) THEN 'Stage I hypertension'
    --WHEN hra.Systolic >= 160 OR hra.Diastolic >= 100 THEN 'Stage II hypertension'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumBP
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumBP.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='Blood Pressure (mmHg)'
    WHERE bioSumBP.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumBP.SortOrder ,bioSumBP.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    --ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit desc
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='201') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('201','Low Risk','Systolic: 119 and below Diastolic: 79 and below','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='202') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('202','Moderate Risk','Systolic: 120 to 139 Diastolic: 80 to 89','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='203') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('203','High Risk','Systolic: 140 and above Diastolic: 90 and above','0','0%','.')
    declare @TC int
    select @TC = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.TotalCholesterol IS NOT NULL
    declare @TCAVG FLOAT
    select @TCAVG = isnull(ROUND(AVG(TotalCholesterol),0),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.TotalCholesterol IS NOT NULL
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('300','Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)','.',@TC,'.',@TCAVG)
    SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @TC)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol <= 199 THEN '301'
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol between 200 and 239 THEN '302'
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol >=240 THEN '303'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol <= 199 THEN 'Low Risk'
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol between 200 and 239 THEN 'Moderate Risk'
    WHEN hra.TotalCholesterol >=240 THEN 'High Risk'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumHDL
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)'
    WHERE bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumHDL.SortOrder ,bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='301') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('301','Low Risk','199 and below','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='302') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('302','Moderate Risk','200 to 239','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='303') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('303','High Risk','240 and above','0','0%','.')
    declare @HDL int
    select @HDL = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    declare @HDLAVG FLOAT
    select @HDLAVG = isnull(ROUND(AVG(HDL),0),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('400','HDL (mg/dL)','.',@HDL,'.',@HDLAVG)
    SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @HDL)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN hra.HDL >= 60 THEN '401'--'Desirable'
    WHEN hra.HDL between 40 and 59 THEN '402' --'Borderline Risk'
    WHEN hra.HDL <=39 THEN '403' --'Undesirable Risk'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN hra.HDL >= 60 THEN 'Low Risk'--'Desirable'
    WHEN hra.HDL between 40 and 59 THEN 'Moderate Risk' --'Borderline Risk'
    WHEN hra.HDL <=39 THEN 'High Risk' --'Undesirable Risk'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumHDL
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='HDL (mg/dL)'
    WHERE bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumHDL.SortOrder ,bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit desc
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='401') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('401','Low Risk','60 and above','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='402') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('402','Moderate Risk','40 to 59','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='403') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('403','High Risk','39 and below','0','0%','.')
    declare @LDL DECIMAL
    select @LDL = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    declare @LDLAVG FLOAT
    select @LDLAVG = isnull(ROUND(AVG(LDL),0),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('500','LDL (mg/dL)','.',@LDL,'.',@LDLAVG)
    SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @LDL)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN hra.LDL <= 129 THEN '501'
    WHEN hra.LDL between 130 and 159 THEN '502' --'Borderline Risk'
    WHEN hra.LDL >=160 THEN '503' --'Undesirable Risk'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN hra.LDL <= 129 THEN 'Low Risk'--'Desirable'
    WHEN hra.LDL between 130 and 159 THEN 'Moderate Risk' --'Borderline Risk'
    WHEN hra.LDL >=160 THEN 'High Risk' --'Undesirable Risk'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumHDL
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='LDL (mg/dL)'
    WHERE bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumHDL.SortOrder ,bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='501') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('501','Low Risk','129 and below','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='502') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('502','Moderate Risk','130 to 159','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='503') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('503','High Risk','160 and above','0','0%','.')
    --Blood Glucose (mg/dL)
    declare @BG int
    select @BG = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.BloodGlucose IS NOT NULL
    declare @BGAVG FLOAT
    select @BGAVG = ROUND(AVG(BloodGlucose),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.BloodGlucose IS NOT NULL
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('600','Blood Glucose (mg/dL)','.',@BG,'.','NA' )--@BGAVG)
    PRESENT CODE FOR ATTACHED TABLE SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria, Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](Total, @BG)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='LOW') THEN '601'
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='MODERATE') THEN '602'
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='HIGH') THEN '603'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='LOW') THEN 'Low Risk'
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='MODERATE') THEN 'Moderate Risk'
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='HIGH') THEN 'High Risk'
    END AS RiskCriteria,
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='LOW') THEN cast(COUNT(*)AS VARCHAR(100))
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='MODERATE') THEN cast(COUNT(*)AS VARCHAR(100))
    WHEN (r.RiskLevel='HIGH') THEN cast(COUNT(*)AS VARCHAR(100))
    END AS Total
    From [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_UserHealthRisks] r
    join [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] m on m.UserID = r.UserID
    join [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] d on d.UserID = m.UserID
    where r.RiskStringID = 'BLOODGLUCOSE'
    group by GROUPING sets ( r.RiskLevel, () )
    ) bioSumHDL
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='Blood Glucose (mg/dL)'
    WHERE bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumHDL.SortOrder ,bioSumHDL.Total,bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='601') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('601','Low Risk','Fasting: 70 to 99 Random: 80 to 139','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='602') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('602','Moderate Risk','Fasting: 100 to 125 Random: 140 to 199','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='603') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('603','High Risk','Fasting: 126 and above Random: 200 and above','0','0%','.')
    --Triglycerides (mg/dL)
    declare @TRG int
    select @TRG = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.Triglycerides IS NOT NULL
    declare @TRGAVG FLOAT
    select @TRGAVG = isnull(ROUND(AVG(Triglycerides),0),0)
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.Triglycerides IS NOT NULL
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('700','Triglycerides (mg/dL)','.',@TRG,'.',@TRGAVG)
    SELECT SortOrder ,RiskCriteria, BS.Risk_Criteria,COUNT(*) Total,
    CAST(([frdmrpt].[fn_pha_percent](COUNT(*), @TRG)) AS VARCHAR(100))+'%','.'
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides <=149 THEN '701'
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides between 150 and 199 THEN '702'
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides >= 200 THEN '703'
    END AS SortOrder,
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides <=149 THEN 'Low Risk'
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides between 150 and 199 THEN 'Moderate Risk'
    WHEN hra.Triglycerides >= 200 THEN 'High Risk'
    END AS RiskCriteria
    FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    ) bioSumHDL
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[pw_Biometric_Summary] BS
    ON bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria = BS.Bimetric_Measure
    AND BS.Bimetric_Category ='Triglycerides (mg/dL)'
    WHERE bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria is not null
    GROUP BY bioSumHDL.SortOrder ,bioSumHDL.RiskCriteria,BS.Risk_Criteria,BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    ORDER BY BS.Risk_Higher_Limit
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='701') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('701','Low Risk','149 and below','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='702') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('702','Moderate Risk','150 to 199','0','0%','.')
    IF (Select COUNT(*) from @TEMPTAB where SortOrder ='703') = 0
    INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('703','High Risk','200 and above','0','0%','.')
    GRANT EXECUTE ON [frdmrpt].[pr_pha_BiometricsSummary] to FRDM_END_USER_ROLE

