Performance/ Runtime improvement of T.code:MB5B /Program: RM07MLBD

Hi Guys,
Big Thank ! if you help me out.
Actuallt while running T.code MB5B/ is taking long time to execute.
Could you please advise me 

This is a good solution, we have ourselves looked at this and are implementing it on our system.
A work of caution, since changes are made to the MSEG table which is a large table it's advised to work together with the database administrator so that the updating of the table when executing the correction report runs smoothly and you will not be experiencing unforeseen locks which can cause big issues.

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  • Hi very urgent  How to improve the performence of the program

    Hi all please tell me how to improve the performence of this program......
                                 INCLUDE                                 *
    INCLUDE: z00_bci010.                   " Gestion des anomalies.
                          Déclaration des données                        *
                       Tables de la bases de données                     *
            ekpo,        " Poste document d'achat.
            lfa1,        " Base fournisseurs (généralités).
            marc,        " Données division de l'article.
            eord,        "Répertoire des sources appro. Achats
            eina,        "Fiche infos-achats - données générales
            t024,        "Groupes d'acheteurs
            tvarv.                                              "FAE17345+
                       Déclaration des données internes                  *
    Déclaration de la table interne qui permet de recuperer les mois.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_months OCCURS 12.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE t247.
    DATA: END OF itb_months.
    Table pour récupération d'infos sur les divisions
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t001w OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE t001w-werks,
            fabkl LIKE t001w-fabkl," Clé du calendrier d'entreprise
          END OF itb_t001w.
    Déclaration de la table interne contenant les infos sur l'adresse du
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_adresse OCCURS 0,
            lifnr LIKE lfa1-lifnr,           " Numéro de compte fournisseur.
            name1 LIKE lfa1-name1,                              " Nom 1.
            name2 LIKE lfa1-name2,                              " Nom 2.
            name3 LIKE lfa1-name3,                              " Nom 3.
            name4 LIKE lfa1-name4,                              " Nom 4.
            stras LIKE lfa1-stras,           " N° de rue et nom de la rue.
            pstlz LIKE lfa1-pstlz,           " Code postal.
            ort01 LIKE lfa1-ort01,           " Localité.
            pfach LIKE lfa1-pfach,           " Boîte postale.
            pstl2 LIKE lfa1-pstl2,           " Code de la boîte postale.
            land1 LIKE lfa1-land1,           " Clé de pays.
            landx LIKE t005t-landx,          " Pays.
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,           " Code langue
    END OF itb_adresse.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur les
    prévisions de commande.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_prev_cde OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,            " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,            " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,            " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,            " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,            " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,            " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,            " Désignation article.
            bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,            " Quantité de commande.
            men00 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité du mois en cours M.
            men01 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+1.
            men02 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+2.
            men03 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+3.
            men04 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+4.
            men05 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+5.
            men06 LIKE plaf-gsmng.            " Quantité pour le mois M+6.
    DATA: END OF itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les commandes convernant les PFC
    DATA str_pca_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    *add sde
    DATA str_eord_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les prévisons PFC
    DATA str_prev_pfc LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur le
    portefeuille des commandes d'achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_pca OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE ekpo-werks,    " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,     " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,    " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,    " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,    " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,    " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,    " Désignation article.
            ebeln LIKE ekes-ebeln,    " Numéro du document d'achat.
            ebelp LIKE ekes-ebelp,    " Numéro de poste du document d'achat.
            slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt,    " Date de livraison statistique
            eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,    " Date de livraison indiquée dans la
                                      " confirmation de la cde.
            menge LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité indiquée dans la confirma-
                                      " tion de la commande.
            attdu LIKE eket-wemng,    " Portefeuille fournisseur.
            netpr LIKE ekpo-brtwr,    " Prix net du document d'achat dans
                                      " la devise du document.
            rtard TYPE i,             " Retard en jours ouvres.
            wemng LIKE eket-wemng,    " Quantité de l'entrée de marchandise.
            bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat,    " Date inscrite sur la pièce/sur le
                                      " document.
            qtran LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité en transit.
            dtran LIKE ekes-eindt.    " Date du dernier avis de transit.
    DATA: END OF itb_pca.
    DATA: w_i TYPE i,                "Compteur
          w_i_char(1) TYPE c,        "Texte pour récupérer compteur
          w_nm_zone(20) TYPE c,      "Nom zone pour assign au field-symbols
          w_nb_j TYPE i,             "Nb de jours ouvrés jusqu'à fin mois
          w_nb_j_tot TYPE i.         "Nb de jours ouvrés du mois
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les fiches info achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_eina OCCURS 0,
            matnr LIKE eina-matnr,
            lifnr LIKE eina-lifnr,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf.
    DATA: END OF itb_eina.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les infos groupe acheteur.
    *DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t024 OCCURS 0,
           ekgrp LIKE t024-ekgrp,
           eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
           ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
           telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    *DATA: END OF itb_t024.
    Déclaration d'une table pour le transfert du fichier.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_transfert OCCURS 0,
            col00(8),                 "division
            col00bis(20),             "Reference article
            col01(18),                "No article
