Photo stream work half way

I have been taking photos around today when I am out of the house. So I took around 10 pictures. On my iPhone, the photo stream folder, there are all 10 photos. On my iPad however when I got home only have photo 1-4, 7 and 10. Why I can't get photo 5, 6, 8 and 9? And how do I get it?

You are better than me. I got just about 1/3 show up but they disappeared the next day. Appears to work fine oh iPhone and Mac. Of course since there is no way to delete individual pics, doubt it's of much use.

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    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases".  You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information.  This should be checked on a frequent basis  as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
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  • TS3989 My Photo Stream works and I have iCloud control panel installed. The photo stream sync is selected, but when I go to the my photo stream folder on my windows PC there are no photos in the file.

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    Mmmm, I was hoping there might be a few more clues.
    With little confidence you might try the following.
    Reset photostream at
    Log out/in of iCloud on your Mac.
    Trash your system preferences plist.

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    Just in case, I would suggest updating your Acrobat. You have to install the updates in order, but AA7 is currently at 7.1.2. The updates are available at Version 7.0.1 is a very early version. The latter versions (7.1.x) were primarily security updates. The 7.0.x updates were fixing a lot of the bugs.

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    What... ?
    I need more info, where do we setup this account... ?
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    The following is from iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    What do I need to use Photo Stream
    To use Photo Stream, including Shared Photo Streams, you need an iCloud account, compatible devices, and up-to-date software:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 6.0 or later
    Mac with OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.2 or later and iPhoto 9.4 or Aperture 3.4 or later
    PC with Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and the iCloud Control Panel 2.1 or later for Windows
    Apple TV (2nd generation) with Software Update 5.1 or later
    You can still use Photo Stream without Shared Photo Streams if your devices meet these requirements:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5.1 or later
    Mac with OS X Lion v10.7.5 or later and iPhoto 9.2.2 or Aperture 3.2.3 or later
    PC with Windows 7 or Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and the iCloud Control Panel v2.0 or later for Windows
    Apple TV (2nd generation) with Software Update 5.0 or later
    For complete iCloud setup instructions, visit How to set up iCloud.

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    Troubleshooting Photostream

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    LOL — play that show all through its 59 minute length? Oh, I think not ...
    The claimed speediness of the network isn't that significant. More useful would be to look and see what speeds you're actually getting, using any of the speed test apps.
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  • Why doesn't photo stream work?  my photos do not get uploaded?

    my photos dont get uploaded to photo stream? why?it stopped uploading 2 weeks ago it is supposed to do it automatically once u have a wi fi connection ( or 3g )..

    I'll assume you are talking about an iOS device that takes photos. 
    Check the following:
    From your Home screen, tap Settings > iCloud > Photo Stream, and make sure the slider is set to the ON position.  If grayed out, check Restrictions in Settings>General.
    From the Home screen, tap Settings > Wi-Fi, make sure the slider is set to ON, and that your device is connected to a wireless network.
    Ensure that Camera app is closed on the device where you took the photo. Photo Stream will not upload photos from an iOS device until the Camera app is closed.
    Ensure your iOS device has not fallen below 20% battery power. To preserve battery life, Photo Stream downloading and uploading are disabled when the battery reaches this threshold. Downloading and uploading will resume once you charge your device, and the battery charge is greater than 20%.
    Note that when photo stream is turned on, only pictures taken from that point on will go to the stream, not existing photos.  For those, sync them to a computer using itunes and USB cable.

  • How does Photo Streaming works?

    Hello, I know what does the Photo Streaming funcionality does basically, but I wanted to know what is behind taking a picture and then seeing it in my mac afterwards.
    Also some concrete questions I had were:
    How long does it take for a picture to get into the iCloud server? and how long does it take to get into iPhoto?
    If I had a picture in my iPhone and I mistakenly delete it, would it be in my Photo Stream? Any exceptions?
    Is it completely automatic? Do ALL my devices with my account get this photos?
    and Finally, Do they need storage when synchronized?

    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    How do I delete photos from my Photo Stream in iCloud?
    Individual photos cannot be deleted from your Photo Stream. You can, however, delete all the photos in your Photo Stream by clicking the Reset Photo Stream button in your account at The Reset Photo Stream button will instantly delete all Photo Stream photos stored in iCloud, but it will not remove any Photo Stream photos that have already been pushed to your devices."

  • HT4906 i have lion 10.7.5 why can't photo stream work

    how do u use photo stream with lion 10.7.5

    What is your iPhoto version? You will need  iPhoto 9.2 (or later) to use the regular Photo Stream; for the more advanced Shared Photo Streams you need to upgrade to Mt. Lion.
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    iCloud: Photo Stream Troubleshooting
    How do I turn on Photo Stream?
    Once your devices are up to date and you have set up your iCloud account, it’s easy turn on Photo Stream on any of your devices. Here’s how:
    On your iOS devices, go to Settings > iCloud > Photo Stream, and turn on My Photo Stream and Shared Photo Streams.
    On your Mac, go to System Preferences > iCloud and select the checkbox for Photo Stream. Click the Options button to verify that both My Photo Stream and Shared Photo Streams are enabled. Then, open iPhoto or Aperture to confirm that My Photo Stream and Shared Photo Streams are turned on in the application you want to use with Photo Stream. You can also adjust your Photo Stream settings in iPhoto or Aperture Preferences.

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