    work done so far(I will aprreciate your input and suggestions to complete this.Thanks
    CREATE PROCEDURE [frdmrpt].[pr_pha_T1T2_BiometricsSummaryTest]
    DECLARE @partcTot int
    select @partcTot = [frdmrpt].[fn_pha_total_participants](default);
    SortOrder varchar(10),
    --INSERT @TEMPTAB VALUES('00','Biometric Measure','Risk Citeria','N','Percent Of Screened Population','Average Value')
    --declare @BMI int
    --select @BMI = count(*)
    ---FROM [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_HRADetail2] hra
    ---INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].[wt_rpt_pha_pw_Member] mems
    ---ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    --WHERE hra.BMI is not null and hra.BMI != 0.0
    declare @BMI_T1 int
    select @BMI_T1 = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_HRADetail2 hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_Member mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID and hra.T1T2=mems.T1T2
    WHERE hra.BMI is not null and hra.BMI <> 0.0 and mems.T1T2 = 'T1'
    --SELECT @BMI_T1
    declare @BMI_T2 int
    select @BMI_T2 = count(*)
    FROM [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_HRADetail2 hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_Member mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID and hra.T1T2=mems.T1T2
    WHERE hra.BMI is not null and hra.BMI <> 0.0 and mems.T1T2 = 'T2'
    ---SELECT @BMI_T2
    declare @BMIavg_T1 float
    select @BMIavg_T1 = cast(isnull(AVG(BMI),0.0) as decimal (5,1))
    FROM [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_HRADetail2 hra
    INNER JOIN [frdmrpt].wt_pha_T1T2_Member mems
    ON hra.UserID = mems.UserID
    WHERE hra.BMI is not null --and hra.BMI <> 0.0
    and mems.T1T2 = 'T1'
    --SELECT @BMIavg_T1

