Persistence API newbie question

Hello everybody!
I am new at J2EE development, so can you explain me some details. We're curently do J2EE application at work and using J2EE 1.5 features(EJB 3.0, Persistence etc..). I don't understand exactly what lies under annotations. Let's take Persistence API. All anotations and classes is in javax.persistence package. What is that package, where it come from? Is it located in container or where? In fact I would like to use Persistence API on sites managed by Apache Tomcat Server. Is it possible, what classes do I need? Another question is it is possible to use that API at Swing Applications, and what do I need to do this.
Please, explain me little of where all that stuff come from.
Thank you!

anotations and classes is in javax.persistence
package. What is that package, where it come from? Is
it located in container or where? Java Persistence API (JPA) is part of JavaEE 5 platform, and so is available in all JavaEE 5 compliant application servers. In JavaEE SDK 5, these classes are in lib/javaee.jar. JPA is also available as a standalone technology. There are several products that are implementing this technology, like Hibernate, TopLink, or OpenJPA.
The specification:
Persistence Part in JavaEE 5 Tutorial (Part Four: Persistence )
In fact I would
like to use Persistence API on sites managed by
Apache Tomcat Server. Is it possible, what classes do
I need? Another question is it is possible to use
that API at Swing Applications, and what do I need to
do this. They are all possible ways of using JPA. See JavaEE 5 Tutorial for more details. The newly released NetBeans 5.5 has nice support for developing and deploying JPA applications. NetBeans site has a lot of resources on this topic. For example:

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    You don't have to. That's what they mean by container managed. The container does it for you.
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    long id;
    List<Order> orders;
    public long getId() {};
    public List<Order> getOrders(){};
    class Order {
    long id;
    List<LineItem> lineItems;
    public long getId() {};
    public List<LineItem> getLineItems() {};
    public Customer getCustomer() {};
    Class LineItem {
    long id;
    public long getId() {};
    public Order getOrder() {};
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    return em.createNamedQuery(�order.findByCustomerId�).setParmater(�custId�, custId);
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    The tape device /dev/rmt/0 can be accessed through a number of "names". The exact name used indicates a exactly how the hardware should access the device.
    /dev/rmt/0n is the no rewind version. If you don't add the n then the tape will be automatically rewound on close.
    You have to use that version if you want to dump multiple things onto the tape one after the other.

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    - limit the set of packages to those which have been approved by the processYou can constrain Maven to only use an internal repository from which to pull libraries. If you don't put the libraries in the repository you can't use them in your project.
    - limit the packages by licenseI don't think there's anything built in to do this. There's a space for that information in the pom (metadata) file though, so it would be possible to do so. You'd probably have to do some work on the repository to bring ensure the fields was populated though - I get the impression that it tends not to be by default.
    - produce audit logs of what the dependencies and licenses used by each project isDependencies yes, certainly. Licenses again I don't think there's anything existing but you could probably adapt the dependency plugin to report this.
    Example dependency tree generated by Maven for JA-SIG CAS:
    [INFO] [dependency:tree]
    [INFO] org.jasig.cas:cas-server-webapp:war:3.2.1
    [INFO] +- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.15:runtime
    [INFO] +- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:jar:1.4.0-beta2:runtime
    [INFO] |  +- net.sf.jsr107cache:jsr107cache:jar:1.0:runtime
    [INFO] |  \- backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:jar:3.0:runtime
    [INFO] +- commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.2:runtime (scope not updated to compile)
    [INFO] +- quartz:quartz:jar:1.5.2:compile
    [INFO] +- org.springframework.ldap:spring-ldap:jar:1.2.1:compile
    [INFO] +- org.springframework.ldap:spring-ldap-tiger:jar:1.2.1:compile
    [INFO] +- org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-context:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-context-support:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  \- org.springframework:spring-web:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] +- javax.servlet:jstl:jar:1.1.2:compile
    [INFO] +- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.4:provided (scope not updated to compile)
    [INFO] +- ognl:ognl:jar:2.6.9:runtime (scope not updated to compile)
    [INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:test
    [INFO] +- org.acegisecurity:acegi-security:jar:1.0.6:runtime
    [INFO] |  +- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3:runtime
    [INFO] |  \- oro:oro:jar:2.0.8:runtime
    [INFO] +- cas:casclient:jar:2.1.1:runtime
    [INFO] +- org.springframework:spring-aop:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  \- aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0:compile
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    [INFO] +- org.springframework:spring-webflow:jar:1.0.5:compile
    [INFO] |  \- org.springframework:spring-binding:jar:1.0.5:compile
    [INFO] +- org.inspektr:inspektr-core:jar:0.6.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- aspectj:aspectjweaver:jar:1.5.3:runtime
    [INFO] |  +- aspectj:aspectjrt:jar:1.5.3:compile
    [INFO] |  \- org.springframework:spring-jdbc:jar:1.2.9:compile
    [INFO] |     \- org.springframework:spring-tx:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] +- org.jasig.cas:cas-server-core:jar:3.2.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.jasig.service:person-directory-impl:jar:1.1.1:compile
    [INFO] |  |  +- org.jasig.service:person-directory-api:jar:1.1.1:compile
    [INFO] |  |  \- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2:compile
    [INFO] |  +- jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-orm:jar:2.5.1:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:jar:1.4.0:runtime
    [INFO] |  +- org.opensaml:opensaml:jar:1.1b:compile
    [INFO] |  +- javax.persistence:persistence-api:jar:1.0:compile
    [INFO] |  \- javax.xml:xmldsig:jar:1.0:compile
    [INFO] \- taglibs:standard:jar:1.1.2:compile

  • Can anuone help me on persistence API problem please?