            col02(45),                "libelle article
            col021(17),               "Groupe acheteur
            col022(13),               "gestionnaire
            col03(17),                "qte commandée ou No de commande
            col04(13),                "Mois 1 ou No poste cde
            col05(20),                "Mois 2 ou délai initial
            col06(33),                "Mois 3 ou délai négocié
            col07(13),                "Mois 4 ou qté cdée
            col08(13),                "Mois 5 ou qté attendue
            col09(13),                "Mois 6 ou Montant attendu
            col10(13),                "Mois 7 ou retard
            col11(13),                "qte partielle livree
            col12(13),                "date livraison partielle
            col13(13),                "qté en transit
            col14(13).                "date
    DATA: END OF itb_transfert.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant la liste des fournisseurs.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_lifnr OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf,
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,
            eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
            ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
            telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    DATA: END OF itb_lifnr.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans la table MSEG.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_mseg OCCURS 0,
             mblnr LIKE mseg-mblnr,
             mjahr LIKE mseg-mjahr,
             ebeln LIKE mseg-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE mseg-ebelp,
           END OF itb_mseg.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekpo OCCURS 0,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             ebeln LIKE ekpo-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp,
             menge LIKE ekpo-menge,
             bpumz LIKE ekpo-bpumz,
             bpumn LIKE ekpo-bpumn,
             matnr LIKE ekpo-matnr,
             werks LIKE ekpo-werks,
             netpr LIKE ekpo-netpr,
             peinh LIKE ekpo-peinh,  "Base de prix FAE17345+
             ekgrp LIKE ekko-ekgrp,   "AFT++
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,   "AFT++
           END OF itb_ekpo.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekko OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             spras LIKE ekko-spras,
           END OF itb_ekko.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKES.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekes OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE eket-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE eket-ebelp,
             ebtyp LIKE ekes-ebtyp,
             eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,
             menge LIKE ekes-menge,
             dabmg LIKE ekes-dabmg,
             etens LIKE ekes-etens,
           END OF itb_ekes.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKET
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eket OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE eket-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE eket-ebelp,
             menge LIKE eket-menge,
             wemng LIKE eket-wemng,
             eindt LIKE eket-eindt,
             slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt,
           END OF itb_eket.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans MKPF.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_mkpf OCCURS 0,
             mblnr LIKE mkpf-mblnr,
             mjahr LIKE mkpf-mjahr,
             bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat,
           END OF itb_mkpf.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans EORD.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eord OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
             lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,
             ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,                             "DE3K924352
             disls LIKE marc-disls,
             bstfe LIKE marc-bstfe,
             bstrf LIKE marc-bstrf,
             bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,
             bstma LIKE marc-bstma,
           END OF itb_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eordw OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE itb_eord.
    DATA : END OF itb_eordw.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans MAKT.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_makt OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE makt-matnr,
             spras LIKE makt-spras,
             maktx LIKE makt-maktx,
           END OF itb_makt.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans EBAN.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eban OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE eban-matnr,
             werks LIKE eban-werks,
             flief LIKE eban-flief,
             lfdat LIKE eban-lfdat,
             menge LIKE eban-menge,
             bsmng LIKE eban-bsmng,
             webaz LIKE eban-webaz,
             ekgrp LIKE eban-ekgrp,
             ebeln LIKE eban-ebeln,
             banfn LIKE eban-banfn,
             bnfpo LIKE eban-bnfpo, "DB3K900702+
           END OF itb_eban.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans PLAF.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_plaf OCCURS 0,
             plnum LIKE plaf-plnum, "DB3K900702+
             matnr LIKE plaf-matnr,
             plwrk LIKE plaf-plwrk,
             flief LIKE plaf-flief,
             pedtr LIKE plaf-pedtr,
             gsmng LIKE plaf-gsmng,
             webaz LIKE plaf-webaz,
           END OF itb_plaf.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans MARC.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_marc OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE marc-matnr,
             werks LIKE marc-werks,
             disls LIKE marc-disls,
             bstrf LIKE marc-bstrf,
             bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,
             bstma LIKE marc-bstma,
             bstfe LIKE marc-bstfe,
             ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,
           END OF itb_marc.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_marc_eord OCCURS 0,
              matnr LIKE marc-matnr,
              werks LIKE marc-werks,
              strgr LIKE marc-strgr,   "groupe de stratégie planif
           END OF itb_marc_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_z03_bw_cmp1 OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-matnr,
             werks LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-werks,
             pdatu LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-pdatu,
             plnmg LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg,
           END OF itb_z03_bw_cmp1.
    Begin change BNI <DE3K937051>
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_z03_bw_cmp2 OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-matnr,
             werks LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-werks,
             pdatu LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-pdatu,
             plnmg LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-plnmg,
           END OF itb_z03_bw_cmp2.
    *End change BNI
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index1,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index1.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index2,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index2.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index3_eord,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index3_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index4,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index4.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index5,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index5.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index6,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index6.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index7,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index7.