  • Transpose of  a Table data

    i have got two tables called salary and salconfig,salary table is refering to salconfig table.
    I want a result of transpose values,i.e query should display in the following format.
    Empid Basic HRA DA TA
    298 4500 1500 800 950
    300 2300 450 800 560
    my tables r
    1 298 2 1500
    2 298 1 4500
    3 298 3 800
    4 298 4 950
    5 300 1 2300
    6 300 2 450
    7 300 3 800
    8 300 4 560
    1 Basic
    2 HRA
    3 Da
    4 ta
    If anybody got a query for this plz replay.Query should be a generalized one,because data in salconfig table will change dynamicaly.

    Right, so this is the key you want to run (this version allows for employees who don't qualify for everything):
    SQL> SELECT s1.emp_id
      2         , s1.val AS basic
      3         , nvl(s2.val, 0) AS hra
      4         , nvl(s3.val, 0) AS da
      5         , nvl(s4.val, 0) AS ta
      6  FROM   ( SELECT x1.emp_id, x1.val FROM salary x1
      7             WHERE  1 = x1.sal_id ) s1
      8         , ( SELECT x2.emp_id, x2.val FROM salary x2
      9             WHERE  2 = x2.sal_id ) s2
    10         , ( SELECT x3.emp_id, x3.val FROM salary x3
    11             WHERE  3 = x3.sal_id ) s3
    12         , ( SELECT x4.emp_id, x4.val FROM salary x4
    13             WHERE  4 = x4.sal_id ) s4
    14  WHERE  s1.emp_id = s2.emp_id(+)
    15  AND    s1.emp_id = s3.emp_id(+)
    16  AND    s1.emp_id = s4.emp_id(+)
    17  /
        EMP_ID      BASIC        HRA         DA         TA
           298       4500       1500        800        950
           300       2300        450        800        560
           301       2100          0        800          0
    SQL> Now what you want is to generate this query dynamically. I'm going to use a ref cursor. There are other approaches.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_remuneration RETURN sys_refcursor
       sel_stmt VARCHAR2(32767);
       from_stmt VARCHAR2(32767);
       where_stmt VARCHAR2(32767);
       return_value  sys_refcursor;
       FOR i IN ( SELECT id, items FROM salconfig ORDER BY id ASC )
          -- assume every employee gets BASIC salary and it's always gonna be 1
          IF i.items = 'Basic'
             sel_stmt := 'SELECT s1.emp_id'||chr(10)||'       , s1.val AS basic';
             from_stmt := 'FROM    ( SELECT x1.emp_id, x1.val FROM salary x1'||chr(10)||'             WHERE  1 = x1.sal_id ) s1';
             where_stmt := null;
             sel_stmt := sel_stmt||chr(10)||'       , nvl(s'||trim(||'.val, 0) AS "'||i.items||'"';
             from_stmt := from_stmt||chr(10)||',     ( SELECT x'||trim(||'.emp_id, x'||trim(||'.val FROM salary x'||trim(||chr(10)||'             WHERE  '||trim(||' = x'||trim(||'.sal_id ) s'||trim(;
             IF where_stmt IS null
                where_stmt := 'WHERE  ';
                where_stmt := where_stmt||chr(10)||'AND    ';
             END IF;
             where_stmt := where_stmt||'s1.emp_id = s'||trim(||'.emp_id(+)';
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       OPEN return_value FOR sel_stmt||chr(10)||from_stmt||chr(10)||where_stmt; 
       RETURN return_value;
    /Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back before breakfast.
    Cheers, APC

