Performance concern

Dear Experts,
The below query is causing a lot of performance concern. Kindly go through and let me know about the suitable modifications i can make.
          sum( fkimg ) as fkimg
          from ZV_BSEG_VBRP_RK
          into table it_sales
          fkdat_i in s_fkdat and
          vtweg in s_vtweg and
          vkorg in s_vkorg and
          fkart in so_fkart and
          spart in s_spart and
          vstel in s_werks and
          matnr in s_matnr and
          vbeln in s_vbeln and
          fkimg ne '0' and
          ktgrm in ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12') and
          fksto ne 'X'
          group by vbeln fkart vkorg vtweg fkdat matnr aubel vstel ktgrm matkl prctr spart SAKN1.
    sort it_sales by vbeln matnr prctr.
    if it_sales[] is not initial.
select vbeln fkdat GJAHR VKORG from vbrk into table it_vbeln for all entries in it_sales where vbeln = it_sales-vbeln.
          from bsEG into table it_fin1
          for all entries in it_vbeln
          where belnr = it_vbeln-vbeln AND
          hkont >= '0000400001' and hkont <= '0000400251'.
*          hkont = it_sales-sakn1.
*          group by belnr shkzg hkont prctr.
          SORT IT_FIN BY hkont.
*delete it_fin where hkont >= '0000400001' and hkont <= '0000400251'.
        IF it_fin1[] IS NOT INITIAL.
loop at it_fin1.
move-corresponding it_fin1 to it_fin.
collect it_fin.
append it_fin.
          loop at it_fin.
            it_data_1-vbeln = it_fin-belnr.
            it_data_1-matnr = it_fin-matnr.
            it_data_1-prctr = it_fin-prctr.
*read table it_sales transporting no fields with key vbeln = it_data_1-vbeln matnr = it_Data_1-matnr prctr = it_data_1-prctr.
*if sy-subrc = 0.
*tabix = sy-tabix.
read table it_sales with key vbeln = it_data_1-vbeln matnr = it_Data_1-matnr prctr = it_data_1-prctr.
            it_data_1-aubel = it_sales-aubel.
            it_data_1-vstel = it_sales-vstel.
            it_data_1-ktgrm = it_sales-ktgrm.
            it_data_1-matkl = it_sales-matkl.
            it_data_1-fkart = it_sales-fkart.
            it_data_1-vkorg = it_sales-vkorg.
            it_data_1-vtweg = it_sales-vtweg.
            it_data_1-fkdat = it_sales-fkdat.
            it_data_1-spart = it_sales-spart.
            if it_data_1-fkart = 'F2' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'IV' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'ZF2' or it_data_1-fkart = 'ZMIS' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'ZSF2' or it_data_1-fkart = 'ZMF2'.
              it_data_1-fkimg = it_sales-fkimg.
              it_data_1-shkzg = it_fin-shkzg.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'H'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_1 = it_data_1-dmbtr_1 + it_fin-dmbtr.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'S'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_2 = it_data_1-dmbtr_2 + it_fin-dmbtr.
* H - Credit
* S - Debit
            if it_data_1-fkart = 'G2' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'IG' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'RE' or  it_data_1-fkart = 'ZCRE'.
              if it_data_1-fkart = 'G2'.
                it_data_1-cr_qty = '0'.
                it_data_1-cr_qty = it_sales-fkimg.
              it_data_1-shkzg = it_fin-shkzg.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'H'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_1 = it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_1 + it_fin-dmbtr.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'S'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_2 = it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_2 + it_fin-dmbtr.
            if it_data_1-fkart = 'L2'.
              it_data_1-dr_qty = 0.
              it_data_1-shkzg = it_fin-shkzg.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'H'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_1 = it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_1 + it_fin-dmbtr.
              if it_data_1-shkzg = 'S'.
              it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_2 = it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_2 + it_fin-dmbtr .
            select single vtext into it_data_1-vtext from tvkmt where spras = 'EN' and ktgrm = it_data_1-ktgrm.
            select single txt20 into it_data_1-gltxt from skat where spras = 'EN' and saknr = it_data_1-hkont and ktopl = '1000'.
            select single maktg into it_data_1-maktg from makt where matnr = it_data_1-matnr.
            select single vtext into it_data_1-division from tspat where spart = it_data_1-spart and spras = 'EN'.
            append it_data_1.
            clear it_data_1.
            clear it_sales.
          sort it_data_1 by matnr vbeln.
if p_check ne 'X'.
          loop at it_data_1.
            concatenate it_data_1-matnr ' ' it_data_1-matkl ' ' it_data_1-ktgrm into it_final_1-count.