    Déclaration des variables de debut et de fin de mois.
    DATA: w_debut_mois    LIKE sy-datum,
          w_debut_periode LIKE sy-datum,
          w_fin_mois      LIKE sy-datum,
          w_fin_periode   LIKE sy-datum.
    Déclaration des variables pour les dates.
    DATA: w_date0 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date1 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date2 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date3 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date4 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date5 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date6 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_datejour LIKE sy-datum,                             "FAE15269
          w_dat_da LIKE eban-lfdat,
          w_dat_op LIKE plaf-pedtr,
          w_mois0 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois1 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois2 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois3 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois4 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois5 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois6 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_lendemain LIKE sy-datum.                            "FAE17345+
    Temoin d'un AR dans la commande d'achat.
    DATA: w_temoin_ar.
    Numéro de la confirmation de la commande
    DATA : w_etens LIKE ekes-etens.
    Déclaration des variables pour le nom des fichiers.
    DATA: w_nom_fichier LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_fichier LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_racine LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_file LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour le transfert.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_trans OCCURS 0,
    DATA: END OF itb_trans.
    Déclaration d'une variable pour rechercher les enregistrements vides.
    DATA: w_compteur     TYPE i,
          w_compteur1    TYPE i,
          w_compteur2    TYPE i,
          w_retard       TYPE i,          " Retard en jours ouvres.
          w_trouve_pfc   TYPE c, "addsde
          w_trouve_pfs   TYPE c, "+DE3K937051
          w_trouve       TYPE c.
    *Index pour les LOOP
    DATA : w_index_ekpo LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_ekes LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_eket LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_mseg LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_eban LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_plaf LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_pca  LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_z03_bw_cmp2 LIKE sy-tabix."+DE3K937051
    RANGES : r_type_pfs   FOR marc-strgr.
    *fichier sur serveur +EDR231003
    DATA : w_chemin LIKE filename-fileintern,  "nom du fichier
           w_date_fichier(12) TYPE c,          "Date format DD_MM_AA
           w_csv(307) TYPE c.                  "ligne du fichier format CSV
    CONSTANTS: k_imputation_m LIKE eban-knttp VALUE 'M'.        "FAE19001+
                     Description de l écran de sélection                 *
                         Paramètres "UTILISATION"                        *
    Ouverture d'un block de sélection pour le(s) fournisseur(s).
    Sélection division(s)
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR ekpo-werks.
    Sélection fournisseur(s).
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_lifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr OBLIGATORY.
    Sélection du Groupe d'acheteur
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ekgrp FOR marc-ekgrp.   "-FAE26446
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_dispo FOR marc-dispo.   "-FAE26446
    FAE 26446 : ajout
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 5(24) text-001 FOR FIELD p_ekgrp.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ekgrp FOR marc-ekgrp.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 5(24) text-002 FOR FIELD p_dispo.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_dispo FOR marc-dispo.
    FAE 26446 : fin ajout
                           Paramètres "SYSTEME"                          *
    Saut de 2 lignes.
    Ouverture d'un block de sélection pour l'adresse physique du fichier.
    PARAMETERS: p_pc       RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1 DEFAULT 'X',  "+EDR231003
                p_fic_pc LIKE rlgrap-filename.                  "+EDR231003
    SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP.                                      "+EDR231003
    PARAMETERS     : p_serve   RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1,          "+EDR231003
                     p_fic_se LIKE filename-fileintern          "+EDR231003
                              DEFAULT 'Z03_PREV_COMMANDES'.     "+EDR231003
                           Logique de traitement                         *
                              INITIALIZATION                             *
    Date du jour
      MOVE sy-datum TO w_datejour.                              "FAE15269
    Gestion des anomalies.
      MOVE text-lb1 TO w_lb_traitement.
      PERFORM f930_init USING sy-cprog '30'.
    Fin de la gestions des anomalies.
    Récuperation des mois dans la table interne 'ITB_MONTHS'.
                language              = sy-langu
                month_names           = itb_months
                month_names_not_found = 1
                OTHERS                = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Récupération des differentes periodes.
      PERFORM f100_recuperation_date TABLES itb_months.
    Récupération du debut du mois.
      CONCATENATE sy-datlo(6) '01' INTO w_debut_mois.
      MOVE: w_debut_mois TO w_debut_periode.
    Récupération du dernier jour du mois.
                day_in            = sy-datlo
                last_day_of_month = w_fin_mois
                day_in_no_date    = 1
                OTHERS            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
                              TOP-OF-PAGE                                *
                p_linsz   = k_ligne
                p_pagno   = sy-pagno
                p_prog    = sy-cprog
                p_projet  = k_projet
                p_societe = k_societe
                p_sujet   = sy-title.
                              END-OF-PAGE                                *
                            AT SELECTION-SCREEN                          *
    FAE 26446 : ajout
      IF NOT ( s_ekgrp IS INITIAL )
      AND  NOT ( s_dispo IS INITIAL ).
        MESSAGE e394(z03_mm).
      IF p_ekgrp = 'X'.
        IF s_ekgrp IS INITIAL.
          MESSAGE e395(z03_mm).
        IF s_dispo IS INITIAL.
          MESSAGE e396(z03_mm).
    fae26446 fin ajout
      IF p_pc = 'X'.
        IF p_fic_pc IS INITIAL.
    *Attention, il n'y a aucune adresse de sauvegarde pour le(s) fichier(s)
          MESSAGE e021(z03_mm).
        IF p_fic_se IS INITIAL.
    *Attention, il n'y a aucune adresse de sauvegarde pour le(s) fichier(s)
          MESSAGE e021(z03_mm).
    Création du matchcode pour la selection du fichier local.
                def_filename     = p_fic_pc
                def_path         = 'C:'
                mask             = text-ma1
                mode             = 'S'
                title            = text-sel
                filename         = p_fic_pc
                inv_winsys       = 1
                no_batch         = 2
                selection_cancel = 3
                selection_error  = 4
                OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 3.
        MESSAGE e032(z03_mm).
                            START-OF-SELECTION                           *
      PERFORM select_donnees.
    Liste des ARTICLES impactés pour les prévisions *
    Construction itb_pca à partir de EKKO/EKPO.
      w_index_ekpo  = 1.
      w_index_ekes  = 1.
      w_index_eket  = 1.
      w_index_mseg  = 1.
    SORT itb_ekko BY ebeln.           "-FAE26446
      SORT itb_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_makt BY matnr spras.
      SORT itb_eket BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_ekes BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_mseg BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_mkpf BY mblnr mjahr.
      SORT itb_marc BY matnr werks.                             "+FAE26446
    FAE 26446 remplacement
    LOOP AT itb_ekko.
       LOOP AT itb_ekpo.
               FROM w_index_ekpo.
         IF itb_ekko-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln.
      LOOP AT itb_ekpo.
        READ TABLE itb_marc WITH KEY
           matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
           werks = itb_ekpo-werks BINARY SEARCH.
        CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    FAE 26446 fin remplacement
        itb_pca-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln.
        itb_pca-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
      itb_pca-lifnr = itb_ekko-lifnr.   "-FAE26446
        itb_pca-lifnr = itb_ekpo-lifnr.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-ekgrp = itb_ekpo-ekgrp.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-dispo = itb_ekpo-dispo.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr.
        itb_pca-werks = itb_ekpo-werks.
      Recherche du libellé article
        READ TABLE itb_makt
                   WITH KEY matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
                            spras = text-fra
                   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          itb_pca-maktx = itb_makt-maktx.
          READ TABLE itb_makt
                    WITH KEY matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
                             spras = text-ang
                    BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            itb_pca-maktx = itb_makt-maktx.
        IF NOT itb_ekpo-bpumn IS INITIAL.
          itb_pca-menge = itb_ekpo-menge * itb_ekpo-bpumz /
      Sélect° ds la table EKES des dates de livraisons et des qtés
      en transit
        CLEAR w_temoin_ar.
        CLEAR w_etens.
        LOOP AT itb_ekes
                FROM w_index_ekes.
          IF  itb_ekes-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_ekes-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            IF itb_ekes-ebtyp = text-arn.
              itb_pca-eindt = itb_ekes-eindt.
              w_temoin_ar = 'X'.
            Si c'est une qté en transit alors on recupere
            la quantité et la date.
              IF itb_ekes-dabmg < itb_ekes-menge.
                itb_pca-qtran = itb_pca-qtran + itb_ekes-menge -
              IF itb_ekes-etens > w_etens.
                w_etens = itb_ekes-etens.
                itb_pca-dtran = itb_ekes-eindt.
          ELSEIF itb_ekes-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR ( itb_ekes-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_ekes-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_ekes = sy-tabix.
      S'il n'y a pas d'AR alors récupérat° de la date livraison dans EKET.
        LOOP AT itb_eket
                FROM w_index_eket.
          IF  itb_eket-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_eket-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            IF w_temoin_ar IS INITIAL.
              itb_pca-eindt = itb_eket-eindt.
            itb_pca-slfdt = itb_eket-slfdt.
          Calcul du portefeuille fournisseur à partir de la
          qté commandée et la qté reçue
            itb_pca-attdu = itb_pca-attdu + itb_eket-menge -
          Calcul du montant du poste
            itb_pca-netpr = itb_ekpo-netpr * itb_pca-attdu.
            IF itb_ekpo-peinh NE 0.
              itb_pca-netpr = itb_pca-netpr / itb_ekpo-peinh.
          Calcul quantité réceptionnée.
            itb_pca-wemng = itb_pca-wemng + itb_eket-wemng.
          Calcul du retard en nombre de jours calendaires
          Le calcul du retard  ne doit pas prendre en compte
          le jour de livraison
            ADD 1 TO itb_eket-eindt.
            IF NOT itb_pca-attdu  IS INITIAL
            AND    itb_eket-eindt LT sy-datum.
            Calcul du retard en nombre de jours ouvrés
              CLEAR w_retard.
                        date_deb = itb_eket-eindt
                        date_fin = sy-datum
                        jours    = w_retard.
              itb_pca-rtard = itb_pca-rtard + w_retard .
          ELSEIF itb_eket-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR (   itb_eket-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND    itb_eket-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_eket = sy-tabix.
      Recherche de la derniere date de livraison.
        LOOP AT itb_mseg
                FROM w_index_mseg.
          IF  itb_mseg-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_mseg-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            READ TABLE itb_mkpf
                       WITH KEY mblnr = itb_mseg-mblnr
                                mjahr = itb_mseg-mjahr
                       BINARY SEARCH.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              IF itb_mkpf-bldat > itb_pca-bldat.
                itb_pca-bldat = itb_mkpf-bldat.
          ELSEIF itb_mseg-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR (   itb_mseg-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND    itb_mseg-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_mseg = sy-tabix.
        APPEND itb_pca.
        CLEAR itb_pca.
    FAE26446 suppression parag. suivant
         ELSEIF itb_ekpo-ebeln > itb_ekko-ebeln.
           w_index_ekpo = sy-tabix.
    Fin FAE26446
      SORT itb_eord        BY matnr werks lifnr ekgrp.
      SORT itb_eban        BY matnr werks flief ekgrp.
      SORT itb_plaf        BY matnr plwrk flief.
      SORT itb_z03_bw_cmp1 BY matnr werks.
      SORT itb_z03_bw_cmp2 BY matnr werks."+DE3K937051
      SORT itb_pca         BY matnr werks lifnr.
      w_index_eban = 1.
      w_index_plaf = 1.
      w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 = 1.
      w_index_pca = 1.
      w_index_z03_bw_cmp2 = 1."+DE3K937051
    Remplissage de la table des prévisions de commande.
      LOOP AT itb_eord.
        CLEAR: str_prev_pfc,
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index3_eord.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO itb_prev_cde.
      Recherche dans table division/article (MARC) afin de déterminer si
      article PFS (prod fabriqué à stock) ou PFC (Prod fabriqué sur cde)
        AT NEW werks.
          READ TABLE itb_marc_eord
                     WITH KEY matnr = itb_eord-matnr
                              werks = itb_eord-werks
                     BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            CLEAR itb_marc_eord.
    a - Prévisions pour les PFS : DA + OP *
    *Calcul des quantités de commande.
        IF itb_eord-disls = text-tl1.
          itb_prev_cde-bstmi =  itb_eord-bstfe.
        ELSEIF itb_eord-disls = text-tl2
        OR     itb_eord-disls = text-tl3.
          IF  itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND itb_eord-bstmi = 0
          AND itb_eord-bstma = 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstrf.
          ELSEIF itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND    itb_eord-bstmi NE 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstmi.
          ELSEIF itb_eord-bstrf = itb_eord-bstma
