Performance issue: looping over queries with a query results set

I have code that works, but I think I should be able to run the code faster. I could try a stored procedure but there are so many variables to set. I tried with wrapping cftransation around the code, but it didn't make a noticeable difference. I need to go through the data singularly to fill my query object.
Here's an ABBREVIATED sample of the code:
<cfset tot_AllActiveListing = QueryNew(
"AnnounceNum, JP_PDLoc, JP_JS_Title, JP_JS_KWID, JP_JS, JP_Open, JP_Close, JP_CloseType, JP_CloseName, JP_PosNeed, JP_DirectHire, JP_Desc, JP_Draft, JP_Archived, JP_State, JP_AreaID, JP_AreaName, JP_AreaAlias, JP_Fac_SU, JP_Fac_Facility, JP_FAC_ID, JP_Grade1, JP_Grade2, JP_Grade3, JP_Grade4, JP_Grade5, JP_Posted, JP_TypeHire, JP_HRemail",
<cfquery name="getAllActiveListing" datasource="#request.at_datasource#">
    SELECT j.JOB_AnnounceNum, j.JOB_PDLoc, j.fk_JS_code, j.Job_JPOpen, j.Job_JPClose, j.fk_CloseType, j.JOB_JPPosNeed, j.JOB_DirectHire, j.JOB_JPDesc, j.Job_JPDraft, j.JOB_JPArchived, j.JOB_State,
    j.fk_FACID, j.Posted, j.JOB_IHSvITU, f.Fac_Area, f.Fac_ServiceUnit, f.fac_Facility, f.Fac_Addr1, f.Fac_Addr2, f.Fac_City, f.Fac_State, f.Fac_Zip
    from JOB_JP j INNER JOIN #generaldb#IHSFacility f
    ON j.fk_FACID  = f.Fac_ID
            JOB_JPDraft = 0
            and (Job_JPClose = #Now()# or Job_JPClose > #Now()# or fk_CloseType = 2 or fk_CloseType = 3)
            and (JOB_JPArchived = 0 or JOB_JPArchived IS NULL)
             <cfif IsDefined("qAltPostID") and qAltPostID.recordcount gt "0">
            and JOB_AnnounceNum IN (<cfqueryparam list="yes" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_varchar" value="#ValueList(qAltPostID.fk_Job_AnnounceNum)#">)
            <cfelseif option is "JPPostListing" and StructKeyExists(session,"IHSUID")>
            and  j.WhoCreated = #session.IHSUID#
             Order by j.Job_JPOpen desc
    <cfloop from="1" to="#session.getAllActiveListing.recordcount#" index="i">       
            <cfquery name="getAllActiveListingGrade" datasource="#request.at_datasource#">
                SELECT fk_Job_AnnounceNum, Grade
                from Job_JP_Grade
                Where Job_JP_Grade.fk_Job_AnnounceNum = '#session.getAllActiveListing.Job_AnnounceNum[i]#'
            <cfif IsDefined("session.getAllActiveListing") and session.getAllActiveListing.recordcount neq "0">       
                <cfquery name="getAllActiveListingIHSArea" datasource="#at_datasource#">
                SELECT JOBIHSArea_ID, JOBIHSArea_Name, JOBIHSArea_Alias
                from JOB_IHSArea_LKUP
                where JOBIHSArea_Alias = '#session.getAllActiveListing.Fac_Area[i]#'
            <cfset session.getAllActiveListingGrade = getAllActiveListingGrade />
            <cfquery name="getAllActiveListingCloseName" datasource="#at_datasource#">
            SELECT JOB_CloseName
            from JOB_CloseType_LKUP
            where JOB_CloseType_LKUP.JOB_CloseType = #session.getAllActiveListing.fk_CloseType[i]#
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "AnnounceNum", "#session.getAllActiveListing.Job_AnnounceNum[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_PDLoc", "#session.getAllActiveListing.JOB_PDLoc[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_Draft", "#session.getAllActiveListing.Job_JPDraft[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_Archived", "#session.getAllActiveListing.Job_JParchived[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_Posted", "#session.getAllActiveListing.Posted[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_PosNeed", "#session.getAllActiveListing.JOB_JPPosNeed[i]#");
                    QuerySetCell(tot_AllActiveListing, "JP_DirectHire", "#session.getAllActiveListing.JOB_DirectHire[i]#");
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. If stored procedures are the best way to handle this and will run appreciably faster, I'll try it.