    I would like someone to explain me why when using persistence API
    sometime i can insert data in database normally but later when i
    have added more functionalities like ajax, and file upload i can
    insert data in database using persistence API.
    for instance, using this i was able in the begin of my development
    but now i am not:
    inst.insert(name, email); 
    utx.commit();replace the code above by this below i can insert the data
    at the same step of my project:
                con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://");     
                String selectStatement = "insert into cadastroswebradio values(?, ?)";
                PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(selectStatement);
                prepStmt.setString(1, name);
                prepStmt.setString(2, email);So what's the problem? could anyone help me?Thanks!!
    this explain either:

    Basically i totally not understand your question and i believe also nobody would understand what is your question. You mean your persistence APIs, but you didnt show how the APIs and just use it, i can say that, the only different of that JDBC and your 'persistence', is your JDBC isnt commit function(not include auto-commit). What i can see is that's all.
    But the idea of usage DB conn API should be correct with the 3 steps,
    Begin - Open connection
    Query - insert/update/delete
    Close - commit
    catch - Rollback
    Hopefully it helps.

  • Can anyone help me on persistence API problem?

    I would like someone to explain me why when using persistence API
    sometime i can insert data in database normally but later when i
    have added more functionalities like ajax, and file upload i can
    insert data in database using persistence API.
    for instance, using this i was able in the begin of my development
    but now i am not:
    inst.insert(name, email); 
    utx.commit();replace the code above by this below i can insert the data
    at the same step of my project:
                con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://");     
                String selectStatement = "insert into cadastroswebradio values(?, ?)";
                PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(selectStatement);
                prepStmt.setString(1, name);
                prepStmt.setString(2, email);So what's the problem? could anyone help me?Thanks!!
    this explain either:

    Basically i totally not understand your question and i believe also nobody would understand what is your question. You mean your persistence APIs, but you didnt show how the APIs and just use it, i can say that, the only different of that JDBC and your 'persistence', is your JDBC isnt commit function(not include auto-commit). What i can see is that's all.
    But the idea of usage DB conn API should be correct with the 3 steps,
    Begin - Open connection
    Query - insert/update/delete
    Close - commit
    catch - Rollback
    Hopefully it helps.

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    Thanks for any help you can give me!
    Best regards,
    Lucas Jellema

    I'm am also interested in a response to this post. I've just upgraded to JDeveloper and am interested in making calls to stored procedures.
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  • Java Persistence API and creation of databases

    Hi All
    I have designed a small address book application which uses a database to store the information. I have used the new Java Persistence API to take care of my transactions and querrys with the database. This works great for one set database which is generated the first time the application runs and is used all the time.
    However I would like to make it so that the user can create a new address book (database) with a different name, I am not sure how I would do this using the Java Persistence API. I know the persistence.xml file must be placed in the META-INF directory of the source, so how would I be able manipulate the file or could I place the file somewhere else.

    I am using the Derby database. I can create a database by passing the create command when I create the entity Manager like so:
    Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:AddressBook;create=true", "app", "app");My problem is that as I understand it the persistence.xml file must know the name of the database. Unless there is another way of setting this. The line in the persistence file I am referring to is:
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:derby:AddressBook"/>I wonder if I can progamatically set this value so that I have a default database in the persistence.xml and others can then create there own.

  • Total Newbie Question ... Sorry :-(

    I know it's a windows thing, and I am now converted to Mac but I gotta know this because it's doing my head in. It's a complete stupid green gilled newbie question.
    When installing new programs on a Mac can you create shortcuts to the programs on the Dock? I did what I THOUGHT it would be, i.e I made an Alias and stuck it in the dock, but on rebooting my Mac later on, in place of the shortcuts where 3 question marks which when clicked on did absolutely nothing???
    Windows XP Pro Desktop, Macbook Pro, 60GB iPod Video   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   OS X

    You aren't installing something from a dmg file are you? The dmg is a disk image – kind of a virtual CD. So when you double click the dmg and then get the little disk/hardrive/custom icon on your desktop that is the same as if you had mounted a CD. You then need to drag the application off of that "CD" into your application folder. Then it is truly installed.
    You can then "eject" the icon your your desktop. This is what happens when you shutdown and without remounting the image your dock shortcut can't find the original.
    Just a thought.

  • Newbie Question. just installed IE7.. how do I set up a local host to preview sites?

    Sorry for the newbie question... but it's been a long time since I have done this

    Just define your site in DW as always.  For a static site, that's all you need to do.

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    My newbie question is whether there is a way to create a  PDF for hard copy where I mainitain the colors in photos and figures but that the text that is hyperlinked doesn't appear as blue. I want to keep the links live within the soft copy. Is there something I can change within Frame or with Acrobat?

    How comes the text is blue in the first place? I guess the cross-reference formats use some character format which makes them blue? There are many options:
    Temporarily change the color definition for the color used in the cross-reference format to black.
    Temporarily change the character format to not use that color.
    Temporarily change the cross-reference definition to not used that character format.
    Whichever method you choose, I would create a separate document with the changed format setting and import those format into your book, create the PDF and then import the same format from the official template.
    - Michael

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