Photos, Facebook and multiple users

My wife and I share a single iMac. In iPhoto, when sharing a photo to Facebook, we had the option to choose which Facebook account to send it to.
That option seems to have disappeared with Photos. Everything goes to my Facebook account, and I can't find any way of adding my wife's,
Am I missing something - or is this another example of Apple's inability to recognize that different people might be using the same computer, yet still want to retain their own identity?

My wife and I share a single iMac. In iPhoto, when sharing a photo to Facebook, we had the option to choose which Facebook account to send it to.
That option seems to have disappeared with Photos. Everything goes to my Facebook account, and I can't find any way of adding my wife's,
Am I missing something - or is this another example of Apple's inability to recognize that different people might be using the same computer, yet still want to retain their own identity?

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    Hello,  I have iMac Itel i3, from Oct, 2010 and have OS 10.6.7 and multiple users. 
    About 3-4 days ago the Mail icon in dock had question mark and was accidently removed, along with program on my user.  Oops.
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    I would download and run the 10.6.7 combo update.

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    object_schema - The schema of the object to be audited. (If NULL, the current log-on user schema is assumed.)
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    Yes, you can turn off photos in icloud. (settings - icloud- photos)
    You can also allow users to use their own apple id's for imessages and facetime. Unlike icloud those can be changed any time, so that does not present security problem. Settings -messages and settings- facetime.
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    Many people using the Shared Folder find that they have permissions issues which mean that they 'other' user can't see some part of the Library. Therefore, if you want to share the Library in that way it's best moved to an external disk formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and set to ignore ownership and permissions.
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    If you set this up corrrectly -  You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.
    You will need to do this in both accounts.
    would timemachine back the data up automatically?
    TM can be set to back up externals. There are other options too, of course.
    when I upgrade to a new computer will everything work the same.
    Yes. Just plug in the extenal and point iPhoto at the external from the new machine.

  • Iphoto 7 and multiple users

    Has Apple fixed the issue with multiple users on the same computer not being able to use the same iphoto library?

    I didn't know it was broken. It all depends on how you go about it. If you are just sharing libraries between multiple users with their own library that's one thing. But if you all want to use the same library then take a look at the following ways to do it. The preferred way is Apple's using an external HD connected to the computer with the ownership to the HD turned off like this.
    There's one more way to share the same photos in multiple libraries but have only one copy of the original file on the HD. That's to use iPhoto in the alias mode and have the source photos in the shared folder. This way each user can have their own unique library with different edits, slideshows, albums, etc. However, each new addition of photos should be in their own clearly marked folder (I use something like this: 08/17-25/07-Honduras Trip) so the other users can tell which are the newly added source files. Also, when a user deletes a photo from their library it is not deleted from the HD. That has to be done via the Finder. So someone should be delegated as the keeper of the Source files. Tutorials #3 describes how it's done and applies to iPhoto 7 as well. I'm in the process of writing a tutorial on converting an iPhoto 7 library over to an alias based one. It's a little easier and can recover not only the keywords but the comments and titles.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    You are right, can only have one open. You have to log out of a user before logging in to another user to use iTunes. Do not use the fast user switching ability of Windows.

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    Yes, that's the usual advice - everyone use the one itunes account and each user has his/her own icloud account.

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    It is not really practical for multiple users on different PCs to use the same library database. This is because the iTunes database is not multiuser, the can however share the same content files.
    So each PC will need it's own library database (iTunes Library.itl) which in this case is best located on the users own PC.
    Utilities such as Tune ranger can keep libraries in sync:
    For backup, some people find synctoy a free utility from Microsoft works for them. 7c5-98d0592d8c52

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    The new app is scheduled for release in June, 2011. Until it hits, all we know about FCPX is what we've been told by Apple. And you already know or can easily look up the exact same information.
    michaelfromlillooet wrote:
    Any ideas about how Apple will handle multiple users for FCP X, when it is downloaded from the App Store?
    Anything anyone else is claiming to know is either groundless speculation or direct violation of the their NDA with the beta of FCPX and the information will quickly be purged from the forums.