            move: it_data_1-matnr to it_final_1-matnr,
                  it_data_1-matkl to it_final_1-matkl,
                  it_data_1-ktgrm to it_final_1-ktgrm,
                  it_data_1-vtext to it_final_1-vtext,
                  it_data_1-sakn1 to it_final_1-sakn1,
                  it_data_1-spart to it_final_1-spart,
                  it_data_1-gltxt to it_final_1-gltxt,
                  it_data_1-division to it_final_1-division,
                  it_data_1-prctr to it_final_1-prctr,
                  it_data_1-maktg to it_final_1-maktg,
                  it_data_1-fkimg to it_final_1-fkimg,
*                  it_data_1-dmbtr to it_final_1-dmbtr,
*                  it_data_1-dmbtr_cr to it_final_1-dmbtr_cr,
*                  it_data_1-dmbtr_dr to it_final_1-dmbtr_dr,
                  it_data_1-dr_qty to it_final_1-dr_qty,
                  it_data_1-cr_qty to it_final_1-cr_qty,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_1 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_1,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_2 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_2,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_1 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_1,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_dr_2 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_2,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_1 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_1,
                  it_data_1-dmbtr_cr_2 TO it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_2.
            append it_final_1.
            clear it_data_1.
          data: wa_matnr_1 like mara-matnr,
                wa_matkl_1 like vbrp-matkl,
                wa_ktgrm_1 like vbrp-ktgrm,
                wa_hkont like bsis-hkont,
                wa_gltxt like skat-txt20,
                wa_hkont_dr like bsis-hkont,
                wa_hkont_cr like bsis-hkont,
                wa_maktg_1 like makt-maktg,
                wa_vtext_1 like tvkmt-vtext,
                wa_vtext_2 like tspat-vtext,
                wa_spart like vbrk-spart,
                wa_prctr like vbrp-prctr.
          sort it_final_1 by matnr matkl ktgrm division prctr hkont.
          loop at it_final_1.
            wa_matnr_1 = it_final_1-matnr.
            wa_matkl_1 = it_final_1-matkl.
            wa_ktgrm_1 = it_final_1-ktgrm.
            wa_vtext_1 = it_final_1-vtext.
            wa_spart = it_final_1-spart.
            wa_hkont = it_final_1-sakn1.
            wa_gltxt = it_final_1-gltxt.
            wa_vtext_2 = it_final_1-division.
            wa_prctr = it_final_1-prctr.
            wa_maktg_1 = it_final_1-maktg.
*        wa_hkont_cr = it_final_1-hkont_cr.
            at end of count.
*          it_gl-hkont_dr = it_final_1-hkont_dr.
*          it_gl-hkont_cr = it_final_1-hkont_cr.
              it_gl-fkimg = it_final_1-fkimg.
              it_gl-dr_qty = it_final_1-dr_qty.
              it_gl-cr_qty = it_final_1-cr_qty.
              it_gl-dmbtr_1 = it_final_1-dmbtr_1.
              it_gl-dmbtr_2 = it_final_1-dmbtr_2.
              it_gl-dmbtr = it_final_1-dmbtr_1 - it_final_1-dmbtr_2.
*it_gl-dmbtr = it_final_1-dmbtr.
              it_gl-dmbtr_dr_1 = it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_1.
              it_gl-dmbtr_dr_2 = it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_2.
              it_gl-dmbtr_dr = it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_1 - it_final_1-dmbtr_dr_2.
*it_gl-dmbtr_dr = it_final_1-dmbtr_dr.
              it_gl-dmbtr_cr_1 = it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_1.
              it_gl-dmbtr_cr_2 = it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_2.
              it_gl-dmbtr_cr = it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_1 - it_final_1-dmbtr_cr_2.
*it_gl-dmbtr_cr = it_final_1-dmbtr_cr.
              it_gl-gltxt = wa_gltxt.
              it_gl-matnr = wa_matnr_1.
              it_gl-matkl = wa_matkl_1.
              it_gl-vtext = wa_vtext_1.
              it_gl-spart = wa_spart.
              it_gl-division = wa_vtext_2.
              it_gl-prctr = wa_prctr.
              it_gl-hkont = wa_hkont.
              it_gl-maktg = wa_maktg_1.
              it_gl-netqty = ( it_gl-fkimg + it_gl-dr_qty ) - ( it_gl-cr_qty ).
              it_gl-netval = ( it_gl-dmbtr + it_gl-dmbtr_dr ) - ( it_gl-dmbtr_cr ).
              append it_gl.
              clear wa_matnr_1.
              clear wa_vtext_1.
              clear wa_matkl_1.
              clear wa_ktgrm_1.
              clear wa_hkont.
              clear wa_hkont_dr.
              clear wa_hkont_cr.
            clear it_final_1.
            clear it_gl.
Do provide your valuable suggestions
Use meaningful subject for your Future questions
Edited by: Vijay Babu Dudla on Mar 23, 2009 6:20 AM

