Photo Reference in Office over Network?

We are a landscape design company and have thousands of pictures of  our jobs that we want to organize for reference.
At this point, we have all the pictures on our local server in a  folder that is available to everyone.  We want our manager to go through  and categorize all of the photos, so the designers can go back and look  at any category or multiple of categories for reference.
One concern is that one of the designers could easily delete a  category which would instantly delete the hours and hours of work put  into categorizing.
What would be the best method to go about this?

Hi Tyler,
The LR catalog must be local, that is it must be on a local computer or an external hard drive that is connected directly to that computer.  The catalog cannot be on a network drive.  The LR software must be on the local computer too of course.  The photographs themselves can be on a network.  Of course if any user moves those photographs or changes them, LR will lose track of them or the changes.   Usually people have wanted the catalog accessible from several computers rather than just the photographs.  Unfortunately, LR is not able to do that, and it is likely not to happen for a good length of time.  One issue that some users have found is that network access can really slow down LR in some situations, even with one only computer ever accessing those images.  It is possible to have the images on the network and have duplicate catalogs with one on each computer.  This would work if you have a stable environment where you aren't adding images all of the time and only one user has the "master catalog".  Any changes to the "master catalog" would then have to be given to the other computers by creating a duplicate catalog and replacing the old catalog on each computer.  This could be pretty cumbersome to maintain correctly.  If you did this, you could lock the images through the computer OS and make them read only to prevent others from deleting them or making changes once you got everything set.  Even if a user changed their copy of the catalog, the master catalog would overwrite it on that computer during the next "update" cycle.
The other way is to put the images and the catalog on a single external hard drive and pass it around as needed to other users.  Depending on your workflow, this could be pretty cumbersome too as well as not practical in many situations.
You could download a free 30-day trial of LR and play with it and see if it would work for you.  If you do this, be sure to set up a set of duplicate images to play with and don't work on your original images.
John G. Blair Studio

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    Neither iPhoto nor Aperture is the solution for this.
    The idea of using iphoto on the client machines is wrong, it's just not designed for that use. Iphoto is designed for a family with a point and shoot camera, or even a phone. Aperture is a pro level photomanager. Installing Aperture on all the mchines means you will have to purchase the app for all the machine, you need a site licence.
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    Photos can be stored on Network Drives.
    Catalog files cannot be stored on Network drives, and there is no way to allow multi-user access.
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    Warning: Time Machine is not an Archiving application. It keeps rolling back ups. That means if you delete something from the source Mac it will eventually be also deleted from Time Machine. How long that takes depends on the amount of disk space TM has. So, remember, backing up in Time Machine is not the same as Archiving.
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    Yes you can split the Library, where some of the Masters are stored locally and some on an external disk, but really, you don't want to do that. iPhoto's file management tools are limited at best, and if the path to the files changes then you could find yourself repairing the links to the files - all of them, one by one.
    Better: Have your entire Library on an External Drive.
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    If you want to have a smaller library on your internal disk:
    Here's one way to do what you want:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    Now you have two full versions of the Library.
    3. On the Internal library, trash the Events you don't want there
    Now you have a full copy of the Library on the External and a smaller subset on the Internal
    Some Notes:
    As a general rule: when deleting photos do them in batches of about 100 at a time. iPhoto can baulk at trashing large numbers at one go.
    You can choose which Library to open: Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    You can keep the Library on the external updated with new imports using iPhoto Library Manager