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    Is there any way I can stop the event library loading old footage or footage from another project in imovie. Is there any way i can have 3 or 4 movies on the go in separate files.
    I have ten macbooks for my class of thrity kids. We have two users on the computer Admin and Student. All students use the student side, every time imovie opens it gets old footage and events from iphoto and by the end of each term there is 8 to 10 gigs of footage on the go at any one time. imovie HD allowed save, file open and movement of movies. imovie 08/09 seems brilliant for snow boarders and you tubers but not the classroom. Really we would love an editing package that allows attachment of camera and work for a couple of weeks on a project while others do the same thing on the same mac. Please don't suggest multiple users we have over 200 macs and 600 students.

    Without multiuser, the only of having an exclusive event library for each student would be either external drive, or a blank disk image to store iMovie events. I can imagine a large network drive that has 50GB size disk images for each students. You mount your image to work with your footage.
    By the way you can move event library to other drive within iMovie, so you can back up and disconnect external drive to unclutter event library.

  • One Projector with shared casts and Multiple Users

    I created a training program that was originally meant for
    one user at a time. Now the client wants to
    install the app on a network and have multiple users run the
    same projector. When this is tested, an error comes up saying
    a shared cast is already open by another user and will not allow
    anyone else to run the app at the same time.
    I was told there was a work around for this but have not been
    able to track it down in the forums yet. If you know the solution,
    please hit me back as soon as possible as you can imagine I am in
    the hot seat. ;)
    either hit me back here, OR directly at my email address:
    [email protected]

    Make sure that the projector file and all the external casts
    are set to
    read-only. Then multiple users should be able to share them

  • Sharing photo libraries with multiple users

    Can I set my imac up so that my photo library is shared between the multiple users on the computer? If so, how do I do it?

    iPhoto: Sharing libraries among...: Apple Support Communities

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    Is there a way to set up Classic to work with multiple users (on the same computer). I know how to get it to start up when firing up the computer. But my kids (who have their own user accounts) can't automatically load Classic applications without closing down Classic on MY account.
    Isn't there be a way so that, once Classic has started in the administrator's account, it is accessible for other users?

    I think you have to enable Classic on each account. I don't think it's a "global" issue. All one has to do is click the Classic icon in the Menu Bar, and click Start Classic. Also, you could keep the software icon for whatever application they use on their Desktop, all they have to do is click that icon and it will launch Classic for them.
    Perhaps if you post here in the Classic Forum someone will have a better suggestion:
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Jdeveloper Subversion and Multiple users

    I am working with jdeveloper and have a java project that I have been working on.  The subversion repository is located on my network drive (backed up).  Now that it is in production, I want to place it on a drive where other developers can access it.   We use the integrated tools within Jdeveloper to update the repository.  This is the URL file:///u:/XML_Processing_svn
    I did so, and the other developer was able to connect to the repository, check out the project, but when they make changes and try to commit their changes, the commit gui just hangs and then it shows an error -- was not able to copy it, but it had Previously reported error [java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException in o.ji.vcs.svn.op.SVNOperationCommit:441]
    I tried several things:
    1. Copying the subversion repository to their personal network drive where they were the only user -- same problem
    2.  Copying the subversion repository directory to their personal C drive and they CAN update the repository.
    3.  Copying from their C drive subversion repository directory back down to their Personal Network drive and then trying that -- it worked
    4.  I just tried one more thing -- I copied the C drive subversion repository directory to a shared network drive.  After checking out and updating a file, NOT able to commit! 
    I would understand if the file-based system would "choke" if two people were trying to write to the same repository due to file io conflicts, but the whole idea of a repository is that everyone can access.  At minimum, I would expect that two developers should be able to access the repository if only one were accessing it at the same time.
    Is it possible to have multiple users on a file-based repository, or do we have to go the route of hosting the repository in a proxy server?
    Thank you for any insight!
    Points will be awarded as generously as this site allows!

    Hi Stuart,
    I use JDeveloper in a team with Subversion. We are using Windows 7 for the clients and linux hosted SVN repository. Haven't had any problems with this setup.
    I noticed there's an SVNKit bug that sounds similar to your problem. Is your colleague using a Mac or is the repository hosted on a FAT32 disk?
    The JDeveloper Subversion module uses SVNKit.

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