Photoshop CC doesn't allow me to save for web? its been like this for weeks and I can't get any help from Adobe

Is anyone else having this problem?  I uninstall photoshop and re-install it because in some forums it seems that worked for some people. But they were also using PC not Mac's.

Well done, Gerry Brown. This solution actually helped me to troubleshoot for someone I was helping with a similar Script Editor issue. I actually thought of saving to another directory other than Applications like Desktop, but I'm troubleshooting over a Forum and the other person is offline. So I have no way of testing anything and it would've been like a forum-based version of phone tag. That is, if I could even figure out where to start in a one-way troubleshooting session.You certainly made my life easier with your conclusive answer so thanks haha. Kind of lame Nichy-boy didn't give you a like, but he meant well. I'll get you with a like.

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