          AND    itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND    itb_eord-bstmi = 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstma.
      si article PFS (Prod fabriqué à stock) recherche des
      demandes d'achat ou ordres planfiés
        IF itb_marc_eord-strgr IN r_type_pfs.
      Récupérat° calendrier de la division pour calcul correct lors de
      l'ajout de eban-webaz ou plaf-webaz jours ouvrés
          CLEAR w_trouve_pfs ."+DE3K937051
          READ TABLE itb_t001w
                     WITH KEY werks = itb_eord-werks
                     BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            LOOP AT itb_eban
                    FROM w_index_eban.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eban TO str_index2.
              IF str_index1 = str_index2.
                w_trouve_pfs = 'X'."+DE3K937051
              si qte commandées pour la DA  < quantité de la DA
                IF itb_eban-bsmng < itb_eban-menge.
                ajout de quantité de la DA - qte  commandée pour la DA
                  PERFORM affect_da.
              ELSEIF str_index2 > str_index1.
                w_index_eban = sy-tabix.
        ajout des quantité des OP (ordres planifiés)
          LOOP AT itb_plaf
                  FROM w_index_plaf.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_plaf TO str_index4.
            str_index4-werks = itb_plaf-plwrk.
          str_index4-lifnr = itb_plaf-flief.
            IF str_index4 = str_index3_eord.
            Ajout de webaz jours ouvrés à pedtr
                        i_date        = itb_plaf-pedtr
                        i_calendar_id = itb_t001w-fabkl
                        i_nb_days     = itb_plaf-webaz
                        o_date        = w_dat_op
                        conv_error    = 1
                        OTHERS        = 2.
              IF sy-subrc
       If forecasts found in Z03_BW_CMP2 for the article
       IF w_trouve_pfs = 'X'."-DE3K937602
    Recalculation prev month M in fct of Nb of wrought days of the month
        IF NOT itb_prev_cde-men00 IS INITIAL.
       one does not hold any more account of the day in progress
          w_lendemain = w_date0 + 1.
          CLEAR:w_nb_j,w_nb_j_tot.         "DE3K938206+
                    date_deb = w_lendemain
                    date_fin = w_fin_mois
                    jours    = w_nb_j.
                    date  = w_lendemain
                    jours = w_nb_j_tot.
          itb_prev_cde-men00  = itb_prev_cde-men00 * w_nb_j / w_nb_j_tot
    *CLA DE3K925301 FAE27197
    *to round has the higher entirety
        itb_prev_cde-men00  = ceil( itb_prev_cde-men00 ). "DE3K938206-
    *End change BNI
    b - Prévisions pour les PFC (Z03_BW_CMP1 puis rééquilibrage) *
      Recherche des previsions dans Z03_BW_CMP1
      si article PFC (Prod fabriqué sur cde) recherche des prévisions
        IF  NOT itb_marc_eord-strgr IN r_type_pfs.
          CLEAR str_prev_pfc.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_prev_pfc.
          CLEAR w_trouve_pfc .
          LOOP AT itb_z03_bw_cmp1
                  FROM w_index_z03_bw_cmp1.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_z03_bw_cmp1 TO str_index7.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index6.
            IF str_index6 = str_index7.
          si on trouve des prévisions dans z03_bw_cmp1 pour la source
          d'appro eord alors c'est un article  PFC
              w_trouve_pfc = 'X'.
              CASE itb_z03_bw_cmp1-pdatu+0(6).
                WHEN w_date0+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men00 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date1+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men01 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date2+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men02 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date3+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men03 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date4+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men04 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date5+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men05 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date6+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men06 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN OTHERS.
            ELSEIF str_index7 > str_index6.
              w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 = sy-tabix.
    *Begin change BNI
        Si des prévisions trouvées dans Z03_BW_CMP1 pour l'article
          IF w_trouve_pfc = 'X'.
          Recalcul prev mois M en fct du nb de jours ouvrés du mois
            IF NOT str_prev_pfc-men00 IS INITIAL.
            on ne tient plus compte du jour en cours
              w_lendemain = w_date0 + 1.
              CLEAR:w_nb_j,w_nb_j_tot.               "DE3K938206+
                        date_deb = w_lendemain
                        date_fin = w_fin_mois
                        jours    = w_nb_j.
                        date  = w_lendemain
                        jours = w_nb_j_tot.
              str_prev_pfc-men00 = str_prev_pfc-men00 * w_nb_j / w_nb_j_tot.
    *CLA DE3K925301 FAE27197
    *arrondir a l'entier supèrieur
              str_prev_pfc-men00 = ceil( str_prev_pfc-men00 ).
          Equilibrage PFC : commande/prévision du mois
          Recherche COMMANDES cumulées pour M à M+6
            CLEAR str_pca_pfc.
            LOOP AT itb_pca
                    FROM w_index_pca.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_pca TO str_index5.
              IF str_index5 = str_index3_eord.
                IF NOT itb_pca-menge IS INITIAL.
                  CASE itb_pca-eindt+0(6).
                    WHEN w_date0+0(6).
                      IF itb_pca-eindt >= w_date0.
                      str_pca_pfc-men00 = str_pca_pfc-men00 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date1+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men01 = str_pca_pfc-men01 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date2+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men02 = str_pca_pfc-men02 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date3+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men03 = str_pca_pfc-men03 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date4+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men04 = str_pca_pfc-men04 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date5+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men05 = str_pca_pfc-men05 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date6+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men06 = str_pca_pfc-men06 + itb_pca-menge.
                ENDIF."NOT itb_pca-menge IS INITIAL
              ELSEIF str_index5 > str_index3_eord.
                w_index_pca = sy-tabix.
    *. Equilibrer commande / prévision des mois : diminuer la quantité de
    prévision de chaque mois par le portefeuille de commande client du
    mois*. Si ce solde est négatif alors lui donner la valeur 0.
            w_i = 0.
          Ajustement commandes/prévisions pour les mois M à M+6
            WHILE w_i .
            Pour un mois, SI Prévisions > Commandes en cours
              IF .
              Prévisions = Prévisions - Commandes en cours
                 = 0.
            On passe au mois suivant
              w_i = w_i + 1.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men00 TO itb_prev_cde-men00.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men01 TO itb_prev_cde-men01.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men02 TO itb_prev_cde-men02.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men03 TO itb_prev_cde-men03.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men04 TO itb_prev_cde-men04.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men05 TO itb_prev_cde-men05.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men06 TO itb_prev_cde-men06.