Assuming you are using standard tables instead of sorted or hashed, your problem is likely here:
loop at it_fin.
  read table it_sales with
    key vbeln = it_data_1-vbeln
    matnr = it_Data_1-matnr
    prctr = it_data_1-prctr.
The read without the binary search option is in effect a nested loop. so have a look at:
[Performance of Nested Loops|/people/rob.burbank/blog/2006/02/07/performance-of-nested-loops]

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    Any Ideas?
    Thank you

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    I have the feeling that the harddisk (Seagate 500GB) is slow and that it's the biggest bottleneck in my system. I'm planning to buy 4xHitachi or Maxtor 500GB harddisks and put them in one RAID-0. Backup will then be handled on external FW/USB drives or internal 5th disk underneath the opticals. That and a fresh install of OS X should cure any performance problem I hope.
    As of now, I'm still using the factory OS X install. Maybe this is also part of the problem?
    iBook, Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi JKSH,
    Using the 9082 cRIO you should be more than ok to host that many I/O Aliases. Depending on the controller you could run into issues where there are memory limitations on the controller. However, that controller should have more than enough memory to support that many variables. The best way to get an idea of how the variables are affecting your system is to monitor the CPU and memory usage in MAX. I would also recommend only installing the necessary software onto the cRIO and not everything that is possible. I hope this helps and if you have any more questions please let me know.
    Patrick H | National Instruments | Software Engineer

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    ttBulkCp is a general purpose tool and so will always be slower than an ODBC program written to handle a specific case. For example, ttBulkCp has to first analyse the structure of the table. Then it has to parse each row read from the load file based on the structure of the table, possibly converting data types in the process. Then it has to actually do the insert (via ODBC). It's actually pretty efficient given its generic nature but will never be as efficient as a specifically written ODBC program that target a known table format and maybe also does not have to parse the input file so riogpurously (or maybe does not even read from a file). Also, its performance depends heavily on the command line options that you use. If you commit too frequently (or not frequently enough) or checkpoint too often then this will also hurt its performance.
    I believe that ttBulkCp does use batch insert in TT 7.0, As for 'batch commit' mode, you controlthat using the -xp command line option.

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    I join three tables based on indexed fields.
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    Any ideas ?
    Thank you !!

    COUNT(*) can most certainly make use of indexes, assuming you're using the cost-based optimizer and you have gathered statistics recently.
    First, let's walk through what happens when there are no statistics on a table
    scott@jcave > ANALYZE TABLE my_table DELETE STATISTICS;
    scott@jcave > desc my_table;
    Name                  Null?    Type
    MYKEY                 NOT NULL NUMBER
    VALUE                          VARCHAR2(100)
    scott@jcave > set autotrace on;
    scott@jcave > select count(*) from my_table;
    Elapsed: 00:00:03.03
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE
       1    0   SORT (AGGREGATE)
       2    1     TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MY_TABLE'
             36  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
           1145  consistent gets
           1126  physical reads
            480  redo size
            381  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            503  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              1  rows processedSo, it took 3 seconds to full-scan the table when there were no statistics. Now, lets gather some statistics and try again. Note that I'll be using the ANALYZE command, but production databases should probably be gathering statistics with the dbms_stats package regularly.
    scott@jcave > analyze table my_table compute statistics;
    Table analyzed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:09.07
    scott@jcave > analyze table my_table compute statistics for all indexes;
    Table analyzed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:04.00
    scott@jcave > select count(*) from my_table;
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.08
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=43 Card=1)
       1    0   SORT (AGGREGATE)
       2    1     INDEX (FAST FULL SCAN) OF 'SYS_C003704' (UNIQUE) (Cost=4
              3 Card=227610)
             55  recursive calls
              2  db block gets
            517  consistent gets
            489  physical reads
            120  redo size
            381  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            503  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              1  rows processedWe've gone down to a fraction of a second, now that the CBO knows that the index will be useful.
    The moral of the story is that if you haven't gathered statistics recently, you may want to try doing so.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Query performance concerning order by

    The following query taks 0.2 seconds
    select * from messagerecipients order by messageid
    Also the following one takes same amount of time
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    I want to order by both messageid and groupid so
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    select * from
    ( select * from messagerecipients order by messageid)
    order by groupid
    Both ways take around 2 seconds (10 times slower than
    each query on each own).
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks !!

    I just noticed the following:
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    select * from messagerecipients
    order by messageid, groupid
    ) where rownum < 38000
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    select * from messagerecipients
    order by messageid, groupid
    ) where rownum < 39000
    Very strange !!!
    Does that give you any ideas maybe ?
    Thank you once again !!

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