Thanks for your reply.
So now here is the entire code written with LEFT JOIN:
<cfquery name="getAllActiveListing" datasource="#request.at_datasource#">
    SELECT j.JOB_AnnounceNum, j.JOB_PDLoc, j.fk_JS_code, j.Job_JPOpen, j.Job_JPClose, j.fk_CloseType, j.JOB_JPPosNeed, j.JOB_DirectHire, j.JOB_JPDesc, j.Job_JPDraft, j.JOB_JPArchived, j.JOB_State,
    j.fk_FACID, j.Posted, j.JOB_IHSvITU, f.Fac_Area, f.Fac_ServiceUnit, f.fac_Facility, f.Fac_Addr1, f.Fac_Addr2, f.Fac_City, f.Fac_State, f.Fac_Zip, g.Grade, a.JOBIHSArea_ID, a.JOBIHSArea_Name, a.JOBIHSArea_Alias, c.JOB_CloseName, s.Title, p.HRContact, p.HRContactType, e.Email, k.fk_KWID, k.fk_AnnounceNum, w.JOB_KWName, w.JOB_KWID
    from JOB_JP j INNER JOIN #generaldb#IHSFacility f
    ON j.fk_FACID  = f.Fac_ID
    ON j.JOB_AnnounceNum = g.fk_Job_AnnounceNum
    ON j.Fac_Area = a.JOBIHSArea_Alias
    ON j.fk_CloseType = c.JOB_CloseType
    ON j.fk_js_code = s.fk_js_code
    ON j.JOB_AnnounceNum = p.fk_Job_AnnounceNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #globalds#Email e
    ON p.HRContact = e.table_ID
    ON j.JOB_AnnounceNum = k.fk_AnnounceNum
    ON k.fk_KWID = w.JOB_KWID 
            JOB_JPDraft = 0
            and (Job_JPClose = #Now()# or Job_JPClose > #Now()# or fk_CloseType = 2 or fk_CloseType = 3)
            and (JOB_JPArchived = 0 or JOB_JPArchived IS NULL)
             <cfif IsDefined("qAltPostID") and qAltPostID.recordcount gt "0">
            and JOB_AnnounceNum IN (<cfqueryparam list="yes" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_varchar" value="#ValueList(qAltPostID.fk_Job_AnnounceNum)#">)
            <cfelseif option is "JPPostListing" and StructKeyExists(session,"IHSUID")>
            and  j.WhoCreated = #session.IHSUID#
             Order by j.Job_JPOpen desc
I'm concerned about the queries below that I converted to the LEFT JOIN code above..
<cfquery name="getAllActiveListingHRContact" datasource="#at_datasource#">
            SELECT HRContact, HRContactType
            from JOB_JPContacts
            where fk_Job_AnnounceNum = '#session.getAllActiveListing.JOB_AnnounceNum[i]#'
            <cfif CompareNoCase(getAllActiveListingHRContact.HRContactType,"HRContactID") is 0>       
                <cfquery name="getAllActiveListingHREmail" datasource="#globalds#">
                SELECT Email
                from Email
                where Table_ID = #getAllActiveListingHRContact.HRContact#
                <cfset session.getAllActiveListingHREmail = getAllActiveListingHREmail />
            <cfquery name="getAllActiveListingMasterKey" datasource="#at_datasource#">
            SELECT fk_KWID, fk_AnnounceNum, JOB_KWName, JOB_KWID
            from JOB_JPKW, JOB_KW_LKUP
            where JOB_JPKW.fk_AnnounceNum = '#session.getAllActiveListing.JOB_AnnounceNum[i]#'
            and JOB_KW_LKUP.JOB_KWID = JOB_JPKW.fk_KWID
I appreciate your help with this.

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    Moderator message - Cross post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Oct 20, 2009 12:42 PM

    >  'Char. strings w/o text elements will not be translated'.
    > Is there any performance issue for this error?
    No, this is just not so clean programming. As for the rest, Please Read before Posting in the Performance and Tuning Forum and learn how to find out where the showstoppers really are.

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    Here is the contents of the ABRV table:
    TBL_NM,  ABRV    <!--- Header row--->
    The function will return the original string, but with the abreviations in place of the long table names, example:
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          <cffunction name="AbrvTblNms" output="false" access="remote" returntype="string" >
            <cfargument name="txt" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var qAbrvs="">  <!--- variable to hold the query results --->
            <cfset var output_str="#txt#">  <!--- I'm creating a local variable so I can manipulate the data handed in by the TXT parameter.  Is this necessary or can I just use the txt parameter? --->
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         <!--- I'm assuming that at this point the query has run and there are records in the result set --->
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        <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
        </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
            <!--- The chunck below is a parital listing from my Delphi Object Pascal function that does the same thing
                   I need to know how to write this part in CF9
          while not Eof do
              s := StringReplace(s, '[' +FieldByName('TBL_NM').AsString + ']', FieldByName('ABRV').AsString, [rfReplaceAll]);
        <cfreturn output_txt>
    I'm mainly struggling with syntax here.  I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