    You check in SM50 by executing the programing, You will come to know which select is taking more time and accordingly you modify that select.
    You can do SQL trace and Run time analysis and analyse and see.
    check this and use
    1) Dont use nested select statements
    2) If possible use for all entries in addition
    3) In the where addition make sure you give all the primary key
    4) Use Index for the selection criteria.
    5) You can also use inner joins
    6) You can try to put the data from the first select statement into an Itab and then in order to select the data from the second table use for all entries in.
    7) Use the runtime analysis SE30 and SQL Trace (ST05) to identify the performance and also to identify where the load is heavy, so that you can change the code accordingly
    ABAP performance depends upon various factors and in devicded in three parts:
    1. Database
    2. ABAP
    3. System
    Run Any program using SE30 (performance analys) to improve performance refer to tips and trics section of SE30, Always remember that ABAP perfirmance is improved when there is least load on Database.
    u can get an interactive grap in SE30 regarding this with a file.
    also if u find runtime of parts of codes then use :
    Switch on RTA Dynamically within ABAP Code
    *To turn runtim analysis on within ABAP code insert the following code
    *To turn runtim analysis off within ABAP code insert the following code
    Always check the driver internal tables is not empty, while using FOR ALL ENTRIES
    Avoid for all entries in JOINS
    Try to avoid joins and use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    Try to restrict the joins to 1 level only ie only for tables
    Avoid using Select *.
    Avoid having multiple Selects from the same table in the same object.
    Try to minimize the number of variables to save memory.
    The sequence of fields in 'where clause' must be as per primary/secondary index ( if any)
    Avoid creation of index as far as possible
    Avoid operators like <>, > , < & like % in where clause conditions
    Avoid select/select single statements in loops.
    Try to use 'binary search' in READ internal table. Ensure table is sorted before using BINARY SEARCH.
    Avoid using aggregate functions (SUM, MAX etc) in selects ( GROUP BY , HAVING,)
    Avoid using ORDER BY in selects
    Avoid Nested Selects
    Avoid Nested Loops of Internal Tables
    Try to use FIELD SYMBOLS.
    Try to avoid into Corresponding Fields of
    Avoid using Select Distinct, Use DELETE ADJACENT
    Check the following Links
    Re: performance tuning
    Re: Performance tuning of program
    check the below link
    See the following link if it's any help:
    Check also
    books like
    Performance tuning for Data Selection Statement
    Run Time Analyser
    SQL trace
    CATT - Computer Aided Testing Too
    Test Workbench
    Coverage Analyser
    Runtime Monitor
    Memory Inspector
    ECATT - Extended Computer Aided testing tool.
    Just refer to these links...
    Performance Guide
    performance issues...
    Performance Tuning
    Performance issues
    performance tuning
    performance tuning
    You can go to the transaction SE30 to have the runtime analysis of your program.Also try the transaction SCI , which is SAP Code Inspector.
    1 Always check the driver internal tables is not empty, while using FOR ALL ENTRIES
    2 Avoid for all entries in JOINS
    3 Try to avoid joins and use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    4 Try to restrict the joins to 1 level only ie only for 2 tables
    5 Avoid using Select *.
    6 Avoid having multiple Selects from the same table in the same object.
    7 Try to minimize the number of variables to save memory.
    8 The sequence of fields in 'where clause' must be as per primary/secondary index ( if any)
    9 Avoid creation of index as far as possible
    10 Avoid operators like <>, > , < & like % in where clause conditions
    11 Avoid select/select single statements in loops.
    12 Try to use 'binary search' in READ internal table. Ensure table is sorted before using BINARY SEARCH.
    13 Avoid using aggregate functions (SUM, MAX etc) in selects ( GROUP BY , HAVING,)
    14 Avoid using ORDER BY in selects
    15 Avoid Nested Selects
    16 Avoid Nested Loops of Internal Tables
    17 Try to use FIELD SYMBOLS.
    18 Try to avoid into Corresponding Fields of
    19 Avoid using Select Distinct, Use DELETE ADJACENT.

