Petition to Suport KDE3.5.9... Vote YES to Proposition 3.5.9

KDE4 Sucks end of story It is a grate "Proof of Concept" But not even Beta quality
I have been pulling my hair out all week super
The reson why people like KDE is do to the fact that KDE3.5.9 is a Bullet Proof-Rock Solid DE. KDE4 is anything but. It seems to me they spent way too much time making that Window$ Like Bug reporter....
KDE Crashed!
Pleas find out what the problem is and report the Bug
Microsoft... I meen KDE team
The wiget installer dosn't work, not that there are any helpfull wigets to install. If you rezise the wigets then they get all messed up and the Icons form the sys tray don't stay in the sys tray. If you say "OK I'll just use the panel "  your scrued agin. The panel is all messed up. If you don't want the panel to take up the whole screen... well then all the icon get messed up the Kmenu buton is 5% the hight of the panel and other stuff is sticking off of it. I don't know were to set the clock to 12am/pm. If I resize the panel way small and then bring it bigger KDE Crashes. If I move the system panel wiget some times the bar thing on the side gets stuck on the screen and I have to restart my computer to get it off. Opon restart some stuff is were I left it and some stuff is not. Programs radomly will not work i.e. they run, they are in the task bar but nothing is on the screen and I have to restart the computer and HOPE they work next time. My Cdrom dosn't work anymore!!! The only video codec is the 15FPS X11!!!    ON and ON and ON.....
So, Now Thank GOD I just made a back up of my root partition the day before. So, now I have restored my root partiton 3 ****ing times(NOW VLC WONT WORK AT ALL... 4 ****ing Times)!!! Each time adding more and more stuff to the IgnorePkg list in pacman.conf. Now, my system is frozen. I will never get a Update agin! If I want to install a new KDE based prgram I can't because I would have to install KDE4 crap that dosn't work! So, now I am like "OK I'll just use OpenBox" but waite... That is messed up too because the programs I run depend on KDE. The whole thing is a big snowball of Crappy Programs and Lib's. There is no end ! I mite try to Format my HDD and start all over from OpenBox on Up. But do to the resons stated before this would probaly be a wast of time. I could move to Gnome but I dont' like Gnome and I Sitll like KDE programs.
This whole thing is vary much like the Ubutnu8.04 Sucking so much.... The only real hope is to dich Archlinux and move to Gentoo.... Just do evreything myself.
All Of This could be solved by Archlinux just suporting KDE3.5.9.
So, if you hate KDE4 and you whant KDE3.5.9 to be suported or even if you like KDE4.... But think it should be suported to avoid all the problems
Vote YES to Proposition 3.5.9
Last edited by hunterthomson (2008-08-01 09:50:34)

it seems that most of Linux users are using their computers for fun/home whatever we call it
if somebody - like me in example - left MS Windows 3 years ago and is using his computer on daily work then the computer MUST BE STABLE and not NEVER_ENDING_BETA_VERSION
that is why I'm staying with KDE 3.5.9 till 4.XXXXXXYYYYZZZZ will be not only usable but also STABLE
this might either finish with changing DE or even blocking upgrades on Arch
fortunately there is kdemod3 which let me stay with KDE and Arch so far
believe me I gave a try to KDE 4.x many times already but I cannot spend more time on finding which superb application is coredumping instead of working
computer for work, not work for computer
no offense of course

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    Is it that you are using a PDF-based form? Did you copy and paste the Yes/No fields all the way down your form? If so, then all of the yes/no boxes are copies of each other and have the same name and properties in the PDF.
    For example, if you had:
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    No disrespect to Con Kolivas, I would love to see this new scheduler become a core part of the kernel, just not with this ridiculous name.  A Good Name will always be Regarded, a Bad One should always be Discarded. These are just my views, what do you think. Vote Yes/No for a name change.

    sand_man wrote:Take it up with Con. It has nothing to do with Arch.
    As far as "unprofessional", why should Con care? He is providing a FREE alternative kernel scheduler. He can call it whatever he wants. If you don't like it, don't use it.
    No doubt. And with no disrespect intented to you naphtali, this thread is not going to go very well.

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    Vote ->     Yes  
    Vote ->     No    
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    Not a problem. Download MPEG Streamclip (it's free) and if you don't already have it on your Mac, you will also need the Apple QuickTime MPEG2 Playback Component (which you can download from Apple for $20).
    With them you can convert your video to DV or Apple Intermediate Codec for editing with FCE.
    Here are some simple instructions for settings to use in MPEG Streamclip.