    RedOctober57 wrote:...
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    <cfset var output_str="#txt#">  <!--- I'm creating a local
    variable so I can manipulate the data handed in by the TXT parameter.
    Is this necessary or can I just use the txt parameter? --->
    No you do not need to create a local variable that is a copy of the arguments variable as the arguments scope is already local to the function, but you do not properly reference the arguments scope, so you leave yourself open to using a 'txt' variable in another scope.  Thus the better practice would be to reference "arguments.txt" where you need to.
    I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.
    Then a better start would be to descirbe what you want to happen and give a simple example in the other programming language.  Most of us are muti-lingual and can parse out clear and clean code in just about any syntax.
    <cfloop index="idx_str" list="#qAbrvs#">      <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    I think you want to be looping over your "qAbrvs" record set returned by your earlier query, maybe.
    <cfloop query="qAbrvs">
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    Continuing on that assumption I would guess you want to replace each instance of the long string with the short string form that record set.
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str,qAbrs.TBLNM,qAbrs.ABRV,"ALL")>
    </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
    If this is true, then you are looping over the record set of tablenames and abreviations that you want to replace in the string.

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    I have discovered that the JDBC driver creates a new thread to monitor each Statement and the query timeout value. When the application is under load these threads are getting created faster then they are being destroyed and I am concerned that this will cause a performance problem in production.
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    I'm curious is there any way to control this behavior so that these threads are not created or are managed more efficiently.  Is there a workaround that anyone is aware of?   Is this considered a bug?
    I have found a similar bug here for the 2000 driver:

    Thank you for using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver.  You are correct that a new thread is started to monitor the query timeout when a statement is executed.  This is a potential performance issue that we may look at addressing in the upcoming v1.2 release.  The current behavior is not configurable.  The only workaround with the v1.1 driver is to limit your use of query timeouts to only those statements which you reasonably might expect to actually time out.
    We do take customer feedback very seriously, so if anyone else is concerned about this particular issue, please chime in and we will be able to give it appropriate weight.
    --David Olix [MSFT]

  • Help with MDX Query Result weirdness

    Feels like I'm posting a question every other day, hope I don't wear out my welcome.
    So I have a working query :
    MEMBER Measures.[EmailCount] as IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Tran Count]), 0 ,[Measures].[Tran Count])
    MEMBER Measures.AdvGroupTotal as
    SUM (EXISTING ([Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group] ,
    [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]) , Measures.[Amount])
    MEMBER [Measures].[Income Range] as
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 10000 THEN '0-10000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 50000 THEN '10001-50000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 100000 THEN '50001-100000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 200000 THEN '100001-200000'
    else '200000-'
    SELECT { [Measures].[Amount] , Measures.[EmailCount], Measures.AdvGroupTotal, measures.[income range]}
    [Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group].Members * [Dim Date].[Fiscal Quarter].children
    having Measures.AdvGroupTotal > 100
    on rows
    FROM [Income and Emails Cube]
    ([Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]
    Great, gives me back what I expect
    So now I'm thinking, actually let's lose the Adviser Groups and just have it by Fiscal Quarter and Income Range, dropping that I lose my income range and get this:
    I figured its related to Income Range being a measure, so I tried making income range a calculated member of a dimension
    MEMBER Measures.[EmailCount] as IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Tran Count]), 0 ,[Measures].[Tran Count])
    MEMBER Measures.AdvGroupTotal as
    SUM (EXISTING ([Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group] ,
    [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]) , Measures.[Amount])
    MEMBER [Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Income Range] as
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 10000 THEN '0-10000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 50000 THEN '10001-50000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 100000 THEN '50001-100000'
    WHEN Measures.AdvGroupTotal <= 200000 THEN '100001-200000'
    else '200000-'
    SELECT { [Measures].[Amount] , Measures.[EmailCount], Measures.AdvGroupTotal}
    ( [Dim Date].[Fiscal Quarter].children, [Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Income Range] )
    on rows
    FROM [Income and Emails Cube]
    ([Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]
    This then came back with some unexpected results:
    The amount and email count are now the Income Range and still didnt get the income grouping I want.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for reading.

    Hi JLJ1976,
    According to your description, you have some issue when changing the measure into a dimension member. Right?
    In this scenario, the reason why you get the incorrect result set is you make a measure into dimension member. In your query, the Income Range is based on the Measure AdvGroup Total, and the AdvGroup Total value depends on how your dimension slice the cube.
    If you slice the cube on date members, you will get a much smaller AdvGroup Total value. So the Measure XXX return dynamic values because it always based on dimension slicer. For dimension members, they should be static values appear on axis to slice the cube
    data on a data. So you should make the Income Range into a calculated measure because it's based on a Quarter sliced Measure. Otherwise, it will return null value (in your query, it's the else part result) because you are measuring a measure.
    For more explanation about dimensions and Measures, please refer to links below:
    Measures and Measure Groups
    Introduction to Dimensions (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Query result set...