  • Runtime errors in T code J1IDEPOTSTOCK1.

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting runtime errors in T code J1IDEPOTSTOCK1.
    And  Error is
    Runtime Errors         PERFORM_PARAMETER_MISSING
    Except.                CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_MISSING
    Error analysis
    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
    The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_MISSING', was not caught and therefore caused a runtime error.
    The reason for the exception is:
    A PERFORM was used to call the routine "START-OF-SELECTION" of the program "J_1IDEPOTSTOCK1"
    The current call contains 0 actual parameter(s),  but the routine "START-OF-SELECTION" expects more than 0 parameters.
    Please give me advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to apply the code corrections as mentioned in the note as rightly said by the other member
    Note 893139 - PERFORM_PARAMETER_MISSING dump in J_1IDEPOTSTOCK1 report*

  • Command in ABAP Editor to improve the source code

    Which command in ABAP Editor to be used to improve the readability of the program code ?plzz tell
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 13, 2008 3:48 PM

    Use Pretty Printer or do a CTRL+F1.
    Also u can change the settings of the way u want preety printer to behave by
    going in the Settings->Abap Editor -> Pretty Printer

  • SCOM 2012 R2 Agent Issue: Error 25211.Failed to install performance counters.. Error Code: -2147024809

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to deploy SCOM 2012 R2 agent onto a domain controller and I get the following error "Product: Microsoft Monitoring Agent -- Error 25211.Failed to install performance counters.. Error Code: -2147024809 (The parameter is incorrect.)."
    I've installed the agent successfully onto 4 other domain controllers with out any issues.</p><p>The domain controllers are all VM's running on VMWare and are Windows Server 2012 R2.
    I've rebuilt the Perfmon Counters based on this article:&nbsp;
    I've also enabled verbose logging on the msi installation:
    InstallHSPerfCounters: Custom Action Data. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\
    InstallHSPerfCounters: Installing agent perf counters. 
    InstallCounters: LoadPerfCounterTextStrings() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057. momv3 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\HealthServiceCounters.ini"
    InstallPerfCountersHelper: pcCounterInstaller->InstallCounters() for the default counters failed. Error Code: 0x80070057. HealthService
    InstallPerfCountersLib: InstallHealthServicePerfCounters() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057. 
    InstallPerfCountersLib: Retry Count : . 
    InstallCounters: LoadPerfCounterTextStrings() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057. momv3 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\MOMConnectorCounters.ini"
    InstallPerfCountersHelper: pcCounterInstaller->InstallCounters() for the default counters failed. Error Code: 0x80070057. MOMConnector
    InstallPerfCountersLib: InstallHealthServicePerfCounters() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057. 
    Any help on this would be great.

    Hi Stefan,
    I've successfully installed the agent. The server needed a reboot after fixing the corrupt perfmon counters.
    I know have a issue with the agent on the domain controller. It kkeeps on greying out and have used hslockdown to allow the local system access by using the following command.
    HSLockdown.exe "ManagementGroupName" /A "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users"
    Further digging into the issue I see in the SCOM Management Server the following error "The entity servername is not heartbeating"
    Written a SQL query to gather more information. SQL query I used is:
    HSO.StartDateTime AS OutageStartDateTime,
    DATEDIFF (DD, hso.StartDateTime, GETDATE()) AS OutageDays,
    DS.Name AS ReasonString
    FROM  vManagedEntity AS ME
    INNER JOIN     vHealthServiceOutage AS HSO ON HSO.ManagedEntityRowId = ME.ManagedEntityRowId
    INNER JOIN     vStringResource AS SR ON HSO.ReasonCode =
    REPLACE(LEFT(SR.StringResourceSystemName, LEN(SR.StringResourceSystemName)
    – CHARINDEX(‘.’, REVERSE(SR.StringResourceSystemName))), ‘System.Availability.StateData.Reasons.’, ”)
    INNER JOIN     vDisplayString AS DS ON DS.ElementGuid = SR.StringResourceGuid
    WHERE (SR.StringResourceSystemName LIKE ‘System.Availability.StateData.Reasons.[0-9]%’)
    AND DS.LanguageCode = ‘ENU’
    AND ME.FullName like ‘%SERVER NAME%’   –Change name here or leave %% for ALL SERVERS
    ORDER BY OutageStartDateTime
    This gives me the following reason behind the failure : "The heartbeat from System Center Management Service is missing."
    Have I missed anything? The agent is running fine, however SCOM is reporting that the heartbeat is missing.
    Any help on this would be great.

  • Performance checking inside the source code

    performance checking inside the source code who to check it.
    thanks and regards
    chandra sekhar

    I guess you are asking how to check it, then here is the answer
    SQL Trace transaction ST05
    The trace list has many lines that are not related to the SELECT statement in the ABAP program. This is because the execution of any ABAP program requires additional administrative SQL calls. To restrict the list output, use the filter introducing the trace list.
    The trace list contains different SQL statements simultaneously related to the one SELECT statement in the ABAP program. This is because the R/3 Database Interface - a sophisticated component of the R/3 Application Server - maps every Open SQL statement to one or a series of physical database calls and brings it to execution. This mapping, crucial to R/3s performance, depends on the particular call and database system. For example, the SELECT-ENDSELECT loop on the SPFLI table in our test program is mapped to a sequence PREPARE-OPEN-FETCH of physical calls in an Oracle environment.
    The WHERE clause in the trace list's SQL statement is different from the WHERE clause in the ABAP statement. This is because in an R/3 system, a client is a self-contained unit with separate master records and its own set of table data (in commercial, organizational, and technical terms). With ABAP, every Open SQL statement automatically executes within the correct client environment. For this reason, a condition with the actual client code is added to every WHERE clause if a client field is a component of the searched table.
    To see a statement's execution plan, just position the cursor on the PREPARE statement and choose Explain SQL. A detailed explanation of the execution plan depends on the database system in use

  • Upgrade to SCOM 2012 Agent - 25211.Failed to install performance counters.. Error Code: -2147024809 (The parameters is incorrect)

    I have seen this behavior on multiple servers. I receive this error when upgrading from a 2007 Agent to SCOM 2012.
    Event ID: 10005
    Product: System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Agent -- Error 25211.Failed to install performance counters.. Error Code: -2147024809 (The parameter is incorrect.).
    Event ID: 1008
    The Open Procedure for service "HealthService" in DLL "C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\HealthServicePerformance.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The Status code returned is the
    first DWORD in the attached data.
    Any idea why I receive this error?