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         public static String getImageDataHeader(Image img, String sImageName)
             final String HEADER = "{0} {1}x{2} {3}";
             String params[] = {sImageName,
             return MessageFormat.format(HEADER, params);
         public static int[] convertImageToIntArray(Image img)
             if (img == null)
                 return null;
            int imgResult[] = null;
                int nImgWidth = img.getWidth(null);
                int nImgHeight = img.getHeight(null);
                if (nImgWidth < 0 || nImgHeight < 0)
                    Trace.traceError("Image is not ready");
                    return null;
                Trace.traceInfo("Image size: " + nImgWidth + "x" + nImgHeight);
                imgResult = new int[nImgWidth*nImgHeight];
                PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, nImgWidth, nImgHeight, imgResult, 0, nImgWidth);
                ColorModel model = grabber.getColorModel();
                if (null != model)
                    Trace.traceInfo("Color model is " + model);
                    int nRMask, nGMask, nBMask, nAMask;
                    nRMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nGMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nBMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    nAMask = model.getRed(0xFFFFFFFF);
                    Trace.traceInfo("The Red mask: " + Integer.toHexString(nRMask) + ", Green mask: " +
                                    Integer.toHexString(nGMask) + ", Blue mask: " +
                                    Integer.toHexString(nBMask) + ", Alpha mask: " +
                if ((grabber.getStatus() & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0)
                    Trace.traceError("Unable to grab pixels from the image");
                    imgResult = null;
            catch(Throwable error)
            return imgResult;
         public static Image convertIntArrayToImage(Component comp, int imgData[], int nWidth, int nHeight)
             if (imgData == null || imgData.length <= 0 || nWidth <= 0 || nHeight <= 0)
                 return null;
            //ColorModel cm = new DirectColorModel(32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000);
            ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
            MemoryImageSource imgSource = new MemoryImageSource(nWidth, nHeight, cm, imgData, 0, nWidth);
            //MemoryImageSource imgSource = new MemoryImageSource(nWidth, nHeight, imgData, 0, nWidth);
            Image imgDummy = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imgSource);
            Image imgResult = comp.createImage(nWidth, nHeight);
            Graphics gc = imgResult.getGraphics();
            if (null != gc)
                gc.drawImage(imgDummy, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, null);       
                gc = null;       
             return imgResult;
         public static boolean saveImageToStream(OutputStream out, Image img, String sImageName)
             boolean bResult = true;
                 ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
                int imageData[] = convertImageToIntArray(img);
                if (null != imageData)
                    // Now that our image is ready, write it to server
                    String sHeader = getImageDataHeader(img, sImageName);
                    imageData = null;
                     bResult = false;
             catch(IOException error)
                 bResult = false;
             return bResult;
         public static Image readImageFromStream(InputStream in, Component comp, StringBuffer sbImageName)
             Image imgResult = null;
                 ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
                 Object objData;
                 objData = objIn.readObject();
                 String sImageName, sSource;
                 int nWidth, nHeight;
                 if (objData instanceof String)
                     String sData = (String) objData;
                     int nIndex = sData.indexOf(' ');
                     sImageName = sData.substring(0, nIndex);
                     sData = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     nIndex = sData.indexOf('x');
                     nWidth = Math.atoi(sData.substring(0, nIndex));
                     sData = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     nIndex = sData.indexOf(' ');
                     nHeight = Math.atoi(sData.substring(0, nIndex));
                     sSource = sData.substring(nIndex+1);
                     Trace.traceInfo("Name: " + sImageName + ", Width: " + nWidth + ", Height: " + nHeight + ", Source: " + sSource);
                     objData = objIn.readObject();
                     if (objData instanceof int[])
                         int imgData[] = (int[]) objData;
                         imgResult = convertIntArrayToImage(comp, imgData, nWidth, nHeight);
            catch(Exception error)
             return imgResult;

    While testing more, I found that the client side is generating color UI screens if I use JDK 1.3 JVM for running the server (i.e the side that generates the img) without changing single line of code. But if I use JDK 1.1.8 JVM for the server, the client side is generating black and white versions (aka gray toned) of UI screens. So I added code to save int array that I got from PixelGrabber to a text file with 8 ints for each line in hex format. Generated these files on server side with JVM 1.1.8 and JVM 1.3. What I found is that the 1.1.8 pixel grabber is setting R,G,B components to same value where as 1.3 version is setting them to different values thus resulting in colored UI screens. I don't know why.

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    I am having some problems with a couple of database
    files that I access with a Java program over network.
    Different computers running this program all need
    access to these files, and my question is if anyone
    know of a good way to make sure that only one user
    have access to these files at the time.Use a database server instead.

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    So here is the deal. I just bought a new 21.5" iMac w/ Snow Leopard. I had a iMac G5 with Leopard previously and rather than using migration assistant, i just copied over the applicable folders and files (per my research) so that my contacts would be present on the new computer. Everything seems fine except the contact photos will not sync over to my iPhone. Has anyone run across this? Help is greatly appreciated!

    any body?