    I'm having trouble determining a good way to word my question. So, I believe my pseudo code below will be sufficient in doing so.
    Oracle version: 11.2g
    Data set
    WITH temp AS
    SELECT 1 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 2 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 3 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 4 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 5 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 7 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 8 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 9 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 10 col1,2 day FROM dual
    SELECT *
      FROM temp
    Result of the query above:
    COL1     DAY
    1     1
    2     1
    3     1
    4     1
    5     1
    6     1
    7     2
    8     2
    9     2
    10     2
    DESIRED result set:
    1   21 
    2   55   -- 21 + 33 (the sum of day 1 + the sum of day 2)I realize that I can get the desired result set from above with the code below. However, for my actual issue I have several other data points and 100 of distinct days that I need to do this for. So doing a 100 UNION statement isn't exactly going to work.
    WITH temp AS
    SELECT 1 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 2 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 3 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 4 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 5 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6 col1, 1 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 7 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 8 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 9 col1, 2 day FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 10 col1,2 day FROM dual
    SELECT SUM(col1) AS col_total
      FROM temp
    WHERE day <= 1
    SELECT SUM(col1) AS col_total
      FROM temp
    WHERE day <= 2Edited by: user652714 on Aug 13, 2012 9:55 PM

    I see now what you want . You can use this:
    select *
    from tt
    order by col_1;
         COL_1        DAY
             1          1
             2          1
             3          1
             4          1
             5          1
             6          1
             7          2
             8          2
             9          2
            10          2
    10 rows selected.
    select day, sum(total) over  (order by  day) COL_TOTAL
    (select day, sum(col_1) TOTAL
    from tt
    group by day
        DAY  COL_TOTAL
             1         21
             2         55
    2 rows selected.

  • Large query result set

    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for search in
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It results in
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best way to
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    you can think of following options
    1) paging: read only few thousands at a time and maintain a index to page
    through complete dataset
    2) caching!
    a) you can create a serialized data file in server to cache the result set
    and can use that to browse through. you may do on the fly
    compression/uncompression while sending data to client.
    b) applet based solution where caching could be in client side. Look in
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Thanks Slava Imeshev,
    We already have search criteria and a limit. When records exceeds thatlimit
    then we prompt user that it may take sometime, do you want to proceed? If
    he clicks yes then we retrieve those records. This results in lot ofmemory
    I was thinking if there is some way that from database I can retrieve some
    block of records at a time rather the all records of a query. I wander how
    internet search sites work, where thousnds of sites/pages match criteriaand
    client can move back & front on any page.
    "Slava Imeshev" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi chauhan,
    You may want to narrow search criteria along with processing a
    limited number of resulting records. I.e. if the size of the result
    is bigger than a limit, you stop fetching results and notify the client
    that search criteria should be narrowed.
    Slava Imeshev
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

  • Help assigning a   calculated arbitrary  ID to a query result set

    Given the sample query result..
    (sorry about the formatting of the output)
    GP2001 Troy Diana s [email protected] 123-456-7890 2
    GP2001 Troy Diana s [email protected] 123-456-7890 2
    GP2006 Thomas Carl p [email protected] 789-100-1112 1
    GP2007 Riker William T [email protected] 866-908-6654 1
    GP3001 Laforge Jody m jlaforge@enterprisenet 456-789-9000 3
    GP3001 Laforge Jody m [email protected] 456-789-9000 3
    GP3001 Laforge Jody m [email protected] 456-789-9000 3
    GROUP_ID is a calculated field from a select statement.
    Individuals with one phone number (ph_cnt = 1)
    is assigned an arbitrary unique GROUP_ID.
    Individuals, appearing more than once, with more than one phone (ph_cnt > 1)
    are giving the same GROUP_ID.
    I was thinking of using a case statement in this case...but got stuck on generating the GROUP_ID based
    on the phone count.
    select case
    when ph_cnt = 1 then select 'GP'||to_char(sysdate,'hhmisssss') from dual)
    when ph_cnt > 2 then <assign a unique group_id to each set of duplicates/triplicate...etc>
    end GROUP_ID,
    (select last_name,
    count(phone) ph_cnt
    from my tab
    group by
    Edited by: ch**** on Apr 25, 2011 7:20 AM

    Try this,
    SELECT 'GP' || 1000 + DENSE_RANK () OVER (ORDER BY phone ASC) groupid,
           COUNT (1) OVER (PARTITION BY phone) ph_cnt
      FROM my tab;G.

Maybe you are looking for

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