  • How to add folder in picture library programmatically

    Hi All,
    I tried to add folder using below code but getting error of "Missing FileLeaf"
                    if (properties.List.Title.ToString() == Utility.ListName.Events.ToString())
                        using (SPSite objSite = properties.Site)
                            using (SPWeb objWeb = properties.Web)
                                SPListItem lstEvent = properties.ListItem;
                                string folderName = Convert.ToString(lstEvent["Title"]) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderName))
                                    SPList lstEventPictures = objWeb.Lists.TryGetList(Utility.LibraryName.EventPictures.ToString());
                                    if (lstEventPictures != null)
                                        objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                                        //SPListItemCollection folders = lstEventPictures.Folders;
    , SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder , folderName);
                                        ///* create a folder under the path specified
                                        SPListItem folderItem = lstEventPictures.Items.Add(lstEventPictures.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl,
    SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder , folderName);
                                        ///* set the folder name and update */
                                        //folderItem["Title"] = folderName;
                                        objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
    Help me to resolve. Thanks in advance.

    Hi DK,
    You can use below mentioned code to add folder in any of your library. You need to changes little bit code as per your requirement.
    /// <summary>
    /// Provide utilities methods related to folder management
    /// </summary>
    public static class SPFolderUtilities
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures the specified folder exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">The list where to create the folder.</param>
        /// <param name="subFolderPath">The sub folder path.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The existing <see cref="SPFolder"/> or a newly created if it did not exists.
        /// </returns>
        public static SPFolder EnsureFolder(SPList list, string subFolderPath)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(list != null);
            if (!IO.SPPathUtilities.IsFileOrFolderNameValid(subFolderPath, true))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid characters in the file or folder name", "subFolderPath");
            var folderPaths = subFolderPath.Split('/');
            var currentFolder = list.RootFolder;
            for (int i = 0; i < folderPaths.Length; i++)
                currentFolder = list.ParentWeb.GetFolder(currentFolder.Url); // hacky refresh
                var subFolder = currentFolder.SubFolders.Cast<SPFolder>().FirstOrDefault(f => string.Compare(f.Name, folderPaths[i], true) == 0);
                if (subFolder == null)
                    var newFolderItem = list.Items.Add(currentFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, folderPaths[i]);
                    subFolder = newFolderItem.Folder;
                currentFolder = subFolder;
            return currentFolder;
    And here is the specifc code that you can use for Picture library only
    Vote as helpful
    yes the code sample provided by you is to create a image library and then to add a folder to it but i'm not sure with the string.empty being passed to list.items.add. i would still recommend to use the solution suggested by me. to check if library exists or
    not what you have to do is 
    SPSite _MySite = new SPSite("SERVERIP");  
                    using (SPWeb currentweb = _MySite.OpenWeb())
    SPList imageLib = currentweb.Lists["NewImages]
    if( imageLib == null)
    Guid listId = currentweb.Lists.Add("NewImages", "Picture Library", SPListTemplateType.PictureLibrary);
     imageLib t = currentweb.Lists[listId];    
     _MyDocLibrary =
    imageLib ;
                     SPFolderCollection _MyFolders = _MyWeb.Folders;
                    _MyFolders.Add("http://adfsaccount:2222/My%20Images/" + <<subfolderName>> + "/");
    I hope this is helpful to you, mark it as Helpful.
    If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog :

  • Advanced SQL Query Help

    Hello everyone,
    I'm currently working on a music publishing project. This
    project is accepting song (sheet music) submissions for inclusion
    in a book. We have a committee of four members that will be
    "voting" on whether or not to include the songs in this book.
    Where I'm getting stuck is this: I am creating a page where
    the committee members can see a list of the songs that have been
    submitted. A member can look at the song's sheet music and place
    their vote via links on the page. They can only vote once per song.
    What I need help on is writing a query that will pull up all
    of the songs listed in the database that have either no votes, or
    one, two, or three votes (not four votes). The problem is in
    writing the query that gets songs that have either NONE or less
    than FOUR. If I was only looking for songs with some votes I could
    easily do an inner join to get my results, but because I'm looking
    for songs with no votes or a few in an associated table, I'm having
    For simplicity sake, here are the table's functions:
    Song Table
    Song ID
    Song Title
    Compose Name
    Vote Table
    Song ID
    Approval Member Name
    Vote (yes, no)
    How would I set up the query to pull the information I need?
    I'm completely stuck and could definitely use the help.

    how about something like this?
    ========================================================================================== ======
    SELECT Songs.SongTitle,Count(Votes.yesNo) AS CountOfVote
    FROM Songs LEFT JOIN Votes ON Songs.SongID = Votes.SongID
    GROUP BY Songs.SongTitle
    HAVING COUNT(Votes.yesNo) < 4;
    ========================================================================================== ======
    you might have to modify some column names but this format
    should give you what you seek.
    let me know how this works.