  • Simple Table Displays OK in Mozilla But Not Showing in IE??

    I'm updating our company website and am looking to add sections to each page with bullet points.  (Note: I am using Dreamweaver CS4 version 10.0.)
    I tried using the Unordered List feature but for those bullet points that were extremely long, the 2nd line would never align properly.  So...someone in our IT Dept suggested using a table.
    The table works GREAT in Firefox but only the first bullet point shows when I view using IE 8.  Even the rest of the page does not display.
    Relative newcomer to Dreamweaver so ANY assistance would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
    Here is the HTML code:
    <table width="346" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td width="27" scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td width="319"><span class="BulletText">Direct integration with other ABC-developed products such as PKonRx, eSignature, and A/R</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">POS A/R transactions automatically update pharmacy A/R module - no more double entry</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Record all “paid-in” and “paid-out” transactions through POS</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Post Customer A/R and PBM payments</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Eliminate analyzing register tapes with clear and concise POS reports</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">End-of-day takes just minutes</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Create start and stop dates for promotions ahead of time</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Add item messages that remind clerks of promotions, cross-sell and up-sell product</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Identify sales trends by item, department or after each promotion</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Protect margins by tracking price overrides</span></td>
    Here is what it looks like in Mozilla:
    Here is what it looks like in IE 8:

