Perchasing a good soundcard for Logic Pro 8.0

I'm want to build a Logic Pro 8 studio for mixing television audio, film scores, and record original music. Can anyone recomend a great sound card to work with my Mac and Logic studio? I've seached online and havent been able to find much info.

That's right. The new Intel Macs don't have PCI slots. So if you buy a PCI card, and you upgrade your Mac, then you render your PCI card useless, and nearly valueless by the time you upgrade.
Also, it seems many people are complaining about how Logic 8 runs on the G5s. This is no surprise. The upgrade is designed to take advantage of the Intel Mac, and this, in turn, causes you to upgrade your hardware.
Since I've been having my high-frequency problem with the MOTU card, I used an M-Audio Profire Lightbridge. Now, I don't do any recording here in my Logic room, so I can't attest to that. But as a playback machine, it was sketchy. Finicky, even. And the converters are horrific. For myself, that didn't matter so much, because I have 24 channels of external converters. But I did check out the converters on the Lightbridge, and they were probably--I'm not exagerating here--the worst converters I've ever heard.
PCI cards are the only way to go if you are running a pro facility..
The problem is, there are only a few cards on the market for PCIe slots.
The MOTU-424, which so-far doesn't seem to be compatible with the Intel Mac. I'm sure they'll figure it out, the question is when?
The RME HDSPe, which was recalled for what I suspect is the same problem as the MOTU card had with the Intel Mac.
The RME MADI card, which is an expensive solution, with high output abilities. More thn you need for your situation, methinks.
And the Apogee card, which goes with the Apogee interface (Symphony?). Another expensive solution, but certainly easy. And if you have no converters, that might be the best option. However, I've never listened to these particular converters, so I'm just guessing. Frankly, I've never thought Apogee converters have been anything beyond adequate, but I'm sure they'll be better than any of the other solutions I've laid out above.
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    jazzlife, I really suggest you read up on what Logic 7 can do and how it works. Logic uses both MIDI and recorded audio files and can use both real (external) and virtual (software) synthesisers. It is a very flexible piece of software and will fulfil all the requirements you have listed. I'm not sure what you mean exactly by an 'analog table' but be assured you have full control over every aspect of your music such as adding effects and mixing.
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    Message was edited by: curvebender
    Message was edited by: curvebender

    curvebender wrote:
    2. Is this a good setup:
    D1: Mac OS, Logic Pro
    D2: Audio for Logic Pro
    D3: Sample libraries, including direct from disc streaming.
    Yes, excellent way to go. One suggestion: on your sample or audio drive, or an external FW, install a basic system + Logic app only. This enables you to have another system to boot from in case of trouble, or you can use it as a test bed for future updates etc. without affecting your primary system. You'd only boot into this drive in case of problems or for testing. I currently have Leopard running on one drive to test it out as I don't want to move to 10.5.x yet.

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    Do you run automap 4.8/4.9? If so, then the chance is that automap is the culprit for slow undos/redos on LPX 10.1. Delete the Novation controller in the LPX controller surfaces. You find it under preferences/controller surfaces. If that is the solution for you, then uninstall automap. You find the uninstaller under applications-automap.
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    While this is not quite the answer you be looking for...
    The 2011 Mac Mini Server, is in many ways the better bet for use with Logic because...
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    But.. the real kicker is that Apple are currently selling refurbished ones (with full warranty) at $759.....  down from $999 they are quite the bargain.. r-20ghz-quad-core-intel-core-i7
    I bought two of these originally and have never regretted it.. So much so that i just picked up another as a spare...
    Got to be worth consideration... and at that price.. You could buy two... and use Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 to sync them together..
    A Basic Guide to VEP5 and Logic info that i wrote, can be found here...
    ...add a screen and still save money conpared to buying a mid level iMac.... and you would be getting one **** of a punchy system for your buck.
    Other than that suggestion..
    In regards to the original question... Always go for the i7 models as hyperthreading adds 4 more (virtual) cores and that can really make a difference in performance compared to the 4 cores of an i5...

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