  • How to handle the Notification Responsses

    I have created a custom process for journal approval workflow for routing the notifications and handling them. My process has a function activity which creates a custom role and assigns users to that custom role which is working fine. The notification is being sent to all the users in that role, Lets say 5 users. if any of them approves the notification, the process is ending with the status of approve. But my requirement is to get the responses from all the recipients and if there is one rejection response, the total batch should get rejected. For the non responding recipients the reminder notification should be sent after 2 days....
    Out of 5 recipients, if one recipient responds to the notification the status of the notification is closed for the responder and the notification status is cancelled for the non responders as found in the wf_notifications table, How can we keep the notification open until they respond to it??
    Now i am using the standard notification activity with the result type of Approval, I guess i may have to use the VOTE YES/NO??
    Please Advise.....

    There are two answers to your original post on the WorkflowFAQ forum, including my response to this identical post.
    Matt - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website
    Have you read the blog at ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum:

  • Getting java.lang.IllegalStateException error with response.getOutputStream

    I am writer a JSP site for displaying JFreeChart. The main JSP page gets some parameters then the second page out put the chart as binary data with a Java class.
    I've located the part which generated the error, as follows:
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); <--- this line cause the error
    ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(os, chart, 400, 300);
    (other than it, the JSP does nothing with response or out)
    Servlet.service().for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.IllegalStateException
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.ServletResponseWrapperInclude.getOutputStream(
    at org.apache.jsp.build005f005.seriesChart_jsp.jspService(org.apache.jsp.build_005f005.seriesChart_jsp:110)
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
    I've searched this forum and google and seeking for solution for thousands times. But sadly, ways such as adding out.reset(); doesn't work.
    Would any one has some suggestion for me? Your help is very appreciated. Thanks!