    Thanks for the quick response and finding the missing ;!
    Here is the full HTML code:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>SRS Pharmacy Systems: POS (Point-of-Sale)</title>
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
    .style9 {
        font-size: 13px;
        font-weight: bold;
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        font-size: 13px
    .style13 {font-size: 11px; }
    .style16 {color: #000000}
    .style17 {color: #4F5162}
    .style18 {
        font-size: 9px;
        font-style: italic;
    <link href="Level1_Arial.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <table >
            <td style="height:351px; background:url(images/bg-top.gif) top  repeat-x" align="center">
                <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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                <param name="movie" value="flash/header_v7.swf?button=3">
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                <!--[if !IE]> <-->
                <object data="flash/header_v7.swf?button=3"
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                 <param name="quality" value="high">
                 <param name="menu" value="false">
                 <param name="pluginurl" value="">
                 FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
                <!--> <![endif]-->
            <td style="height:368px" align="center" class="m_text">
                <table style="width:766px;">
                    <td style="height:34px"></td>
                    <td >
                        <table >
                          <td style="width:445px;">
                              <div  style="margin:0px 40px 0 33px">
                                <div align="left"><span class="style9"><span class="ParagraphHead"> <img src="images/Solutions_Spotlight.jpg" width="257" height="27" alt="POS"><br>
                                </span></span><strong><span class="ParagraphHead">Point-of-Sale</span></strong><span class="ParagraphSUBHeading"><br>
                                More Effective Cash Management</span><br>
                              <span class="ParagraphText">Once thought to be a fixture in only large pharmacies, <span class="style9"><span class="style12"><img src="images/POS-3.jpg" alt="Computer Pic" width="117" height="110" align="left" style="margin-right:15px; margin-top:3px"></span></span>an efficient point-of-sale system is now a necessity for <em>any</em> pharmacy looking to more effectively manage their overall business. From complying with recent IRS regulations for FSA/HRA cards, to creating a more accurate and efficient checkout process for customers, to managing pharmacy will-call bins, SRS’ PKon POS is the answer!<br>
                            </span><strong><span class="ParagraphSUBHeading">Increased Efficiencies</span></strong><span class="ParagraphSUBHeader2"><br>
                                        </span><span class="ParagraphText">Creating a single point of entry for all sales transactions, charges and payments, PKon POS
                                          makes your once tedious end-of-day processes quicker and more efficient as well as adds profitability by improving margins,
                                          identifying sales trends and opportunities.<br>
      <table width="346" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td width="27" scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td width="319"><span class="BulletText">Direct integration with other SRS-developed products such as PKonRx, eSignature, and A/R</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">POS A/R transactions automatically update pharmacy A/R module - no more double entry</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Record all “paid-in” and “paid-out” transactions through POS</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Post Customer A/R and PBM payments</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Eliminate analyzing register tapes with clear and concise POS reports</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">End-of-day takes just minutes</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Create start and stop dates for promotions ahead of time</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Add item messages that remind clerks of promotions, cross-sell and up-sell product</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Identify sales trends by item, department or after each promotion</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Protect margins by tracking price overrides</span></td>
                                        </span> <br>
                                    <span class="ParagraphSUBHeading">Increased Security</span><br>
                                    <span class="ParagraphText">Enhance your security and employee accountability by implementing the following security
      <table width="346" border="0">
        <td width="17" scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td width="319"><span class="BulletText">Clerk tracking for every POS transaction</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Track unauthorized price overrides, voided transaction or discounts</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">Restrict register(s) and POS tasks to specific users</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">PCI DSS-compliant software protects customers’ credit card data from fraud and abuse</span></td>
                                      <span class="ParagraphSUBHeading">Improved Customer Experience</span><br>
                                      <span class="ParagraphText">Customers will quickly judge their shopping experience by an efficient and fast checkout process.
                                      Pharmacies cannot afford a slow checkout system when a customer is ready to pay.</span><br>
                                    <table width="346" border="0">
        <td width="17" scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td width="319"><span class="BulletText">POS conveys a more professional image to your customers</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">POS delivers faster sales transactions and reduces the amount of time customers spend in
                              checkout lines</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">POS allows the pharmacy to offer convenient payment options (e.g. credit, debit, FSA, HRA or
                              in-store charge account)</span></td>
        <td scope="row"><div align="center">&#8226;</div></td>
        <td><span class="BulletText">One signature pad to handle all PBM, HIPAA, NSC, A/R and credit/debit card signatures</span></td>
                                    <span class="ParagraphText">Click on the brochure link for additional information. If you still have questions, <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]" ONCLICK="openWindow('tell_me_more.html','516','381')">contact  us</A> today for a personal response. </span></span><span class="style12"><br>
                                <a href="PDFs/SRS PKon POS.pdf" class="style13" ><img alt="arrow" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"></a><span class="Clickhere"><a href="PDFs/SRS_POS.pdf" >Click here </a>for the  POS brochure</span></div>
                                  <a href="PDFs/SRS PKon POS.pdf" class="style13"><span class="Clickhere"><a href="PDFs/SRS_POS.pdf" >
                            <div align="justify"></div>                          </div>                        </td>
                            <td style="width:40px; background:url(images/bg-line.gif) repeat-y"></td>
                            <td style="width:260px;">
                                <div  style="margin:0px 26px 0 0px">
                                    <img src="images/Pharmacy_Solutions.jpg" alt="" width="192" height="27" ><br>
                                  </strong><span class="ParagraphText"><span class="ParagraphText">Browse our full suite of pharmacy management applications:</span><br><br><span class="SolutionsBullets">
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 PKon Rx.html" >PKon Rx</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 340B.html" >340B</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 AutoFax.html" >Auto-Fax</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 EPrescriptions.html" >e-Prescriptions</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 ESig.html" >eSignature</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 IVR.html" >IVR</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 MAR.html" >MAR Printing</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 Offsite Backup.html" >Off-Site Backup</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 POS.html" >Point-of-Sale (POS)</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 Receivables.html" >Receivables (A/R)</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 SystemsSupport.html" >Systems Support</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 Thermal Printing.html" >Thermal Printing</a><br>
                                  <img alt="Read More" src="images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:5px"><a href="index-3 Timeclock.html" >Timeclock</a></span><br>
    </div>                        </td>
                    <td style="height:16px"></td>
            <td >
                <table >
                    <td style="width:50%; background:url(images/bg-left.gif) top repeat-x #E6E8E9"></td>
                    <td style="width:766px; background:url(images/bg-bot.gif) repeat-y">
                        <table style="width:766px;height:81px; background:url(images/bg-bot2.gif) top repeat-x">
                            <td height="147" bgcolor="#999999" style="width:271px;"><br>
                                <span class="c_text" style="margin:29px 0px 0 0px">&copy;2010 SRS Pharmacy Systems</span><br>
                            <td bgcolor="#999999" style="width:303px;"><br>
                                <span class="c_text"><span class="style16"><a href="index-1.html">Home</a>  |  <a href="index-2.html">Technology</a>  |  <a href="index-3.html">Solutions</a>  |  <a href="index-4.html">News</a>  |  <a href="index-6.html">Contact Us</a> </span></span></td>
                    <td style="width:50%; background:url(images/bg-right.gif) top repeat-x #D3D5D6"></td>
    Here is the CSS:
    table {border-collapse:collapse; border:0px;}
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        font-size: 13px;
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        font-size: 11px;
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    .ParagraphSUBHeader2 {
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        font-weight: bold;
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    .SolutionsBullets {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 13px;
        color: #005891;

