Suggestion: actual color in code editor

Please bare with me here.
While writting css - especially in bigger projects - i found it a demanding task to over look the colors in my css file.
In firebug you can easely see the exact color of a given class/id. Yet I am not always checking firebug... so in my humble opinion it would be a great feature to see the color live, while editing your precious color. Especially now with css3 up & coming...
Is there any possibility in the next update the Dreamweaver team adds this Wonderful & I repeat Wonderful with capital W, yet so effective feature?
Even more so, it would be awesome to have a small color box fe. 5x5pixels that shows the actual color.
I vote yes.
please make this lively.

Murray *ACP* wrote:
However, if you are on the Mac side like myself, I would recommend filing a bug report because there is a bug where the preview color is wrong and stays at black
Which version DW and how are you seeing this?
CS5 (11.0->11.0.3) ever since I installed it on 10.6.3.  Confirmed by Randy and I submitted bug reports after each subsequent patch that failed to fix it.

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    Edited by: @chris on 12.11.2009 10:57

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    called parentMethod.
    called childMethod.
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    Best regards

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    Hi Aaron,
    Well, there's a reason we call it a "preview release" rather than "1.0" :-)  There are plenty of features that aren't thre or aren't fully polished yet... but actually many of the things you mentioned are available already:
    "GREP replacement" -- I assume you mean search-replace using a regexp?  If you open the Replace bar you can use regexps (note the label next to the input field describing the "/.../" syntax).
    HTML element code hinting -- You should get code hints for tag names and attribute names.  If you're not seeing that, can you share your HTML file so we can investigate?
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    Extensions are listed on the main open source project page, here:  We're working on building a more polished extension browse/install experience, however.
    The one thing on your list that's missing is search-replace across multiple files at once.  You can track our progress on that or upvote the user story here, in our Trello backlog.
    Hope that helps,
    - Peter

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    I created a freeze frame still from the current video I am editing
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    But would this cause a tab to be translated as one space or would it still be a tab character? I think it will still be a tab character, which is a problem. I know MS Dev Studio can be set to translate tabs to spaces on the fly so if you hit a tab the cursor jumps 4 spaces and those spaces are spaces, not a tab. Thanks for the reply.

  • Code Editor Information

    Is there any way in the DW code editor to get it to display
    the current column number as we type?
    Also can the editor display a right margin?
    Thank you for your help.

    No, and no (at least as far as I know). Those are good
    suggestions, though.
    Please let the team know -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "JFercan" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e9iuip$jdh$[email protected]..
    > Is there any way in the DW code editor to get it to
    display the current
    > column number as we type?
    > Also can the editor display a right margin?
    > Thank you for your help.

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    Thanks for your help,

    Hi Mark, Ian,
    It turns out that this is a Swing bug - see Sun bugs #4519058 and 4672816. When you minimize a Java app, it receives a focusLost( temporary ) event. The bug is that when you restore the Java app, it does not receive a focusGained() event. This occurs in JDK 1.3.1_01 through JDK 1.3.1_03, and does not reproduce in JDK 1.4. From the bug text, it seems that Sun does not intend to fix this in JDK 1.3 unless it is escalated.
    This reproduces when you minimize a Java app using the task bar, or the minimize icon in the app's title bar. Incidentally, you can see the bug with JDeveloper's system navigator also - the system navigator uses a darken selection color in the tree when it has focus, and a lighter selection color when it does not have focus. When you follow the reproduce steps you indicated with the navigator, the navigator stays with the lighter selection color when JDeveloper is restored.
    As I mentioned, currently JDeveloper itself runs under JDK 1.3.1 - we are trying to move to running under JDK 1.4 in the 9.0.4 timeframe, but are working through some painting irregularities currently. I've filed Oracle bug #2562479 with the information from this thread for tracking purposes. I'm still looking into a workaround for this, but I'm not sure at this point whether it is possible without a lot of overhead.
    - Jimmy

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    Can anybody tell me how you access this as I cant find it?

    I think the way this feature is worded is possibly misleading you.
    Are you expecting a code editor in which you can edit your JavaScript code? Because if that is the case (which I think is a fair expectation given the current wording), then I'm afraid this is not what this feature is about. This actually relates to a new PL/SQL code editor available in these modules, which now includes syntax highlighting for your PL/SQL blocks. The word 'JavaScript' in the current description relates to the technology behind the editor, rather than the purpose of the editor, but that is misleading.
    I think it should be reworded to, 'New richer PL/SQL code editor available in SQL and Migration Workshops, including syntax highlighting' or similar. I will contact the relevant person in the team and get this updated.
    Apologies for the confusion.

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