    A similar question / answers from
    Question I used getOutputStream() of response object in JSP. Below is the code for download a file in JSP.
    <%@ page import="java.util.*,
    <%@ page language="java"
              contentType="text/html; charset=8859_1"
         //read the file name.
         File fFile = new File ("D:/Ibs/outdir/batchres.conf");
         String stFileName = "batchres.conf";
         //the content type set as excel
         response.setContentType ("application/excel");
         //the header and also the Nameis set by which user will be prompted to save
         response.setHeader ("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\""+stFileName+"\"");
         //Open an input stream to the file and post the file contents thru the
         //servlet output stream to the client m/c
         InputStream isStream = null;
         ServletOutputStream sosStream = null;
              isStream = new FileInputStream(fFile);
              sosStream = response.getOutputStream();
              int ibit = 256;
              while ((ibit) >= 0)
              ibit =;
         catch (IOException ioeException)
    If run this code in Tomcat i am getting following error.. �<h1>Error: 500</h1> <h2>Location: /imu/jsp/ibUTLCmnDownloadView.jsp</h2>Internal Servlet Error:
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.HttpServletResponseFacade.getWriter(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl.initOut(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
         at jsp.ibUTLCmnDownloadView_12._jspService(, Compiled Code)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.RequestDispatcherImpl.doForward(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(Unknown Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ Source)
    Don't know if this will help--your code worked as is on my system (J2SDK 1.4.1, Tomcat 4.1.12, Linux)--but you're setting the content-type twice, and to two different values. In the page directive, you specify contentType="text/html; charset=8859_1", and then in the scriptlet, you do a response.setContentType ("application/excel");. Try changing the one in the page directive and deleting the one in the scriptlet. The servlet container may be calling getOutputStream() when it sees the text MIME type so it can prepare the out built-in variable.
    Also, according to the J2EE design patterns, JSP's should only be used to produce text output. Any binary output (such as Excel files) should be produced with servlets--otherwise, the JSP becomes one big scriptlet (like this one).
    If you still want to do this with a JSP, you might want to take out your try ... catch block since you're not doing anything with it. Doing so will allow you to let the servlet container handle the errors (i.e. specify error pages in the web application deployment descriptor). Either that, or at least put the close() and flush()calls in it since they can throw IOExceptions, too. :)
    Finally, you should never close the servlet's output stream. Leave that up to the servlet container.
    Is this item helpful? yes no Previous votes Yes: 2 No: 3
    To transfer file from client to server using jsp programs
    chalpati Rao, Aug 11, 2004 [replies:1]
    How to Download File using JSP program
    Re: To transfer file from client to server using jsp programs
    Saravanan Mani, Aug 24, 2004
    Try restarting the server.It worked for me ( did all the code changes mentioned in the previous reply)
    Breakline problems
    David Machado, Jan 27, 2005 [replies:1]
    Hi! Maybe a problem with breaklines. Try this: ------------------------------------------------------
    %><%@ // don't send breakline here!!!
    page import="java.util.*,*"
    %><%@ // don't send breakline here too!!!
    page language="java"
    contentType="text/html; charset=8859_1"
    %><% // finally, don't send breakline here!!!
    //read the file name.
    File fFile = new File ("D:/Ibs/outdir/batchres.conf");
    String stFileName = "batchres.conf";
    //the content type set as excel
    response.setContentType ("application/excel"); // twice???
    //the header and also the Nameis set by which user will be prompted to save
    response.setHeader ("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\""+stFileName+"\"");
    //Open an input stream to the file and post the file contents thru the
    //servlet output stream to the client m/c
    InputStream isStream = null;
    ServletOutputStream sosStream = null;
    isStream = new FileInputStream(fFile);
    sosStream = response.getOutputStream();
    int ibit = 256;
    while ((ibit) >= 0)
    ibit =;
    catch (IOException ioeException)
    %> // make sure that's no breakline an no spaces at the end!!
    Re: Breakline problems
    Aarthi Sivaram, Apr 19, 2005
    In the above code sosStream = response.getOutputStream(); must be removed. Use 'out' instead of sosStream i.e. out.write(""+ibit); If you look at the Java code generated for your JSP, you can find JspWriter out = null ... .. JspWriter calls response.getOutputStream(), thats why when u call getOutputStream, u get IllegalStateException. 'out' variable is available for direct use in all JSP's, like 'request'. So that can be directly used to write.
    A quick and working workaround
    Leslie Leng, May 20, 2005 [replies:1]
    I am not going to discuss the theory behind, as others gurus mentioned before me, are valid.
    In short, getOutputStream() could not be used more than once, and also it will conflict with JSPWriter's out.
    So, the quick workaround would be, at the end of the JSP page, add the following:
    out = pageContext.pushBody();
    in example:
    catch(Exception e){
    out = pageContext.pushBody();
    Re: A quick and working workaround
    ajit Pandey, Jul 15, 2005
    Thanks a ton Leslie ,it worked(Production issue) :) credit goes to you....indebted

  • Setup user registration/email confirmation/login/captcha ?

    I'd like to setup an application to allow users to submit poll questions and then vote yes/no.
    Is there a sample app available that shows how to setup a new user registration, email confirmation, and login, preferably using captchas (maybe using ?
    I'd like something similar to the average forum/blog registration.

    Hi Daveio,
    the online discussion forium (packaged applictaion) will suit your needs.
    it has user-registration and the possibility to do polls (among other functionalities).

  • Applet keeps failing, please help!

    Why won't this code run as an applet in a web page?
    my HTML code goes as follows (very simple just want it to show the applet)
    <applet code="Main.class" width="450" height="450">
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Main extends JPanel
                            implements ActionListener {
        protected JButton b1, b2; //Add 3 JButtons to be used throughout the whole class
        protected JLabel l1, l2, l3; //add 3 labels to be used throughout the class
        public Main() {
            b1 = new JButton("vote Yes"); //Sets b1 (from protected) to Vote No
            b2 = new JButton("Vote No"); //Sets b2 (from protected) to Vote No
            l1 = new JLabel("0");
            l2 = new JLabel("0");
            l3 = new JLabel("Votes (yes/no) :");
            //Listen for actions on buttons 1  and  2 (under).
            b1.setToolTipText("Click this button to vote yes.");
            b2.setToolTipText("Click this button to vote no.");
            //Adds the buttons and labels to the container (similar to the content in javax.swing that i posted earlier).
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if ("yes".equals(e.getActionCommand())) {
                 System.out.println("Thankyou for Voting!");
            } else if ("no".equals(e.getActionCommand())) {
         * Creates the GUI that the user will interact with.
         * the first block sets up the window
         * the second block adds a new content pane
         * the third block sets the frame to visible, and packs the frame.
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
             //block 1
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("ButtonDemo");
            //block 2
            Main newContentPane = new Main();
            //block 3
        public class main extends Applet {
              * This runs everything, this is the MAIN method
              * here is where you add you're "Create And Show GUI" method to run the GUI.
                public void run() {
                    createAndShowGUI(); //Create And Show GUI Method