  • How to enter HRA without maintaining the infotype 0581

    Hi Friends,
    We would like to maintain HRA without entering the value in 581 infotype.
    But it not allowing us to maintain like that..can any body let me know the dynamic action is existed for this.
    Any body can help out on this..
    rewards will be given for the helpful answers.

    The authorization of a country grouping for an infotype and type is specified in table T582L Infotypes - Country-Specific Settings. 
    Maintain T582L  for IT0581.

  • Ad Hoc Query from table PPDIT

    I'm creating an ad hoc query to retrieve data from table PPDIT by filtering the transaction key. This is to get a list of amounts posted to the technical accounts(Transaction key HRA). However, the query output and the output from table PPDIT through SE16 are different. It seems like the query only picks up transaction key HRF. Anyone with any ideas why?

    Than you add the additional field from extras option.
    click on extras tab.
    From there add table add field add structure.
    If you want to add a field write the name of the field and continue.
    suppose the field is matnr.
    Long text = material number
    header = material number
    and in like reference = mara-matnr.
    tablename-field name.
    let me know if this helps you.

  • Table name for IT

    Hi export,
    how to find out the table name for Infor type, such as I want to know IT0041 and IT0002 store in which table.

    All personnel administration tables start with PA and the infotype number behind it.
    All personnel development/OM tables start with HRP and infotype (e.g. 1000) behind it.
    All recruitment tables start with PB and infotype number behind it.
    There also are HR tables that start with HRA, HPD, HRT, etc. The easy way to get a list is to use SAP's 'Application Hierarchy', transaction SE81 (select all HR modes in the tree that you are want a list of tables for, click on the 'Information System' button, under Abap Dictionary --> Basic Objs, double click on 'database tables', increase your 'maximun no. of hits' and execute).
    Use transaction se11...type in PA* do dropdown and enter, do the same for HRP* and you will have most of the HR transaparent Tables. To access them look for RP_read_* and RP_provide* in Table TRMAC to read a infotype or use the 'select' statement to access the Transparent table. 
    Transaction SE16 (data browser) is also useful.  As mentioned above, the PA infotype tables all begin with PA and are followed by the infotype number e.g. PA0001 for the Org Man infotype.
    PA* - PA infotype tables
    PCL* - HR clusters
    PB* - recruitment tables
    PCERT - payroll posting runs
    I hope this will help you in future too