  • Can't connect to office wifi network

    I've been given a new MacBook Pro at work and we're struggling with getting it connected to the office wifi.
    Model is a MacBookPro 8,3
    Every time I go into System Preferences > Network and create an Airport connection with WPA2 Enterprise as security, the connection remains in yellow dot status with Self-assigned IP listed below AirPort in the left column.
    I also see 802.1X: WPA: SECURE (the network SSID) and a Connect button. When I hit connect, the Airport status in the left is still yellow and says "On".
    However, the Network Name now is grayed out with "No network selected".
    If I choose the network from the drop down, I'm asked for the user name and password with 802.1X set to Automatic. Once this happens, the lin with
    802.1X: WPA: SECURE shows a button of "Connect", so that gets disconnected, and Self-Assigned IP comes up in the Airport status on the left.
    Seems like an endless loop of failing to connect.

    I don't know about all that techie stuff--maybe that is the issue. But I have had no problem connecting to our office wifi network. It showed up in the airport drop down menu & I selected it & entered the password.
    I was also told at the Apple store that having my computer password protected would protect it from outsiders being able to get into it--that is with at least an 8 digit password with alpha numeric & at least 1 capital.
    So don't know about the WPA stuff, but I was told that this is reasonably secure.  So someone else could address whether that is needed. I read about that in connection with a home wifi set up but don't know about otherwise.
    I'm on a MacBookPro 13, 2010.

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    I can't travel to remote site due to some restriction.
    Presently Solaris10-U1 is installed in the box.
    I have telnet/SSH access to Solaris-OS, and i have SSH access to it's "Advanced Lights Out Manager".
    There is no one in remote location who can insert Solaris10-u5 media.
    In this situation, is there anyway that i can freshly install Solaris10-u5 on it ?

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    Is there any other step to be done ?
    ORA-39002: invalid operation
    ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
    ORA-39087: directory name DUMPS is invalid

    expdp un/pwd*@test1db* job_name=EXP_test1 directory=dumps network_link=test1.dummy.COM dumpfile=dp.dmp log
    file=dp.LOG tables=a.tableThis is the problem. When running export using NETWORK_LINK to test1, you need to connect to test2 not test1.
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    In your command it's actually running export against test1, then in that case, test1 need to have directory called dumps defined.

  • Impdp over network: sometimes slow

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    My configuration:
    I have a "source" database (lets say A), with version, and two "destination" databases B ( and C (
    The data size is about 100 GB. Import from A into B needes about 4.5 hours, and import from A into C takes about 1.5 hours.
    The data which is moved are identical. I've also checked the wait states, and we have found out, that database B makes a lot of log switches
    during import, which is the reason, why database B is such slow. On database C there are almost no log switches.
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    That database B has logswitches, and C not let me think about Direct Load versus External Table Load, which is described in the documentation.
    But this seems different when using network_link: the trace of the DW process does not support this information (but should, as described in 552424.1).
    I think, there are some bugs/features fixed/changed between and regarding load strategy over network_link.
    There might be also a chance, that a initial parameter is different between B and C causing to different behavior, but
    Does anyone have a similar observation? Does anyone know about this "change"?
    The users have all the same grants, the data are exact equal (by FLASHBACK_TIME), remap_schema and remap_tablespace are used at both.

    Database A is in archive mode, B and C not.
    The problem is in the data transfer, not at index generation.
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    I have one new information: We have switched back after this to dumpfile transfer, and interesting: With dumpfile, the import is done with Direct Path.

  • How do i get photos from iphoto library over to photoshop elements for editing?

    how do i get photos from iphoto library over to photoshop elements 10 for editing?
    this is an iMac that I just got so its all new to me...
    thank you

    If you set PSE as external editor, be sure you pick the right file, which is not by any means the logical choice. You want this one:
    You can also export the photos from iphoto, edit them and save them under new names and reimport the edited photos as new files. This is more trouble, but lets you save as many different versions of your image as you like (iphoto only remembers the last edited version + original).

  • Cant open over network from Windows to Leopard, but ok to Tiger

    We have a number of Mac Pro's some running Tiger and others running Leopard. I can open any quicktime file over our network from a PC to any Tiger Mac, but not to a Leopard Mac. Why not? I can see the files I can open any other file type, just not QT. Copy the same file over to one of the Tiger Mac's and I can open it from the Windows PC. This would not be such an issue, but we are dealing with 1920x1080 uncompressed files and it is a real pain to move them.
    Get Error 43: a file could not be found
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Well outside help other than this list has solved this. Seems there is a bug in QT windows that if a QT file resides in a folder on the MAc with a name longer than 8 characters, it wont open over the network.
    ie. Running QT Windows 7.5 connecting over network to a Mac running leopard.

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