    I'd suggest:
    Move createAndShowGUI into the "main" class. Rename the method "main" with the argument list "String[] argv", that is, make it a real main method.
    Rename the "main" class AppWrapper. That's what it is, and having two classes whose names differ only in case is stupid. Get rid of the run() method. It actually does nothing as it is now.
    Rename the Main class to something that expresses what it actually does.
    Move the AppWrapper to a new, top-level class. Correct indentation while you're at it.
    Decide whether you want an Applet or a JApplet. The rest of this assumes you want a JApplet.
    Stop importing Applet. Start importing JApplet.
    Write a new class called AppletWrapper. Make this class extend JApplet.
    Change your HTML to use the class AppletWrapper.
    Make your AppetWrapper instantiate the Main class (or whatever you've renamed it to), and add it to itself. You can do this in the constructor, or preferably in the init() method.
    I think that'll be sufficient.

  • External hard drive partition for Time Machine wont mount

    I have an external HD that I've partitioned half for Time Machine, and half for external storage. Today the Time Machine partition wouldn't show up on the desktop. I checked Disk Utility and it recognizes both partitions, but the Time Machine partition is greyed out. When I selected it, in the stat list at the bottom it said "Mount Point: Not Mounted." I then clicked on "Mount" at the top, and after a bit a popup told me it couldn't mount and I should attempt to repar the disk. So I clicked "Repair Disk," and after a while, I finally got the message "Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files."
    Why is only one partition affected? Can I reformat one petition but leave the other untouched? Are there any other options before I do this?
    One other item that is probably related: I've been having an issue with a flash drive that seems to constantly unmount itself, giving me "error, disk ejected improperly" messages. Earlier today I believe I had the same thing with my external HD.

    Why is only one partition affected?
    The drive malfunction that caused the problem only affected that partition.
    Can I reformat one petition but leave the other untouched?
    Are there any other options before I do this?
    This is not an option, it's mandatory: start a new backup on another drive. The one you have has lost data once already. If it were mine, it would be in the recycling bin now. You need more than one backup to be safe anyway. Apparently you have no backups at all of the data on the other partition. That means you're going to lose that data, sooner or later.

  • Please Indicate "Mark as Answer" if a Post has Answered the Question

    While reading a reply to your question, you will notice a button with an icon that says "Mark as Answer."   Please select this button when a reply answers your question.
    There are several reasons to do this:
    Our search engine weights Answered questions more highly. By marking Answers you increase the chances that others searching this forum will find the answer directly rather than re-posting the question.
    You give credit to the hard working folks who answer your questions. This is peer to peer support, so recognition is our only reward. (Check out the Top Answerers in 30 Days chart at the bottom of the thread list to see who is currently answering questions.)
    You help Microsoft to track the health of this forum. Our forum gets 'measured' based on how many unanswered questions are in it at any time and we work hard to keep those numbers to as low a level as possible. By marking answers, others get a more accurate understanding of how well (or badly) things are going on the forum.
    You can also vote "Yes" or "No" if the reply was helpful.
    Thank you!
      Ed Hickey

    I just asked a question and got a good answer, resulting in me asking another question. However someone other than me, I have no idea who, marked the original answer.
    This seems baffling to me, surely its the person who posts the question who should decide when they have an answer that they understand and can use?
    Plus even if the answer was perfect the idea that someone can take over control like that is surprising and is something I've only ever seen happen in Microsoft forums.

  • Suggestion: actual color in code editor

    Please bare with me here.
    While writting css - especially in bigger projects - i found it a demanding task to over look the colors in my css file.
    In firebug you can easely see the exact color of a given class/id. Yet I am not always checking firebug... so in my humble opinion it would be a great feature to see the color live, while editing your precious color. Especially now with css3 up & coming...
    Is there any possibility in the next update the Dreamweaver team adds this Wonderful & I repeat Wonderful with capital W, yet so effective feature?
    Even more so, it would be awesome to have a small color box fe. 5x5pixels that shows the actual color.
    I vote yes.
    please make this lively.

    Murray *ACP* wrote:
    However, if you are on the Mac side like myself, I would recommend filing a bug report because there is a bug where the preview color is wrong and stays at black
    Which version DW and how are you seeing this?
    CS5 (11.0->11.0.3) ever since I installed it on 10.6.3.  Confirmed by Randy and I submitted bug reports after each subsequent patch that failed to fix it.

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