  • Reg : HRA and PF Eligibility

    Hello friends,
    We are implementing indian payroll. I got few doubts during configuring. can you please help me out.
    1. Where should we ristrict PF eligibility = 6500?
    2. If HRA = 40% of basic + 1000.
    Does it require to maintain Rs. 1000/- in raps table.
    Thanks and Regards.

    Dear Friends,
    Im familiar with Indirect evaluation module...TARIFF, SUMME, PRZT, CONST
    I have few doubts in Inval...
    A      works just like Tariff, means it defaults fixed amount..
    B      is like prznt it calcualtes on different components...
            % on couple of wagetypes plus fixed amount
    C      similar to B but here we can give some limit
    D      Forgot......
    Can somebody plz explain with not able to get clear picture.......

  • HRA not getting defaulted in IT - 0008

    Hi SAP users,
    This will be the most basic configuration but don't know how I am facing a problem in defaulting HRA wage type in IT - 0008 (Basic Pay)
    I have created a wage type 9001 which was copied from M230,
    In T511 the wage type has INVAL B,   Amount = + & Number/unit = -
    In T7INA9
    WT        Amt               RAP indc 
    9001     Blank          A Allowance      INR      01.01.1990      31.12.9999
    In T7INT9
    WT          Tax Type                         Frequency      Exmpt It     Tax Code    
    9001      R Tax exemption is Rule      Blank               00.00     SHRA
    Also, I have maintained T510 in which 9001 amt is kept as Blank
    T539A the below values are maintained;
    TM 1 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 O 9000 Basic Salary
    TM 2 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 O 9001 HRA
    TM 3 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 O 9003 Conveyance Allowance
    TM 4 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 O 9006 Personal Pay
    TM 5 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 O 9008 Education Allow.
    T539J the below values are maintained;
    PRZNT 9001 HRA  1 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 9000 Basic Salary     50.00
    T = Test Basic
    PERSK Employee Subgroup
            TM = EXECUTIVE – SM3
    T = Test Basic
        PERSK Employee Subgroup
            TM = EXECUTIVE – SM3
    T7INA1 - TM01 (EXECUTIVE – SM3)
    T7INA3 - GM TM 3 TM  TM01
    T7INA5 - TM01 --> 20/TM
    All the configuration is correctly done in the system still it is not defaulting in IT - 0008. Also, I saw a post in whcih it was mentioned that remove HRA from Table T7INT9 then it will be defaulted which i did & it worked. However, as per my understanding it is worng to remove the wt from there as it is used for Tax exemption nd linked with tax code.
    Please let me know wht measures should I take to resolve this issue.
    Prasad lad

    Hi Prasad,
    The configuration done from your side are correct . As per SAP standard, the HRA will not get defaulted unless IT581 is maintained. So we need to change the procedure to default the HRA WT
    1. In Hiring Action, Insert IT581 after the infotype IT0008 so that once you save the infotype 581 , HRA will get defaulted in Infotype 0008
    2. In IT581, If you dont know whether the Employee is staying in Rented house or Own house,Then inform your user to select always 'Own Accomodation' and then save it.
    3. In ESS, the employee can change the option in IT581 (IT declaration) later.
    Only way to get default other than i have mentioned above is removing the Wagetype from Table T7INT9, But the Exemption will not get calculated for the same.
    If you have any clarifications, then raise the Oss Message. SAP will definitely say the same thing.
    I hope this would resolve this issue.