    Please refer to this article:
    SCOM 2012 – Unable to upgrade agent after upgrade from SCOM 2007
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Getting this error while opening a folder : This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel

    While trying to open a folder on my Windows 7 Home Premium, an error comes "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this
    action.  Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel." I tried searching on the net but did not get great support for the issue when it happens with folder opening.

    Hi Nikunj Shah,
    First, I suggest you download
    Microsoft Safety Scanner or
    Malicious Software Removal Tool to run a full scan.
    The error messages here seems to be caused by the corrupted registries, which related with the folder association.
    You may take a try to merge the following registry settings to reset the folder association, before that, remember to backup your registry settings first:
    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
    Copy and paste the following commands into Notepad, and save it to a .reg file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Library Location]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Offline Files]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\Offline Files]
    Once done, right-click the REG file and choose Merge. Alternately, you can open the Registry Editor and then using the
    Import option from the File menu, to merge the REG file contents.
    Let me know if you need any further help.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Tying to install itunes and I get error message "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.  Please install a program, or if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.  Help

    am tTying to install itunes and I get error message "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.  Please install a program, or if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel. Can anyone help me?

    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default programs control panel
    Hope this helps
    Vincent Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • T code MB5B , the storage location will be reset

    dear All,
    I want to see stock on posting date of particular storage location with values. When i try T code MB5B and select valuated stock, (it says storage location will be reset). and i used another T code MC.9 and MC49 , but these T codes didn't meet our requirment .
    the T Code MB5B , i can see the Material number, Material Description, Opening Stock, Opening Value, total Receipt Quantity, Total Receipt Values, Total Issues QNT, total Issues Value, closing Stock QNT, closing Stock Value.
    i need these fields appears but per Storage Location.
    Thanks a lot.
    Mosab Ahmed Mostafa
    Senior Application Consultant
    Amer Group
    Egypt, Cairo

    Hi Mosab,
    The system rejects any value entered in the fields "Storage Location",
    "Movement Type" and "Batch" if you select the Valuated Stock mode for
    the execution of MB5B.
    Regarding the Storage Location, the system clears this field with the
    message "Storage location will be reset" - Message no. M7284.
    As soon as the Valuated Stock mode is selected, the system must remove
    the Storage Location. The reason for this behaviour is that there is
    not information on material's values on Storage Location level.
    - MB5B in the Valuated Stock mode reads the entries from the material
    valuation table MBEW of a material and valuation area to get the current
    valuated stock and value.
    - Then it reads the related MM and FI documents to calculate the stock
    and values on start date. A valuation area could be assigned many
    storage locations.
    The related MM documents can belong to many storage locations.
    In the case there are stock transfer postings from plant to plant
    the MM documents do not contain a storage location.
    So it makes no sense to calculate and display the valuated stocks
    and values on Valuation Area level when the number of the selected
    MM documents is incomplete. MB5B will deliver wrong results in this
    Nadia Orlandi

  • Call T.Code MB5B from with in BSP

    Hi All
           i want ur's guidance on calling a Report Transaction Code (T.Code) from with in the  BSP.
           Like T.Code MB5B is for Stock on Posting date .
    i want to call it in BSP with in the frame.
    please guide me .

      I have only one restriction that result of call should be with in BSP.
       As u saying if it possible through iview then i can go for this.
    I refered some threads by which we r Log-in into SAP then it opening new session of SAP GUI of desired code .
    I think i have to use webGUI , first make a webGUI of t.code then call it in BSP , but how to initiate it , i don,t kow that.

  • Report Similar to T.Code : MB5B

    Is there any Standard report that gives the same values similar to T.Code : MB5B.
    If there is no such Standard report apart from MB5B that shows stock as on a particular period with the stock movements.
    What are the tables that i can use, to build in the same logic.
    Thanks in advance!!

    You can try standard information system reports like MC.B, or develop custom report based on structures.
    If you find something else, please let me know. We also have same requirement, If I find/develop something I will post as well.

  • T code MB5B

    Dear sir,
    While using the t-code MB5B for drawing the project stock in particular storage location, on execution the storage location disappears and message flashes "no material contained in selection".
    We would like to retreive the stocks in project (Q)storage lcoation on a particular date .Can sapgurus help me.
    k.prem kumar

    in t-code mb5b --   in database selection -
    only enter material Number , company code & plant don't enter storage location
    next one -in stock type -
      middle --- valuated stock click
    nxt one  -  in settings  -   tick on  second & third  i.e non hierarchy  display   & matls  handled  in batches
    then execute -
    enter -  i think definetly you will get stock in stock book
    check that stock & also storage location which end user updated in that stock

  • TS3989 Mssage when opening Photo Stream on-"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel" Help!!!

    Mssage when opening Photo Stream on-"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel" Help!!!

    You are posting in the "icloud on my mac" forum, but your profile mentions Windows.  If using a mac, you need to have iphoto or aperture installed in order to receive new photos via photo stream.  If using windows, try posting in the iCloud on a PC forum.  You'll get better help there.

  • When running setup, I get"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.

    whe I try to install Firefox 4.0.1, I get a Red X message. ""This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel. Is there a fix?

    I Did that. When I try to install, I get the same message. I have come to believe this is a windows 7 or IE 9 problem. I also have active X problems that I can not resolve. I can not open Gmail also

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