  • Table Data on Letter Report

    Hello Guys,,
    How are you all ?
    i have a Letter type report, on which i am printing Data with totals in between M_BODY1 AND M_BODY2.
    :M_REF := 'HRA/SR/ ';
    :M_TO := 'Chief Executive Officer';
    :M_FROM := 'Chairman';
    :M_SUBJECT := 'Loan Summary for ';
    :M_BODY1 := 'The Loan Scheme Committee has reviewed the following Loan applications .....';
    <+table data starts here....+>
    whats happening is when the data rows goes on to 2nd page, then on the 2nd page the top space
    reserved for from M_DATE AND M_BODY1, remains blank. and the remaining rows are printed leaving so many space.
    i want on the 2nd page the data to start print from top.
    The property for all fields from M_DATE and M_BODY1 is set to "+First Page and Enclosing Object+"
    :M_BODY2 := 'I seek your approval on the above for total amount of US$ 316,854.64 as recommended by the Committee of the Loan scheme.';
    :M_PREPARED_NAME := 'R A S';
    :M_PREPARED_DESIG := 'Housing Loan Administrator Secretary';
    :M_APPROVED_NAME1 := 'Y A H';
    :M_APPROVED_DESIG1 := 'Chairman, Loan Committee';
    :M_APPROVED_NAME2 := 'A A. A K';
    :M_APPROVED_DESIG2 := 'Cheif Executive Officer';
    Also, if after printing the data upto M_BODY2, i want all the Fields from M_PREPARED_NAME upto M_APPROVED_DESIG2 to be always printed together. Suppose if on the last page theres only space left
    for M_PREPARED_NAME or M_PREPARED_DESIG, I want all to be printed on the fresh page..
    Kindly help solve this.
    I am using Report 6i, DB oracle10g
    some URL of my problem;

    You need to do somethings with fields and frames.
    1. For the top fields...
    :M_REF := 'HRA/SR/ ';
    :M_TO := 'Chief Executive Officer';
    :M_FROM := 'Chairman';
    :M_SUBJECT := 'Loan Summary for ';
    create one main frame and in keep all these fields inside that frame and frame printing property keep "FIRST PAGE"
    and "VARIABLE".
    Keep the body1 and body2 as it as...
    for the below fields
    :M_PREPARED_NAME := 'R A S';
    :M_PREPARED_DESIG := 'Housing Loan Administrator Secretary';
    :M_APPROVED_NAME1 := 'Y A H';
    :M_APPROVED_DESIG1 := 'Chairman, Loan Committee';
    :M_APPROVED_NAME2 := 'A A. A K';
    :M_APPROVED_DESIG2 := 'Cheif Executive Officer';
    create one main frame and place all these felds in that frame nad printing property keep "LAST PAGE" and there is one property call "Page Protect" keep this property to YES.
    then it will work...

  • Sap hr system table

    Please Let me know What is SAPHR System Table nuber ?

    All personnel administration tables start with PA and the infotype number behind it.
    All personnel development/OM tables start with HRP and infotype (e.g. 1000) behind it.
    All recruitment tables start with PB and infotype number behind it.
    There also are HR tables that start with HRA, HPD, HRT, etc. The easy way to get a list is to use SAP's 'Application Hierarchy', transaction SE81 (select all HR modes in the tree that you are want a list of tables for, click on the 'Information System' button, under Abap Dictionary --> Basic Objs, double click on 'database tables', increase your 'maximun no. of hits' and execute).
    Go to transaction se11...type in PA* do dropdown and enter, do the same for HRP* and you will have most of the HR transaparent Tables.
    Transaction SE16 is also useful.  As mentioned above, the PA infotype tables all begin with PA and are followed by the infotype number e.g. PA0001
    PA* - PA infotype tables
    PCL* - HR clusters
    PB* - recruitment tables
    PCERT - payroll posting runs
    Another useful table is CATSDB for CATS, and PTEX2000 for the CATS transfer table for infotype 2001/2002.

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